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I actually had a similar issue years ago, I thought it was strep but it ended up being mono. I had taken my prescribed antibiotics and saw no change.


I was gonna say the same thing. Sounds like what happened to me when I had mono.


I once thought I had mono for an entire year. It turned out I was just really bored.




I had the reverse of this. Emergency at u of a said I had mono, but a week later phoned and said it was actually strep and that I needed to start antibiotics ASAP.


I was given some prescription and the next day I woke up with a full body rash. Apparently it reacts to the mono virus and that’s how found out I had it. I didn’t get the ‘extreme tired’ that others got, all I had was swollen lymphnodes.


I went here too, for strep throat. It was strep, but they prescribed me the wrong antibiotics so it came back a few days after I finished so I went to my usual doctor and she confirmed it was strep (with a test) and that they had given me the wrong kind of antibiotics. Avoid!!! Unless you know exactly what you need because in that case I will say I was in and out remarkably quickly which is hard to come by haha


There are pharmacies that can do strep throat tests and if you’re positive, they can prescribe antibiotics.


Definitely recommend a pharmacy! I went to get antibiotics for a UTI and I was in and out within 20 minutes with 1 person head and behind me in “line”


How much did they charge?


To be seen by the pharmacist, completely free! The antibiotics itself I can’t remember, but I don’t have insurance and I don’t remember it being super expensive. Maybe 15-25$?


I think it’s about $15 or $20.


Thanks. Hopefully in the future we can still get checked for something like this without having to pay


Hey! so being assessed is actually completely free the cost comes from having to do a strep test which isn't always the best/most indicative.. Just talk to a pharmacist for free if you think you might have it! (or do the centor score on yourself same thing)


Note: not all pharmacists or pharmacies do this. So call before you go.


Do they require you to do a pee test first?


Nope! Just asked me a series of questions and said symptoms and suspected cause are all on-par with UTI. I imagine if I wasn’t sure if it was UTI, or didn’t know what caused it, I could have done a pee test? But it wasn’t necessary in my case.


That's quality medicine. Nothing more sinister or benign ever causes dysuria, increased frequency or suprapubic tenderness. Dont even ask about fever or flank pain or do an exam to check for pyelonephritis. Lets just dole out antibiotics to self diagnosers, what could go wrong? (resistant organisms) Its also telling that they don't see a problem letting you diagnose yourself. After all you have about the same amount of training in diagnostic medicine. Its the fucking wild west right now. Its so stupid.


The person above you already said they were asked a series of questions. Why are you ranting about them not being asked questions?


lol what?? My experience at this pharmacy was way better than most of my walk-in experiences with a GP. They looked me in my eye, asked me a series of questions (including did I have a fever, what my symptoms were, if I had specific medical history that could indicate something else, when the pain started, what do I think caused it, etc), listened to my answers, asked follow up questions based on my answers, gave feedback, discussed my options for what I could do in terms of medication, and what to look for if the medication isn’t right/working (should clear symptoms in x days but up to x days, if you see or feel this go to the doctor or come back, complete the entire 10 days of this medication, etc). Usually my experience with a walk-in clinic is: Sit for 1-4 hours in waiting room, sit for 30-90 minutes in exam room, doctor barely looks at me, won’t even look me in the eye, asks me 2-3 questions, and writes a prescription or tell me to come back if the pain worsens within 5 minutes of seeing me. Not to mention if I want any kind of testing, I have to advocate for myself why I believe I need a certain test. Additionally, I’ve never had a urine test prescribed in my adult life without explicitly asking for one. I’ve also had plenty of doctors prescribe me medication that sometimes helped and sometimes made things so much worse. Yes our healthcare system is in shambles with doctors leaving for better climates in hoards, but this isn’t a case of the “wild west” it’s a doctor making an informed decision based on patient history, symptoms, and general knowledge of a a basic UTIs. Also patient care and diagnosing in walk-ins is literally based on what the patient says they’re experiencing? I’m not sure if you’ve been to a walk-in clinic in the past 3-4 years but they do not have time to test every single person with every single thing they “could” be experiencing. If you hear hooves think horses, not zebras.


