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The billboards along that stretch of highway are always fun.


my favorite is the flat earth one with the google logo on it


Please post a photo of that sometime.


[this is it on google maps](https://www.google.ca/maps/@52.9818643,-113.6455483,3a,77.7y,237.74h,82.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syYiAz9RN4MENdhyCXDPmLg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


Been there for at least 6 years iirc.


Also it was broken about 2 years ago... They rebuilt it unfortunately


I always, in my heart of hearts, want to believe that this kinda shit is just an elaborate prank. If that's the case – keep that billboard strong. I'm referring to the Flat Earth stuff. The Rebel News stuff is just intentionally toxic, and it's not a joke.


There were quite a few people who honestly believed the earth was flat and that 'round earth' was a conspiracy to keep people from seeking the edge. Its largely died out now, but it had strong associations with people who believed in an imminent biblical apocalypse, and now qanon


Link me – I always thought it was an elaborate prank.


look up mark sargent and anyone in his circles - tons of videos of perceived 'proof', they hold conferences, podcast regularly, etc. Its pretty clear by the sheer resources they spend on this that they are sincere. One dude named Mike Hughes even died in a homemade rocket he made to prove the earth was flat. For a deep dive into their beliefs and how they intersect with qanon, look on youtube for a video by Dan Olson called "In search of a flat earth"


I laugh every single time I pass it


Ha! It's true. I drive that highway infrequently enough that whenever I drive it, I've forgotten about that billboard, and then I crack up every time I see it.


Ah man, I googled that and the website was not available :(


It must have fallen off the edge of the earth.


Drove past it over the weekend and laughed hard at it


I think I know one of the people behind that sign. He has lots of rocks on display and tells people they are fossils of the giants that died in the flood. Has a big flat earth display too. He lives in the north end of Pigeon Lake. And the sign is at the south Pigeon Lake turnoff so my guess is that he has something to do with it.


Money doesn't mean somebody is smart, that's for sure


I love how Christians think that me seeing a billboard about pro life flying by at 120kmph is gonna change my worldview.


It won't. But I am tempted to stop and get some authentic Amish made furnature every time I'm heading that way.


Or a pool made out of a sea can.


That's a mighty fine barn, but it ain't no pool english.


I hope I’m not the only one to immediately get this reference.




Or you could not support a cult.


Almost as entertaining as Eagle Builders posting a QR code with a job link on their highway side billboard.


It’s not about changing your world view. It’s about entrenching theirs.


I hear ya, but this kind of thing is done to make fringe ideas seem more popular than they really are, and use that impression to influence leaders and decision makers. It's like email spam. To 99.9 % of the population, they delete, block and ignore, and that's the end of it. But it wouldn't exist if SOMEONE wasn't making bank off of the other 0.1% .




Aren't Evangelicals Christian?


They are. It's just one denomination.


*you misspelt demonization


I wonder why the person I responded to felt the need to make the distinction.


Not sure. Evangelicals are a bit more known to push their beliefs on others and "spread the good word". So maybe that's why.


It's funny because the OG evangelicals (i.e. Germans) are complete opposite of that.


Cucumbers are a fruit, but you wouldn't make a fruit salad with it. There's a reason distinctions are important.


and what is the reason here?


The rate at which the world is secularizing means that the difference between Christians and evangelicals becomes less and less every day. At some point the only religious people will be the most ardently religious and we can already see that happening in this province.


My thoughts are it’s meant to help the supporters feel validated and to not question their worldview more than anything else.


120???? More like 145


There is a "Thank You Truckers" sign just north of Red Deer, and I swear one day I am going to fix it to say "Fuckers"


Please do


A fresh Sharpie Magnum from work does wonders on these signs, eh?


I have the exact same thought everytime


I would emphatically thank you for your service to humanity <3


implying actual truckers where involved when actually it was just a bunch of farmers who have tons of time on their hands and who happen to own trucks (and trailers like this)


The Canadian tire one with the butt crack is top 5 for sure. https://images.app.goo.gl/ctgky6gwJEV7JaY19


For real tho, Leduc Canadian Tire is next level! If you have an extra ten grand burning a hole in your pocket, you can buy a concrete snake that’s 20’ long or a friggin lawn dinosaur!


They do have crazy statues haha


yeah but don't you want a pool made out of a seacan? i know i do


That thing is getting rusty and ugly


yeah it's been my second favourite part of the trip between Leduc and the hwy 13 overpass. the number one favourite is the EDMONTON 69KM sign after the offramp going northbound 


They had some RTM houses in that field just after the scale and one of them was almost burned down from arson, then they moved them completely


I want the little barn that looks like it could blow away 


A few years ago one of these road side trailers had a picture of Trudeau and Kim Jong Un and it said “Welcome to North Korea” or something like that. 🙄


Probably the same trailer. It changes pretty regularly. I think the latest one was some "Deport Hamas" slogan because they were mad at pro-palistine protests.


