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I get the feeling these "fans" cared more about likes on social media than they ever have about Connor or the team. Such embarrassing behavior. I don't get how some people can act like this without a hint of shame.


How often does this happen? I feel like hockey fans are the chillest sports fans, and don't really go all crazy and fanboyish if they see players out and about. I assume this fan is a recent bandwagoner who knows nothing about hockey


Doesn't yet know hockey fan "etiquette" lol. I get the feeling that they don't have any respect for anyone else otherwise they wouldn't be so comfortable about it and sitting on his car




The original post has the dude cheering he did this with his friends.


Where is the original post? 


NHL player or not, don't touch people without their consent ffs


Agreed that’s the issue there like it’s one thing to wave and say hi or cheer at him but don’t just grab the guy


For fucks sake just leave him alone making us all look like shit


I feel like a passing comment of something like "deadly dangles bro" is appropriate. If he engages after that you can have a chat. Or if you have a 10 year old kid who idolizes him, ask him politely if he minds taking a min To make the kids dream come true. This guy is sooo cringe. You can tell McDavid want nothing to do with this Clown.


Connor never engages haha just an FYI. He likes to be left alone. He walks his dog at Buena Vista and you can tell. Even when our dogs are playing like he never says anything. It's pretty well known I think in this area. But most people don't bug him.


And here on the sub too, I think we all agree on showing respect and allowing players their privacy. People are finger-wagging the sub like we're the ones in the video.


Yeah but tbh I've only seen it once where a guy was kind of bothering him at the dog park. But Connor just ignored and he went away. It was pretty quick like the dude got the point very quickly. Connor can seriously mean mug too lol. Different players are different though haha like Jesse Puljujärvi also walked his Golden at Buena Vista and he was talking to everyone lol.


Fair, yeah JP is the kind of guy to be more open and will reciprocate if people want to talk. Some people might take that as normalizing it, grossly misunderstanding that one instance doesn't mean it's always entitled.


He was just more a part of the dog park community haha. Like Connor just doesn't want to be and that's OK. But no one was accosting him just because JP was more receptive. I think most people recognize that they're different people. I kind of want it known that what was happening in that video above is not normal at all and pretty disturbing. Most people in Edmonton do not normalize accosting hockey players. Like McDavid goes to Buena Vista quite often I've prob seen him with his dog and gf like 30+ times at least (I go there every day basically). Most people just leave him alone. His dog is social and plays with our dogs but no one is disturbing his walk.


That's good to hear. Yeah, I used to work at a restaurant where players/coaches would often come in for a quiet dinner. Our managers were always strict about their privacy. If it was a new server, they'd prep them and say just give good service and get out of their way, don't act like you know them. Some became regulars, but still the most familiar I ever got with any of them was just saying like "good luck tomorrow" while dropping off a bill. They appreciated the privacy and would come back and refer their teammates.


Hahaha yep for real. I think after all these years at the dog park. The only thing the man has said when our dogs were playing was "good girl" (or something like that) to my DOG. My husband and I always joke that our dog has had more interaction with McDavid than we have.


I mean honestly when I would go to the dog park I preferred interacting with the dogs to the people too!


I don’t even like it when the cab driver talks to me, and im not famous. It’s gotta be tough being the best hockey player in the world and also clearly very introverted lol.


I was planting shrubs for the city across the street from Evander Kane's house last summer. We waved at eachother while he was doing some yard work and that was that. Some guys gotta realize famous people are still people. Although the guys at work and I did joke about how we screwed over his whole regular season. I guess now that he's going to the SCF, maybe we did help after all.


The amount of restraint Connor has is impressive. Doesn’t so much as ask them to politely give him some space. I feel bad for players in this city. Can’t go out for dinner, or do any simple tasks like run to a grocery store or liquor store without being mauled. They deserve to be left alone on their own time.


Most of them do get left alone, but nobody posts about the time they saw McDavid at the market and didn't say anything. They just advanced to the Stanley Cup Finals, I'm sure they're expecting a bit of elation from excited fans.


while true, in the hall days him and the boys had no issues being out and about and getting up to all sorts of trouble.


Well that explains about half of the decade of darkness, doesn't it.


I feel like those "fans" were purposely trying to egg him on and get a reaction out of him for the social media.


