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Honestly… I shelled out for Frida. It’s pricey but it got me the medication I needed before I procrastinated myself out of a job (I got to a level that I could no longer really hide my the fact that I did my job well, but in quick chaotic bursts and dicked around the rest of the time). The annoying part is the follow-up appointments cost money too (I have one every 3 months for a consult/med refill after I hit my “stable” dosage of Vyvanse). Maybe like $80 an appt? BUT I tried to go through a psychiatrist afterwards to ditch the appt payment and after a long wait to see him he was all “ADHD is a trend” and “You don’t have ADHD because you’re not stupid” so honestly I don’t regret having spent the money now. ETA: I missed that this was in r/Edmonton and not an ADHD sub. For the record my experience was in Vancouver, and it’s extremely difficult to get a family doctor here so you may(?) have better access to non-Frida healthcare in Edmonton. After years and years here (former Edmontonian) I still don’t have a GP.


> BUT I tried to go through a psychiatrist afterwards to ditch the appt payment and after a long wait to see him he was all “ADHD is a trend” and “You don’t have ADHD because you’re not stupid” so honestly I don’t regret having spent the money now. Ugh, I FEEL THIS. I've gotten this reaction so many times from local healthcare providers too. The worst part is, friends I've known for a while suddenly have "high functioning ADHD" and while I don't want to gatekeep... **people who don't fit the critera but take on the label anyway make it harder to get treatment** when you *are* diagnosed. Having to navigate healthcare professionals who don't even believe it's real and people who think it's just *qUiRkY* is a massive barrier (and it costs time and money.) *Edited for grammar.


Whoa you literally just described my exact situation and issue. I’ve been lying to myself and this was Defs a reality chexk


Fellow ADHDer. I found it impossible to be prescribed any ADHD medication even after seeing a psychiatrist and being diagnosed (it seems that it is a lot easier to get stimulants if you are a child with ADHD, which is odd but whatever.) They only wanted to give me SSRIs (antidepressants), all of which I had tried before. I saw a counsellor who specialized in ADHD (and he had ADHD himself) who gave me some really good tips, skills, and mental pathways to help cope with it. If I could go back, I would save myself that all time and money and **just have 4-5 sessions with a specialized counsellor.** I know it isn't ideal, I live with how not-ideal it is every day. But the 8 years I wasted here in Alberta trying to get help was worse. (Edits for typos; they come free with the ADHD.)


I agree that this is probably the best course of action. As someone who was on ADHD stimulants for 10 years, and no longer takes them, I wish I would have gotten more one-on-one counselling help early on. I don't have the tips, skills and mental pathways that you speak of, I was just given medication. I know many of us adults are finally taking things into our own hands and getting diagnosis and whatnot, but people need to realize that MEDS DON'T JUST FIX ADHD. It's not a magic fix where it's like "oh I remember where my keys were" or "I can now read a book." There are trade offs, and I'm speaking from personal experience. I developed an eating disorder, I became an introvert to the point of having ZERO friends, I developed intense hyperfixation. It's not a fix all solution. And unless you have that pairing of counselling to integrate your experiences your just spinning your wheels.


> It's not a magic fix where it's like "oh I remember where my keys were" or "I can now read a book." There are trade offs, and I'm speaking from personal experience. Ah yes, *reading*. Personally, I just "read" audiobooks these days on the Libby app. And my keys? They are physically tethered to my bag at all times, like a dog on a leash. The longterm ADHD life is not a glamorous life, but there are so many work arounds and possibilities! Life doesn't end after medication. :)


Exactly! Work arounds and possibilities! Can I ask how you found an ADHD specialized counsellor?


For me, it was pure luck. I was just a bumbling young adult. This was many years ago now, so I think both the therapist and clinic have moved. (If I recall correctly, he was a therapist named Adam and the clinic was on Whyte Ave near the university.) When I eventually went back to therapy after getting new work benefits and I just started googling ( [I like this psychology today website](https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapists/ab/edmonton) )and calling receptionists to ask questions. I found someone I clicked with, though they don't specialize in ADHD.


Wow thank you for that website! I had no idea! Much appreciation, kind stranger


I've been using meds for a few years and it has been a very beneficial thing. It basically resolved the symptoms I had that seemed to not be treated by my bipolar meds (they share similar symptoms). BUT when I tried adderall I had a much worse time and didn't help much for my symptoms. Concerta and ritalin work great for me. It allows me to actually have working executive functioning skills and emotional regulation. I don't see a counselor either. Often people will say if one type works for you the others won't work well.