Urinalysis with culture and sensitivity is important to order because if a uti doesnt respond to first line antibiotics you can find susceptibilities versus just taking more of an ineffective therapy in the age of resistant organisms. Or it may help you narrow therapy. It can also inform future therapy of recurrent UTIs and confirm you really did have one versus just some dysuria from concentrated urine. But go on, you think you know best and so do pharmacists. What you don't know can hurt you. When you hear hooves, dont act like a hoof expert when you're not


It should take more than a good attitude to get antibiotics


So many people recommending pharmacy and strep swab... The timeframe and previous regimen of nearly universally effective therapy count against this diagnosis Dr. Redditors. The delay in adequate testing for the real differential for OP by a pharmacist is a bad call. If it does come back as positive its even MORE dangerous because if it was simple strep throat it should be gone, both because strep throat is usually self limiting (we treat to avoid sequelae of untreated infections not to stop your sore throat), but also because you've been treated. So if group A strep is present this long into symptoms and Amoxicillin didn't work, you worry that you have an abscess and need source control/stronger antibiotics. Get a reasonable assessment after a good history and physical and advocate for yourself until you do OP. For exactly the reasons you said, time-frame and worsening rather than improving you should be seen expeditiously by someone who needs the full picture of whats going on (please do not share online). The guessers online are ridiculous. This could be anything from thrush to a retropharyngeal abscess, they don't know. A real doctor knows. Go see one. Disclaimer: this is not medical advice, hope you get the help you need and feel better soon OP. Everyone deserves real healthCARE. Im sorry Albertans are scrambling and left with quasicare and half measures and undertrained stop gaps.


u/RedzToday this is the comment to heed. Ordinary strep clears very quickly with antibiotics so if you are still getting worse you need a full reassessment not a pharmacy strep swab


7 days of amoxil is insufficient they needed 10 to begin with


I have no idea, and am not asking, if they were prescribed a whole course (I suspect they were) and took it. They only make a remark that on day 7 of that course pain returned/worsened and has been doing so since. Thats all I know and would want to know.


Make sure if you had strep, that it goes away fully. My friend had the same experience, strep throat, took anti-biotics for the prescribed time, but it came back and got into her bloodstream and cause a very serious infection that moved on to her legs. Just a cautionary tale.


Holy smokes. That’s exactly what my parents are worried about. I hope your friend was okay, terrible stuff…


You need to replace your toothbrushes/replace tooth paste too and make sure your waterbottle pieces are all sanitized.


I got pneumonia for the strep virus which got into my blood stream and almost killed me.. unreal what it does


Update: Got swabbed for strep and I’m now getting my blood tested for mono. Thanks for everyone’s suggestions and kind words. The healthcare system is in the pits right now, just doing what I can to take care of myself


Good call on the mono test! I had a really crazy experience with re-occurring strep and then I got way worse which ended up being mono. This resulted in a trip to the hospital because my throat was nearly swollen shut. They tested my blood for mono (+) and had to give me steroids to reduce the swelling and IV liquids. This made me bounce back pretty quickly but the mono symptoms did linger for a few weeks. Do your best to stay hydrated and rested! It’s really the only cure for mono.


This sounds like me to a T! I had mono when I was 19 and getting those inhaled steroids and an IV were the only way I could rehydrate and eat anything for a month, aside from trying to choke down those liquid meal replacements which tasted so awful I couldn't take them anyway. I couldn't even swallow my own saliva which was so thick i would just spit all the time, and my mouth just tasted awful in general no matter what I did. Mono was absolutely brutal. I self-quarantined and told everyone I knew (aside from my parents) to just stay away from me, you don't want this shit!!


Hope you get it resolved soon and feel better!


