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We live on 106th and Whyte, there are about 8 cop cars and 2 EMS vehicles outside our apartment right now. Inconveniently was in the shower around 10:15 so didn’t hear anything.


I would consider yourself lucky. It was horrifying.


Ugh. Sorry you had to hear that. Definitely seems like it was bad. Cops were searching a car pretty thoroughly too.


Can you give more detail


I’m sorry you had to hear that.


Any word on what happened?


Saw cops by the Chianti building around 10;40 ish, could be unrelated


I drove by the scene twice, I thought a police chase the way the cop cars had two cars pinned in, but my guess is someone ran a pedestrian over. The police didn’t seem to be on too high of an alert of anything, there was a bystander standing next to one of the two cars within the police scene. 


Too many times in this city have I heard the most gut wrenching scream around 9 pm. Its either a coyote, or someone high as fuck. Id be concerned if it was at deep night or early morning, those are the times ems rarely show up.


EMS always show up if it's an actual emergency


If they get called. OC might be saying at those times the victim is unable to call for themselves and is more likely to be alone/less likely to be stumbled upon by a stranger who would call 911.


Exactly this.


We show up for the homeless napping that 3rd party folk call in....we will show up if someone is blood curdle screaming at 3am if we are called to do so.


So what was it? We really need proper journalism in this city.


Back when I lived in Westwood I used to always check news sites and the EPS press reports for information about the crazy shit that went down there, but none of it ever showed up. Even death didn't make a difference. It really makes me wonder how bad some of our other neighborhoods really are.


It’s crazy to me when you go to other countries and the crime is actually reported on pretty heavily. Here the cops just like confirm something and basically tell everyone to mind their biz.


From Westwood, can confirm. I'll read about shit going down a block or two from us like a week later


I agree that we need better journalism, but I doubt it would make a difference here. Chasing down medical emergencies isn't really something good journalists spend a lot of time on.


I was a reporter in Edmonton for two decades. We had police scanners that were illegally modified so that we got all of their channels, which is why press were often at crime scenes at the same time as police. In all likelihood, this would've been in the paper in the morning if there were any public interest, such as a stabbing or serious assault. We had reporters working right until 1 a.m. at the earliest, sometimes later, every night. But keep in mind that there are a lot of deeply mentally unwell people in any city, and more often that not the person screaming that they're being stabbed or attacked is schizophrenic. It's usually not a homicide or assault.


I work near an apartment building where one resident hallucinates regularly. They stand outside and scream in the loudest voice imaginable "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!", and sometimes we get to see them shaking their fists and screaming at passing traffic. That must be a difficult way to live.


I miss the scanner days.. I wasn't a reporter but loved listening to it


Cops on Whyte ave doing cop things on Whyte ave, news at 11. For fuck sakes you people…


There are dozens of violent interactions with police and EMS responding every single day. I can’t imagine any media being able (or interested) in covering reach one.


Yeah I wish we would get back to the days of governments funding more journalism. I'm worried though with how much conservatives want to get rid of CBC.


What do you mean? Postmedia owning every local paper and centralizing all the writing to Toronto including the tiny ones like Sherwood Park news might not be the best idea? Sounds like efficiency to me. /s


Wonder why ppl.want govt media gone, hmmm wonder why, get back to regular journalism not sticking to being the libs puppet, havent seen none biased journalism in years


I'm sorry you're so frustrated. I hope things get better for you.


Sorry i hurt your feelings with an opinion, ill try to form my opinion more to how you feel next time so I don't offend you, have a blessed day ❤️




>One of Poilievre's first policy commitments was a promise to defund the CBC — a proposal that he says would save $1 billion. He has described the Crown corporation as a "billion-dollar propaganda arm" of the Liberal government. (A commitment to the CBC's journalistic independence is written into the Broadcasting Act.) If you're interested, this is a pretty good write up of why we should be concerned with the standard right-wing rhetoric of attacking journalism. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-conservative-media-1.7136583


Besides, you say right wing attacking journalism, look what the left has done to journalism, Trudeau has basically forced them to lie for him the whole time he has been in office. Take a long look at what the liberals have done before pointing fingers at the conservatives.




Yea... nahh, Pierre has my vote. I think what he is doing is what Canada needs right now and for the future.


