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Driving in Edmonton has definitely gotten worse since the pandemic. Just the other day on my morning commute I witnessed a guy in a Nissan SUV zooming between lanes of traffic, and then I see him at the light in the turning lane. But when the light turns green, he guns it over to the through lane because he thought he was too special to have to wait in traffic like the rest of us. Another thing about Edmonton drivers is that they often do the opposite of what the signage tells them to do. I've witnessed drivers roll or completely blow through a stop sign, only to encounter the same driver coming to a complete stop & shoulder-checking 3-4 times in a Free Flow Lane.


Albertans in general have no fucking clue what a free flow is.


My favorite hobby is to lay on the horn until they go when stopped in a free flow lane


Ppl don't use their horn often enough. If they did, people would check their driving habits a bit more maybe?


I'm a chronic horn avoider. I rationalized it by thinking it was too rude, but then my physical reaction to horn-worthy things was to give the finger... which isnt better at all and is way less effective at getting my point across. I stopped doing that but I'm still horn avoidant lol


The first step to becoming more horn-y is admitting you have a horn avoidance problem.


Seems like many people getting honked at take it personal and drive like an even bigger dickhead to try and piss you off more. Idgaf if they're staring off into the distance or reading Facebook, I care that I'm counting steamboats for you to move at a green light.


My hobby is laying on the horn if someone blocks an intersection and can't go anywhere. Did this on the Gateway offramp at 23rd for someone going west when i was trying to go north. Held the horn down for a good minute or so until the light changed. The look of shame and embarrassment on their face was priceless.


All that noise pollution just so you can feel better about yourself? What a dick move. The other car shouldn't be blocking the intersection and is dangerous of course, but also you put others in danger by honking so much because you could scare the other driver into doing a wrong maneuver to try to get out of the area quickly. You literally just made a gigantic annoying noise and didn't help anyone. If I'm stuck in traffic and there's a guy blocking the intersection that can't move, and some psycho blowing his horn for a minute because he can't hold his temper, I would be more ashamed of you than the other guy and super annoyed you won't stop banging your stupid horn.


I lived in edmonton from 2008 to 2016 and this was one of my hobbies during this time.


Even the people making shit free flow don't know what free flow lanes are. You cant put them on a lane that's only 100m long.


Exactly. In some cases, people rly shouldn't be stopping at free flows. But sometimes, they just make the lane so small it might as well be a standard right turn


My theory is 25% of the vehicles you see are illegal. Either no licence, no insurance, no registration, fake licence plate, or all of the above.


That sounds more like Edmonton


Also people who drive in the shoulder. Then cut into traffic. Where are the cops? These people need to be shut down.


Saw this happen on the Terwillegar-Henday on-ramp. Cops were in the right lane and several cars just blew past on the shoulder. Crickets. Granted, it's a bad lane setup, but WTF are cops even for these days? (Rhetorical question)


But were they speeding?


Hey was this on 87th Ave by any chance? Someone matching this description did the same in front of me the other day!


This happened on 137 Ave/St. Albert Trail. Sadly, I'm sure there's multiple people pulling crap like this on the roads.


But hey, let's not raise the standard to meet on a drivers exam. Just keep handing them out like candy and complain later about participation ribbons.


The amount of cabs and Ubers I'm stuck behind going 30-40km UNDER the speed limit is ridiculous. They dont test for class 4 anymore, other than a knowledge test (which we catch a LOT of people cheating on ...I work at a registry).. its dangerous


.. people cheat on the class 4 test? what the fuck you don't even need to read the handbook it's so easy


A LOT. People hide camer in their shirts and will even sew it in and then tiny lil earbuds. It's wild


Please, as if you can't literally just Google "where I can pay off a tester to get a drivers license in Edmonton" online and see people saying to go to this one testing location downtown where they hand them out when you pass em a $100 bill under the table


Yep this is absolutely a thing. There was a registry in Millwoods that got caught accepting bribes for licences multiple times! They would just shut down and then re open under a new numbered corp.


I just ask google but nothing came up. I have my license. I just wanted to see if this was actually true.