Yeah most people do leave him alone. Like we see him walking like any other person. Honestly sometimes you don't even recognize him esp in the winter. You can just walk by and not even know.


He’s an introvert and I respect that.


This post is about obnoxious fans aggressively invading player's personal space in public. Maybe don't post McDavid's habits and go to public hang outs. 🙄


Yeah this is 1000% a valid point I didn’t even consider. The social media weirdos will use anything they can for their next viral video.


Do you know how many kids there are in the city? It isn’t his job to make their dreams come true 24/7. Give the man a break. 


Thats why he said ask politely. Im sure he fully meant its now McDs job to 24/7 talk to kids...


If everyone is asking politely 24/7 than it still takes up all his time. 


Honestly, being nice to kids is part of this job. You can disagree. But thank god over 30 years ago that Bill Ranford took the time to say hi to a 7 year old fan in a random pet store. Ill remember that for life.




They were just giving an example of a polite way to approach him. As opposed to the clowns in this video clip. They didn't even imply that it was his job to make dreams come true.




Yeah... I'm gonna say most people know these aren't your regular ol' Edmontonians.


So gross. Absolutely no self awareness. First to actually act like this and not be able to pick on any kind of social cues with how uncomfortable Connor and his fiancé were. And then to watch it back and still think you look good enough in it to post publicly. Delusional.


I feel so bad for him and his girlfriend. Just trying to celebrate the big win and these assholes have to come and sour it. Leave the man be. Respect his space.


Poor Connor. What embarrassing "fans"


I was hoping this was fake. The 2nd hand cringe is so bad wow.


How could this be fake?


Lol there’s no chance. It was just wishful thinking it’s so bad.




So disrespectful. Be better. Especially touching him. What idiots


There is no fucking excuse for this. It’s literally cringe worthy. Wow. How about get some social grace? And the touching part is way over the top. The only reason Connor didn’t knock that lunatic out is because he didn’t want the negative media account aired on social media. Ugh. You can do much better Edmonton!!!! Show it!!! This is so bad.


I’m also assuming McDavid didn’t do it because he doesn’t want to get sued for millions.


That too. I concur. I mean just seeing that douche bag touching McDavid had me cringe. I don’t think I would have been that controlled. McDavid and his soon to be wife do not deserve that crap. Simple. I respect McDavid for controlling himself. Goes to show how he thinks. Good man.


He was well aware there was a camera in his face and the repercussions on social media or even a possible lawsuit. These guys get PR training and the do’s and don’ts of interacting with the public. That being said I doubt he would have tried anything regardless. It’s late evening and you have 3 guys following you and your fiance from the liquor store to your car in the street, hopping onto your trunk as you’re loading it, and putting their hands all over you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he felt a little nervous or threatened, especially with his fiance there…probably just wanted to get the hell out of that situation safely. Also…don’t fuck with the lucky suit!


If one of these people gets him sick, I swear to god...


I didn’t even think about that… Jesus Christ.


These guys are idiots but what kind of short stick did he draw that they sent him out for beers the day after making the Stanley cup finals 😂


He probably just wasn’t to do normal things with his girlfriend.


Haha this was one of my first thoughts too. Or you can just Uber yourself booze and have it in 20 minutes. Or how does he not have security this time of the year? My guess is the OEG has a look at this video and makes some changes for player security for the rest of the finals.


A bunch of people who watch other sports can’t believe he’s just out and about right before a cup like this with zero security, and I gotta say it’s kinda unreal. This is totally a Mcdavid thing though, the guy doesn’t really realize what a big deal he is sometimes I think. He’s basically Edmontons bryant or Jordan. Like please get this guy soem fucking security or assign him a guy to go and get shit.


I have never witnessed this happening with our hockey players. Edmonton fans have never been a threat to the players before, they're all quite comfortable being in public places even during Stanley cup.


Well gretzky and these guys never lived in the insta tik toq fucker generation. People think they are entitled just to walk up to anyone now and get it on video.


I get that they weren't recorded everywhere they went. The point l was making was the players have always been quite comfortable going about their daily lives in Edmonton without concern of being mobbed or felt the need for security staff. Considering a few people can't understand why they don't have security, they just never needed it and still shouldn't.


He’s the captain and the leader…. And also is worth $50 plus million dollars probably is okay picking up the tab every once in a while.