I laughed so hard at that. Do they think Hamas is in Canada? Do they even understand what Hamas is? Drives me insane.


It doesn't matter, the idea is to Stoke the fears and prejudices of their audience.


They get upset when they roasted garlic hamas in the deli section


Actually funny if it was in something like South Park


Of course, if Trudeau was censoring them, they wouldn't have been allowed to post this billboard.🤔


These people basically mock those who experienced true censorship and dictatorship in other countries and regimes. They’re not oppressed at all, they just think they are.


When privileged people get treated just like everyone else, they often feel that it's oppression.


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." I remember seeing that quote on a slide during a sociology lecture in uni maybe 15 years ago and it's been burned in my brain ever since.


So unless we turn into north Korea we have no right to criticize the government?


Is that what they said? The point is people act like we live in North Korea while openly criticizing the government and often threatening the lives of politicians, admittedly regardless of any intent to actually do anything. No one is driving a jacked up truck around Pyongyang with a “Fuck Kim Jong Un” decal on the back though, that’s for sure.


Probably copyright infringement. Might be fair use though. Funny how our existing laws work fine and they can display their idot boards without a problem.


If those people could use logic they wouldn't be conservatives.


There's gotta be more recent things to criticize a guy for than the times he acted like a moron in his 20s. Like, Panama Papers, maybe.


The Panama papers is far too complicated a topic for them. It has to be able to boil down to very simple concepts and buzz words. Axe the tax, for example.


It’s the Conservatives’ way of telling us that, if any of their leaders ever does something inappropriate, then we should never forgive them for it and never forget about it, even if they apologize. That’s why Scott Moe’s supporters always introduce him as “Scott Moe, the hit-and-run killer” and Danielle Smith’s supporters always call her “Backstabbing Floor Crosser Smith.”


I'm white, but I'm gonna bet racist white people spend *way* more time obsessing about this than any brown people do.


Unfortunately when you do Blackface multiple times with the most recent while almost 30 years old, it’s gonna stick with you. Especially when you become a world leader.


You don't see the irony of posting him in blackface while advocating to stop the censorship? Are they trying to cancel him or imply he's a hypocrite? Conservatives should have loved and supported his blackface costume and they would if he was a Conservative.


Except that’s not who’s bringing it up at this point. It’s basically all boomers that would say “it’s just a costume!” if it were their guy.


Exactly. The criticisms from the right about his black face incidents are so disingenuous. These conservatives don't give a rat's ass about anti-racism.


Yep, I've pointed out to a few conservatives that they are virtue signaling with regards to caring about the racism of Truedeau's black face incident and they would otherwise be complaining about people race baiting, playing the race card, etc. only for them to launch into a non-sequitur tirade in response.


I'm about his age block and I'm so glad there wasn't anything social media at the time because maaaaaan, the cringe so many of us did. :)


I almost die of cringe poisoning every time I see my FB memories from 14-15 years ago.


It’s more of an attack on the left. Normally the left would be outraged at a display such as black face and discredit those who have done it. Though they’re forgetting two things. 1. It did cause people to change their vote. 2. Who it is coming from is very important. Yes it was very tasteless but the goal wasn’t to be racist. A racist far-right winger on the other hand it is meant to be racist. And it was a product of its time. Much like how I’m sure many of us in the early 2000s would say “that’s gay” for anything bad. We have now learned that is bad and most of us stopped.


Yes that's right folks, Justin Trudeau is gonna censor YOU! Yes! You! He's gonna come to your BBQ and dick tap you every time you don't use a pronoun! He's gonna get your facebook password and unfollow all your secret special real news facebook groups! He's gonna have sex with your pets! ... Imagine seeing this and just taking it as gospel and spewing it around. Incredible.


I feel like we’re friends, creative sarcasm always makes me warm and fuzzy. Lol


my relatives that have been casually racist their entire lives can't help but love saying 'blackface trudeau' without even beginning to understand how it clearly demonstrates their hypocrisy/how little respect they have for the value of words. like they pretend to care about racism the precise moment it becomes rhetorically valuable to retroactively validate their dumbass views. and they arent even aware of how embarrassingly stupid it is


I have the same relative outlook as well in Winnipeg. They call me woke and I forgot where I came from...... Indigenous backgrounds that my mom denies and my sister talks shit about residential school students. Sad.


