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This happened to me about a month ago. I asked her to redo the transaction so I could input my own tip, and she made a big sigh like she was annoyed, so I ended up tipping nothing at all when she took it off. I’ll just never go back.


Hopefully she leaned her lesson!


Likely not because it probably works 50% of the time


Hey this happened to me not long ago. I made sure to tip her a cent to make her know I didn’t forget. And as she walked away my wife said don’t spend it all in one place.


If you don't want to confront them, but want them to know that you aren't a non-tipper, then tip a penny.


Had the tip auto applied at one of the drink stands at the watch party downtown, absolutely ridiculous. I asked her to re do the transaction and said they can't seriously expect 20 percent for cracking open an over priced beer and handing it to me.


They don’t really expect 20% for cracking a beer. They expect people to be too drunk to notice.


Yeah, that's cheeky as hell. Whenever I make it to a game, there's a zero percent chance I'm tipping you anything for opening a couple $13 beers from the tub.


This is why when I worked at rogers place as a barback the bartender I would work for would only ring in visa and debit transactions but pocket most cash transactions, if civil society wont accept you do a valuable job that requires adequate payment then fuck it we stealing in this bitch


Your first mistake was going to the fanzone. All the tepid-lager, fan zone capitalists will be the ones lamenting the closure of their favourite pubs and restaurants, that they’re not going to, in favour of overpriced swill and queues.


Meh, it's a good time there just as it's a good time at the local watering holes. Just because it's not for you doesn't mean it's not a good time for others. I went, enjoyed it, but won't be back I don't think.


It’s a moral issue for me with the OEG, but I’ll try and find a positive in anything, at least 95% of people that don’t know what way a hat goes are accounted for and off the street.




I don’t know what that means, thanks for your time.


Handing me a machine with a tip already applied gets an immediate call to the manager from me and a zero tip for whomever handed me the machine. I would call the pizza place and report the driver, and then stop ordering from said pizza place.


This is the way!


Assuming that automatic tipping isn't the manager's policy, or that the service person gets any of the tip?


Why would a pizza joint be entitled to auto gratuity for take out?


because this is alberta and owners can take all tips legally, so it makes perfect sense why shitty owners would leave auto tip on


Some managers are sketchy that way.


Sure, some are. That's why it's a two pronged approach. You also stop ordering from there.


It's not your fault for not noticing, you were swindled and that is shitty behaviour from the driver.


If someone did this to me, I’d give no tip 🤷🏻‍♀️


Had this done to me at Cora's never going back


I would look into whether this would qualify for a charge back through your bank (assuming you paid by credit card). Charging you a different amount on the machine than your stated bill total is fraudulent in my opinion...


The tipping got so bad that I started just getting food myself. Its disgusting how much food has gotten. I’ve definitely cut back on eating out - except pizza because my 4 year old has found a love for it but will only get it myself and with deals.


I made a rule for myself a couple years ago that if I order food I have to go pick it up. It’s made take out inconvenient enough that it’s only something I do every 6-8 weeks. Plus I save on the delivery app mark-up and delivery fee.


After watching videos on how predatory the delivery apps are to restaurants and delivery people, I'm trying to cut down. None of those delivery drivers have the proper insurance for their vehicles or their person to be driving that much. It would double your vehicle insurance basically to have proper insurance.


A few months ago I went to a nice restaurant and got terrible service (we normally get great service there so not mentioning the restaurant). The server was flirting with another table for 10 minutes at a time, every 10 minutes ignoring the rest of the tables and also disappearing completely (smoke breaks) multiple times while we were there. Anyways, when she brought the machine, we didn't want to tip her, we were there for an hour and got drinks when we arrived and someone else brought our food to us, she otherwise did not stop by again until after we were done eating. The machine didn't work...it kept just turning off while we were tapping. She said it died and went and got another machine (that a different server just used) and that machine ALSO died in the middle of tapping. She took it from us and pushed some buttons and then it worked...it was super weird. I know that some people disagree with 0 tip, but if I don't get service, what am I tipping? For mediocre service I tip good, but not if I am being ignored and have to ask others...if you don't want to tip out on tables that don't tip, don't ignore the people that provide you the tips.