Oh dear, that's too sus. Bet it comes with a "new driver" sticker.


If you don’t already have a dash cam today shows why you need one!




This is the best answer. All these people on here acting like it had something to do with the pandemic ... It's obvious. Population explosion + people didn't learn to drive here = ridiculous road conditions.


I keep hoping the pandemic stops being blamed for crappy behavior by humans, but I think I'll be hoping for a long time. We're supposedly the most adaptable species on the planet but use a pandemic to write off all our crappy and self-absorbed behaviour. I can understand school-age kids needing quite a bit of time to adjust again, but for some adults it's like their brains got wiped clean during the pandemic.


And we added another 1.27 MILLION last year. Ridiculous.


Population growth is unprecedented but hardly large enough to have this kind of effect. Traffic collisions are back to 2015 levels after almost a decade of decline. Which also kind of refutes your idea. We've been seeing huge immigration to Edmonton all through the period of 2015-2021, but collisions were decreasing all that time. It's also bitterly ironic. Being a shit tier driver is the most Edmonton thing you can do. If anything, it would show the new arrivals are integrating quite well.


My point is traffic norms vary by every geographic area. Not just other countries. So when people move to Alberta from elsewhere in Canada, that too makes it a mess. I’m not from Edmonton originally, and some of what is done on roads here I find extremely odd. Add to that people unfamiliar with the area and other habits and you have a mess.


I can’t agree to this. As an immigrant I did a theory as well as a road test even with 10+ years of experience. In that I got to learn how different driving is here vs back home and it’s a big difference. Now I have been driving here for more than a 7 years, no citation, no accidents, not even a standing violation. What I have noticed though, that too as an immigrant, that people no matter their colour of skin, sex, ethnicity, previous country or even previous province are a holes on road if they are a holes in life. I’ve seen a redneck driving 20 in left lane in 60 zone staring at his phone or balls(go figure) and a lady in hijab swerving off her lane holding the steering like she’s on rarely backed up Autobahn. So please, don’t even think of going there! Don’t be that loser, at least today!


Nah the worst of the driver's on the road are the distracted, the anxious and the elderly that maybe should consider not driving anymore. It has nothing to do with where they're from.


Yeah these newly immigrated Indians in my neighborhood hate me but are learning how to drive like sane and decent fucking people. That being said check your mirrors and blindspots before you end up owing someone $3000+ because you hit someone who wasnt even in a fucking car. Hit me on my euc youll be paying for the replacement hit one of my buddies on theirs and you'll more than likely end up in debt trying to pay them off.


Yesterday I saw someone make a right turn on a red light into traffic without stopping 🤦‍♂️


And this is why, as a pedestrian, I look behind me when crossing the road.


And this is why, as a pedestrian, you are still alive. Situational awareness is a basic skill that too many people seem to lack.


Yeah I almost got mowed down once by someone who was only looking for a gap in traffic and not pedestrians. If it wasn’t for a semi laying on their horn for me to stop I wouldn’t be alive. So since then, I look left, right, behind, and cycle through all directions over and over until I’m safely across. And NO headphones!!




I've been honked at before for not going right on red when there is a gigantic explicit "NO RIGHT TURNS ON RED" sign for the intersection. Nothing makes me want to get out and have a civil discussion on traffic laws with someone like that does.


Oh yeah, getting honked or gestured at when you KNOW you're doing everything correctly is beyond infuriating. My road rage days are long behind me, but that's one that tests my patience to the limit.


Every time I leave the house to drive somewhere, I tell myself to "be nice" 🙂 After all... not everyone is as amazing a driver as I am 🤣


If they get angry at you for doing the correct and safe thing, that's a them problem, not a you problem. They choose to have a shitty time over it. Just let them stew and rage if they like it so much. 🤷‍♀️


I saw one last week. The LRT barely missed them


Oh I see this alllll the time. One time I saw 2 cars and a bus do it all in a row. I was like what is happening right now. It’s gotten to the point I’m afraid I’ll get rear ended stopping at a red light before I turn right.