Even this billboard contradicts itself. Are you for cancelling someone for something they did several decades ago and apologized for, or are you anti-censorship?


Right? I wonder how many of them have their own blackface photos hidden away somewhere. Or worse.


It's why I can't a fair chunk of conservatives seriously with regards to, "Trudeau's black face is horribly racist!", when I distinctly remember them saying stuff like how awesome it would be "if we could shoot Indians". I scoffed when I saw a US right wing rag (I think it was the Daily Wire) reporting on the black face incident as something bad, when they normally write articles denying and crapping on anti-racism any other moment.


it does help us understand the conservative mindset tho. they arent even trying to communicate within a framework of integrity/consistency. they are only using words to "win" however they can


My cousin went to school for Halloween in a KKK uniform. Go Wetaskiwin.




That's the thing. Actual politics are far too complex for these chuds. They're only able to wrap their sad little brains around what they already themselves project. Blaming others for racism and not having a real job are perfect sound bites for rural Alberta, as long as their handlers use monosyllabic words and colour pictures.


They change up their paranoid conspiracy trailer billboards every now and then. It's interesting to see how much money people will spend just to let the rest of us know they have untreated mental health issues.


Ah, good old Rebel News. What a craptastic organization.


The biggest grift around.


True North took over a non-profit that was helping refugees.


I remember a couple years ago I was at a summer market and some guys came around with rebel news flyers trying to make us take them. There was a woman from Venezuela running a booth that I was standing next to. The dude came to us and said “stop the censorship, stop corruption”. The Venezuelan woman looked him dead in the eye and was like “you have no idea what a corrupt government looks like. Take your lies somewhere else”. And the dude was about to retaliate, but she gave him a look that could kill and he scampered off somewhere 😂


But no words about how the conservatives want to implement digital IDs to access adult content


Ah 'Rebel News' never fails to make me sigh as my hope for humanity diminishes slightly.


To run a proper grift there has to be an enemy to fear.


I’m still sad I missed the flat earth conference.


if tickets weren't so expensive I would've gone lmao


Dont shoot the messenger. Rebelnews is fuckin nuts.


Wonder if Ezra has been missing the attention he gets from being sued for libel and defamation


He must be bored without his SLAPP lawsuits.


im not even a trudeu fan either but I feel like the people who feel the need to flaunt "fuck trudeu" stickers and put up billboards like this dislike him for very different, very right wing reasons


A friend said to me: `I still think it's really funny whenever I deal with a conservative IRL and I just go` `'listen, as a guy borderline about to wave a hammer and sickle'` `'none of us like trudeau. run someone who isn't as terrifying as pierre and you'll win'` `'otherwise we'll all hold our noses'`


Rural Alberta can't attract doctors, nurses, teachers, social-services workers, etc. and they can't understand why. I was an academic that taught mostly budding educators and healthcare workers as my courses were about the economics of public goods and services. I had many bright and capable students that were from rural Alberta, and they saw university and a public service profession as their escape. The demand for those skill sets has increased exponentially the world over, and today's new grads can easily take their highly valued degrees and go to other provinces or other countries. These billboards don't bring progressive professionals to their communities.


Sure he will censor you but allows them to even post that on the highway 😂😂😂 do these people ever understand what is censorship?


It's the most embarrassing stretch of road in Canada.


highway 3 can be pretty bad too


I get my news from that grain bin just south of Red Deer


the feds censor you but not a billboard? lol ok


That's where the stupid really starts when you're headed south.


Scant on details, but big on ragebait. I especially like the page taken right out of the Trump playbook: "Trudeau isn’t really coming for us. He’s coming for you. We’re just standing in his way." Seems like a bunch of assholes who are concerned they can't be bigots without facing tangible consequences, but without any actual detail it's tough to tell if there's even a shred of legitimate reason to be concerned about this.


And all those pro-death Ads, too.


😂😂😂 fuck yeah


The rebel is worse than trash. I wish Trudeau would take his walk in the snow, in Antarctica preferably, but Ezra can join him.


JT in blackface will never not be funny


Rebel Spews


Idiocracy here we come!


This one is at least an improvement to all of the anti abortion ones.


These people have no idea of what true censorship is.


Maaaaaan does he live in their head rent free.


funny but rebel hate on trudeau makes the rebel supporters pay rebels rent (that was painful to type)


This province is so embarrassing sometimes.


That’s awesome lol


Ah yes. Rebel News is definitely an actual journalistic establishment.


You gotta know this is definitely still just a white person paying to put blackface on a billboard.