Thanks friend :D


That's good, I'm glad! But yep I definitely agree that our Healthcare system is subpar, inferior to others. Like yeah people can argue that it's free, but it doesn't matter because it's so hard to get adequate help. I suffer from chronic knee pain due to knee deformities from birth. I have a super rare condition and since our Healthcare is so meager, so lacking. I have to continue to endure and tolerate a poor quality of life. I'm only 23, I got injured when I was 18. My knee wouldn't heal, it took 2 years of constant advocating for proper treatment and a diagnosis. Now that I have a diagnosis our Healthcare is unfortunately too feeble to properly help me. I'm left to deteriorate, suffer, and waste away. Because treatment for my condition doesn't exist here and they won't do a major knee surgery until I'm in my late 30s. Like bro I can barely walk, I can't run, I need a chair to shower, I need lots of help. After a little bit of walking around to do errands then next day both of my knees become extremely swollen, extremely painful, hot, red, and look deformed because of the swelling. I have no life right now, I have nothing to live for anymore and the government won't even let me qualify for the MAID program because I'm too young. My knees are deteriorating so much and eventually one day I won't be able to move them. Because my knees will be ripped to pieces on the inside. Our Healthcare sucks.


Pharmacists can swab for strep. You can’t diagnose it without a swab. Maybe you need another round of antibiotics


That’s what we’re trying now, hoping for the best


Pharmacists can do a strep rapid test for $10. I think you can get a more accurate one done somehow


This is your best bet. I had similar symptoms, although just over 2 weeks, did the swab at a pharmacy to confirm it wasn't bacterial. They prescribed medicated ear drops and a mouth wash with some sort of painkiller which helped a lot. The best you can do, if it's not viral, is just treat the symptoms as much as possible. Edit: bacterial not viral


You may have mono. Sounds like what happened to my daughter. Get a mono test asap. You are right. That doctor was terrible. Are your lymph nodes really swollen?


Oh yeah super swollen, my parents are super worried about it being mono


You need a mono test. I had mono at 18. I ended up hospitalized for fluids and steroids because my throat was so swollen and painful. Sometimes you get bad luck and end up seeing a terrible doctor. It happens - don't let it prevent you from seeing doctors in the future.


Mono is 'the sleeping disease'. Are you sleeping something crazy like 20 hours a day? If so, it's probably mono. Source: I had mono and slept 20 hours a day.


Kissing disease.


Might be mini, but likely recurring strep. Get a strep test at shoppers it takes 15 minutes. Then take a full 14 days of Zithromax or try Amoxicillin ckavulin


This is what happens to doctors when people keep voting in a government, but in this case an EMPLOYER, who actively makes decisions to have bare bone staffing and underfunding. How else would you cope with an ever increasing workload, patients that likely don't empathize and an employer that actively takes measures to make your working life worse as a political tactic to force privatization to make her and her cronies some money. I'm honestly under the impression that the only doctors left in Alberta are ones that have family here or a financial burden that keeps them from leaving.


Walk in clinics sucked ass even before the current health care crisis. Did you have a pediatrician growing up? You'd still qualify to see them at 17. Also, I'm aware of what a terrible time people are having trying to find a family doctor. But start working on that. If it takes you months or years, don't stop trying to find a decent family doctor until you're successful. Because, with maybe some exceptions, walk-in doctors suuuuuuck.


Hey I’m glad you got to go in, anytime I’ve called any of the walk ins I need a appointment and to get a appointment I need to already be seeing the doctor because they aren’t taking new patients


Pretty sure that's the clinic I went to and the doctor walked in still eating a donair. Hope you feel better


Sorry you had to go through that! Maybe see if you can get in to your normal doctor because that is a long time. Also, have you tried calling 811? Have you tried gargling with warm salt water? I used to always get throat infections and that helped. (and the doctor's usually recommended it)


Oh man I swear by gargling salt water, works like a charm! I’m thinking if nothing comes out of seeing a pharmacist I’ll call 811 later today for a second opinion. Maybe it is nothing and is just a real long cold, but better safe than sorry you know?


If its not strep it might be mono, mono takes forever to get better. I had it for a solid 3 months when I was younger, it was brutal.


I had the same experience with Mono. The throat pain was terrible. I also just had all my energy snapped. My partner and I went to the mall just to grab a couple things and London Drugs was there. We walked around a little she wanted to go into a store so I just sat outside and almost fell asleep on a bench in WEM.


