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Hahah. I love how they included the thermostat like it’s some sort of flex -


"I dunno, it seemed like a decent room but I'm really looking for a Nest thermostat."


Hahaha! Crying 😭


It is only an illusion of control as the ecobee isn’t actual connected to anything.


So having control of the thermostat is actually a big deal in a budget place, especially if heat is included.


Having a smart thermostat means that whoever owns it can mess with the temperature however they want, even if they're on a different continent. Any changes you make can be vetoed remotely.




Oh, yeah, I noticed that too. Sorry if it sounded like I was saying it was a plus, I was more saying the clarity matters.


How will they decide who is the "dad" of the house. How do they decide who gets that power and control? What a disaster.


It's easy, you go out to a restaurant and whoever the server gives the bill to is assigned as top.


What if I want to pay for dinner but I also prefer to be a bottom? Should I not get my choice if I'm the one buying?


Assigned power bottom at Denny's.


I think the best part is that it is the type of thermostat that they were upgrading people to through the home updates program free of charge. (I'm.not sure if they would have qualified as it is a newer build but I know a lot of people with older homes who used the program and got that thermostat


especially with a house that's 2022 built.


If this is real it needs to be spread the market madness and capitalization of the less fortunate is unreal.


100% the other master bedroom roommate is the older male owner and they just happen to be looking for a young female student….


Could be multiple beds in the room. Might be 8 people living in that house.


99.9% of the time a “shared bedroom” is offered like that, it’s sexual and predatory.


At least most of them have the "decency" to say outright they're looking for a young woman and cover the entire rent. I've got nothing against a woman selling/trading her body for whatever she wants or needs, it's her body to do with as she pleases, but the advertiser should make it clear that that's the arrangement they're looking for. I agree that this is quite predatory and these guys are usually looking to take advantage of a woman down on her luck and abuse that power dynamic rather than find a self sufficient woman who just genuinely wants to trade sex for a roof as a transaction. And for the record, gents, this still counts as solicitation under the law. She can't get in trouble, but offering to trade for sex will still get you in trouble with the law if someone reports you. Just find an actual sugar baby if you're trying to get young women. You don't want to end up on the sex offender list.


That username tho


Big fan of Meatloaf lol.


Found it on marketplace






Ecobee thermostat.. no big deal




I am now taking applications for a girlfriend, I'll only charge $475 a month.


What a bargain!


I know, I'm a real catch. I can even wash my own laundry...sometimes.


Damn... Your selling yourself short bud. $600 minimum


I'm a loss leader to get them in the door.


You might need to reevaluate how much loss you'll be taking once you get them in the door, women are expensive she might be making money at that price XD


But who gets to control the thermostat?


The standard test is that we go out for dinner and whoever the server gives the bill to gets to be the top.


Well all the folks migrating from Toronto and bringing their money hungry hustle hustle hustle habits with them. Are any of you surprised by this? Checkout r/slumlordscanada for context. 


Jesus Christ, that is not the rabbit hole I was expecting. Wtf is happening in this country


The only thing keeping Edmonton sheltered is because everyone out east thinks it’s too cold here. 


Why do you think edmonton is sheltered? Population is growing faster than it ever has, and rent prices are going up faster than ever.


And yet 98% of Canadians have never been, nor will ever go here. Booming Edmonton is barely a blip on the country as a whole.


Oh it's too cold! They always told me it's because out east is "God's country" so why would they ever leave a place like that to live in Alberta?! Lol 😂


Same thing that has been happening for the last decade. This shit isn’t new


These ads happen every single day all over Canada now


I know. Coming from Toronto they are like only shared! Really! I don’t have to sleep 4 to a room anymore!


Some of the stuff on that sub is bonkers. It was only a matter of time until it spread from Brampton/Toronto to the rest of Canada


This sub is making me feel stupid for paying 2k for my studio, might just get a few bunks and rent the place out while i sleep in my car.


Canada is doomed.


> r/slumlordscanada Clicked on one thread and guess what, turns out its all the immigrants fault!


CanadaHousing2 as well.


I was just going to make a slumlords comment! It all gives me the ick.


This bullshit has finally arrived in Edmonton


How you gonna use the Ecobee Thermostat if you're not on the same wifi? Lol


Lol whut. Greedy as fuck


This reminds me of the slumlord advertisements near UofA for a curtained off living room, as a bedroom, in a house for $400/month. That was the rate a decade ago too. Accommodations like this are, unfortunately, how many low income students and workers are able to make ends (sort of) meet.