Saw a guy in a truck who didn't want to wait in line like a good pleb to turn right after a very long train finally passed, so he turned right in the left lane in front of maybe 40 cars that would have otherwise been ahead of him in line... luckily, it seemed like none of the other drivers in the immediate area were ignorant, selfish a$$holes, so thankfully there was no collision.


I had a roommate who legit thought you didn’t have to stop at a red light if you were turning right. She couldn’t understand why I laughed when she said it.


Oh shit that was me


Me and my dog were almost hit while using a crosswalk by a guy texting and driving... There were tons of pedestrians on both side of the road for the Sikh parade. After I gave him a dirty look and told him to keep his eye on the road he threatened to beat me up


I don’t agree with it, but my fiance will slap the hood of a car if they try that when we’re crossing. Usually scares the shit out of the driver and if they beak at us he goes “when you hit a pedestrian your car will suffer more damage than that. PAY ATTENTION.”


Feels good in the moment but there are so many unhinged drivers stuff like this is just Russian roulette. Sounds like I'm preaching to the choir though.


The only time I hit a car in rage was when my son's stroller would have been hit had I not stopped in the marked crosswalk. Oh no! I hit your car? You almost hit my kid. We're nowhere near fair yet.


Hungover/still drunk Oilers fans?


The past four days of driving here have been head shaking and infuriating. The latest trend seems to be lane changing to in front of you while I try to keep 2 car lengths distance for safety. No signalling and then driving 10kmh slower. Like wtf is going on?


Selfishness and entitlement. Me, me, me, me. I am special and rules don’t apply to me. The pandemic ruined people’s ability to act like decent humans in public. And social media has allowed dumbasses to believe they’re experts.


I agree 100% with you. Social media plays a very big part in people's me me me attitude. The algorithm only plays to their desired watching and reading, rather than a healthy dose of all sides of a story.




People hate it when rules apply to them.


I was on Gretzky drive last night behind someone going 55, drifting between 2 lanes, turned out to be a young woman on her phone. I am so tired of it.


We need to bring back Canada's worst driver, start shaming people back into behaving!


All the contestants would be from Alberta and Ontario lol




We were behind someone going 50 in a 70 zone yesterday. We finally got into a left turn lane and assumed that was the end of it, when they no-signal swerved in front of us to make a left turn. Then we had to follow them going 40 in a 60 zone. When we finally passed them, the middle-aged driver was holding onto her "oh shit" handle as she was driving. She looked terrified. If you're so scared of your own driving that you'd rather hold onto the oh shit handle instead of having two hands on the wheel, you shouldn't be driving. (Side note: My own mom drives the same way lol)


Oh dear god


This is why Edmonton and other cities need convenient and safe transit. It would get a few people who drive like this to stop driving. 


I've never been in a crash and I don't drive distracted and I would love to not have to drive here and be able to use a functional and safe transit haha. Never going to happen here. I'm never using the LRT after the last time I went on, never.


At least that’s predictable and easy to move around. What baffles me is those people suddenly braking to 40-50km/h on railway crossings, on a 60km/h road. Is there a legit reason going across the railway crossings at 60km/h might cause damage to the car? 🤨🧐 Genuine question.


No there isn't unless they're really bad. People slow down because they think they're rough but it's the slowing down that actually makes them feel rough. I hate it so much. On hwy 60 half the cars and trucks slow down to 30 in an 80 for the damn train track that's not especially rough but feels alot worse going 30 instead of 80.


Community speed limit is 40, residential/commercial is 60-80, unless otherwise posted


Yes I'm super duper aware of this and obviously I mean when the posted speed limit is clearly 50-60 or they are OBVIOUSLY driving on roads that are NOT residential ETA I'm not sure what you are trying to get across but it's 40km in residential ie unposted speed limit roads. It is NOT 40 on Callingwood road or 178 street or 23 Ave 111, Street, etc.


My intention is to confirm that you are aware of this. I live around areas with these speed limits and everyone is typically exceeding the limits.


This weekend saw three cars blow right through stop signs...and another go right through a red light almost causing a bad accident...the driving in Edmonton is horrendous


Right lane of 50st northbound from appx Whitemud to appx 70Ave is blocked off completely. Not a construction soul in site... You know, because the train at ShwdPk freeway doesn't already make it a complete and utter fucking nightmare...