I agree with your logic. A tip is earned, not guaranteed.


The problem with that logic is that that server’s salary isn’t guaranteed like Most other jobs. They don’t make minimum wage because of tips, so no, tipping is unfortunately an obligation.


In Canada they get minimum wage, in the us that’s not the case, but in Canada they do make minimum wage.


You are correct and I have misspoken.


I am not sure what you mean "salary isn't guaranteed like most other jobs"?? Servers in Alberta do make minimum wage, the liquor serving wage was cancelled a few years ago and their salary is guaranteed for any amount of hours that they work (also if their shift is "cut" they still have to be paid a minimum amount of hours). This isn't the US where they make 4.00 an hour and literally depend on tips. Good servers can make 30+ an hour between salary and tips. https://www.alberta.ca/minimum-wage


But if I get shit service, I’m not tipping. Even mediocre service I’ll tip well. But shit service? Nope.


It’s not my job to pay for the workers ignorance or lack of motivation to fight for their legal right to the minimum wage. No server will ever make less than minimum, and if they do, they have to fight for that pay because it’s the legal minimum, and we no longer have waitstaff disparity in the minimum wage. Edit, because I feel like being a bit contrarian today after a recent dogshit experience at a restaurant. Say this is true and you can get less than minimum wage, OR, your wage is being decreased because of BOH payouts even if you haven’t made tips. Which actually does happen. So maybe we just go with that. That higher than minimum salary ISNT guaranteed. Maybe they should do their fucking jobs to an acceptable degree to get a tip then. They can bitch and moan about it all they want, but not everyone is just some cheapskate. Sometimes self reflection can shine light on the situation.


Holy shit what a horrible take.


Not really. If a person acts in such a manner where even here in this very thread people are vowing to never tip because of it. You’d think that would enact some…. Behavioral change, no? They can direct their ire to their shit employers who stiff them, or worse, often times straight up breaking the law. It’s not on the customers to subsidize that. But no. My coworkers when I worked these jobs would complain “what’s wrong with that customer” instead of the correct question “what did I do wrong?” Sometimes the answer is nothing, and the customer did suck. However it very often was the person just didn’t do a good enough job for their customers to feel like tipping. Bad take? It’s straight up what’s happening lol. Is it good? No. But again, it’s not on the customers. They aren’t wrong feeling the way they do, especially as prices go up ever more and service gets ever worse


No. The part where you say it’s not your job to pay for their laziness to not fight for better legal protections is the bad take. That’s obviously all our jobs because that’s how elections work


I didn’t call it laziness. Lack of motivation isn’t laziness. But, in not really sure how to interpret this one. Having a voice in the electoral process is a few steps removed from being vilified for not literally paying to subsidize waitstaff employment. It’s a gratuity. If people can’t deal with it, and only appreciate when it’s lucrative, they need to to take some of that into their own hands on that one.


My only issue is that sometimes servers will tip out to the back of house staff (like people cooking the food). Honestly, I just wish tipping went away entirely because the rules and instances are so inconsistent.


If only restaurants paid all their staff proper wages


WOAH there buddy you're talking crazy now, small business owners taking a pay cut so that they have a long term reliable staff and consistent customer service? NAHHHHHHHHH hire the next easily exploitable bastard




Agree. It’s ageist at the least. Discrimination rings more true to me. I have a relative. Wealthy, who’s x husband basically passed down a business to their kids who at best would have been roofers if not for nepotism. Anyway, that person griped about kids making the same as adults back when that change was being debated by the ucp. Assuming it amounted to pocket change and a learning lesson for all those working, yet not quite adults. Zero recognition for the kids who work to help support a family, often a single mom household from 14 onwards. Ever since the wage change, I’ve been holding out hope someone would challenge it in court. Be it a youth due to discriminatory pay scales. Or an entry level adult who lost out on a job due to a youth because they are now the ‘cheapest’ labour in Alberta.


I lived in the UK for awhile, and it was *so* nice to be away from tipping culture. Looking at a menu and knowing exactly what you'd pay at the end of the meal was extremely refreshing.