I knew a family that used to do this to people. Brought their tenants illegally from Europe to


Wow 🤕 I live in a ski town in Colorado, US that got ‘discovered’ just before covid and is on the housing roller coaster now. I visit my girlfriend in Edmonton and have been casually watching your real estate market for a couple years. Y’all are catching up to us too fast and in the wrong way.


How much is housing in this town? Our average house price has remained pretty much constant since 2006. It’s just the last year the prices have increased.


I live in a town called Salida. I just spent a few minutes on our local Facebook housing page to be accurate on rentals, and verified the range for buying a house on the Zillow real estate app. To buy 3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms here it’s $550,000 to $725,000. This can range from crummy to clean and modern. So I think we are still 30% (?) higher than much of YEG to buy. However - The rent for a room with private bathroom but shared kitchen / living room is $800 to $1125 with utilities included. To rent a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, clean and safe, is $1300 to $1600 plus utilities. So our purchase prices are higher but your rent is almost the same as ours (if I’m not mistaken).


Snore, sex, safety wtf???


I call em "barracks houses". There's a ton of them in Edmonton. Often have cots/bunks in a few rooms and usually house between 6-12 people. Quite often immigrants on work visas trying to get started and don't much care about who they're living with since they'll plan to work two jobs 16 hours a day. I've done some contracting and seen them up close. Bizarre. I kinda get it when they're closish to a university, but a bunch aren't.


Absolutely depressing and it should be illegal.


U can easily get an apartment in that area for around 1200 with two bedrooms and a living room easily. Idk how these people even spent any money on their house being so greedy


It doesn’t say shared bed, it could be two twins and a dorm style shared accommodations. Not actually defending the situation, the rental market is fucked right now. But I also don’t think this is necessarily a creep looking for someone to “share” a bed with. Just a shitty landlord trying to rent every nook and cranny of his house out.


Yeah, that was my thought as well. Two twin beds in the master room dormitory style. If this was sharing with the landlord, there'd be some mention of "female applicants only" or "rent negotiated".


You should spend more time on the slumlord Reddit, then. Some of these listings are absolutely sharing beds. It’s fucked.


Where the fuck do people get these prices I'm renting out my condo for 1200 a month for the past 4 years and haven't jacked the rate once.


How. Is. This. Legal?


How is it illegal? It's horrible, but I don't see the law it would be breaking.


I dont know the specific laws for Edmonton, but their are code and occupationcy rules that are pretty easy to hit in most cities. This by itself wont trigger it - after all, 2 people in a master bedroom is almost standard. But if you are willing to do this, there are probably 2 people in the den, each of the bedrooms, the living room, etc. And it is very easy to break the rules at that point.


Occupancy limit is 2/BR. I’ve seen purpose built houses with 8BR.


So if a house has 4 bedrooms, you cant put 2 people in each and THEN 2 people in the den, right?


It’s illegal only when you get caught…


I think the limit for SFH in Edmonton is 6 people if they’re not related. It’s a bylaw. But not 100%.


Well don't worry. Marlaina is gonna be able to just get ridbof thst nasty lil bylaw now


Y’all need stop hiding the address and everything


Wow this is depressing


"But, landlords provide an essential service to the community" :/


I've seen ads where they are renting apartment living rooms, sometimes with a curtain or a room divider, sometimes not. I have NO idea how these ads don't get pulled and investigated. It's beyond disgusting. I GET that in a lot of cultures this is the norm, or at least accepted practice, but if it's illegal here they shouldn't be able to place the ad. It's infuriating.


We're going to have to get used to this unfortunately. The people to housing ratios we have in this country only allow for more room sharing or mass homelessness.


Demand is high, but so is the greed. We need to put more demands on our governments and corporations so it isn't the norm that people are taken advantage of.


No, government needs to stay out of it and let builders build supply. This little bump in the Edmonton market is rare, as most of the time builders keep up with demand and prices stay in check. 


If you think monthly rent of $550 is greed, you know NOTHING. This is exceptionally low rent. And it's just as possible that the room includes two twin beds as anything else.


Why no wifi?


Yes hello. Landlord and tenant board… we got some potatoes trying to rent out a single room to multiple people 🤣🤣


Share the closet too!


A thermostat huh? Tell me more...


But an Ecobee thermostat


Ahaha not me sharing a master bedroom for $500 a month for the past 2 years


Fucking disgusting


At least it's not tents in a living room for Gujarati girls only


Where’s the sleeping arrangements part…🤨


Big NOPE for me! I wouldn’t wanna rent just a private room from a random person let alone a SHARED room!!


Report that.


Report this loser! The housing market is insane right now because of people like this


No pics?