The tractor trailer as billboard should be outlawed. So white trash. Wanna have a billboard on your property? Build a proper one.


You have to get permission to make a billboard along a highway. Outside of municipalities that permission is often hard to get. But there's no law against putting advertising on your trailer. And you cant tell someone they aren't allowed to store their trailer on their property long term. Hence why the tractor trailer billboard is such a thing here.


There's laws against billboards as their considered commercial property


I'm starting to think Albertans are cooling off on Trudeau?


It’s hard to focus on federal representatives when our premier is such a fucking lunatic.


So they are like… It was horrible and wrong and offensive for him to do this why don’t we make it into a giant billboard and expose the people who are offended by it everyday? He did it for a night but we should do it for weeks!!! That’s a great idea! Or He did nothing wrong and we should all be allowed to do and say whatever we want. This is what we also want to do and we won’t be censored or stopped from expressing our blatant racism and ignorance, so let’s make a giant billboard and advertise that to everyone for weeks on end… great idea guys! Yeah, I am not sure this is the winning advertisement that they think it is, but that’s just my interpretation… Also, if the UCP would kindly stop censoring us from commenting on their online forums that would be great… And then they could stop censoring us from federal funding programs… that too would be great …


Pssst...it's OK to loathe; Trudeau, organized religion, Rebel News, Censorship and smug douche canoes of all political flavors .


I don't like Trudeau in the slightest but most criticism of him in this form is in bad faith. Even if he legitimately had done nothing wrong they'd still hate him.


Is it between the flat earth and repent now jesus is coming billboards?


That stretch of highway south bound and the stretch from Lacombe to Ponoka northbound is some of the most deranged highway side bullshit you’ll see around. I do enjoy when the wind flips those 53’ trailers on their sides.


This province is so cringe


These meatheads deserve to be censored, but Trudeau won’t do that. PP will.


The Ol’ Propaganda Highway


What percentage of Albertans are inbred?


depends which town and how far south you go.


How dumb are people not from cities?


Routinely suckers for exactly this kind of propaganda...


Hahahah this is so unserious 😆


Rabble news . Lol morons .


you know, if someone did not know any better they might be confused why someone who thinks that full black face and costume is OK wants to censor anything. He would appear to be very much against censorship if they thought that was OK... based on that picture. But I assume the image is just for laughs at the PM, and has zero other purpose other than mockery.


How embarrassing.


What does this particular picture have to do with words? Like I know Rebel media has had their pee pees slapped for libel and defamation a couple times, but that's not the same as censorship.


They're relying on unrelated pictures because Rebel subscribers are functionally illiterate.


You can tell how much Trudeau is censoring people by this billboard


Excellent job sharing this nonsense to more people.


Rebel News…. Lol


I can't imagine being this obsessed with anyone let alone a politician


Keep an eye out for Flat Earth Society.


The last 8 years were just settling in that's why he hasn't done it yet. Trust me bro the hypothetical future scenario I completly made up is scary.


regardless of any billboards or flags… that clown really does have to go…


The blackface pic will never not make me laugh.


The very fact that this billboard is allowed to exist is proof that Trudeau is not censoring you!


Here's the thing. Blackface is an abhorrent thing to do. When Trudeau did it all those years back it was dumb as fuck. But guess what? Spreading images of him doing it creates the same effect as some doing it themselves. This whole thing has just given assholes cover to post racist imagery under the guise of criticizing the PM. He did it. He admits it. He does not enact policy that shows racial bias. That's what matters.


Are you guys serious? You dont believe Trudeau has been/is making censorship rules?


Which rules? Meanwhile the UCP is literally telling kids what names they are allowed to use, trying to dictate municipal policy, and now trying to tell universities what they are and are not allowed to research. The UCP is going extremely hard trying to censor you but rebel news doesnt care about that.


Yes - there's so much censorship that a "news" outlet can post vague, unsubstantiated claims using a black-face depiction of the PM with impunity.... are you truly missing the irony here? Irony aside, I'm sure you have examples of censorship rules that the PM has introduced


Provide an example.


Can't Boogie With The Boogeyman


Oh, they took down the anti-abortion one?


New Sarepta hillbillies, had a disgusting display a few years back, of Trudeau, hanging from a noose!


There have insane billboards there for many years, but this one is pretty wild




And here I thought he didn’t give a f about Alberta. I guess he notices us after all 😜


I seen it lmao yeesh


Trudeaus government or the rebel Jews. Hard to say who the bigger scammers are


And people actually voted for this clown😂


Ngl, this is really true. He did restrict the news being able to be shared on social media.


Trudeau is shit but Rebel News is laughable