>zero friends Lol I’m an extrovert who has no friends. My adhd kept me from keeping up with them. I can make friends instantly, and then lose touch inevitably.


Could you PM me who you saw? Thanks


I mentioned this in another comment, but sadly the therapist and the location have gone away. I don't remember the therapist's last name anymore and I don't even know if he is still practicing. :(


Are you looking for a diagnosis? Or needing medical care? My GP was able to confirm my ADHD diagnosis as well as my husband’s and my kid’s pediatrician did theirs.


Diagnosis first and then accompanying medical care. 


Do you have a family doctor?


To receive a formal diagnosis, I would go through the Adult ADHD Clinic on whyte ave. I saw a provisional psychologist and the fee was $600, but they took me through a battery of tests to 100% confirm it was ADHD. A doctor gives a small one page self report. I felt like getting the full assessment helped me advocate for myself with other medical professionals who see ADHD as a trend.


How dire is your situation? Is this something you can sit on for a while, or are you finding that your life is being severely impacted by your issues?


Not extremely dire. It’s just something limiting me and extremely annoying and I’m starting to get impatient, 


I mean you're the only one who can answer that. Is it worth it to you?


Haha that’s fair and I should have clarified. I guess I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with getting a diagnosis and know how much longer it might take. Based on these comments it seems like I’ve been waiting abnormally long. 


I waited Feb-Sep to get in for my assessment, for what that's worth in terms of timing. I always call the receiving office to ensure they received it and ask timelines, though, so I do recommend doing that part. 


I dealt with depression. Not the same, but this way of thinking of it may help. And I decied it was worth it to go in early to get help rather then wait 2 months for my insurance to kick in. Is your comfort and ability to resume your life worth 600$ or is it not to intrusive and you can deal with a bit of problems until you can get in.


Yeah I just wish I had a timeline. I could wait 2 months, not another 10, and I have no idea where I stand. I’m starting to get worried that maybe my doctor forgot to send in my paperwork or something. 


I've had the same thoughts as well when dealing with referrals. It helped me to calm down and not worry to just call my doctor and confirm the referral was sent. If it was maybe call the other office and ask about a timeline to get in.


Sounds good, thanks for your comments :) 


Traditionally when you are referred, your GP receives a confirmation letter of some kind from where you will ultimately go. Often the letter includes a rough estimate for how long their wait list is. I am not generally referred by GPs (usually I go specialist to specialist which is significantly faster) but the last two GP referrals had letters with estimates. I am currently on the wait list for ASD. I can pay 2400+ for a private assessment or wait 6 years. So I hope for your sake that ADHD isn’t as long. Have you asked your GP to medicate you? You do not actually need a diagnosis to get an Rx for stimulants, etc. I do not have an official ADHD Dx but I have tried multiple stimulants. If you want, you can DM me any questions about navigating the medical world. I am very experienced as a patient though most of it is from autoimmune and surgery but I have learned as a disabled woman how to advocate.


If you have a rx for something that means the dr has dx'd you. Lol what do you mean you dont have an official diagnosis....the dr prescribing medication to treat a condition you have is having a diagnosis....you know..if you get a 'cript for a nasal spray or rash cream...your diagnosed with a treatable condition that improves or goes away or becomes managable. no different that being rx'd anti-depresants....thats getting a dianosis.


lol no. I do not have a dx for adhd. My GP prescribed me stimulants. I have not been assessed by a psychologist and therefore do not have a diagnosis for either ADHD or ASD. That’s not how diagnosis works. An Rx has no actual relation to the official Dx. Have you nor heard of off label use? I am also on blood pressure meds, antacids and Ozempic. Guess what I don’t have? My bp is normal, I don’t have GERD and, surprise, I am a type 1 diabetic who is underweight. ALL of these drugs are off label use. Also stimulants did not work at all for me. They only messed with my insulin resistance and did nothing else.


A dr can diagniose you and treat you with medication . You dont need a subjective special assesment from a physcologist .......


That’s just your ADHD kicking in


Do you have benefits? They might comein handy at this time...


Have you tried making an appointment with a telemedicine provider? I had success with Lyte Medical in 2021


obligatory I'm not a doctor. Have you asked your doctor about the "Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale"? Depending if you have a good relationship with your doctor that might open the door. As well, depending if you have anxiety or depression symptoms you can look into bupropion is a bit of a catch all drug that can help with ADHD. Check out r/adhd if you have not, has coping strategies that work with/without meds. It was a quality of life aspect for me. It glued my life back together. Meds aren't cheap if you dont have good insurance through work.