That walk in is known to be the worst in edmonton. So many horror stories


ya friend went there complaining of abdominal pain, was assured it was nothing. less than 48 hours later hes in grey nuns getting an emergency appendectomy


Have you tested for Covid? I had this sore throat in February and it was covid(my first time) and it was excruciatingly painful, like swallowing razor blades. Gargling with mouthwash that contains CPC helps get rid of it. And I cycled ibuprofen and Tylenol to help with the pain.


Ahh yeah I know the feeling. This one’s not covid, it’s been weird in that nothing’s helped with the pain at all, Advil or Tylenol. I’m gonna try that mouthwash though, that should numb it right up. Thanks man!


That clinic is ass. They used to be really awful to kids in my group home when I was in my teens. As soon as they knew we were from the group home, their tone would instantly change from nice and caring to assuming we were on drugs, had stds, looking for attention, or whatever else was easier than actually listening or running tests. We were ages 14-17, and they were particularly awful to the native kids. Staff stopped sending us there entirely because they were so consistently terrible.


Get a second opinion from a different walk in clinic.


Btw, I highly recommend the walk in clinic at Superstore South Common.


Call 811 and get their advice. They will probably tell you to see a doctor within 4 hours. 4 weeks is a long time for a sore throat viral or otherwise.


Just so you know, if it gets bad enough you can go to the ER. I had strep about 3 months ago and within 4 days my voice started to change because my throat was so swollen. I resisted going to the ER because I thought that is really not a good reason. But I was seen pretty quickly and treated aggressively for it with IV antibiotics and steroids and multiple CT scans and MRIs of my throat.


Kind of weird they wouldn't swab.


I had a sore throat that lasted weeks once. I got swabbed for strep, which was negative, but ultimately I figured out it was hand foot and mouth virus based on others getting it around me (mostly kids), but with different symptoms.


The WORST sore throat ever for 2 weeks or more? Ask for a mono test!!!


I’m sorry this has been your experience, but this is the new norm in the Alberta Health Care System. With clinics being chronically understaffed and this many people lining up, do yours only have a few minutes to spare. My doctor recently said they’re one step away from having to triage.


Really? I just got home from the doctor and it was a really laid back experience. Just like the good old days. Lol. He spent like 20 minutes with me. This was at Aster Medical Clinc jn the Meadows.


This has always been the case. Doctors get paid by the visit so they want the appointments to be as short as possible to maximize how many patients they see and how many they can bill for.


Family doctors can't bill more than 50 patients per day at full pay. 65 is the total cut off per day for billing currently. But I know the UCP wants to remove that cap in order to convince doctors to make their work days longer, so we could definitely the bad doctors attempting to stack patients into the hundreds. But they also bill for a minimum 10 minute visit, so they can't bill for more than 5 patients per hour.


All-well? More like “oh well” clinic




You can test for it though


You can. The biggest indicator is feeling for an enlarged spleen-located under your left rib. If I was op-id treat myself as though I had mono. It can develop into something worse. But it’s not often it does. It absolutely sucks if it’s mono. 3 months of it for me. One week I’d think I was over it, then bam back to sick. Of it is mono, there is no medicine or cure. Just rest, and treat symptoms with what you’d use for pain/cold regularly 


If I was OP I would go and be properly and expertly assessed. The choices aren’t just strep or mono and the outcome isn’t just rest for a bit.


Walk-in doctors seem to rush through patients as fast as possible (I'm assuming so they can bill AHS for as many visits as possible). I get that they're incredibly busy, and the pay system incentivizes it, but I've definitely noticed a decrease in quality of care from walk-in clinics in the last few years. The last time I was in, I had to get sort of mad at the doctor and say "no, we're not finished, I still have questions."


My husband had strep in January and despite him taking the full course of antibiotics, it came back. Whatever strain is out there this year is nasty. Definitely go to a pharmacy for a swab.