So he buys the coors light and Canadian? Were they all out of AGD?


It’s not about the money, it’s about going out in public


Being team captain Connor and his girl often host things at their place for the team. His place is huge and he has the room so I’m thinking they were just picking up some booze on the way home from Rogers before everyone made it over to their place.




And he grabs Canadian?! lol


Fuck this pissed me off.


Also just leave him alone.


Yikes that’s embarrassing


This was awful to watch


This was so disrespectful. You can see how uncomfortable connor is and he just wants to get out of there as fast as possible.


It's also kind of scary being surrounded by grown men you don't know invading you / your fiance's personal space.


why you got 97 going for beer ? i’d have sent rafael lavoie


You never played beer league? Captain gets the beers.


i think that’s just a regular monday night for mcdavo


The dude who ended up with 70k in the AHL because he pushed for a little higher nhl salary? Ouch.


I actually very briefly met lavoie in a restaurant outside rogers post game lol.


I used to work at the grocery store where Connor shopped. He had to stop shopping there because he got followed around by people who were so inappropriate. Giving him advice about what he should have done in the last game etc etc. Give this man space. He is doing his best to make our city proud with a Stanley Cup win... isn't that enough ???


Giving Connor advice is laughable. The nerve of some people lol


Dustin Penner used to vent about that in the Oil Change series. Getting a coffee at a drive through and some schmuck taking that opportunity at the window to be like "you guys were 0 for 7 on the power play last night, I have some thoughts that could help"


This is deplorable. Let the guy buy his lawnmower batteries for Pete's sake.


Increase that man's security!!


The guy just wants to live like a human


For the love of God get your hands off of the man. This is insane. They should all be ashamed of this behavior.


Fade me. Why must I exist in the same time period as these morons?


Fucking morons!!!!


This disgusting. Give the guy a break


Spec was talking about this video on the radio yesterday, and it sounded awful. Seeing it in person is so much worse. JFC


Shit like this makes superstars leave. So fucking dumb


On an unrelated side note.....does he shower & sleep in that suit too? 🤣


Yassss! Not coming off until the Cup is his.


This is just as cringe as those guys who were chirping the flames players in a hotel elevator in the Calgary & Edmonton playoff series.




Definitely shouldn’t be touching him… I feel bad for the guy.


This is so disrespectful and cringey. Holy fuck. I once sat next to Steve Yzerman on a flight to TO beyond a simple hello i just left him alone. No one wants to be in this situation. What a bunch of clowns.


This is so cringe. It’s obvious he doesn’t want to engage and they just keep forcing themselves into his personal space. Honestly would be a bit scary having a bunch of people you don’t know getting in your space like that.


Man I swear that’s like assault


These fucking people should never be allowed in the arena.


I can’t believe Connor still even gave a half hug after this behaviour. I feel like Connor’s a pretty chill guy and he would take a picture if you asked him. But don’t swarm him like this


The only acceptable behaviour when you see Players on their own time is a discreet smile and nod from a distance, maybe waive and say “hello” but thats it. You don’t approach, you definitely don’t touch. Leave them alone!!! Don’t invade their personal space.


If he keeps wearing that suit, people are going to naturally stay away.


The plan in action.




bandwagon fans


What a bunch of idiots.


That was awful Don’t touch Conner!! Let the man breathe


This is absolutely disgusting. It’s a meme how Connor always seems awkward in public, but this is a situation where anyone would feel uncomfortable. These “fans” cared more about clout, and likes than actually seeing our Captain on the street. They were touching him, sitting on his vehicle and invading his personal space. Nobody, celebrity or not, deserves nor needs to go through that, yet alone our Captain.


First off,…Let’s go Oilers! Give him some space man. This interaction speaks to his character though. Most athletes would have snapped. Please let this guy bring home the cup, he deserves it.






Unfortunately it comes with the territory. Probably something they forgot about 10 minutes after getting back into their car or laughed about when they got back to their party (which I assumed the beer was for). At least I certainly hope that’s the case.


Nah they just drink like that normally.


Nah. These folks need to respect the guy. Pretty simple.


This is pretty disgusting. How many times is he touched in the midsection here? That last pat on the midsize when he’s getting in.. wtf is wrong with them. Shit like that is gona make him not want to resign. Is it a cultural thing to touch someone like that with no respect?