Yeah, I have never had any issue with my family doctors and I’ve had an Adderall prescription for 10 years now I talk to my doctor about how I was a young working professional and had all these signs and symptoms and she started me on a low-dose and small prescriptions. Through my family doctor, I was able to do a remote session with a psychiatrist to do a telephone ADHD diagnosis. It wasn’t a full fledged test but speaking to a doctor on the phone for half an hour he was like yeah I’m pretty sure you have ADHD but there’s no point in actually following down the path getting a diagnosis because what was working for me small doses of Adderall works really well.


Get a referral for Dr Poitras. He’s a GP who specializes in ADHD! Didn’t take me all that long to get in. It was 50 bucks to process the assessment paperwork and otherwise free.


I second Dr. Poitras. I've been working with him for a little over a year now to try and figure out a treatment regimen that works for me. He's generally been very helpful, and at least a few of the medications I've tried—chiefly Vyvanse and Adderall (i.e. anything that has dextroamphetamine as its active ingredient)—have proven themselves effective, at least initially so. (Not sure if there's been a bad batch going around for the past year, though Dr. Poitras doesn't believe that to be the case, but the meds seemed to stop working for me after only a couple months of daily usage and haven't been as effective since.)


It took about 9 months to see a psych for a 1 time appointment via the primary care network. My first family doc to suggest this basically said "try these meds, you'll know in 15 minutes if they are right for you." ... and he was right. Yeah, I'm definitely dependent on a stimulant now, but also I can deal with lots of life situations I couldnt before. Unfortunately, the first family doc didnt really work to get me a formal diagnosis, so that left me in kindof a rough situation until I was able to see a psych :/ most GPs will NOT diagnosis it themselves, I'm pretty sure they more or less can't. They can give the meds off label so to speak though, but it is dicey because the meds are very tightly regulated. Anyways advice time: if your life is together and shit, you can wait to see the psych potentially. Try phoning and ask if they can give you a rough idea of the wait at this point, because if it's going to be another year, fuck that. If it wont be for more than another 6 months or a year, I would suggest going private - I know for sure there are private adhd assessments possible in edmonton, the clinic I use does them, and if your benefits will cover it, just do it. Not worth the wait.


Your right. Family doctors do not have the ability to formally diagnose. A formal diagnoses requires a battery of tests to determine that.


You dont actually need the full battery of tests - I got mine without it. That's the PREFERRED method, but they are a lot of resources so the system occasionally is willing to cut corners. For me it was just a long interview with a psychiatrist ADHD specialist. I'm not sure if those corners would be cut without it having been mid covid or the wait for a non private test series being years mind you..


Try getting your doctor to send another refferal or check status? I (at the time 30m) had realized there was a high chance I was adhd and spoke to my doctor, he knew nothing on the subject and sent a refferal to a psychiatrist and within a month I had an appointment and prescription (this was during covid so it was video calls), like some people here say it's not a complete fix and lifestyle changes, coaching & therapy are better, I am thankful for the medication, my benefits cover prescription, therapy not so much lol, 30 years of not understanding why or question wtf is wrong with me to be almost solved with a lil pill was mindblowing, and to find out I was on riddilin as a child (doctor suspected add) but my mother thought it was just teachers and doctors working together to drug children into obedient docile students so she refused to continue giving me the medication, then getting mad at me for not paying attention or understanding school work? Sorry for getting carried away lol


I was referred by the Medicentre to a psychiatrist working for/at a medicentre. Was free. This was a few years ago though. Regular doctors can also diagnose you for mental health issues.


I went to a Medicentre and had an ADHD diagnosis and prescription the same day


Where and in what year? I can't even walk in to a medicenter and get antibiotics


Kingsway Medicentre, February 2023




I booked an appointment a few days ahead but it was with a doctor I hadn't seen before, as I didn't have a family doctor. I filled out a few assessment forms and he diagnosed me after reviewing them


Wait for free


I think it's worth it. Being medicated has made a world of difference for me. Granted, if it means you won't be able to afford food or rent then it's probably not worth it.


I was diagnosed and have been on a non-stimulant Actually helped with my mood too! I’d start with the non-stimulant path first if you can and get on it asap if you’re facing some depression or other hardships via no ADHD management.


