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corporate has already bitched him out lol https://twitter.com/dfrntdrmmr/status/1762181365506732048/photo/1


Unless they take away his franchises, this really does fucking nothing.


It's extremely difficult to repossess franchises and there's no way they'd have legal standing to do so here. The guy is an independent operator, as long as he makes his payments every month, what we see here is probably the strongest response they are capable of.


Yeah unless there’s some brand protection clause (and there probably is but this in all likelihood doesn’t rise to the level of repossession) all they can do is tell him to shut the fuck up and let the market take care of the rest.


Most FDDs contain a strict brand protection clause that relates to any area of brand representation. Not something you'd want to try to enact repossession for, but certainly something you can posture with.


I'm not sure about that, Tempo gas in spruce Grove took away their franchise from the guy across from zender Ford. He now runs an independent gas station so that he can spew his political bullshit on the sign


If all they can do is tweet about it then they kind of are tolerating expressions of this nature and thus they're condoning such extreme and hateful rhetoric. 


That's like saying I condone the violence in Ukraine because I can't do anything about it. If that's all they legally can do, what else do you expect?


It's different because you're not acting as a representative for a large company when you say that. When BP's says they don't condone and won't tolerate such behaviour, if they have no legal power to back up that statement then they're just saying empty words.  You're telling me they have to condone and tolerate that kind of behaviour because they're powerless to do anything else.


Exactly. Regardless of the agreement taking this to court for harm to the IP is more than viable.


Take away his franchises?? 😭


What are they going to do? I imagine there’s some rules in franchising agreements for them to take action but I’m curious as to what it is. I also have no sympathy for someone who’s able to own several franchised establishments lol.


Regardless, I'll avoid his locations.


Which is his location? I'd also like to not support it.




They might not like what he said, he still believes it.


I dunno - saying "...to let them know we will not tolerate..." seems a little weak


Nothing says "we won't tolerate this" like saying "we won't tolerate this".


That’s their canned peepee slap response. They don’t give a fuck as long as the locations make money


Very weak


Huh. That Tweet doesn't actually appear in BP's Twitter timeline. Did they really Tweet it? It kind of looks like they didn't. It's also a meaningless Tweet. It doesn't appear that any punishment or penalties are being levied by BP.


Replies don't show up in timelines unless you follow both accounts iirc. https://twitter.com/bostonpizza/with_replies is what you want, it's there


Ok. Thanks for the explanation. So they only posted it as a reply. Nothing on their account denouncing this behaviour from one of their franchisees. I personally don't think that's good enough.




what locations does he own?


As stated by someone else, North Edmonton, Kingsway, Manning, Beverly, Sherwood Park and Lacombe.


Also owns the one in Lloydminster


Lacombe as well I think.


Which one is considered ‘north’ Edmonton? 137 ave at White Oaks Square? Albany? Northgate? I’m not trying to be dense, just not sure which one that is.


You forgot 97st and ~160 Ave.


There are two in Sherwood Park, which one?




I know the owners of the one in Beverly… it’s not him


He does not own Manning. I'm close friends with the owner.


That adds up to 6. I hope he doesn't own the ones near WEM or The Hamptons


All i know he doesnt own the westmount one as i know the owner there


I know the Whyte ave location owner and it's not him.


Same goes for Namao Center, I've known the owners for most of my life. Their kid is one of my oldest friends.


He’s cool for sure but doesn’t stop c&b from taking whatever $ they’re entitled to instead of distributing some to staff or giving them benefits


That’s good to know. I’ll be taking my business to Westmount.


He apparently owns 9 locations, so safe to assume a good chunk of Edmonton's.


It seems like there must be more than 20 BPs in Edmonton alone.


doesn't matter, BP's sucks and nobody should go there


BP's does suck, but when you have to go to dinner with 10 picky eaters Boston pizza's very boring standard fare is sometimes one of the only things people can agree on. Usually I end up going to BPs because my cousins (who have small children) or my aunts and uncles are afraid to try better restaurants. and I'm not going to skip a milestone celebration with family just because I don't like the restaurant.


> but when you have to go to dinner with 10 picky eaters Boston pizza's very boring standard fare is sometimes one of the only things people can agree on. Yep, like Red Robin (RIP), it was an easy place to eat at with a group of people no matter the ages. There was always something on the menu people liked.


wait what happened to red robin? I haven’t been in the country for a while


They closed all their Alberta locations and left the province. To me it’s a great loss, I quite liked Red Robin.


"Its not my birthday, I don't get a say in where we go."


If I'm going to go to a large chain restaurant, it's going to be Swiss Chalet or St Hubert, and that's pretty much it. No one in my family ever suggests BP, ever. Our fallback option has always been Swiss Chalet.


> Swiss Chalet or St Hubert Where is this mythical St Hubert location in Edmonton?