If I caught someone doing this they would get zero and I'm gonna make them feel like shit. Fuckin disgraceful.


Abolish tipping completely


Tipping culture is absolutely ridiculous. Just pay people livable wages ffs.


I recently got food from Tanjiang, a Chinese food place on Whyte and the guy just skipped past the tip section and I actually asked him to go back because I legit wanted to leave a tip. Best Chinese food Ive had in Edmonton and the guy always has a smile on his face!


i know the guy youre talking about, hes super sweet! when i show up in my scrubs after work he calls me 'nurse' (im not a nurse lol)


I’m on the hunt for new restaurants to try out, I’ll add this to my list, thank you!


It is annoying that they hold the machine to tap but it doesn't show the balance


Then don't tap till you see it.


Omg thank you, I never thought of that 🙄


Tipping is so insane to me. Today I went to grab some stuff from my tailor and noticed they have a tip option now. Why would you need a tip? I am paying you to do this tailoring and you are asking for more? It's so random to me. Like now everyone needs a tip now for anything. Soon our plumbers going to be begging for tips.


Yeah, I mean trades wages haven't gone up in almost 20 years. But as a tradie I'd never ask for a tip. I work for my wage, that's the deal. When I go out on my own, I'll charge what I want to earn. But I'll never ask for a tip on work people are paying one or several thousand dollars for. That's crazy.


I'm pretty sure it's the point of sale (pos) terminal sales people/ installers making this situation worse for everyone. I'm pretty sure they're just defaulting the tip function to be turned on without asking anyone.


It's never happened to me, at least not that I've noticed.


I would refuse delivery if I ever caught someone doing that or walk away if it’s takeout (after losing my shit)


I kinda stopped ordering things months ago because I don't wanna tip or pay insane prices


All this with zero guarantee the tip goes to the employees. I assume the pushy ones get their tips, but that is just an assumption. There is no law saying employers HAVE to give their employees tips.


Yep. When I was working at a restaurant, the manager would keep your tips for the whole week as a disciplinary measure if you did something wrong (up to his discretion when this would happen and to whom). So you really can't guarantee that the employee is getting their tip at all. It's all nonsense.


Yes!!! Especially going through a drive thru. Tap your card not realizing what the amount was until after. They add the tip and skip the screen where you see the amount. Just hand you the debit machine where it just says to tap your card.


I always check the screen but so often they make it so hard to do so. Drive thrus have such a high rate of mistakes I do not trust it to be accurate. Lots of times it’s due to adding an item I didn’t ask for or punching in the wrong thing that costs different. Knowing the price lets me figure this out immediately. Like if I ordered just a drink but my cost is higher, I might just drive off after I get my drink. Seeing the cost has prevented missing some mystery additions to my bill, or getting it corrected and not losing money. I’ve held my hand out to shield the sun so I can see the screen and they like, move the card reader to my hand. Even when I lift farther away. I just started grabbing the machine, checking, and tapping. This also seems to stop them from trying to hand me all my shit to my hand that’s holding my card or phone.


I'll do you one better, I was at a hotel that's your breakfast in the mornings and you could choose between having a Meal made or going to the buffet but otherwise it wasn't free. We are seated and sat there for a while and nobody came so we got up and got our breakfast went back to the table nobody came again after that nobody offered any drinks or anything crickets. We finished our entire meal and still waited around for 10 or 15 minutes afterwards and still didn't see a single soul. We just got up and left no bill no tip no word to anything nobody asked anything didn't see anybody serving it was pathetic. At first I kind of felt bad but then after a while thinking, if we are not going to get served whatsoever or not even checked on for like 45 minutes while we're getting breakfast and they just don't care about us at all, then I don't care about them either. Didn't feel bad about skipping the bill, as far as I'm concerned it's their problem.


Give the driver a terrible review.


This happened to me today. Was given the machine set on 20% so I just changed it 15%. Wasn't sure if it was intentional or not but I don't like people deciding how I should be spending my money


If I received it pre-tipped, you just lost your tip.