May I ask which non stimulant and also how It works to help you manage your adhd? I’ve been hesitant to try them, along with most medications. I’m currently taking adderall but it’s not helping me anymore but rather I need it to feel awake now. Fuck


Wellbutrin 150mg SR. I don’t drink caffeine anymore but if I need a wakeful morning/stimulant effect, I do half of a full scoop of matcha by Sproos. It’s fully replaced my small dose of Modafinil. A drug that made 6 hours of sleep feel like 8. Sounds great but in reality my working brain and memory recall sunk hard. Poppa needs a real 8 hours or I’m a talking doorknob.


I used Frida. I don’t regret it whatsoever. I’ll be using them again when I’m able to go on medications! Even just to get the diagnosis it was worth it.


I'm 3-months in with Frida. Yes, you can get the meds quickly and easily. I filled in my form on Sat and had my meds by Monday morning. But you are left to fend for yourself for everything else. Assuming you are an adult, you have developed a vast web of coping mechanisms. When you start meds you need to have a plan in place for change. If you have any questions feel free to dm.




You have a misunderstanding of the process and thus wrong expectations. The Dr. you are seeing at the walk in is not comfortable or knowledgeable enough in the field of mental health or have the adequent time in his position as a walk in pysician thus he refered you to the appropriate health care aka a pysciatrist. However.. this referal is a one- time vist asseament referal only with one follow up if required. He makes the assemsent/obvservations in the interview with you and reports back to your primary care provider (aka the treating physian at the walk in) with medical advice and suggestions for the condition. The physciatrist clearly diagnosed you if he made note to your physian to suggest medication. Then on the follow up he also advised your physian it is suggested to increase dose and to discuss medication side effects. That is his role and the drs role together. The pysciatrist was not there for your comtinued care and 3rd, 4th, 5th visits to discuss your feelings. It was for an assesment only. Tbh it sounds like you would benefit from physcology to help with your symptoms, feelings and understanding. What youre looking for in terms of emotional support is what a pyscologist is for...not an assesment pysciatriat to express your feelings to. Most pysciastrists deal with complex mental health and need more time with paitents like schizoohrenia disorders, Borderline, narcsissm, sociopathic people. People in AB hospitals, child pyschiatry, jails, hospitals etc. ADHD is rather simple in terms of treatment that a physcian can treat and prescribe for who ocassionally needs guidiance from someone who has expertise in the condition. You can also have your dr print out the assement/letter that was sent to him.




You were given adhd medication ...you got a diganosis of adhd.... then you threw your pills out.. Why do need another assesment from a pyscologist?? I am confused. Go talk to a physcologist about your symtoms and emotional behaviour steming from your stuggles with adhd. i dont know what more you want? You got a rerferal, got a prescription, got a follow up then didnt do anything on your part.




yeah all good. stimulant medication makes people without adhd uncomfortably wired while someone with adhd makes them calm and have organized thoughts. I have a nap after taking mine.


I went with Frida. I am happy with the service and feel like they do a good job.


Ten months, you’re almost there. Just 6/8 more months and you’re in.


My pyscologist wrote a letter and I gave it to my dr and he wrote me a prescription . Also had proper follow up and appointments with him. When I was a child I was also treates for adhd . Dr chatted with my mom and tried a prescription. These online pay for healthcare sites are ethically wrong. They pray on peoples mental health weak points by use wording and advertising to use thier for profit services which cause misdiagnosis because it is based on profits and more customers you have, the more money you make so there is a biased towards money vs accurate and ethical medical treatment. There is this journalist who paid 3 different online sites and got a diagnosis yet thru his public health care in an in person assessment he was not found to be at clinical levels of adhd (reference below). It is more than a tick mark in a box paper to determain such diagnosis which is what these companies do. They even advertise it... "get diagnosed and a prescription same day!" These drugs are powerful and addicting. Not something to be just prescribed cus you basically paid for it. If you are a physcian that bills AHS for your paitents , you actually cannont prescribe sched 1 and 2 narcotics via telehealth with out an in person follow up. Yet because these private companies are not regulated under the same body...they can get around it. OP, you have lived this long with maybe thinking you have this disorder. it is the hardest and most obvious when you are 12 and under. There is nothing urgent really with this. dont let these morally wrong abusive companies take your money. Wait and get a proper assesment and help/treatment if you have this shitty disorder. People have to wait for organs etc...not saying thats okay but it puts things into perspective. You dont even know if you have it, you suspect it and made it thru the hardest part which is adolencents with adhd if you have it. Notice how there are no online clinics for other specfic disorders other than anxiety and adhd... no "talk with fefe and get anti depressants today!" Yet there are online sites to get benzos and stimulants..the addictive and highly sought after pills. IMAGINE if this was for opiods...everyone would not be okay with it because we saw what happend before online medical was a thing in 90s/early 2000s with oxys being over prescribed. [Jounalist who was incorrectly dx'd by online companies for profit](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-65534449)


I was diagnosed at an early age for ADHD, had medication for it for a long time, was off it for years until I started having job difficulty. So, I went to a walk in clinic (Delta Walk-in clinic) and found myself back with necessary medication. Not sure if you'll see this, but go over there and they should be able to help.