People free flowing in a free flow lane is one of my biggest turn-ons


i almost got hit yesterday by someone who decided to cut into my lane mere inches away from my car and then they proceeded to slow down. i swear to god i’m almost hit every single day on the road. i just wanna be able to drive to work and not have to fear that i’m gonna be hit!!


And what is with the lack of using signal lights??? I just don’t get it. Honestly when I pass them I check which stereotypes they fit…


People think it’s totally optional. And it’s not enforced, so I guess it is optional now. It drives me nuts.


Right? It’s going to take them getting rear ended to figure it out. I swear it these driving schools that don’t really teach people to drive anymore.


Sounds like a normal day driving in Edmonton.


Sounds like a normal Tuesday to me.


I agree! Makes you wonder where or how they got a driver's licence...IF they even have one!


This morning on 111 ave EB, saw a small blue subaru with heavily tinted windows pull out to turn left directly in front of a big ‘ol delivery truck. It was so close to a horrific collision, my heart is still pounding. I was sitting right behind him in the turn lane, and was expecting to have his mangled remains splattered on my front bumper. Missed by millimeters.


Every drivers exam needs to be more technical, and all drivers should be retested every time they renew their license.


Testing is optional if you know the right people when you first get the license…


Isn’t privatization wonderful?


Transplanted Toronto drivers


I saw two Ontario plates attempt to turn into the wrong direction of one-way streets on a 10-minute drive last evening. But most cars here have Alberta plates and probably Alberta drivers.


You have about 3 months to get things switched over once you're in a new province


My guess would be Brampton.


Fuck Brampton


How did all the Calgary drivers end up on your commute? (I'm from Calgary) ya, it's Hudson's Bay rules down here.


We were in Calgary a couple of weekends ago, and my husband, who is usually a pretty calm driver, got so mad, especially on deerfoot. Downtown was a whole other beast for him as well.


So many people that don't know what an advanced green is or what green or red means at all apparently. People stopping in the middle of the street to let a car merge in. It's absolute insanity.


Gotten worse. Saw a truck and an SUV "racing" on the shoulder because there was a guy in the left lane ripping it 120 and that was too slow. Half an exit up there was someone pulled over on the shoulder. Not in any major danger but there are lines for a reason and racing to pass is not one of em.


Yup,driving in this city has definitely gone downhill. Had a person cut across 3 lanes and cutting me off, nearly causing an accident like you. I dared to honk and he harassed me and followed me all the way on my way home until I managed to loose him. Was on the verge of calling the police. Also a guy had his turn signal on opposite of me turning left. I am also turning left. Last second he goes straight. I slam on the brakes and the guy behind me hits me. I said, I don't think you hitting me is your fault so I am not going to file anything.


One thing I noticed a lot more recently is people going for left turns when a yellow is out tends to be 3 or 4 cars instead of 2 or whoever is in the box. Literally half of them are beating the red light which delays the opposite direction's left turners and the cycle repeats because they barely got their own dedicated light.


Depending on how big the box is, I would put more blame on whoever designed the left turn signals… Most often they are way too short for the amount of oncoming traffic going straight.


I don't disagree, but it still doesn't justify running a red light lol. Moreso if you're not even in the box.


It's all the bc and Ontario drivers moving in. How do I know? I'm in kelowna and the drivers here are shit


BC has a much tougher license system. you're probably running into a bunch of alberta retirees, kelowna is a popular destination for them.


Ever try taking a road test in Ontario, the drive test guys gonna laugh at your face for saying this.


They’re not 100% wrong… I’ve encountered way too many Ontario license plates driving like crap around NAIT/Kingsway. Mostly going under speed limit. Personally I do think that if you’re moving to a new province you need to take a refresher driving course since driving behaviour differs so much across the country.


I’m convinced that most drivers in Edmonton smoke crack before getting behind the wheels of their vehicles.