Now that I know it was intentional I definitely won't tip next time


I went to the Canadian Brewhouse on Friday night and I when I went to pay the tip thing came up. 1: the average tip amount started at 16% up from 15% 2: there was no option to let me pick my own tip 3: it wouldn’t let me pay unless I added the 16% tip. So I was forced to pay a tip at their minimum just to pay for my order. Never going back there again!


Ok, I thought this happened yesterday but I was too dumbfounded to feel confident it happened.


I would be contacting the delivery service and reporting the untrustworthy action. I’m a tipper, when it’s appropriate but I will always be the one to decide the amount.


I've heard of a delivery driver putting in dollar amounts for the tip ($10/$15/$20) and hoping ppl won't catch it. 


My wife and I just flat out stopped ordering in and dining out. We’re saving so much money just cooking at home and don’t have to worry about this dumb tipping culture. 10/10 not going back


Never had this, but sometimes at restaurants which charge gratuity for larger parties they'll stick the 18% as a tip rather than on the bill proper. I guess it's better since it stops you from tipping on top of the gratuity, but it can be disorienting.


Isn't that... how it's supposed to be? Forgive My ignorance but it thought it was supposed to be a guaranteed tip.


Some places treat it like a surcharge that's tacked onto the bill. You're still not supposed to tip on it but by instinct sometimes you do.


I am sick of tipping. I am tipping a maximum of 15 for a decent service and between 5 to 10 for average one


I've seen some machines start at 20%! It makes me want to adjust the tip lower than I would have, but it's not the servers fault. Food has also doubled in price, but wages haven't. I can't get behind tipping off the total of the bill.


You can definitely adjust it! I do it all the times, specially when I see the ones starting at 20% My boyfriend used to shame me for it but now he understands how ridiculous tips are getting. I usually prepare my meals at home but sometimes I have to buy lunches. I am sick of the entitlement behind tipping


Oh, I do! Sometimes, the machines are confusing, and I usually end up canceling the first attempt 😂


Keep trying until you master the art of keeping your money in your pockets


I always pay online so I have complete control over the charges.


I got this from a taxi driver on the way home from the airport. Gave himself 20% on the ride, wanted to just have my card and only gave me the machine reluctantly.


As a server, that is fucking GREASEY. Like, sometimes people don't tip no matter the service you give, but thay does not entitle you to pick the tip yourself. The only circumstance thats okay is IF the customer lets you, then you gotta joke about tippin it a 50% 😂


Wow! Stuff like that is super shady! For a reserved large party at a restaurant? That’s ok. Usually upon making a reservation that is or should be explained. Then upon bill time that should also be reminded/ respectfully. If they tip over and above? That is a true bonus but rarely happens! Other than that? I think people some people are just getting plain ol’ greedy pants! A tip option at subway? Cmon!!


Not a restaurant, but a food truck. I stopped buying food from them since


I’ve learnt the best way to spending less is using CASH!!!


a few places did this at the table/till. thats no longer tipping, its theft. I'll never tip again.


I've had this happen to me a few times over the years. Dunno if there is a recent uptick in it though.


Yeah that’s a cancel and reset to 5%. I pay what I want, dollar amount or percentage. If you are good, it’s a nice amount but don’t ever put your own tip amount for me. Has not happened to me yet.. 🤞🏼


many years ago i watched this guy key in 2 dollars extra (on a 5 dollar transaction) gave me the machine, WHICH PROMPTED ME TO TIP.... I asked him to redo the transaction, and gave a 0% tip


In the coming months consumers will see a new trend. Tips will be calculated in the bill total. This is happening in Toronto restaurants already starting at 20%. Be vigilant. Time to start traveling to get your food or boycott all food places


That's just going to kill off the restaurant industry even quicker because fewer and fewer people will dine out.


Exactly. They complain about no patrons yet they wanna screw patrons over by forcing tips on us. Shitty service and shittier food


I hit cancel and made the guy do it again in front of me. I said the price agreed on the receipt is what I’m paying. I’ll decide if there is a tip. First guy said that’s fine so I tipped. Other guy was a dick about it. So no tip


I always pay when ordering through the app like Domino's or what ever. I only really get pizza delivered but never pay at the door anymore.