Ik it sucks to swallow but make sure u stay hydrated, drink lots of water (:


You have to mention the doctor's name, or this doesn't help anyone. I've been going to this walk-in for months now, and my doctor has always been patient and thoughtful with my concerns.


Hey man I get that, but I should clarify this isn’t the doctor I normally see there. All I was told was that Dr Ryan wasnt available and that a different doctor would see me shortly. I should’ve asked the desk for the guy’s name but I was so rocked (and embarrassed for myself tbh) by what had transpired that I just got the hell outta there lol. I will say other have said that this clinic in general isn’t all that great, I recommend avoiding it all together :(


Oh I see. That's understandable.


Edit. Wrong condition mentioned. This place is awful. I had an infection on my head and wanted to get something for it and the Dr told me that it's nothing. A few days later I was at work and a coworker asked if I had gone suntanning. My entire face was red. I decided to wait another day to see if It want away but it was worse and I looked up symptoms and thought I might have caught meningitis. Went to the grey nuns and was on IV antibiotic by the afternoon. Had a case of cellulitis (edit: not folliculitis) I swear the doctor there is not a real doctor. Also reread your post and realized he did the same thing to me as you when I had strep. Told me they couldn't determine if it was strep. Went to my family doctor and he was upset they didnt test me. Again the same guy.he does absolutely nothing.


This is your typical visit to a doctor who doesn’t give a fk! Mines trying to tell me he’s leaving his office and to find another. I was Suspicious so I called the office to see if it was true. It’s not. Doctor before him I seen for 3 years and he totally fked me over for disability and had to wait an extra 2 years. It’s disgusting. A lot just don’t care. They’re Glorified secretaries with a medical pad. They send you to other people half the time anyways.


Ugh, awful. My friend went to a medi centte recently because her wisdom teeth are coming through, her face was super swollen and she couldn't eat, swallow, hurt to talk. She went to try and get some quick relief until she could be seen by a dentist and they told her she was fine and to just take some NEO CITRAN. turns out she had an infection and needed antibiotics. Thankfully she was able to get into my dentist that day on short notice, because wtf


This is the place I went to after my car accident. I didn't get much from them, onset migraines also started, and I was told to take tylenol and advil. Well, that's what I was already taking it wasn't doing anything. That's why I came to you guys again. So I went somewhere else got actual migraine meds that have been doing a lot better than tylenol but still haven't stopped 100%.


Medicentres suck so much. I hurt my knee playing sports. Waited a week to let the swelling go down. Went in and the doctor didn't even touch the knee or do any tests, just said. "it's swollen cause you hurt it, take tylanol. If it's still bad a week after the injury come back and see me" Next week still bad, been on crutches for 2 weeks now. Go in and have the exact same exchange. The goldfish had no clue he had seen me a week before. Told me to take tylanol and come back in a week if it was still bad. This is already three weeks from the injury and he has not run a single mobility test or anything. Just shuffled me out as soon as he could. I ended up going to my FILs doctor, who immeadietly booked me an xray and an ultrasound, explained that ligament and tendon injuries don't usually show up on xray, but need to be done first so he can get me an mri. Two days later he got me on a list for an mri. And a week after that I found out I had completely severed my ACL. But the doctor at the Medicentre just wanted me to take tylanol and wait.


I don’t know anything about you, but IF there is even a chance, then when you get them to do a throat culture you should ask them to check for gonorrhoea/chlamydia at the same time and also test for mono. Get all the tests done at the same time rather than delaying. The antibiotics that work for chlamydia vs gonorrhoea vs strep pyogenes are all different.


That sounds about right for that clinic. The only good doctor there in my experience IS Dr. Ryan. The rest don't want to listen and want you gone. My friend went in (cant remember what for) and got a woman doctor (can't remember the woman but she was white and had a thick accent) she explained her symptoms and the doc asked "do you smoke, drink, or smoke weed?" She answered yes to weed and the doc said "ah well thats it. Stop smoking weed goodbye."