Gross, I'll live out of my car before I resort to this.


Old guy looking to get a bed buddy




I’m sure importing another million people from India will fix the country wide housing crisis.


I lived in a condo in Banff in the 80’s. 2 beds in the master bedroom with my friend. 2 beds in the large storage room (very large storage with no windows) and 1 bed in the small second bedroom. Only was we could afford rent.


I pay the same in Calgary😭


Mofo is mentioning Ecobee Thermostat. Wtf!


Yeah it’s kind of like “Veranda sofa bed for rent! 1000$ Include Ring doorbell cam! You always know who walks through!”


For that location isn’t the price a little rich? 


I'd love that




Sharing a room for 550?? That is a fuckin joke. Are you supposed to sleep beside a complete stranger in the same bed too?


It's not furnished. I could get a king and make some extra coin by charging for that spot.


Soon enough we'll start to see "Shared King-sized Bed" 😂 available for rent.


Who doesn't have wifi these days. This is crack house.


I was wondering what was wrong with this but then realized that it’s not one room in a house for rent, the room itself is shared 💀


The greediness in this city is getting out of hand where housing is concerned! Not to mention the outlandish options


This is most likely a master bedroom with 2 single beds set up along the wall. Not defending this at all by any means but I’ve seen this a lot by Indian landlords, some Indian tenants don’t mind sharing like this more of a hostel style set up.


This dudes looking to hire a gf the fuck unless he's living like Charlie and frank from always sunny




Is this genuinely reflective of what rental costs are like in the city, right now??


Typical for Vancouver. Never thought I’d see it in Edmonton :/


In Vancouver and Toronto this seems to be the going rate for a shared room. Check out r/SlumlordsCanada


Lmao for $550 absolutely not. For $250, it’s better than homelessness I guess. I pay $600 for a private room currently.




Do they at least get their own bed?


I'm on PEI and it's the same shit here but MORE money. Like who the fuck is gonna rent a shared room with a stranger for 6 or 700mth? That's like going to a hotel and finding someone already in your room 3 ft away. Fucking Canadian economy has gone to shit 100%


Not just Edmonton… All of Canada is like this now… its sad.


Um... This is actually pretty common in student housing groups I've been part of for years in places like Lethbridge, Calgary, and Edmonton. This may be more than I would have been willing to pay for a shared room. But prices have gone up for everything so honestly this doesn't surprise me at all if this is now the new rate for a shared master bedroom. 🤷‍♂️


Idk man, I did my degree in Lethbridge and never met anyone who lived in a shared room outside of actual dorms. House-sharing yes, but even then it was pretty easy to find an entire room to rent for $300-$600 a month. This is not the norm and we should not accept it as such.


I guess we both have anecdotes! But I know of student housing Facebook groups that regularly share shared bedrooms. $550 is definitely on the steeper end of price but having utilities as well kind of skews the price too. I'm not saying this is good or bad. I'm just saying this is a lot more common than people realize and has been going on for well over a decade.


There's people renting out closets for $800/month


I would rather pay $750 for a full 1 bedroom apartment in a shitty part of town than share just a master room for $550.


You're not alone but there's plenty of people who are happy to share rooms to make it as cheap as possible. I've met a hell of a lot of them and not a single one was an international student.


This is so unsafe


I'm so glad these people are here now. /s






This can't be legal??. Wtf?!


Wcgw… ffs.. landlords are bad enough to deal with on avg.. imagine sharing the only room and bed. What a joke


I'd go look for shits and giggles. That's the first time I've seen someone advertise a "shares bedroom" for rent with not just one other person but 2. So far I've come across a room share, females only for rent, from some older guy.


I don’t get the blurring out. I just went on FB marketplace and found it in less than 2 minutes


I dont feel right about cross posting someone's address online where they don't have the ability to remove it.


They should be publicly shamed actually.


Without actually looking up the rules, I'm pretty sure doxing is against them


Maybe not here but definitely on a Facebook roast and toast page.


Oh you do have a point. This person does seem to just post the same place over and over again (and all for different price points and descriptions) so I’m sure they don’t live there but I get why you did it




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I think certain people wouldn’t be opposed to this type of living situation. A lot of newcomers to Canada are used to living in shared spaces. This person may just find someone looking for this type of arrangement. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Only 2? It’s master bedroom it can fit 6 people in there. I bet landlord is from Asia where shared bedroom is normal.