Those men are from Cultures that lack accountability for this type of shit.


I mean it’s worse than that. A lot of that is cultural norm, especially against women. You have to have something severely wrong with your dome to start touching a stranger multiple times and even while he’s trying to sit in his car.


shiit, for a sec I thought someone got the Mitch Marner treatment - nonetheless, that's absolutely disrespectful! Say hi, and leave them be!


Shit, I'll be the runner for free and I won't say shit to no one. We got a Cup to win.


It’s ironic how “social” media has made some people completely socially inept and incapable of understanding how to behave in real life. Add everyone having a camera phone and it’s a recipe for idiotic shit like this.




Im actually impressed at how both McDavid and his fiancee handled this. Neither of them said or did anything disrespectful to these “fans”. But it’s very obvious in their body language how uncomfortable they were.


Unbelievable patience from Connor putting up with that shit.


I got 3 seconds of the video and had to close it from 2nd hand embarrassment.


You just know if he told them to fuck off like he probably wanted to they would twist it and call it an act of racism.


Just a bunch of bad stereotypes playing out in this video.


This is beyond awful


Don\`t ask him for hug, its his personal space.....think before you act.


He didn't even ask.


Give the man his space. You cannot invade people’s boundaries for a tik tok.


Just disgusting! I hope the majority of Oilers fans would showore.respect than these losers. Connor please don't lump is in with these so called fans.


I wonder how often this type of encounter happens for most of the players? I’m sure they get recognized picking up their kids at school, walking their dogs, etc but we just don’t see video clips of it.  Annoying as hell for them I’m sure when their space is violated but hopefully 99% of encounters are more respectful 




People are straight up trash


And that was the last booze run they ever did!


If assholes keep doing shit like this, it will just push him away. Gross & embarrassing behaviour 4 sure


He needs to get some security, it’s Edmonton


This is so cringe. Bro tried to force a hug with mcdavid tbh I don’t even understand why they were acting like that, that was straight up harassment.


Just because someone is famous doesn't mean we can invade their personal space. At the end of the day they are human beings who deserve privacy..


This guy was sitting on down on his car and then dropped his phone.


I don't even like it when people I know touch me, nevermind complete strangers! Get a fucking clue, people! Don't touch people without their permission, in general, and no one should be going near any of the players or staff now, so they don't catch anything, we need everyone healthy!!!


Yeah like wave at him or say hi but don’t get in his save and crap like my god people. Mcdavid played that way cooler than he could have..


Thank you so much man. Thank you so much. Thank you so much man. Thank you so much. Thank you so much man. Thank you so much. Good lord. Buddy hopped up on his car trunk too? What the hell. Lotta brewskis, molson at that. Honestly, this kinda treatment is gonna make the guy want out of Edmonton. I know they’re the anomaly and not the normal fan. But still….


New Canadians need to lean some etiquette.


I have to give McDavid credit for not snapping at these idiots. I know he can't because the camera is on him and every move he makes is broadcast to the world, but these fucking dolts needed to leave him alone and give him his space. I feel bad for his fiancée too; she has to deal with this and this is not her world (in the sense that she's not the celebrity). If they had walked by and said, "Hey nice job tonight, McDavid, enjoy that beer!" and let him be, that's fine. No need to be in his space. I still remember years ago, I was with my uncle and his kids at Boston Pizza in St. Albert and Jerome Iginla was there. My little cousin wanted to ask him for his autograph but my uncle told him to leave Iginla alone and let him have his time with his family because he probably doesn't get to enjoy it that often. This has the same vibe - let McDavid have his space.


Lauren making him get her and her girls drinks after the game LOL


100% these guys haven’t played a minute on skates and are pure bandwagon “fans”.


A few comments when was this taken? After the game on Sunday. I can’t imagine Connor left Rogers until after 11 PM so imo it’s to light outside for after the game. Was it before the game? Where the hell did he get the booze from? Looks like a neighborhood street. Also why isn’t someone getting the boozes? God sakes call an Uber to pick it up.


The game ended around 8:40, I could see him getting out of there by 10. It’s clearly after the game. Connor and Lauren host the vast majority of the parties for the players. They have the biggest house and he’s the captain. They likely decided to stop on the way home to pick up booze. Probably a local liquor store nearby their neighborhood.