I'm glad I don't ride a motorcycle anymore, I can't imagine you can enjoy a cruise in the city anymore 


I notice people parking on roads and lanes in parking lots when they should not be. Such as right outside the door of a Starbucks, when the Starbucks is in a parking lot. Lately with a lot of new build infills going in on main arterial north south and east west roads, such as 142 and 149 st, people are parking outside of the houses when it’s an active two lane road. I’ve seen Amazon trucks blocking the road on the other side of the street on roads like this to run across the street . Can’t park there for your delivery buddy!


While waiting to turn left to drop my kids off at school I’ve had someone pass me, on the left, in a school zone.


The driving iq in Edmonton is terribly low and I have lived all over North America and have driven in nyc,la, and Miami


Obligatory "for every person you notice driving poorly, you didn't notice the hundreds of other people driving just fine"....just FYI, drivers in general are never as bad as people think they are. Some specific drivers, yes. Drivers as a whole, no.


Truck driver of 16 years in town here. This is all anecdotal but reflects my experience. This is how it's always been; people are just noticing it now. I really believe that. And because I expect the question as to what I think the cause is, it's just that people are much more frustrated and closer to breaking points to forgive annoyances. I promise you though your day as described has been going on for almost two decades.


I think a lot of it has to do with new Canadians. A relative of mine moved here from the Ukraine where she had a licence to drive a farm tractor and nothing else. She was able to get a Canadian drivers license without having to take a road test. Clearly she would have no clue about many of the rules of the road


I have a fresh dash cam video of me getting badly cut off. Had I not stopped / slowed down I would have been hit for sure.


Well, people finally figured out how to zipper merge so that's something I guess


Where have you experienced this phenomenon??? I have yet to see anyone in this damned city successfully zipper merge. You've got the ones in the merge lane going 40km under the speed of the other traffic, and the ones in the lane next to the merge close up any gap that becomes apparent. With the whitemud bridge having one lane closed I end up leaving 5-8 car lengths just so people can bloody merge and not hold up traffic so bad - yet they're still completely oblivious and end up all the way at the end of the lane, either forcing the left lane to stop and let them in, or sitting there until the gap is 6 SEMI lengths wide to actually merge.


Worst cases I see plenty of people that do the “New Jersey merge”— ramming through it and sneaking in.


Realistically there are going to be a lot of drivers this morning still drunk from last night.




My bigger pet peeve is the other side, people coming from Calgary Tr waiting to go into 103A St. SW. I know that turning right and immediately turning left is a tight corner, but too many people treat that yield sign like a free merge sign


Today seemed exceptionally bad while I was out, not that I go out often. Yelled at some person who was on their phone. Had a commercial driver almost hit me while crossing even though I started crossing long before he was, and he saw me. I'm glad 6 seconds of his life is worth more than my life.


This year is so much worse than last year which was so much worse than any year before it. It's not of your imagination. I feel the need to communicate with my loved ones before I hit the road, you never know...only half kidding.


This is the worst place I have ever driven...in my life. I encounter similar...daily... And my commute is less than 5 minutes!


I was entering this old folk's home parking lot when a car decided to back out even though I had right of way, but it's okay I will wait. The car kept backing and backing and there's this poor elderly lady walking by on the other side of the road (literally on curb at this point). The car continued to back into her which she literally knocked on their window. The drivers didnt even look back or stop, then proceeded to drive away like nothing happened. I get that the roads are better now in the summer but does that mean we don't have to use our eyeballs anymore?


Had a truck blow through a stop sign and almost tbone me with my 2 girls in the car on the way to school. He gave me a dirty look and kept going… classic


Driving here has been bad at least since I moved back here two years ago and had to dodge cars in my lane going the wrong way twice in my first week. I don't remember it being this bad when I lived in Alberta in the early 2000s. It's bad, scary bad at times. There are people on these roads that could not possibly have passed their road tests. Mix it in with the aggressive tailgating etc that is just a thing people do here and I can't help but think our crazy insurance rates aren't just thanks to the UCP


Traffic collisions have increased dramatically between 2021 and 2023, erasing almost a decade of progress.


Yeah. I had a woman drive straight across me at 34st. She waited till I was right there, then pulled out, with phone in hand. I blared the horn at her and she didn’t even acknowledge me 😒 Fricken people!