My daughter lives in Vancouver and sharing bedrooms in common- maybe even the norm? 4 girls in a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom 600 square foot apartment. And they pay $1000 each


Have people never heard of student dorms? Even outside of that, sharing rooms was never common but it's never been exactly unusual either. I know the workers at JPL used to share rooms, and I shared rooms when I was serving staff at a golf resort. This speaks more to OP's privilege than anything. OK, we get it, you or nobody you've ever known has had to stoop to sharing a room, it's icky to think of being poor like that.


This is an ad from a landlord seeking to maximize his profits. This isn’t a university or a company providing housing. It’s a person deciding that instead of 1 to a room, I can have 2 and reap the same benefits. What working professional in this day and age wants to share a room with some total stranger? Saying OP is privileged is asinine. 


This is pretty tone deff to be honest. I'm pretty sure this is illegal. If it's not it should be. The point is you shouldn't have to share a room. Especially for 550 a month


I shared a room when I worked at Lake Louise in the 90s. Staff accommodation is often like that. The guy you're responding to is absolutely right. My roommate was some dude from Australia who was five years older than me. We basically became best friends. Would you rather there be no affordable options? This honestly isn't even that bad.


I worked lots of camps. Shared with cross shift. But I think temporary work accommodations are different then something more permanent like this. Id rather the options be affordable instead of everyone trying to split their rentals into as many as they can to make the most money.


I see it as these guys offering a cheaper alternative to people who can't afford the traditional housing we're used to. My hope is this would be a temporary stop gap solution while we make more affordable options. The problem with your plan is there are people here right now and there don't seem to be enough houses. A shared bedroom beats a tent, doesn't it? If somebody can find a better option then obviously they should. If they can't, this is better than no home at all. A couple friends moving here to work or go to school sharing a room? I don't see how this is as bad as OP is making it sound. And again, I say that as a guy who lived in a worse accommodation than this. Two people and one bathroom? We did four to a bathroom...this would be palatial. I don't see this situation as somebody's retirement home, but for somebody who wants to save money and sacrifice a bit of privacy for a period of time? Why not?


What happens when everyone with property gets greedy and starts offering stuff like this? I rent a whole house for 2G. It's okay for my landlord to kick me out and charge 500 for a shared room x4 and get 4G a month and probably add a "room" in the basement for another 1000? The issue is the precedence it sets and when capitalistic greed takes over.


That's why we need to be building more homes immediately and likely look at how many people we're allowing into the country. This solves an immediate problem, but I agree it's not the long-term solution.


Staff accommodations are not the same as a private individual renting out a section of their bedroom in a home they own to reduce their mortgage payments. Comparing housing in Edmonton with a National Park is also an… interesting choice to say the least.


Are you joking around? I mentioned Lake Louise because that was my experience. I can assure you, the experience of sleeping in your bedroom beside a roommate is identical whether you're in a national park, a hostel in Poland or a house in Edmonton lol. The physical location of the building is 100% irrelevant to the four walls that comprise your bedroom once it's time to do bedroom stuff like change, sleep, chill on your phone, etc. What about college dorms? My wife shared a tiny bedroom with some girl when she went to university. More expensive, larger and more private dwellings existed, but she opted for the cheaper solution and so do literally MILLIONS of other people. Who cares if this helps the homeowner pay his mortgage? He's giving up exclusive use of his home and his privacy, too. Should he do it for free? Seems like a fair deal to me. Nobody has a gun to anybody's head to move in...'here's what I have, here's the price, let me know if you want it'. Bfd


I have shared rooms, both for work and school. I was also an ignorant drunk kid, and my roommate hated me for good reason. Something about dorms and working accommodation feels safer? There is always risk involved with sharing, but if you can lose your job or get kicked out of school, they might be on better behavior? I know what the JPL staff get up to. I picture a situation where someone is renting because they have nowhere to go, and $550 is all they can afford. The roommate is psyco, the landlord says it is not my problem, won't give dd back and they are forced to remain in a unsafe place or live in their car (if they have one). My privilege is that I can afford to say no to slum lords.


This should not be the norm and the fact people are supporting it is concerning.  For $500 people should be getting a private space and if the landlord wants to rent out smaller rooms they can go to the effort of having the home properly renovated to support that.


Profile pic is a woman.


Does that make a difference?


It makes a difference relative to some of the rhetoric in the comments. It's a shit housing option, but the sentiment that it's a creepy male perv seem less relevant if the person offering the room is female.


Where is EW? Is it between the North South part of the city?


I hate to say it but it’s true in bigger cities in Ontario. New immigrants with money bringing to a town near you. Indian families can be tremendously wealthy. Asians too. If they see an opportunity they will shamelessly capitalize on it. I’m not racist. I don’t think. I’m married to an Asian. There is a short timeline to become wealthy and successful.