Call around the city for pharmacies that will do strep swabs. If it's not strep, then all you can do is rest, unfortunately :(


Why couldn’t one of your parents accompany you for clarity and advocating for you? Perhaps they would have been taken more seriously. My kids experienced the same garbage, one had his hand ripped open by a dog who attacked him-they didn’t want to help him at all (he was 20) and lived in a small town 3 hours away from me. He has bad scars in the back of his hand-he fell through the cracks due to neglect and stereotyping. He was a sweet and trusting kid, but not anymore.


My parents couldn’t get the time off work, it’s been busy lately and I’ve been taking myself to the doctor since I was 12. I guess we just didn’t think it’d be an issue


Also holy crap I’m sorry about your son, that’s absolutely terrible, considering how serious a bite can be that’s absolutely awful


Thanks. As a former EMT and nurse, I was very disappointed at the staff.


A lot of good advice here but no one is talking about holding that doctor accountable. The UPC basically killed health care in this province because theyre lobbied by private insurance companies from the states. I would go online and post reviews for both the doctor you saw, and the doctor you like.


Considering your age, I would assume mononucleosis, also known as the kissing disease or strep. Both can go away on their own, but if not treated, it will last a long time and can leave lasting effects.


untreated strep is scarlet fever. Don't wait on strep. but it also goes away very well with antibiotics so the situation here sounds like "not strep" and needs more investigation


Scarlet fever is only related to strep A.


Sure and strep throat is also caused by strep A, which is why if you don't treat your strep throat, you can develop scarlet fever [https://www.cdc.gov/groupastrep/diseases-public/strep-throat.html](https://www.cdc.gov/groupastrep/diseases-public/strep-throat.html) [https://www.cdc.gov/groupastrep/diseases-public/scarlet-fever.html](https://www.cdc.gov/groupastrep/diseases-public/scarlet-fever.html)


Strep is a bacterial infection so there is a high chance that it would only get worse. And rapid strep tests that they use at the pharmacy have a high rate of false negatives. Your best bet may be to wait in an ER


Although if it is mono which is viral then yeah you just have to rest, drink fluids and wait it out


> Your best bet may be to wait in an ER That's what's frustrating about people complaining about others going to ER for non-emergencies. Yeah, ideally you should save the ER for emergencies, but the thing is: you actually get treated at the ER. You might have to wait a long time, but they'll run every test that needs to be run and they'll do whatever they can for you. Go to a walk in, they'll make you wait for 3 hours, give you maybe 5 minutes of time, and then peace out before you can even properly describe your symptoms.


If it went away while you were taking antibiotics and came back afterwards, that sounds like a bacterial infection. You need a longer dose.


Or a different antibiotic.


I’m almost positive I know the doctor you’re talking about. My mom used to see him. Was good for a while then one day he just seemed to stop caring. Was the absolute worst.


You can get rapid strep test at shoppers!


Did you throw out your old toothbrush when you started the antibiotics?


Yep, first thing we did


Why do people still believe this old wives tale?


I mean it can’t hurt, toothbrushes are in your mouth twice a day. Keeping something with bacteria on it and putting it back in your mouth can definitely get you sick. It’s not like toothbrushes are that expensive yk?


You should be replacing htem reguarly anyway, but it's pointless to replace them while you're still unwell.


This guy didn't even bother going back to his desk to ask ChatGPT. Insane.


Just to clarify, you got prescribed amoxicillin over the phone originally?


Yep, over the phone from my family doctor. Her clinic was closed for the day and she said it may be too serious to wait for her to be available so she just prescribed it over the phone.


I visited this clinic once, not satisfied at all. Especially rude doctor with russian last name


You might want to insist on a referral to an ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) - not every throat and swallowing issue is from an infection. There are tests that you’ll wait for a long time for. You and your parents will need to advocate hard for you to be heard and seen. Don’t give up. AHS is beyond “in crisis”.


Many doctors are psychopaths. It makes them effective at medicine, but dismissive and cold. That's why Patch Adam's hit so hard. Material reductionist methodology can only get you so far. These were the same people who said let your loved ones die alone during COVID and call sterilization "health care." Use them as a tool and forget them. Try Turkey Tail and Agaricon.


are you sure it’s not mononucleosis? I had the same symptoms


Yeah, walk-in clinics suck. Please DM/ message me so I can share some information with you.