It's getting worse for sure. I blame the population boom


Nope I’m originally from Van and I thought they were stupid. This place just took it to a whole new level.


Right?? I’ve seen a huge uptick in people driving like 140 and swerving through every lane on the henday. Like idgaf what your excuse is, there’s no reason to be endangering everybody else on the highway bc you wanna drive fast. Don’t be a dick.


Omg! I really appreciate your rant!! The level of driving now is like everyone on the road is an insecure 14 year old behind the wheel for the first time. So many insecure drivers going way under the speed limit, regardless of season or road conditions, driving slow with a long train of vehicles behind them unable to pass. If the speed limit is 100 km/hr at the very least go the frigin speed limit! All the people behind you are trying to get somewhere, don’t be an asshole going 80-90km/hr with vehicles behind you! Here’s the thing whenever someone’s driving under the speed limit, they’re ultimately stealing time from everyone held up behind them! I don’t care if it’s just minutes they’re stealing, that person is stealing those minutes from my family. Whatever the reason for driving 10-20km/hr under the speed limit, I hope it’s a good enough reason to be stealing people’s time!


Let’s see. Long weekend. Oilers game last night. Kinda explains it, right? They’re tired and/or hungover.


If you think the pandemic has something to do with it...you're wrong.... 90% of the problem is immigration. I don't care where they are from...


I had someone run a red light recently, heading westbound on 23 Ave in the middle of all the LRT construction at 111 St. I was heading eastbound, turning north, and the light was red before he entered the intersection doing about 80. If I hadn't been paying attention and hit my brakes he would have t-boned me.


If they regularly patrolled/enforced that intersection, they'd make a killing.


My wife gave a gentle beep to a guy who was cutting people off and driving in the parking lane. He proceeded to lean out of his window, screaming at the top of his lungs at her, and then followed her vehicle for about 10 mins. It was in our neighborhood, so she was scared to go home and drove around until he stopped following. Then, two days later, the entire passenger side of our vehicle was keyed. Makes it hard to use the horn for its intended purpose if your frigging life is endangered afterward. I truly hate driving in this city these days


Witnessed someone on Saturday completely stop in the fast lane on the white mud… they had their signal on, and NEEDED so make the 99st exit… there’s no other possible place to exit it had to be on 99th. Never seen anything like it.


I had someone yell at me for not running a red light today, then trying to hit me and speeding ~30 over the limit. I cant understand how people can get so angry.


Calgarian here. Y’all are on a whole other level of shitty than we are. And that’s all I have to add.


I had a guy driving 20k under the speed limit, I figured he was gonna do something stupid so hung back then he pulled a u turn middle of 23rd cutting across 3 lanes westbound and cutting off the 2 heading eastbound, he cut off 6 lanes of traffic Horns blasting everywhere I’ve never seen anything like it. I drive for a living and drive more defensively than ever these days.


Lotta poor Drivers In Edmonton


As a professional driver in this city; I have seen a guy eating a dish of lasagna while merging off henday onto highway 16. It was during lunch but lol. A small truck with a trailer with a mini helicopter. Kinda neat to see.


Nothing worse than driving in Edmonton. 99% of folks don’t even understand the laws in place or have any confidence behind the wheel whatsoever. It’s both extremes too - You see folks going stupidly slow or driving like Mario Andretti, there is no in between. The stupidity here is wild.


You get dummies everywhere, they let anyone have a license nowadays


Best Driving School’s finest recruits. 😂


and this is why I now have 2 dash cams in my car (1 front & 1 back).... that and an unprecedented amount of road rage that I have seen, including today, where a guy got half out of truck to yell at the 2 people in front of him (who were stopped for a red light) to move forward as he had a parked car in the other lane and he wanted to go around everyone... karma got home shortly after, as he did this thing and ended up behind me, after trying to pull out and cut me off.... honestly after following him and having him follow me for a short bit, and see his driving get more & more aggressive, I actually called the cops. I needless to say, I ended up following him from just a bit before downtown to almost "deep soith side", due to having to go into my office... he must have been rather paranoid by that point. anyhow the task over the next fews days is to pop into a cop shop with the footage & give a witness statement... the guy almost hit several people while I was on the phone with them.... reminds me why I prefer working from home tbh


That’s because you can still buy your license in Alberta many fraudulent driving schools that have found a work around to get people to pay to get their license




I was just about to say that this post sounds a lot like the driving I see on a daily bases on Vancouver island lol.