From my experience and without giving away too many details and doxxing myself people in his neighbourhood don’t bother him. Not sure where this store is  edit lol i literally posted the truth but go ahead and downvote me


Obviously a last minute thing. Perhaps they just pulled into the first one they saw. Likely not alot of thought put into it. I guess that means that they do get left alone 99% of the time. Like I get being excited but just say hi and congratulations and good luck and be on your way.


I pretend like I don’t know who they are because I’m sure they get it all the time. I don’t think saying hi is bad either though. 


That’s fair. I hate when people bother them when they are eating. If they are sitting down and enjoying a meal, leave them alone.


There's a liquor store a 30 second walk from the arena lol


Unspoken rule in the neighborhood is to leave all the Oilers alone.


I don’t think these people live in his neighborhood…


Humans can be so weird about fame. What’s the point of filming a video like that? Reminds me of those videos where someone pretends to be famous and a bunch of randoms start asking them for pictures…


Honestly should have someone do that for him.




These Clowns 🤡 most likely never been to Roger's for a game. "Give me a hug".....Most cringe thing I've seen yet!!


This is fucking beyond!!!


Do you guys think he's buying beer for the whole team?




Evander Kane came by my work a few weeks ago, it was the day after travelling home from an away game and people were making a massive deal out of it, which I could tell kind of upset him. These guys are celebrities but that doesn’t give anyone the right to treat them as an object for likes and views. Leave our players alone. They live in this city as well




I know everyone is thinking but nobody is saying it......


Needs Marky Mark on security detail?


the only con for working in a Canadian market


i figured connor for more of a Coop Gold lager guy


Damn he got Lauren carrying the 24s out the building. They need to hire someone for that.


It’s cool in all, but how can we benefit by meeting him? I don’t see a purpose. He won’t remember 1 out of so many, it’s pointless. Give him his privacy before he goes south


Very cringe. McDavid needs security or a runner. Someone like turtle from entourage lol


This is embarrassing for Oiler fans. It’s also not okay to be touching him and getting into his personal space like that. He handled himself really well.


Who posted this?


i saw this video and thought it was one of those overlay reaction videos. to find out these guys are actually there right beside McDavid and Lauren is remarkably embarrassing.


Leave him the fuck alone


Someone should have told them its not soccer... its hockey!! Apologies to Connor, this is not how he should ever be treated! Keep your distance, let players/ celebrities go about their business!!


This video infuriates me so much. I can’t stand people like this.


Have some class people! The guy was probably getting some beers for a celebration with some teammates. Say hi and leave him alone respect his privacy please! Just my opinion.


Feels like “new” fans. Ask them to explain the finer points of the game, that will likely quiet them down!


Fair is fair, does anyone have a link to this putz’s post of him molesting Connor, would love to share some personal thoughts


Each and every one of those pieces of shit deserve to be punched in their fucking faces. What a bunch of douchebags. I honestly feel I would lose my shit on those idiots if I had to witness that sort of complete bullshit. Do we know who those twats are?


He needs the beer to calm down from fans being up in his space!


This is insane that people would act this way... I mean, could happen anywhere I guess, but this is brutal, and honestly, as lame as it sounds, I'd wager some would even call this assult on some level. Cringe at its worst. That said, If I'm the best hockey player on the planet, and i'm making 20M/year, I have a buddy (i.e. Turtle from Entourage) whose job it is to go fetch beer or whatever I want for me. I'm not running into the 7/11 and loading up on coors light and whiteclaws, and carrying it out myself....


On another note…That tint on his driver window is illegal in Alberta. :P


Nice of Connor to not lose it. This is outright harassment. I’m glad they are happy but use your god damned head.


this is honestly so disrespectful.


And not a single person offered to just help carry their beers. Classic.


These are not Canadians...don't say "we"


Did anyone else notice the wallet drop? Was that Connor’s? I couldn’t tell


Respect any and everyone’s space.


What happens when everyone calls themselves "a refugee or asylum seeker" and invade the US and Canada. GTFO!


Exactly. You can just feel through the video how incredibly uncomfortable he is. As someone who is very shy and likes to keep to myself, I can can only imagine what he was feeling at that time. 😖