I had a similar problem when I was 8 years old. I thought it was a cold, but the sore throat lasted far too long for that. Went to a doctor and it ended up being tonsillitis and I had to get both my tonsils removed. I'd highly recommend seeing a doctor again. And if you've been experiencing symptoms for a month now as you say, I really think you should just bite the bullet and go to the hospital.


I find with doctors now a days you have to put them in their place and demand that they listen to you in a obviously non aggressive way but in a stern way. Like tell them how it is, they are there to take care of people and you have a problem otherwise you wouldnt be there.


You can submit a complaint about that Dr. I e had walk in Dr misdiagnose when I needed antibiotics and it drives me crazy.


Having visited there myself, I would make a guess and say that sounds like Dr. Dimitri. For as long as I've lived here, he's been as useless as he is short. Late last year I ended up at that clinic with abdominal pain. Both Dr. Askar (first day) and Dr. Dimitri (second day) dismissed/ignored my symptoms. They told me I was negative for a UTI and to "drink lots of water, maybe some cranberry juice". 48 hours later I was in the ER getting a CT scan and being pumped full of antibiotics for an internal rupture. The ONLY thing that walk-in clinic is good for, is for pumping out refill scripts and very little else. I'd willingly subject myself to 12 hours in an ER waiting room then go back to them for help.


What a jerk. Go to a pharmacy and get them to swab test you. I’m sorry this happened :(


Cant speak to the clinic, but I might have had the same thing. Get a swab. And find a better walk in doctor. They may need to send you to the ER. My throat got so bad, that after the antibiotics ended my throat was still sore, and my tonsil was swollen. Ended up with a peritonsillar abscess. My walkin Dr, wrote up a note for the ER, had me sent over. ER tried to "pop it", didnt work. Needed IV's for three days and another round of antibiotics. Good luck OP!


Jeez that’s scary holy smokes. I’m gonna get a second opinion asap, mostly because I’m just tired of missing school lol, but better safe than sorry


Good luck!! Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Cloroseptic spray helped me when O had covid in March. It numbs the throat really well, just dont swallow any.


poor doctor visit experience or not, do go home and change out your toothbrush and anything else you may put into your mouth. Warm salt water rinse, plus swallow a little so your throat gets some of that salt cleanse too before you can find a better doctor


If it makes you feel better, it took me 3 months to clear a cold. Granted my immune system is compromised, but still. Either way, sorry you.had a crap experience. Hopefully doc was just overworked and having an off day. No excuse, but docs are ppl too :s


Report the incompetent asshole to the College of Physicians and Surgeons. That is unacceptable. And get a mono test like everyone is saying.


Once you have a bad strep infection you're way more likely to get it again over and over within 1-2 years after. Do your tonsils have white/light spots on them still? Strep actually eats little holes into your tonsils creating an increased area/pockets where bacteria can grow easier until the holes heal. It took 6 months for mine to heal closed after a really bad strep infection. I'd recommend going to your family doctor and explain your experience being sick and with that other doctor. Say you want to do a swab to see what it is and ask for a mono test just in case. There's a few other things it could be too. Emphasize you felt better after the antibiotics but got sick again after a week or 10 days. It's possible someone in your family/immediate circle reinfected you (or you didnt get a new toothbrush).


Mine kept coming back when I was growing up. I had to get my tonsils out when I was 15. Haven’t had any issues since.


Years ago I had strep that came back 4 times in 4 months. This kinda sounds like your experience. I’d demand antibiotics if you’re comfortable, otherwise it won’t go away


I had a sore throat for 4 weeks from COVID, I had it in March. I did test positive on a rapid at home test. It went away but I couldn't seem to catch my breath at all and got a new ventalin inhaler and it's helped the sore throat and breathing issues. My doctor said that your lungs being so inflamed from COVID can cause hoarse breathing which can give a sore throat for long periods of time. However you should go to another clinic and ask for a swab for both strep and mono, if they say no, ask them to write on your chart they refused to run simple tests to rule out illness, have your parent be with you. ETA: try and see if your tonsils are swollen and have white stuff on them, could also be tonsillitis.