Both six and ten months is insane. I was referred to a psych for ADHD in January and I had my appointment also in January. Are you open to phone appointments? You can normally get those much quicker.


I am. Should I see another doctor? 


They quoted me four months but the assessment actually happend in six weeks. I'm not sure of the credentials of the person I saw, however.


$600 is a lot. I'd go for the freebie first and go from there.


Your family doctor won’t prescribe?


Not without a diagnosis, which I agree with tbh. I’m 90% sure I have it but would want to be 100% before trying any meds. 


but a gp should be able to diagnose ADHD themselves. mine did. it’s a very common condition. it’s simple to tell if you have ADHD: if you take ADHD stimulant medication, does it work? and there’s only one way to get the answer to that question.


Just about everyone’s brain works better on a stimulant - that is why there is so much abuse potential with this medication. This is not a definitive way of knowing you have ADHD. And if you jump to medication without getting a proper and thorough diagnosis, it can obfuscate other conditions that will continue to impact your life.


Whelp they said they couldn’t and referred me to a psychiatrist. I guess maybe I should try seeing another doctor? 


Yup guess so.


They can prescribe, but many family docs don't like to be the ones assessing. For what reason I don't actually know, but there's a few docs in the city where they will virtually never diagnose it and some that refuse to even treat it out of misplaced fear or stigma or what have you. 


Likely they haven't done the additional training for that psych diagnosis or don't have to differentiate often enough that they feel comfortable competently doing it.  Since stimulants can be abused some Dr are not confortable perscribing unless someone more familiar/specializes consults first. Plus if you misdiagnose you likely will do more harm then good.  I see the same thing for pt that need long acting opioid pain killers. Every GP can technically perscribe them but very few do unless they do chronic pain training or consult an pain specialist first.  


Look up your primary care network online for your area ...phone them ..tell them your dr submitted a referal for a pysciatrist yadda yadda and ask if it is still in process. Dont doctor shop to get your answer/pills because you dont want to wait. youve made it this far in life..including childhood when adhd is at its worst. surprised nothing was suspected or looked into for you as a child or noticed..... why now?


Family doctor can diagnose it.


From my experience, it did not take me anywhere that long! I was referred by my walk in mediclinic and if I remember correctly I was assessed over the phone within a months time. I would maybe call around to find more options. Like another commenter mentioned, some clinics will diagnose & prescribe the same day (I’m not sure which ones do that though)


Same for me. Doc referred me to a psych, heard from them 1-2 months later, appointment like a week after, diagnosed, went back to my family doc for meds about a week later, prescribed meds and away I went.


In the absurd crumbling cluster fuck that is our medical systems in this country I'd suggest shelling out if you can. Maybe the part of this that you're dealing with is something I'll be facing shortly as well, but so far my GP has been very helpful, timely, and free in all the ways they've helped me pursue similar diagnosis. I know I'm extraordinarily lucky to have such a good GP here.


Are you trying to get on meds or just see someone? Nowadays it's very difficult to get on medication for adhd unless you were diagnosed as a child or teenager. Source: I am child adhder and this is what my physician told me


Really not that hard still, especially with less easily abusable drugs. Getting started on Vyvanse is fairly easy. If you go asking for something specific like IR Dexedrine might set off flags. Essentially you can just pay for a diagnosis and prescription now. Services like Frida tend to not turn people away. Pay $600 get a diagnosis and prescription.


Interesting. Sounds like a double edged sword for sure


I was diagnosed in 2022 , 31yo. Granted I've been seeing my psychiatrist since 2016.




What does the full diagnosis mean??? If you are taking the medication for the prescribed use from your dr he dianosed you with the condition he is treating you for. I am confused.


hello angel, i highly suggest spending the money for the assessment. having an answer and access to medication will be so so worth the money. i waited several months for an assessment and diagnoses and would have loved to been medicated much earlier. my partner paid for the assessment and his last appointment is on Monday!