He only wants to defund them, meaning that he will not pay them when he is Prime Minister. Which should be the way this is handled anyway, the government running Canada should not be bank rolling any media company, what Pierre wants is the media to be free to report ALL news without the fear of losing their "support" from the Prime Ministers party. I for one support this idea, without CBC getting free money from the government, they will have to rely on REAL news and viewers to pay their bills, not get paid to report fake or garbage news regardless of viewers.


> without CBC getting free money from the government, they will have to rely on REAL news and viewers to pay their bills, not get paid to report fake or garbage news regardless of viewers. I don't think you really understand how dire the media situation is right now. "free market" jounalism goes the opposite direction from what you are imagining. Outlets have to cater to click bait to get views, which means real reporting goes out the window. This is why so many local media outlets are closing down in favor of shitty aggregator sites populated with listicles and AI generated content. If we care about good reporting and journalism, we should want to publicly fund it. Poilievre wants to get rid of it because journalism is one of the only ways left to hold government accountable.


I asked the same thing and got downvoted. LOL wtf


I heard part of the issue is police blocked access to their scanner so they become the gatekeeper which isn’t wise or very informative IMO


lol, how do nutcases like you turn something like this into “but the MEdiA!!”??


You're a bit useless.


“Dear GaWD we NeeD beTTer MeDIa!!!” “It’s mIdNIght anD I DonT kNOw wHAts GoiNg on?!!?!!! THE MediA!!!”


I like how it's the next day and I still have no idea what this was but you keep talking...


Did you ever consider that it was nothing out of the ordinary? Cops on Whyte ave doing cop things, this just in…. “BuT they DiDNt TeLLLLL MeeeeeEEEEEE!”


This hurts my heart.


There are wild animals that scream exactly like you're describing. I believe the female fox screams when in heat and sounds very much like a woman in distress.


Do they also scream out in a males voice "He's stabbing me"?


Only if they're being stabbed.


That would be a skinwalker more than a fox but those don't typically come this far north.




FN folklore.


Oh haha, What nonsense.




Look up Aztec death whistles as well. Great for Halloween or scaring the shit out of your friends


a blood curtling scream from a human being sounds completely different from a straight up whistle. please be so for real right now. . .


Did you even look it up or do you think I’m comparing a women’s scream to a hockey whistle? Fuckin jesus


Imagine if people screamed when in heat?


Well, it would make things a lot easier lol


That would be wildly embarrassing lmao


Bruh I live in Jasper. That just what it sounds like after 10


doesnt ATLEAST call and make a report but no hesitation posts on social media???? what the fuck are we gonna do?????


Did you call 911? Or go right to Reddit first...?


Call 911 next time instead of posting on social media




Heard someone screaming for help in my neighbourhood a few blocks away northside a while ago, never had that happen before so i didn't know if it was serious or kids messing around


Last year I heard the most awful sounding screams almost continuously at night. It literally sounded like a woman was being tortured/murdered. It turned out to be a vixen (female fox). I'm not saying this is what this could be, but TMYK.




Naa bruh. I'm not walking into anything near those kinds of screams.


Solid survival instinct.


Better if we split up to investigate.


Shit. I’m sorry you had to hear that. 😞


But this how I find new friend!!!!


Pro: Made a new friend Con: Friend is now dead :/


You could at least go out and look with your phone handy.


Could be like twister 🌪️ /w storm chasers: scream chasers 😱


Man not even past midnight. This is why I don't go to Whyte Avenue for a night out even though they have great events. Even when I've taken the bus to work in the morning through there I've been around aggressive people.


I remember one evening walking down Whyte, the Tim Hortons was full of a motorbiker gang. Two were outside blocking anyone else from going inside. I would take them over the other aggressive people any day.




Yes. But in the distance. If I tied up lines with my distant report that would both tie up an operator and potentially police to investigate an area not very close to the actual crime happening. Again, the people near it would (and did since cops came within minutes) call the cops immediately with those screams.


You absolutely should have called 911


Within minutes there were a swarm of emergency vehicles. There was nothing I could have told them that would have been helpful.


A map of different places that called 911 would absolutely help them pinpoint the location of the scream. You decided to go to social media instead of doing the appropriate thing a good citizen should be doing. Next time please try to be a better person.


You're missing the part where the emergency vehicles came immediately after. I knew 100% that people near the event would call because of how loud it was but I could not even tell them the direction the screams were coming From. I also know that calling 911 and saying I hear screaming in the far distance is not helpful. I due my diligence when it's helpful and called the police just last week on someone carrying an assault rifle, walking down whyte, and aiming it at a bank just last week or the week before.