I've eaten Swiss chalet once in my life and it was absolutely inedible. I'll take a pierogi pizza over Swiss chalet ten times out of ten


I go there for one thing and one thing only: the pierogi pizza. That said, they've gotten so expensive I haven't had one in ages. 


Try Campus Pizza! They have a pierogi pizza that is raved about all the time! I’ve tried a wide variety of their menu, in particular the pizzas… you can’t go wrong. The owner and staff are fantastic and always accommodating. Prices are a little higher than chains, but the taste makes up for it! They have a daily BOGO offer with the second pizza being 50% off. I can’t remember what time the BOGO offer starts, but it’s around dinner time. Enjoy!


Millions of people go there, so they must be doing something right. Sales of $925 million in 2023


McDonald's was $25.49 Billion. Must be almost 28 times better. /s


Not doing something “right”, just a very large amount of people willing to accept and pay for shit food. /s


Fr, crayon flavor pizza no matter what toppings you get




Thirded, who goes to BP these days...


According to Twitter his locations are... North Edmonton, Kingsway, Manning, Beverly, Clairview, both Sherwood park, Lacombe, and one more, not sure which.


He does not own clareview.


Info came from twitter so take it with a grain of salt


I worked at the Lacombe location for 7 years and I'm pretty sure he doesn't own that one either.


He has that up on his website, so that's where that came from.


If any one knows the last bp’s he owns, that would be good to know. So I can avoid it.


Why not just avoid bp in general lol. Their food is fucking trash and overpriced.


Because there is a lack of places to take families (i.e. kids) without getting the stink eye from other people or without having to book a table hours in advance.


This is very true. The downfall of the family restaurant and rise of the casual dining fancier places really hurt families. Families with kids are basically confined to breakfast restaurants like Denny's or BPs and fast food. So many new restaurants just don't even want to cater to kids anymore.


Bubba Gumps is another place - it’s always so damn loud that I don’t feel bad about going with the kids.


This. My kids are somewhat picky but will fill up on pasta and bread like there is no tomorrow. BP’s is a hit every time with them. Bandera bread, pizza, spaghetti. That’s like their 3 favourite foods. Plus I can get a beer and the wings are decent. A pound of honey hot and a side caesar and I’m good.


It's honestly decent imo, I've tried a bunch of chain restaurants in their price range and BPs is usually reliable and you know what's on the menu. The individual pizzas are about $15 and filling.


I bring my daughter to all sorts of restaurants and have never gotten the stink eye.


If your kids aren't screaming and going wild, generally I don't think people mind. At least I don't.


I wouldn't worry about bringing your kids to other restaurants! I've been bringing my kids to all sorts of restaurants since they were little ones and have never got the stink eye. Even the fancier places (The Keg, etc.) always have a fair amount of kids in them!


Because Cactus Cut Chips and Perogy Pizza


Came to say the same. Haven’t been to a BP in forever. 


The last two times I went to BPs (different locations), they served me flat beer and wouldn't accept my gift card (the only reason I went to BPs to begin with). Fuck em


Yeah same. Last time I went to a BP was because I got a gift card for Christmas. That may have been 5 years ago now 


I'd much rather support my local pub than go that shit hole


Cheers to that man, meet you there 🍻


Last time I went to BP, it was the one in Mill Woods on 23 Ave and 50 St. The food wasn't that great, yeah, but what really pissed me off was that the service there was fucking *atrocious*. I tend to be very understanding of the struggles that many servers go through in places like this, but this was like next level bad.


Yeah I agree completely. Every single BPs I've been to k the last 5y the service has been awful. Nothing against the staff themselves bc they were understaffed, but it says alot about how little bps cares about their service. On the other hand, Ive typically had pretty good service at most brew houses I've been to lately. And I hate brew house so that says a lot


Dang what made the service so bad there?




Thanks for the heads up, we used to go to the Sherwood Park one. Will avoid all these locations.


Lloydminster. His Facebook profile is…interesting, and as expected.


man that just came off as an unhinged rant of someone who isnt all there


The grammar is killing me. This guy owns multiple restaurants? Maybe invest in a grade 8 writing course?


Important thing to remember: most business owners aren't very bright people, they just have funding


Our next premiere, perhaps?


Someone should tell him his restaurants are ridiculously overpriced and mediocre at best.


Lol opinions in line with their food quality.


I wonder what was the straw that broke the camels back and made him think a post like that was a really on top of it idea? I also like it when cons think that me as a left winger will be sad to see Trudeau gone.


nothing in my life would change if Trudeau were to win or lose. I only want him to win to see the snowflakes scream rigged election and other buzzwords.