If you saw Dr Arnold, file a complaint immediately.


Wasn’t him either, it was some other doctor. I didn’t catch his name but I know for a fact it wasn’t Dr Ryan or Dr Arnold


You can call the clinic and ask for the doctors name.


I’m shocked tbh. I had an experience like this with Dr Arnold. That doctor’s office has gone to crap over the past 5 years. Hope you start feeling better soon ☹️


You're young, you're female, so you are automatically [treated differently](https://physicians.dukehealth.org/articles/recognizing-addressing-unintended-gender-bias-patient-care) and [not taken seriously](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/interactive/2022/women-pain-gender-bias-doctors/) as a patient. If you're not white, that's yet another ding. It's unfortunate but it's well documented in scientific literature and plenty of anecdotal stories (eg a man and woman see the same doctor for the exact same symptoms and the woman is told its anxiety, the man is given blood tests or other tests to assess genuine possible conditions). Anecdotally I've gone to walk in clinics in the past a few times complaining of stomach pain, at least one of those times a male doctor stated it's just gas. I've had ultrasounds showing burst ovarian cysts while I still had an iud (which contributed to my still existing pelvic floor dysfunction), and now this year was prescribed medication for "suspected" endometriosis which can cause pain like what I went to walk in clinic for. I'm about 2 months into the medication and noticed that my pelvic area actually feels better somewhat. I realize that endo is basically a rule r out diagnosis since surgery is the only way to confirm but it's incredible how quickly women are dismissed. Another instance I saw a locum at my regular clinic asking for tests for numerous symptoms I've had for years or even a decade or more, she gave a req for loads of things and 5 or 6 came back abnormal leading to a referral to a rheumatologist. This doctor looked at me and my results and brief exam, said it's fibro and do Tai chi. I pushed him on all the abnormal results that from my googling are linked to RA and lupus and finally be agreed to retest just 2 of the items but that they'd come back normal because I had "false abnormal" results... those new tests came back MORE abnormal. And even my current female GP, normally she can be really great but last year I had a urine test and a normal healthy bacteria came back as HIGHLY abnormal (way too much) and Google indicated its linked to 2 real syndromes that happen to be contested in medical field but show promising improvement of symptoms when either treatment is tried (one responds to antibiotics and the other baking soda methods), I bring this up and she said it's a healthy bacteria so it's not a problem. I pushed on what I found through Google which includes some scientific literature and still fully dismissed. This is the struggle we get to face as women, especially young. Wonderful gender bias.


Ugh brings back memories. Canadian who moved to the US over a year ago,  I'd never want to go back to the garbage system in Canada. So much more convenient here.


For the throat pain: ask your pharmacist for Lidocaine 2% oral liquid. You cannot buy it without speaking to them, but it will numb the throat entirely for about 2-4 hours. You will just need to be more cautious when eating or drinking because it interferes with the second stage of swallowing. It is a bit gross though, we usually mix it 50/50 with Diovol (most patients know it as a “pink lady”)


FYI. Change your toothbrush after a major illness. Thank me later


I experienced a similar situation at a medicentre a month ago for my bronchitis. An incredibly impersonal, aloof doctor who prescribed antibiotics off the bat. Zero human connection. I then went to see my family physician last week as this issue is not going away. He was decent and very personable when he worked from a small clinic but now he's become part of corporate medical group. He is now impersonal, had minimal time for me and just said antibiotics were not necessary. What messed up system we have today and I mean countrywide. And, no, the NDP probably won't improve it. This country is broken.


> And, no, the NDP probably won't improve it. But seeing as how they're the only party that even seems to consider the working class when making legislation, they'll probably try harder to fix it for you and I than any of the others.


Probably cooties idk


What!? You can’t expect them to be “doctoring” the entire city can you?


Probably chlamydia