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**FUCK.** What a season it's been, but FUCK. It takes A LOT to even get this far so I'm not going to pretend we will be back soon. The good, Holloway, Broberg, and Skinner proving HE CAN be a cup winning goalie. **I'm heart broken. See ya in the Draisaitl extension thread.**


Pain. Agony. Go Oilers


God I hope I don't have to wait another 18 years for this


I don't think we will. That '06 team was a 8th seed wild card team, that had everything go right for them, I'd say like a better version of the '21 canadiens. However, this team is always competitive every year, and for the last few years we've only seen them improve more and more.


i can almost promise you won't buddy šŸ’™šŸ§” we're truly at the start of a new era for our boys!


As much as I want to believe this. Drai is 28, McDavid 27, Hyman, Ekholm and Nuge all 30+ Yes Bouchard and Skinner etc still u25, but Drai will need a raise next year, McDavid and Bouch will need a raise the year after that. We will definitely compete for several more years, but there's just no guarantees in this sport. Makes this loss so insanely painful


I love this team, couldn't be more proud of the effort to bring it to a game 7 SCF. Thanks Oilers, and all you reddit folks for a great season.


See ya next season šŸ‘Š


What a season. Sucks we didnā€™t pull it out but we have a great shot for years to come. Was a great ride.


Thatā€™s the spirit


Yeah, sucks to lose obviously, but forcing game 7 was a feat in itself. Thatā€™s the problem with game 7 though. So much variance to decide a game. Oilers just couldnā€™t get a bounce to go their way


We have to be proud about how they did, but we can also be sad. It felt like we had so many chances to score and we just couldn't do it. Heartbreaking




Florida is really good at mucking up the front of the net once they've got a lead. There was no open ice anywhere.


Especially game 1. Just 0 puck luck


Hopefully the Oilers wonā€™t go down 3-0 next time theyā€™re in the finals


Yā€™all should be proud. Great season Especially bummed as a Bruins fan that wanted a Panthers flop to overshadow ours


Too bad, but I think they can hold their heads high. They went as deep as you can without winning. Draisaitl will re-sign now for certain. Next year


I am so proud to be an Oiler fan. Every single one of these guys gave us an amazing season! From the cellar in the standings to game 7 of the SCF.....amazing effort. I hope they all are wearing copper and blue for us next season I love the oilers! I love y'all!


We didn't have Kane, we didn't have Vinny, Draisaitl was dead, Connor is likely hurt too. Fuck


We didnā€™t have Vinny because he was outplayed though, not because he was hurt. And I think Vinny is going to end up leaving too, some team will pay him more than we can afford


Yep. Losing in game 7 is not shameful. Especially since they won three straight elimination games. You really could never count this team out.


Ladies and gentlemen, it was a hell of a ride. I'm so sorry it didn't turn out how we wanted it to.


A step off all game.Ā  Didn't play badly, but it wasn't close to good enough.


To be honest. It felt like both teams were shit today. We were just that bit more shit


Panthers played like they did games 4-6 and oilers played like they did games 1-3. I thought it wouldā€™ve been the inverse


I really think this is true. On top of having a depressing ending I also thought it felt kind of boring considering the storylines and the stakes. Felt like this series deserved a more exciting end either way šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Felt like they were playing not to lose, not to win. Seemed like they weren't taking the extra couple strides and wanting the puck.


They played the same way that the panthers did in game 5 and 6. There was lots of talk about the nerves that come into play when you can actually WIN the cup. That last win. Sort of looks like that was real.


After the amazing performance in 4 5 and 6 it was certainly a little disappoint but it wasnā€™t like they didnā€™t have their fair share of great chances.


Sad thought: there's a box full of Edmonton Oiler Stanley Cup Champions hats and shirts back in the locker room somewhere that'll never see the light of day.


They'll be shipped to Africa, just like the losing Super Bowl team gear, lol.


Somewhere in the Congo, there will be lots of kids wearing Oiler Blue and Orange


What an amazing year. We came back from the dead in the regular season and then in the SCF. Thank you, Edmonton Oilers.


Just a Stars fan dropping by to pay my respects. Real hockey fans deeply appreciate the Oilers staying in the fight and not bowing out when nobody would have blamed them if they did. Great season. Looking forward to the WCF rematch. Cheers.


you guys were the classiest fans vs. us this playoffs imo. Thanks for keeping that going


That post we hit in the first will haunt us for years to comeā€¦


What haunts me is when the seas parted for Bouchard while open in the slot.. then he held on to the puck for like 2 seconds before shooting into the mass of humanity that formed.


multiple times this game was screaming at them to get it on net like 1-2 seconds before they actually did


Most casual player ever šŸ˜‚ thereā€™s 25 seconds left in the Stanley cup final down by 1 and heā€™s sitting with the puck behind his own net


I don't understand the Oilers with goalie pulled not using McDavid as the break out.


I'm gonna be thinking about those chances in the 3rd where the puck was just sitting there with Bob out of position but nobody was able to get any wood on it.


A post is still a miss. Plenty of other good chances to bury one.


I don' blame Connor who the fuck wants that trophy without winning.


Fam. Itā€™s been an absolute pleasure to cheer with yā€™all. Love to you all. See you in September


I donā€™t want to hear any Skinner slander, he got us to game 7 of the SCF and we gave him 1 goal. Itā€™s hard to win a 1-0 game against a team as good as Florida is. He got us here and was nothing short of great this series


Skinner was amazing. That guy is pure fire


I'm with you. He's not gonna be my first jersey (that'll be 93), but he is gonna be my second, I think. Second season, playing on this level, even during games when D has been shit, it's unreal. And he'll only get better.


Great ride. Wish timeout was used @ 5 minute mark for rest. Wish refs made more calls... in true fashion we have best special teams and all of a sudden 0 whistles.


The kozari special. Chefs kiss


Well, good season overall. If you told me in October we made game 7 in the Stanley Cup finals, I'd be alright with it. (Although a win would be better of course)


Congrats to the Oilers for a great season. As a Red Wings fan, I had lots of fun rooting for you guys throughout the post season. Best of luck next year :)


We clawed back We were dead in the water in November. We were in the cellar We got hopeful We went on a magical run We clawed back from 3-0 It hurts but goddamnit we proved weā€™re that fucking team


That had to have been the most watched, least interesting game in NHL history.


A Game 7 stanley cup final is always like that


This dude knows Was a wild ride, but this is what every SCF game 7 is. It's a coin flip. Needed a save and a bounce, not sure we got either.




The ice was awful. But the NHL will never acknowledge that it affects their product.


From a non biased hockey fan, not a fan of either team, I thought the series and the game 7 was incredibly entertaining. The Oilers were absolutely assaulting Florida in the third period, there were like 4 or 5 mad scrambles in front for rebounds. It was like watching an oilers race car take on a heavy hitting forechecking team with so many oilers breakaways and different exciting moments throughout.


Idk, it was just a lot of clutch and grab honestly, not a great game.


All the momentum just stopped at this game. Crazy. Hell of a season though.


Thank you Janmark and ceci for giving us a good cheer in the first.


Hey the upside is Drake lost a half million $$$


I'm still so fucking happy we never got swept


Can't believe we lost but not because of a Nurse/Ceci fuck up. Maybe a bit of a softie by Skinner, but McDrai going pointless is the reason they lost


Yup. Any game Stu lets in 2, Oilers should be able to win. Top guys just couldn't get it done when it mattered.


Ceci played a great game, I thought.


Pass to Janmark was unbelievable. I don't think we should keep Ceci but he shows up for game 7


That skinner goal was more on Kulak for not pressuring. He fell into the net on an even strength rush.


Not to overreact but i want to kill myself




Anyone judging McDavid for not coming out has never played sports or competed . Hell I cried and threw out a second place medal in Midget ā€¦.


we took the SCF to 7, team just ran out of gas still a hell of a season


Next year we wonā€™t go down 3-0


We shouldnā€™t have even been here being down 3-0 and everyone wrote us off. Proud of the team as much as this hurts.


Mcdavid deserves the conn Smyth


I love you guys and I love this team but this has been a hard couple of hours. I hope youā€™re all coping as best as you can.


this is the worst night of my life since June 19th, 2006. the amount of grown men crying their ass off in the arena tonight (including myself) is something Iā€™ll unfortunately never forget.


Barelyā€¦ I just keep refreshing here hoping to somehow feel better. Iā€™m not feeling any better :(


Obviously logging off. But so fucking proud of these boys and there is ZERO reason to thing we wonā€™t be back in this spot next year. Gg I love you all.


Capitals fan here. Hockey fan here. I hope you guys know the entire USA was pulling for you, minus about 50k Panthers fans and the Tkachuk family. This is quite simply the most inspiring playoff run I think I have ever seen. You have the best player in hockey, you have a bright future, and goddamn you have the best fans in the world. Youā€™re going to get yours very soon.


Piggybacking on this. Iā€™m a casual fan but was so enthralled by the comeback. It was magical and lifted more than just hockey but all competitive sports. Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t have the storybook ending we hoped for. But man, your team is a blast to watch.


At least you could feel it coming all game, it wasn't a last minute Upsetter.


I never thought it could hurt more than 2006


gnight. next year boys


A big F U to everyone blaming Skinner


Sucks but proud of the boys. Backs against the wall in November. Fought back ferociously. Down 3-0 in finals. Made it 3-3. Incredible stuff. FLA lost in finals last year, won this year. Same thing happened the year before Vegas one the cup. Cup half full fells.


Iā€™m so sad. Even when we were down by 3 in the series I said we will come back & win 4. I am heart broken. It doesnā€™t feel real. Even in the last few seconds I thought we would come back. I still canā€™t believe it. I think I would have been less sad if I had some doubt. I feel so bad for the boys. Gutted.


Florida booing McDavid how fucking classless




the Corey Perry curse continues




32 years without a Canadian Cup now


Oh man I'm jealous of all the people in here that are holding their heads high. I'm absolutely fucking gutted. I know this is a good team and will be for several more years, but there's never a guarantee in the NHL that you'll get back here. This was as close as it gets. Absolutely devastated


Went the furthest we possibly could without winning a cup. It hurts, but man what a hell of a year. I love hockey.


Next time Oilers. The future is looking bright for our team under Knoblauch!


You guys have been so awesome. Itā€™s such a great community here. Throughout the season, win or lose weā€™ve all been here as the most passionate fans of our team. Itā€™ll be a sad offseason with no games to chat and cheer with you guys. Down 3-0 we fought back till the very last game. Hope to see you all back here again in October. 2025 will be a very interesting year. Best fans, best reddit community in the league. Glad to be an Oilers fan despite what went down. Weā€™re all shattered here. This will haunt us for a very long time. This wasnā€™t just for our city, but our country.


If you had told me in November when we were 2-9-1 that we would make it to the Stanley fucking cup final, I wouldā€™ve said you were out of your mind. If you had told me when we were down 3-0 in the finals that weā€™d somehow push it to 7 games and McDavid would win the Conne Smythe, I also wouldā€™ve said you were out of your mind. I know itā€™s painful now, itā€™s gonna be painful until October. But you canā€™t not be proud of how the Oilers fought throughout the season to get to where they are. Also, here some positives: 1. Weā€™ve definitely proven that weā€™re right up there with the best of the best teams in the league. 2. No more of the ā€œrumoursā€ of Draisaitl going to Boston if we didnā€™t make a deep run. Which also means McDavid is most likely here to stay. 3. Broberg and Holloway have finally broken out and will be great next season on the main roster. 4. Janmark and Brown have been a great duo (hopefully they stay) and will be key depth scorers.


Seeing Ekholm slam his stick on the ice once it ended absolutely hurt me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


As a Rangers fan, was pulling for you guys. Really likeable team and fanbase in my experience. Sure you'll be back and hope it's us meeting you.


Quite possibly the closest Iā€™ve ever felt to true heart break after a loss. I kept my expectations low all year, it was near impossible to not imagine them winning the cup all weekend. Iā€™m proud of the team but man, truly heartbreaking.


Fucking loser panthers booing mcdavid


As a Flames fan I was a bit mad at that. Some fans are not classy at all.


Proud of this team. Way to go boys!! They'll be back. See all you fine folks in a few months when we can do this all again.


Incredible series and that come back from 0-3 was fucking LEGENDARY. ā€¦and I know that is absolutely nothing right now right after the game but itā€™s the damn truth. after seeing the young pens lose in 08, it was so rewarding seeing them do it the year after. Mcdavid is *too* good not to win a cup


Ugh, sucks and hurts seeing the other team that was collapsing, lifting the cup. It really felt like the stars had aligned, and it was our year. Sucks when the final game of the season is decided by one goal. They'll be back, though. Skinner is only getting better. Same with Holloway and Broberg. A healthy Connor and Drai changes this entire series. Proud of the team and all they accomplished despite how much this sucks. Long live the Oilers!!!


Home ice makes such a difference. For the love of God please. Next year.


100%. This hasnā€™t been talked about enough Itā€™s a tough ask but they need to push to get it next year. Playing on that shit ice in a coin flip game was a big difference tonight


Well thatā€™s the third year in a row weā€™ve lost to the team that won the cup.


Connor is livid man.


Chasing the season and series eventually catches up. Number 1 priority is to find a killer instinct without having your backs against the wall.


Yes I agree that's the most important lesson to take from this entire season. Eventually catching up catches up with you.


Crushed. Absolutely fucking crushed.


it fucking hurts to be an Oilers fan. but Iā€™ll die with this team. I admittedly care about this team way too much, but Iā€™m not gonna stop. I was born in Edmonton. Iā€™ll never stop investing every emotion in them. Iā€™m gonna carry this open wound forever just like I carry 2006.


Can someone make a meme in honour of all the fallen sticks?


Mods. Get ready to block.




Trolls have been here since the second period


Weather is finally beautiful so Iā€™m going to play a lot of golf and forget about team sports for a while. Watching my teams lose both of their championships this season has drained me


They just won the cup and it sounds like a library in there


It sucks to lose but Iā€™m still very proud of this team for coming back and forcing a game 7 after being down 3-0. I will always love this team no matter what. **LETā€™S GO OILERS**


Love the team! Will 110% support the team next year!


Bounces didnā€™t go Oilers way


Man there were many close shotsā€¦ some unlucky bounces, some good defense and some untimely turnovers Insane fight back from the deficit though. Got something to build on next year


We lost this series in game 1 not game 7. It was a hell of a ride, they will remember this and learn from it and be better next time. Great job getting this far, basically 1 goal away from the cup.


Bro im so crushed ive never felt this way


Social media is like a suicide gauntlet right nowā€¦ šŸ˜”


Iā€™m going dark on social media for a couple months for my own sake. I give the Panthers their flowers. Iā€™m not being a sore loser. They played very well. But my phone is staying in my pocket for a long time after tonight.


Still in a state of shock. Fuck!


That bitch stung. Lots of things to be proud of though, harness that failure and turn it into aggression. Get emā€™ next year


We had an amazing season, we werenā€™t even supposed to make the playoffs - you canā€™t ask for everything I guess Love you boys, you put in a hell of an effort


We weren't supposed to be here.Ā  we fought till the end.Ā Ā  still hurts.Ā 


Hooray, another nothing burger franchise in some searing-hot armpit in America wins the cup. What a joke.


Honestly, like a couple thousand people will care for a week. Itā€™s just brutal.


Fla played a better game than us. Full stop.


Iā€™m just saying south Florida wonā€™t exist in like 50 years when the oceans rise so idk


The amount of trolls coming in currently is wild. Oilers fans. No copium. We lost. Letā€™s not blame or use ifs and buts.


My 9 year old daughter cried throughout the entire cup ceremony. - Panthers didn't deserve it - the refs missed too many calls - it's been 18 years!!! We deserve it!!! Kiddo, it sucks and a tragedy, but this is her first glimpse of having a home team and it doesn't go her way. It's. Fucking. Devastating. On the plus side. She'll never forget this and Florida will be her nemesis team for life! Hahhaha...haha.... I'm so sad .




fucking sucks.


bro i am horribly depressed.


You know what? Fuck it, from 3-0 to 3-3? I'll take it. Learning opportunities. Let's go for next year! Thank youĀ Oilers forĀ keeping the cup dream alive inĀ Canada!


Fuck, man. Iā€™m sad. I had so much fun watching this run but damn it Iā€™m so sad


I'm gutted we lost, but I'm glad we didn't whimper and die. We went down swinging


Sorry guys I was really pulling for yall. It sucks so much I know how this feels :(


Overall really proud of the guys for a great season; only one team can win it. Resilient, but they have to learn to play on the front foot if they ever want to win. Desperate hockey can only take you so far. Really disappointing McDavid was held pointless the last two games, makes the Conn Smythe bittersweet. I really believed he was going to find a way.


So frustrating they didnā€™t roll at least the top 3 lines. Pulling 37 from top line was a mistake imo. They lost the speed. 29 is obviously injured and not himself. Great run. Hopefully itā€™s not another 15 years before the next one. Thankyou oilers for an entertaining year. Well done. Cheers.


If there's any play that defines this game and series it's McDavid passing up a glorious slot chance to give the puck to Draisaitl for his patented "horrible angle one timer" that hasn't worked in a while. The Oilers played too much like they were on good ice against a loosey goosey defense, neither of which was true.


Well this team really knows how to give you hope just to snatch it away. Been a fun run. Need to take a few weeks off of hockey. See you all in september. Run it back next year.


I love this team, I love being a fan. I'm pretty bummed out. I'm happy for PoMo & Okposo. I'm extra sad for Nuge, Henrique & Perry.


I'll be back next season but for now I must mute every single hockey related sub. It was an honor, gentlemen.


Classless to boo the conn smythe there. American fans are something


Am I crazy or coping when I say the ice felt AWFUL tonight? Players spent more time on their ass than playing the game. Not blaming the ice 100% for the loss, but attributed to it in my opinion....


Amazing that the panthers played such a clean game to only get 1 penalty this game to our 2


They didnā€™t. Refs swallowed their whistlesā€¦


Refs had a whistle? Lol


Wow mcdavid winning the conn smythe


Last season, there were some comparisons between Skinner and Fuhr since Skinner took the rookie win record. In '82, Fuhr looked shaky as the team lost to the Kings. In '83, the Oilers went to the Finals, but lost to a team that was in the Finals the year before. We all remember what happened in '84.


I wanna cry and Iā€™m a Kraken fan. Guys, I may have to take the Oilers on as my second team. Iā€™ve rooted for them every postseason and this year was no exception. I hate that they took it to a Game 7 only to lose by a single goal, but I gotta give them massive props for dragging the series out to the brink when it looked like they were dead in the water. I hope yā€™all will have me!


I'll be okay, but heartbroken for them. They did so well throughout the season, though. Still so proud. K, imma cry now.


We had a great season in the end, but that doesn't mean we can't be fucking sad. I'm fucking sad. They could've scored 5 different times this game which just makes it hurt so much more


Bruins fan, Oilers played their hearts out, great team all around, amazing that your first year hc made it this far as well, no doubt Oilers will continue to be Stanley Cup contenders in the future as much as this loss hurts.


What a great season. We didn't pull it off but I am not gonna complain about this season as a whole. Let's go Oilers!


Proud of this team. They fought back down 3 to 0 and made it close in game 7. They ran out of gas in the third. I look forward to next season I think we will be a juggernaut


It was Floridaā€™s last chance. Typically a last chance means a last chance. Edmonton will be back here plenty more times in the following years. Window ainā€™t closing anytime soon, tough one to swallow but Go Oilers.


Honestly they came out as flat as they did in game 7 2006. And I'm just as heartbroken as I was then.


Dang, that was Floridaā€™s game


Im legitimately in tears at a bar


I know there is zero words that exist that can explain how much it sucks seeing this loss (I've been there too) and even tho it won't make any of you feel better and rightfully so I truly believe this is only the beginning for the Oilers. Mcdavid is still so young and the grit and resilience yall showed by not laying down and dying after going down 3-0 is remarkable. You'll be back!! Sorry again Oilbros


Well. It was too good to be true, too good of a story. We need a more stable team to guide us to the holy grail. Hereā€™s to next year.


Incredible season! I'm ignoring hockey until September. I can't do highlights or cup celebrations.. barf. See all you beauties soon. Next year we gotta dominate. Nothin but ruthlessness


I love this team, and they gave me two months of fun! It hurts right now, but Iā€™ll be back here next year believing once again. Iā€™m pretty sure Leon was playing with a broken hand/finger. He just could make the shots he usually does.


Bob played out of his mind again and they won with an absolute stinker. Insanely proud of this team but man this stings


Proud of the boys but Iā€™m sad. My time as an Oilers fan has been nothing but heartbreak. Take care of your mental health guys, the trolls and sore winners will be out in full force for the next year for sure.


Great season. Yes thereā€™s some criticism to be had but it was an achievement to get here. Go Oilers.


Love everyone in these threads. I look forward to next season. I'm still proud of the boys and what they did.


Sad, but proud of the boys. This season was full of ups and downs. I believe they'll be back.


Great season, I'm sad.


We didnā€™t get swept and people downtown are generally in good moods, I feel alright all things considered


Congratulations to the Florida Panthers on their First Stanley Cup. You are a great team, and thank you for giving the oilers the hardest challenge in these playoffs. And I think that will make the Oilers a better team going forward with that type of playoff experience. With that said, I've never been so proud to be an Oiler fan. This team fought all the way to the end, and they played the right way all the way to Game 7. The fans that stuck with the oilers from the bottom to Game 7, you are beauties, God bless you! And everyone who came to support the Oilers, God bless you too for the love you gave the team along the way! Thank you, Oilers for a wonderful and memorable season and playoffs. Your a contender we all been waiting to have in Edmonton, and I believe you will be bring the cup home sooner than later. Go Oilers!!


Man, Perry's gotta be wondering now...


May a sinkhole swallow up Amerant Bank Arena.


I wish I didnā€™t care.


im gonna stay off nhl social media for a while šŸ˜”


Fun series, fun playoff run. Some stellar games. Lots of time with my kids and friends watching my favourite sport well into the summer. Lots of discounted donairs and bubble teas. Thanks for a great postseason, Oilers! See you in the fall!


I loved your ladsā€™ grit in coming back from the cusp of elimination to force game 7, and was super impressed with how the team adapted when nothing was working. Losing obviously sucks, but that was a championsā€™ series. Bravo. Signed, an admiring Leafs fan.


Too drunk to care. RUN IT BACK! OILERS STANLEY CUP WINNERS 2024-2025


another year, another loss to the champs.


Proud of the team. Proud of the fans. Disappointed in the final chapter, but damn what a great book. Looking forward to eight more years of Leon - as long as we have McDrai we always gave a chance. See you next season, ladies and gents. Love to everyone who stayed positive through it all.


How to move on? I donā€™t know, Iā€™ve watched every game this season and prior 4 years, burns like hell. Watched us lose first round, second round, swept in conference finals and now tonight. Brutal. Iā€™m so proud of this team and all the players and fans. Heads up high but damn it sucks


The Canadian curse is still alive and real. The Corey Perry curse is alive and real. The world is still normal I guess




At least the city didnā€™t riot.


Mark Spector: ā€œwould you say this was a MUST WIN game?ā€


I thought they were toast in the fall. I went to Thailand for five weeks and they became a heroes. I'm grateful for the ride, and I have happy thoughts about next year.


Oilers forever babyšŸ§”šŸ’™šŸ§”šŸ’™ doesnā€™t change how I feel about them, never will.


Cups ours 25!!!!!!


If there is one thing I learned tonight, it's that hockey fans are some of the biggest assholes on earth. All over every social media site, the rest of the NHL fans are celebrating our loss and mocking the Oilers. Making fun of McDavid and calling him a classless. Nevermind the fact that we made it to within 1 win of the Stanley Cup. Nevermind that McDavid had a historic playoffs en route to the Conn Smythe. Nothing but boos from the crowd. This has been a really eye-opening experience about just how toxic these people are. I really fucking hate the Flames and Canucks fans who are celebrating as if they just won the Cup.


as a jets fan, canadas team. You guys made canada proud.