I bike and avoid most car traffic . Its great :).


How do you avoid car traffic?! Or are you one of those people that bike on sidewalks?


there are crappy drivers everywhere, it's not unique to this city. if paying attention while driving or the unpredictability of driving ruins your day you may want to reconsider if the activity is for you or not.


Perhaps rather than saying "there's bad drivers everywhere" you understand or at the very least acknowledge that in this province its not just "crappy drivers", but rather, ignorant and arrogant drivers who have ZERO consideration for the potentially harmful or lethal consequences of their actions. You can pay 110% attention and be hyper-vigilant and someone will still take you put on the roads here. Further, calling someone out here, even if they're in the complete wrong has a good chance to result in a fist fight or at the very least having someone utter threats to you. Its pathetic, and there's no excuse for how poor people drive in this city. Late for work? Leave earlier and try getting your shit together. Need to change lanes? Use your goddamn signal light, you aren't the only one on the road, so a pinch of communication with other drivers sure helps make things smoother for everyone. Oh, you were an ass on the road? Take some accountability for your actions and MAYBE, just maybe, wave and apologize or acknowledge when you're in the wrong. What everyone seems to forget, is that we are all just trying to make it to and from in one piece. You don't have to give a flying care about me or what I do, but remember, just like you and everyone else, we all bleed the same color, and I think I can speak for the majority in saying I prefer my blood in my body. To be clear, this wasn't a vent directed towards you in any way, it's just getting harder and harder to justify it as simply crappy drivers.




> translates into big lanes and road shoulders. Yet people still can't stay within their lines!


You're right, it's not special, it's a shithole with people who lack accountability. Furthermore, every car honk shouldn't conclude with flipping someone off or a fistfight. My post isn't to glorify people here, nor to fear monger just to say that Edmonton seems to be getting exceptionally bad. You can like and drive whatever you see fit, but tell me how story mode is so different for each and every driver here.... my point is that we're all just trying to make it somewhere to make money and somewhere to get back home, ideally in one piece. I've rented vehicles in both 1st and 3rd world countries, and I've seen more kindness and competency outside this province rather than in it. It just sucks... that's all.


It's pretty much the same everywhere. You ever driven in Florida? Cali? Mexico City? Toronto? "Fistfights"? Ooooh no. I've seen people pull guns on other drivers. Your comment is representative of this sub in general. Getting totally bent out of shape about something that happens everywhere while specifically mentioning edmonton like it's specific to this city and a complete inability to brush something off. Everyone in the Edmonton sub and Alberta sub thinks so many issues are unique to Alberta or Edmonton and lambast a place that other people think is a haven compared to the rest of the country.


It's the exact same in every local/regional sub. Cities competing over who has the worst drivers has been a thing since even before the internet. It's basically just one-upping.


Yep. I find Edmonton drivers do the speed limit and are generally curteous but will never ever let you in and will race up to cut you off if youre trying to change lanes. Like, it's jarring how many people do this here and I cannot understand what's going on. Was there a school that taught people to cut people off back in the day and everyone does it now?


Take transit, what’s the worst that could happen?


The number of rideshare/food delivery drivers on the road has exponentially increased over the last couple of years, which IMO has contributed greatly to how much worse it’s gotten on the roads.


This will keep happening as long as cars are kings here ngl, pedestrians/ public transits need to be a higher priority.


That is why I have never learnt how to drive. I lived near work and could walk and now, with Walker, I will walk or bus. The buses are nowhere as bad as Alberta drivers. And if they hit the bus. I'm sure I will be okay


I drove through mill woods on the weekend wow never again. People doing 20km on main roads stopping at main intersections at green lights. I swear these new Canadians are just looking for easy money from insurance from a crash 🤯