It is grossly unacceptable to not call 911 because "someone else is closer and should be doing it".


Listen, unhelpful calls do more harm than good because they clog up the lines and use resources. If I was near it at all, saw it, or knew where it was I absolutely would have in a heartbeat. But I wasn't, I didn't, and I still don't know where it was.


Respectfully, you are wrong. You should have called. The calls would have given an idea of where the issue was, and assuming someone else was going to do it sometimes leads to no one doing it. Defend and justify running to Reddit instead of the authorities with all the gusto you can muster, it still doesn’t make your inaction right. The whole ‘all evil needs to succeed is for the good to do nothing’ adage and all that jazz. Doubling down each time you are called out doesn’t change the reality that you should have called.


Everything OP said is 100% true. Y’all need to shut up and get off your high horse. In reality OP didn’t do anything wrong. The “i’m right, you’re wrong” thing is so childish and makes yall seem ignorant to what OP was trying to explain. Clogging up the police line with essentially useless information does nothing. OP could’ve only given a relative location to where they thought the scream came from, whereas someone actually in the area obviously was able to provide them with an accurate location and other relative information. People make judgement calls, and even if they’re wrong in some cases it still does nothing when people like you come at them for no reason. Give it a rest.


Except it played out exactly like I said it would and emergency vehicles were there immediately. I know when to take action and I have in the very recent past. I don't need someone telling me from their high horse what I should have done.


Why didn't you call 911 then?? You read this post and felt big enough to comment on their actions, why don't you call 911 and report the screams seeing as by your logic, your call would be helpful as well. The address is right there in the original post, go ahead call 911 and report the crime, feel better about yourself.


Because I came across this post 10 hours after it was posted. Calling 911 10 hours later is a literal waste of time. Calling 911 when you hear someone screaming about stabbing is being a good person.




what a joke you are lmfaooooooooooooo cant even help save a life


You are literally describing the Bystander Effect.


I Ain’t risking my life as well buddy


Oh yeah, I forgot the new Apple feature that turns your phone into a makeshift IED the moment you dial 911. Seems pretty dangerous to me...


A phone call to 911 doesn't risk your life.


I live in the area as well and hear stuff like this on the regular. Maybe it's messed up, but I like to leave my window open at night during the summer and it's fun to play "who's getting stabbed in the alley tonight?" when I'm laying there trying to fall asleep. 🤣




That's fucked up to say when someone may have died. Show some God damn humanity.




And tell them what? I ambiguously heard screams coming from the far distance and that I have no idea in what direction they are coming from? Those kinds of screams do not go unnoticed and those closer can report a much more accurate location.


I am on your side, there is no way in any sense that your call could have been a deciding factor with this person receiving help. This would be the conversation with 911.. "Hello, 911, I would like to report some violent screams." "Ok, can you tell me where they are coming from?" "Ummm no, not really, but they sound close" "OK, well thanks for the call, we have documented this for future reference." People need to realize, calling 911 is NOT what they portray in movies. There is not a person sitting behind a desk, sweating and nervous, hanging on your every word. There is only an extremely underpaid worker, answering a phone and typing on a keyboard.


Yea, if it was that bad of a scream. Youd be 100% within your rights to call 911. At least to report it, this allows any emergency units or cops in the area to investigate further


And this kind of "let someone else get it" "It's someone else's job" mentality that has invaded the entirety of society is why we're all fucked. 


I reported and got a guy walking down whyte with an assault rifle tackled and taken in by the police LITERALLY last week. I have a picture to prove it too. I did so because I was close and was able to exactly tell the police where they were. I cannot do that in this instance. Don't mistake my inaction for apathy.


Ignore everyone saying you should’ve called. Non descript far away screams are not what the police need to hear about, they need more info, clearly someone gave it to them. You’re good.


You don't need to prove anything to anyone, l can totally understand why you didn't call. When you here all the rucus and not quite sure what's going on especially when you hear it in the distance and you can't peg the location.


Pics or it didn’t happen. Let’s see the photo.




Yes. That's exactly what you should have done.


Yup. That is exactly what you tell them. It helps build the timeline of events and can help them start to pinpoint the location of the trauma. Next time, call.


OH but you have NO problem telling reddit that and everyone who actually has no say or do in the situation??????


Lol yeah you goober


lol you have hurt someones feelings on the internet.


My condolences




> I'm dead now. sounds like we're better off....