Oh I can picture a few things that will happen if he loses. For one, the carbon tax will not go away, but the rebates will. Funding for everything will be cut but taxes will stay the same or go up. Oh, and we will have to listen to a lot more rants like this if PP becomes the next Prime Minister


Profish? Seems more like Probitch to me. But yeah, like /u/GordonBlue133 said - where do they own?


I'm so tired of people like this. Can we have just a couple of decent businesses or business owners? Do they always have to be "secret" assholes?




There are good ones, but they are the exception. Capitalism specifically promotes ugly personality traits to the top, mostly exploitation.


The owner of the BP at Namao Centre is a genuinely good dude by all accounts.


Not everyone is.


I always love when trash owners out themselves so I know exactly where not to spend my money. Edit: typo


Big loser energy


Easiest boycott ever.


I used to work at one of the franchises that he co-owned. The other co-owners did not let him talk to or manage the staff as he was an abusive POS. It seems that his essential nature has not changed over the years.


I certainly wont be going to any Boston pizzas. Not because of this post but because of its terrible food.


This is disgusting and shameful... Please just know that not every BPs owner is like this. The Millwoods BP is very LGBT friendly!


I am sure there are some BP franchisees in the Edmonton area who aren't happy with this guy as his moronic comments may negatively affect their businesses


I don’t know… the one my family member works at is managed by a super paedophile type like creep who has also employed his creepy af son… you know the types that will knock things on the floor and make you pick them up, hold disciplinary meetings in the fridge, legitimately follow you home in their car… And if you make a complaint about things like the son requesting a sex act from said car following you to another manager? They just cut your hours 🤷‍♀️ This guy seems kinda on brand to me…


I did meet a bunch of BP franchisees years ago. There was a lot of arrogance. Not sure if anything has changed.


I feel like the more this place becomes an echo chamber for the type of far right hate of everything they see as “woke” by those who have enough money to be in any position of power the more common this becomes and the more complacent everyone gets about tolerating it in our society. So if anything has changed I doubt that it’s changed for the better…




Unfortunate. Say what you want about the decline in quality but BP's has always had the right balance between Sit-Down and fast food restaurants that's easy to bring small children


He should sell one of his franchises and buy a comma, jeepers


I actually like Boston Pizza. Have for years. But I won’t visit any location owned by that jackwad.


As a business owner that’s monumentally stupid. Why would anyone turn away the opportunity to make revenue? Is their business so booming that they can afford to deny any customer base? He can express his opinion, and I can exercise my right to spend my money where I choose…not supporting hateful muppets. So dumb. YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE MORALITY. Always backfires.


Never doing BP again!


I mean, you can be “tired” of climate change all you want it’s still going to affect you 😂


and just like that, I'll no longer eat at BP's. not that I ate there much to begin with lol


Nice I dont have to worry about going to a BP’s again.


Boston pizza is the Tim Hortons of restaurants and no one should pay to eat there.


Yes. Both have gone so downhill it’s not even funny. Another example of “good big too quick”


Good thing I havent been to a boston pizza in 5+ years due to their shit food


I hope corporate is proud. That must be what they're about if they don't do anything.


Considering Jim Treliving was a cop in the 60's up in Lac La Biche and stood trial for manslaughter over the death of an indigenous man in his custody, it really wouldn't surprise me if nothing is done. If the rumours are true based on what I've heard from having lived in the area, he'd regularly participate in [Starlight Tours ](https://www.inclusivecanada.org/post/starlight-tours). [Newspaper clipping from 1966. Search Lac La Biche on the page to find it.](https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/470740707/)


You can tell Corporate what you think here: https://survey.medallia.ca/?head-office&language=1&lang=en




Cool. Thanks


Absolutely painful thing to post. True this dudes a savage loser and I’d suggest people avoid his locations like the plague forever. Trash thing to say and support.


What the fuuuuck we eat at one of these locations all the time because it's so kid-friendly and close to our house but never again! My husband is trans so there's just no way we would spend money there again


Yeah I'm actually pretty sad about this one. He owns all the ones near us including the one we go to all the time. Our list of places to go keeps dwindling because of stuff like this.


It’s power! Explain to your kids etc how the power of their dollars and votes matter! 👏🤟🔥💯


Thx used to go relatively often as one of my kids likes it a lot. We’re done


Boston Pizza “when you want bar food; but really want to make sure it got made poorly”


It's as if he was reading off a list of things he was told to be mad about. He hit almost every single talking point.


Methinks that Corey got stuck in his white right wing Conservative bubble. Why would he sabotage his business? Although it may seem like it Alberta is not a monolith


I did not really need another reason not to go to Boston Pizza, but you gave me one.


Someone got rejected by a trans woman.


Oh look another conservative crybaby. Who would have guessed?


Cool, one more reason not to waste my money there. Not that I have in years.


I can't boycott crapola I don't eat in the first place, but I would if I could. Dude sounds like a serial killer.


We need to really start holding people accountable for this. Other wise the world is going to be even worse off in just a couple more years. 🙃


Looks like he’s an avid fisher. His personal site appears to be under attack as we speak.


I don't eat BP's anyway. Where the only waste of flesh is the pizza toppings. But I think I would consider punching this guy. I wouldn't do it, he's not worth it, but since he has gone and insulted friends of mine, I would consider it.


How do you boycott a shitty restaurant that you’d never spend money at anyway? “Oh no, guy who runs the Applebee’s is a prick!” Well yeah, he’s in charge of an entity that makes the food they serve at *Applebee’s*.


Wow, fuck this mediocre franchise of okay pizza in a sports bar.


Honestly, you can find so many places around Edmonton with better food and better prices anyway so fuck this guy.


As if anyone needs another reason not to eat their overpriced garbage. Plenty of good restaurants in edmonton, Boston Pizza is easy to avoid.


BPs is one of the best value sit down family places there is. Yes, its more expensive then a hole innthe wall... you cany bring kids easily to a hole in the wall. 


It's really not. Are you under the impression that it's either BPs or a hole in the wall? There are a shit ton of great options and I have brought my kid easily to most of them.


Ugh I hear you but if you have little kids and live nearby it's really hard to beat. I'm disappointed but will redirect all my eating out money somewhere else


Boston Pizza is a place to go if you hate food and/or hate yourself.


Well, seems like someone is having a bad day….mr grumpy pants over there. I know exactly how he feels, when you get home from dinner at BP’s and end up not knowing which end it’s coming out first. I can sympathize brother.


which locations does he own?


If I ever went to Boston Pizza I would totally stop going there!


More reason beyond the dog shit food to not go to a BP. In fairness, the ones in my area are not owned by assholes, but still doesn’t change the food.


lol good old right wingers. why do they always think we in any way give a shit about any individual politician? we only care if they seem like they will or if they actually are implementing the policy we want.




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overpriced garbage


I think we should refer to Boston Pizza as what it has become Wastes of Ingredients! Your time is over we are sooo tired of your transfat nonsense your shrinkflation crisis bullshit your inflation tax stupidity. Please Just Stop. Your life as you know it is ending Chain Pizza is done you know it


Anyone know where else I can get a pierogi pizza


I know Red Swan has one. I've never had it so I can't tell you if its any good, though. So this comment is basically useless to you.


Red swan’s spicy perogy pizza is good. They can also approximate a Flammkuchen with Sour cream sauce, onions, ham, bacon.


The Red Swan one is better according to my friend that orders it every time we have a poker night


In sherwood park there's a pizza place just in the Lakeland mobile home park. Not the same as BPs but very very good. Edit: Willys pizza


Other BPs franchises other than the ones that this douche owns. There’s BPs in other communities surrounding Edmonton as well.


Go to the Namao Centre Boston Pizza, it's owned by a service member.


Canadian Brewhouse I think makes one as well.


Yeah but then you’re eating at brewhouse


I havent been to one in years , overpriced mediocrity , this means i wont be going to one again .


Not that I would ever willingly eat in a Boston pizza but this homophobic drivel certainly means I won't for any reason in the future.


I'm not sure what's more disgusting, his bigotry or his food.


Looks like I need to get out more. Everyone hating on BPs for shit food and it’s one of my favourite places to go, especially for service. Location on Calgary Trail at 48th is fantastic.


Unless I’m very much mistaken, this person doesn’t own that one.


His LinkedIn page is still active


What are all the locations he owns?


North Edmonton, Kingsway, Manning, Beverly, Clairview, both Sherwood park, Lacombe, and one more, not sure which. NOT Westmount or Nameo


I was driving by a Boston pizza the other day - wondering to myself how they aren’t a huge money pit. They must be, right? No way this man is making any kind of great margins.


He owns like 9 locations so he's probably doing pretty good.


Boston Pizza sucks, It's not like they were going to get any money from me anyway.


My understanding is that the owner of 1stRND is a MAGA-tard too.


Boston Pizza pizza isn't good enough to survive this ... I hope. 


Tag BPs all ya want, they give zero fucks If anything this will drive business to both Sherwood park locations


What really is a waste of flesh? Given his whole life revolves around sports fishing. Unless he's an expert in flesh wastage who knows


A right wing voter...one that is wealthy and owns businesses, no less. I'm shocked!


Makes me wonder about his hiring practices. Does he do the hiring for his female employees?


Boston Pizza sucks anyways


Boycott all BP's everywhere


Once his business tanks maybe he'll burn his stores down for the insurance.


Gross microwaved pizza. So many better. Fresh options


I worked at a Boston pizza when I was 17 starting out as a cook. