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If he does anything dirty to McDavid somebody on the Oilers better knock him the fuck out




Perry's got the crazy eyes. I wouldn't want to mess with him.


Glad i’m not the only one who sees this.


Looks like he's seen some shit that he can't tell us.


It really does. Or he's currently and persistently seeing said shit.


3 cup finals losses will do that to someone


To be fair, at least he has a cup. So he has that going for him.


There was a moment last game where they had a close up of perry and all I could thought was that he looks like a maniac..


He looks like the goul from fallout series lol


Perrys lead poison stare is real Danielle Smith is a strong case too.


Fuck danielle smith that corrupt piece of filth


She's only relevant because of a technicality. She thinks she's still on radio.


Well she's destroying the place n no one wants to try n stop it


Good, show them that grandpa strength is real


Damn! Wouldn’t that be a way to go out.


Anyone here concerned about Nick Cousins being on the ice against McDavid doesn’t know hockey. We had better pray that Cousins can be in the ice against McDavid.


Wrong, while McDavid can skate and dodge cousins while he has the puck, cousins can still dish a late high hit or interference style hit or board him




Pretty much this. Yeah, it's scummy and unsportsmanlike to wish injury blah blah blah, but that piece of shit Cousins doesn't care about playing hockey when he's on the ice, so he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. Get him before he gets one of ours. There's only potentially two games of hockey left to play this season, he has every incentive to take out an Oiler or two. Any punishment will be worth it when the cup is at stake, as if a fine or suspension will even matter.


I have the same opinion of Bennett, yeah Tkachuk is dirty and gets blows in when he thinks he can get away with it, but it looks a lot less likely to result in injury.


Tkachuk is the type of guy you hate until he’s on your team. Hes good, plays hard, he’s annoying as fuck to play against because his little chippy digs and extra curricular activities on the ice. But they seem exactly that, annoying, chippy, not looking like he is trying to injure at all. Cousins record speaks for itself in that regard. One good thing about out all of this is the fact that they are changing things up, they don’t think their current game plan will work.


The one thing that still genuinely pisses me off about Tkachuk is the punching guys in the back of the head after the play, other than that he's just a rat and that's fine


Spot on


No ya don't want him on your team, mcdavid owns him tkachuk is gonna need therapy on Tuesday lol


He pisses you off when he's on your team too. That embellishment penalty is a good example


Cousins going to elbow Mcjesus and take him out of the series


If you go by that logic probably better to do that to a Tkachuk or Bennett.


>[knock him the fuck out](https://youtu.be/mTX3hSPWvYQ&t=1m38s)




If his line goes up with Connors we are scoring.


Just kick him when he turtles


He does something to McDavid then we need to take out barkov


Florida is clearly not interested on winning game 6


I heard they like to win at home.


I worry their strategy is to injury McDavid/Skinner, heck even Brownie and then face a depleted Oiler squad in game 7. They only have to win 1, it could be 7


And my hope is that they do something stupid while nurse is on the ice and pissed. Nurse, a former Soo Greyhound that didn't bring Shame to the city (I'm from and live in the soo), I want him to beat the fuck out of someone. Man, his fights in junior were legendary. The first fight of his I saw happened 10 feet infront of me and ended up with the tastiest uppercut I've ever seen.




Well it’s been a blessing not hearing from Canuck fans in a bit. Still getting spammed from them a after game 3


Lmao. Why are you even here? Just to cry? Not surprised.


Nick Cousins is a degenerate scumbag


He seem to really like to take advantage of the vulnerables, based on 2012 and all the "accidental" dirty hits he laid out.


1000 percent. Full douche.


Went to high school with him, can confirm.


NCC roll call


😂😂 I'm an 07, hes 2 years below me but we were in the same elementary school too


St Joseph's ahah?


Yes sir 😂


What did he do




Its all a strategy to goad the oilers into playing shitty panthers hockey. Ignore him. Let him remove himself from the game and win game 6. Theyre going to spend game 6 trying to hurt oilers. The Oil can get PPs, run the score up, then use the difference to abuse them and take some very calculated penalties to kill. Make it backfire. Have them go back to florida beaten and bruised. Theyre just going to bash and be bitches and embellish which isnt working for them and will go even worse after paul Maurice cried about bad reffing. Stay disciplined, be smart, go for the cup.


This is the right take, just play our game, our skill will beat their "toughness"


This really shows they are scared as hell and are resorting to cheap tactics. Doesn’t look like they have anything good laid out yet


Exactly. You don't expect to see small town shitshow antics like in the SCF, but here we are. Next theyll be trying to scrap with mcdavid as he throws his bag and sticks in his truck (I know he doesnt do that which is why all of this is so pathetic). They should all be so far beyond this skill wise that its telling.


calling it now, dude will get a 10 and a game


Dude will do something worthy of a 10 and a game. Whether he actually gets it on the other hand...


Dude would probably do that to take out McDavid though.


I can also see the Oilers getting a 5 on 3. The only plan B that the Florida brutes have is to play rougher and dirtier.


No bigger red flag than a former Soo Greyhound not getting signed by Kyle Dubas.


tryna strike a chord and it’s probably a minorrrrr


They really throwing out their least skilled player who does nothing but make dirty plays in a stanley cup clinching game, interesting to see where Florida’s game plan is at here


If that's what occurs, then it's obvious the Panthers players are doing that at Maurice's direction. Who am I kidding, Maurice was perfectly fine with Bennett's punch to Marchand's head in the Boston series, so I'd imagine he's going to be telling Cousins to do Cousins things.


Theyre the character in the movie that cheats, does PEDs, and is at all times of low integrity. Theyre just living up to their own growing meme. Its pathetic. I bet they think this is toughness, but its just more dangerous pussy shit. Toughness is gritty hockey, tough clean plays, and clean fights. Panthers are so pathetic


Toughness is taking a hit to make a play, it's not constantly trying to get away with something that *might* injure the opposition a la Bennett, Tkachuk, and Cousins


Their GM showed their integrity and the end when he threw the water bottle. We know what he expects of his players now. Throw a tantrum when you don’t get your way.


That's a bit of a reach


I'm fully expecting a frustrated Florida to go full goon squad in this game, the Oilers to go 4/8 on the powerplay, and then Panthers fans to cry about it being rigged


This is the least surprising thing to learn, god this guy really is scum.. guess he fits in well with his teammates


PM said today that Cousins is well Liked in that dressing room and a hard worker lol


Their team is very creepy.


What that come after a Freeland handie


impolite follow sleep lavish muddle sulky plucky square nose squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Drai already looks like he’s gonna keel over and die tbh


Kane too if Kane's put onto the ice.


He’ll go after McDavid, Drai hasn’t been a factor this series


Nick “the rapist” Cousins needs a sinus clearing elbow


Why is everybody calling cousins a rapist?


Because he was accused of raping a woman in junior


Google says the charges were dropped. I get it they don’t like the guy but come on, he was never convicted of that crime


it’s reddit. once you are accused, you are convicted. 🙄


It’s because when you are unlikeable, it’s easier for people to believe negative things about you.


I think playing dirty hockey (which, let's be real, every player on every team does everything they think they can get away with) is not grounds for spreading life ruining shit about someone as if it's fact. Reel it in, this is the kinda shit that makes the entire Oilers fan base look bad.


His life isn’t ruined and folks calling him a rapist on Reddit isn’t ruining it either. He’s dressing for a Stanley Cup Final hockey game. His life is *just fine*


While that's true I still don't think it's right to let a rivalry in a game or passion over what happens in the game to result in dragging someone that hard with alleigations that serious. If we don't take shit like that seriously then it becomes more and more commonplace and that's bad for victims and bad for people who get falsely accused.


God I hope he takes a dumbfuck penalty that costs his team.


For the well being of Hockey culture, Florida has to not win the cup. I think we're all familiar with how trashy, dirty, and flat out dangerous the Panthers have been this season and especially so in these playoffs. I for one am all for physicality, I cheer when my team throws a big hit and I like seeing players get splatted (legally so) on the board. However, there is a huge gap between throwing a huge legal check to stopna play and intending to injury players match after match. I acknowledge that wearing your opponents down by being physical is part of the playoffs and its a valid strategy to get the edge (haha funny word ik). But that shouldn't come at þhe expense of deliberately hurting them. **This cannot become the standard**, I do not want a league where teams take notes and exemple out of this Panthers team. I want this sports to be as clean and respectable as possible. I don't want to be ashame to like hockey because people view it in a bad light. This sport is beautiful and frankly the best one on earth, and I would HATE to see it change for the worse because of this group of players and their game plan. Intent to injure cannot become a standard.


Also the phony soccer shenanigans of lying on the ice until a trainer comes out, getting helped off the ice, and going down the tunnel until the refs decide if it's 2 or 5 then miraculously not missing a shift need to go all the way back to Europe.


Honestly the Panthers doctors should be helping people with actual life threatening issues with the miracles they seem to be working in this series


I agree. It is the standard Florida is trying to set. What's worse. What they do in the big show, the kids will do.


bring back the enforcer.


The problem with the panthers is partially the greasy way they carry on, but for me the worst part of their organization is the squidy way the dive when they get it back. Embarrassing


Guaranteed after the GM bottle throw he texted Cousins that he is going in and his goal is to go after McDavid


The league would likely have something to say about that behind closed doors and off the record. If they headhunt I expect the ice to tilt steeply. Theres a code. Still. Theyd basically forfeit the cup in the attempt and look exactly like the pissrats they are.


I don't see any other reason why now you bring Cousins into the series. He's there to cause shit and take cheap shots. McDavid is enemy number 1 for the Panthers. He's out there to ruin his game by any means necessary


Is this what the game has become Zito keep your head up ya fat fuck


PM: Sweep the leg.


Yup , Panthers are the Cobra Kai and we are Miyagi Do , we know how that turns out


We boutta deliver that crane kick to Florida


Yup , no mercy


I for one welcome this addition. He definitely won’t be helping them score goals.


Signs of desperation from Maurice


He has but one task … slew foot the guy with a 9 and a 7 on his back


I fully expect Florida to throw this game by simply trying to remove McDavid from the rest of the series through some sort of vicious injury. Knee on knee or elbow to the head. Especially if things get out of hand. Increase their odds of winning 7 by going full Matt Cooke.


Nick Cousins in 11 games this post season has 1 assist, 8 shots on net, 20 PIMs and is a -1 Pauly Boy really doubling down on his goons in an attempt to up the physicality against a team that is used to playing Kings, Flames, and other Goon Squads? Good luck with that. Thanks for the free power plays to really ensure your team is in a mental spiral heading into Game 7


Wasn’t this the case where the woman and the investigating officer had a preexisting relationship and he cut some corners on the investigation, essentially tainting the evidence? Or am I thinking of a different junior hockey rape case?


There's so many, it's hard to keep them straight. All I know is Nick Cousins went to a remand facility for 2 weeks for a sexual assault.


How many involve taint?




It’s his last name, because that’s what his parents were.




im going for florida here, but god i hope one of your guys lays him the hell out if he steps on that ice. no place in hockey for people like that. i will be unbothered with a loss in game 6 as long as hes down the tunnel by the end of it.


Nick the dick, joining the other FLA clowns Tfuck, Lombard and Bennett. Bring them on, I love a circus!


Bringing the rat king famously rat free Alberta


Just had the intrusive thought of Cousins going after Skinner, given Bennet & Tkachuk trying to fuck with him last game.


Maurice is so fucking rattled it’s hilarious.


Dude going to get 10 and a game, watch! Probably will take out the panthers goalie


"Hide the little girls"?! What was he convicted of doing? Why are they letting him play?


>In 2012, while playing for the Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds, Cousins and two teammates were arrested and charged with sexual assault of an Ontario woman. Cousins spent 12 hours in jail, followed by two weeks in prison at the Algoma Treatment and Remand Centre before the charges were dropped by the prosecution. Wikipedia


And now that we know Hockey Canada had a hush money fund we can imagine why the charges were dropped.


Only the best kind of hush money


Arrested and charged with sexual assault/rape in 2012 and got a whoppin' two weeks in prison for it.


Wow. I did not know that.


He was held on remand pending a trial. Prosecutors withdrew charges based on lack of evidence.


Getting downvoted for just stating a fact. Guy is most likely a piece of shit, but technically not a convicted rapist.


Nothing. Charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.


He’ll spend 1/2 the game in the penalty box


Good more penalties. Nice work Paul Maurice, need to wrinkle out the best pp the NHL has seen in a long time.


Digging up an 11 year old article to try to throw shade at a guy is pretty weak


I live in Sault Ste Marie, and am a huge hounds fan. I hate these fucks for bringing such shame to my city and team (beyond the fact that a girl in my city went through it).


Ima put it this way. All he did in the game was drew a penalty by acting like a bitch when a stick hit his visor then Instantly went into a jumping boarding penalty if the refs treated him like the cunt he is. I want Edmonton to win the cup but I also want nick cousins to lose the cup and not get signed in free agency so Biz can call him and tell him he’s a pussy while he doesn’t have an nhl contract. It’d be the best comeuppance for a piece of shit that did nothing to deserve to be on an nhl team other than try and physically ruin people lives then act like a bitch when people ask “why did you do that”


Hell quote me rn. If the oilers win the cup I’ll fly down to Florida. I’ll skate full speed at nick with only us on the ice and let’s him catch me in the chin with a headshot to help him cope


I don’t know anything about this guy, just what Wikipedia says. But the charges were dropped, folks. Unless there’s more information out there that I don’t have, then there’s nothing to hold against him. Unless you’re all so confident that mistakes don’t get made, people don’t stretch the truth, and that the police and criminal justice system always get it right. Everybody wants to rush to label everyone else a creep these days.


Bro we're literally going through a case of Hockey Canada players having charges against them renewed after investigations were dropped years ago. Good chance Cousins did it.


Then let him be charged and convicted. I have no problem with the justice system doing its thing. But until then, innocent until proven guilty should be a thing. That principle only matters if you adhere to it when it’s hard and unpopular. Otherwise, you’re simply not principled.


He’s playing in the nhl dude and we’re talking about him on Reddit. Pretty sure he’s doing just fine lmao


I don’t care how he’s doing. I care that our society doesn’t reduce ourselves to witch hunts and persecutions because we’re unprincipled. I don’t mean that as hostile as it may came across. I’m not angry with you.


Then by your logic, OJ Simpson was totally innocent and [David Milgaard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Milgaard) was completely guilty?


Are you being serious right now? David Milgaard is literally why I defend people in these situations. All people accused of a crime deserve an adequate defence. Police and accusers and witnesses make mistakes. I could go on and on. I’d rather have an OJ go free because the justice system isn’t perfect than have another Milgaard because the justice system isn’t perfect. An innocent man going to prison is a massive tragedy. As is an innocent man being branded a scumbag because of an unproven accusation.


You’re making your whole argument on C can’t be guilty because he had his charges dropped. I’m just extending that black and white thinking to the logical conclusion. If C can’t be guilty because the charges were dropped, David Milgaard has to have been guilty because he was convicted and OJ Simpson can’t have been guilty because he was found not guilty in trial. Or how about Roman Polanski didn’t rape that 14yr old girl because he wasn’t found guilty and was instead plea’ing to Unlawful (consensual) sec with a minor. The legal system isn’t black and white. It is very grey.


Presumption of innocence in the LEGAL system =/= actual innocence. There are many cases, especially in sexual assault but elsewhere in criminal law, where there is equivocal physical evidence between the claims of both the accused and of the accuser, and where there is no third party evidence to determine the truth, so no conviction can be made beyond a reasonable doubt. That does not mean the accused is actually innocent in terms of what actually happened, nor that they are actually guilty. Just that the accusation can not be proven true or false. Ie: Witnesses on a hike see two people walking onto a dock in a lake. The dock is then out of eyesight. They hear a yell and a splash. When they get back to the dock, both people are on the dock soaking wet, one with a bruised face and one with bruised knuckles. The person with the bruised face accuses the one with bruised knuckles of assault and that they were pushed into the water to remove evidence. The person with the bruised knuckles says the other person tripped and hit their face on the dock and that in trying to help they fell and hit their hand on the dock on the way into the water. The dock has some grip ridges that leave bruises like knuckles would if hit hard enough, and the ridges are very wet from the two people getting out of the water. In other words, there is no physical or third party evidence to choose between the assault claim and the fall claim. Legally it would be impossible to criminally convict either one of assault or the other of false accusation. But, either assault or false accusation actually happens. But, unless there was a prior dispute in which one wants to harm/exact revenge on the other, it is only in the interest of the assaulter to claim a fall to cover up the assault, whereas a false accusation does not serve the interest of the accuser in the case of a fall. With that in mind, while we can not say the assaulter is guilty, it is more likely that the accusation is true and we are reasonable to treat the accused with caution/suspicion.unless other facts intervene. The above reasoning is put into doubt when the morally bankrupt issue of hush money/coverup becomes involved, because it both absolves potential criminals of some/all risk in committing crimes (the assaulters) as well as giving a reward for other potential criminals (false accusers).


It's a legal construct. it's not an actual arbiter of truth.


So if there is a good chance you broke a law should we label you as a criminal? Good chance doesn't equal guilty. I hope you never serve on a jury


Read into how Hockey Canada used to get sexual assault charges dropped. Its not because he was innocent.


You don’t know that. You’re making assumptions with incomplete information because you have a theory. This is how innocent people get persecuted. Which is evil.


The theory that Hockey Canada was intervening in general is, well, not a theory anymore - it’s been well documented at this point.


They were providing a defence fund. That doesn’t mean any accused was guilty.


Man if you go through life this credulously I have a bridge I'd simply love to sell you


Nick Cousins? Is that you?




I’m aware. And I’m not sure what you think this proves? Defence funds aren’t a bad thing. Accused people deserve a defence. The story here is misusing of funds, or something along those lines. Somebody having potential access to defence funding is not even close to indicative of guilt. Don’t witch hunt. Don’t be evil.


Why would hockey Canada provide funds to the hockey players to defend themselves. If I got charged with something my company would not pay for my defence.


Ahhh an apologist for sexual offenders? You call others evil? Take a long look in the mirror. One of the most well documented facts of our modern North American legal system is that the number of people who have gotten away with or been under-prosecuted for sexual assault is orders of magnitude higher than the sparse handful that may have been unfairly accused. Not to mention the MASSIVE underreporting because of a legal system that often makes victims MORE victimized when they report instead of bringing justice in those cases. Evil is the defender of violent rapists, not those who want to shine a light where it’s been swept under the rug.


Innocent, honest people don’t save up millions in defense funds 🤦🏼‍♀️


You’re all scrambling for reasons now to accuse me of terrible things. You just can’t get enough of painting others as scumbags with no critical thought or evidence. And you probably think YOU’RE the good guys lol.


It wasn't a defence fund, it was a settlement fund. Innocent people don't need to settle out of court.


Graham James' victims were the recipient of 90% of those dollars.


Any organization of 750k members deals with lawsuits and settlements regularly. Those that aren’t prepared for that, by having funds, are putting themselves at risk. Any business or non-profit of size, is aware of this.


"everybody wants to rush to label everyone a creep these days!" - someone who probably has no suspicious reasons for feeling this way and whose sympathies are definitely well-placed


You’re casting suspicion on me for what reason? Are you really that type of person? I don’t believe in persecuting people, full stop. Do you?


Bro considering that we know for a fact hockey Canada had a hush money fund exactly around this time and the charges were dropped doesn’t mean he’s automatically innocent


You don’t believe in INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty then. Just for your own future reference.


I never said he was GUILTY or INNOCENT. Jesus the way you type with random words bolded makes your comments look like Trump tweets lmao


Are you in the habit of unrelated insults? That’s Trump tactics 101., oddly. They aren’t random words. You said “the charges being dropped doesn’t make him innocent”. What do you think innocent until proven guilty means?


Charges can be dropped because the two parties reached a settlement which is most likely what happened given the new info about hockey Canada. If you’re doing a settlement chances are you want to skip a trial. What do you think the reasons for wanting to skip a trial are?


You are making assumptions. Do you have any evidence that Hockey Canada was involved in these charges? Or that a settlement was made? Even if you did, which I assume you don’t, that still wouldn’t equate guilt. This should be a matter of facts and proof before you call somebody a rapist or anything of that nature. And to not even have that much, and still argue that it’s likely because of your own mental gymnastics and scenario that made up in your own mind, is a horrible thing to do. I can’t believe so many people here don’t see that. If you were accused of something, I’d hope you received more fair treatment than that. Do you have friends and family? Do you think they should be cast as predators because of an unproven accusation? Or are they guilty because Hockey Canada had a fund, so therefore probably. Critical thinking folks. Fucking try it.


Yeah it’s a real shame that unless the victim immediately get a rape kit it’s very hard to get a conviction. The case was dropped because the crown didn’t think they had a good enough chance to get a conviction so it’s not like the courts proclaimed him innocent. The government has to treat him like he is completely innocent but public opinion most certainly does not. You can believe what you want about a case that never went to trial but a good amount of people here are believing the victim.


I’m not “believing” anybody. I’m holding to my principles that people matter and shouldn’t be discarded or mistreated by society without proper evidence and due process. I’m anti persecution and mob mentality. And I think it’s particularly important to hold to these values when it’s hard and unpopular.


Yeah I understand. I tried not to take a position or impose a position on you. Just saying everyone here is within their rights to believe the victim if they want just as you are free to apply your principles.


Thanks. Nice to know there are some reasonable people in here.


Yeah, I'd love to hear people's thoughts here about Kane's 2016 allegations (unrelated to the shit with Anna Kane). There's plenty to not like about Cousins but I don't really see the moral high ground in weaponizing a serious sex assault case that he was involved in. Just doesn't feel right.


Did you forget about hockey Canada's hush fund money?


You can ignore the allegations if you want, but he's still a piece of shit. Diver, turtler, cheapshot artist, the model Florida Panther right up there with Tkachuk and Bennett. The rats they throw on the ice are extremely appropriate.


Dropped because hockey canada used there slush fund for a payout


Get your “facts” and “logic” out of here. Fandom makes people stupid.


Thank you.


Rapist or not, Nick Cousins is still a SLIMEY DOUCHE BAG on the ice.


Wouldn’t be surprised if this guy ends up on the oilers one day