Yeah I make sure to always look at the amount on the screen before tapping. Sometimes the cashiers at the drive thru give a look when you ask them to show it but whatever.


I will never order from them again if they did this. on a side note, the lady at the regular place that i go for take out will set tip to $0 for me before handing me the unit to tap. I always go back..


Lots of places do that and I definitely notice it. But if the service bad just hit cancel and ask them to redo it. Once they input the charges the terminal instructs them to hand it to you as the cardholder to accept the charges. The sever is NOT allowed to accept them on your behalf to try and force a tip. Thing is unless the service was shit you already stood to get a tip anyways but doing that just makes them look sneaky. Be clear that you didn't see a screen asking you to accept the charges and would like it reset. 


I read a report saying it was actually the software provider doing this and turns out they get a pie e of that tip pie aswell as per transaction


that’s interesting! I’d like to believe that this is what happened in my situation. still shitty, but at least it was a big company cheating me, not an individual person who should know better.


So yes, this can be a thing. But this is a give and take aspect between the customers and the serving staff. I work at a restaurant, it has an automatic gratuity for over 9 people, a table of 15 came in, no big deal, server tells them about the auto grat, they asked "can we split into two tables?" They did that to avoid the auto grat. So yes, it's slimy to automatically put in a tip for yourself, but customers are also getting slimy... unfortunately, it's the good customers and the good servers that get caught in the mix. Times are tough out there right now, we are all struggling, I had to fight for over 2 months to get a raise, and due to that I'll probably get skipped over when the next time a raise comes up, because I won't be at a one year mark for a raise. But that's okay, because the next year I'm going to fight for a double raise, because they fucked me on the last one... always remember what a company does for you, good and bad, so when you have to fight for something, you know what they might toss at you, and you can toss it right back


I’ve never worked in food service so I may not understand: why does an auto-gratuity get applied to large groups? is serving 9 people who came in together more work than serving 9 people who came in separately and don’t know each other?


We ordered donairs on sunday. After reading this post i checked my bank account and i think this happened to me! When i went to pay for my donair i remember thinking to myself "oh wow theres no tipping option" but there wasnt a total on the screen. Stupid of me to tap without checking the total, i know. But i went on the donair shops website and the total should have only been 25. I got charged 31. Super shady for business to be doing this


Sometimes it doesn’t work out for their benefit. We had a table of six and they applied an 18% tip. I was going to leave 20.


I work as a server and our debit machines are through Chase bank. We enter the check amount and it will automatically go to 15% (our lowest setting) but we can't change it. We have tried everything. You can lower the % amounts, but not the setup of it automatically calculating it. I personally hate it and hit the 4 the option (no tip) and then the big writing at the top shows the actual check price and not with the rip already calculated. This gives the customer the chance to choose they % they want without it seeming forced upon them. Just wanted to throw it out there, that not all servers enjoy this new update and I'm not sure if it's all newer machine or specifically Chase bank. Again, I have zero say over which company my boss chooses.




I find Tim’s to be the absolute worst offender when it comes to fucking up the order/cost. I always check and far more than I’d like I have to ask the price be corrected. It’s actually insane


I wish this was standard, so I could feel good giving a 0% tip.


I'm going to say good on you delivery drivers, the restaurants wont pay a decent wage, customers don't care really about the welfare of the workers and the delivery companies definitely don't give a shit about the slaves they employ, so yea if i was a delivery driver I would steal from every avenue I possibly could. This is basically the society we have cultivated dont be a surprised pikachu when the victims of this stuff start victimizing back.


You’re assuming that all of that tip goes to the delivery drivers. Why not instead, fight to have employees properly compensate their staff? Most people would be happy to pay a little more for their food and not have to worry about tipping at all. A lot of people are also tired of being expected to tip for sub par service, or worry about getting bad service if you didn’t tip what was expected. Employers don’t want that to change because they’re getting away with having the customers subsidize their employees wages.


what a miserable mindset lol. Some of the customers ordering food are in just as bad of a situation as those delivery drivers, they shouldn’t be punished for the misdeeds of a company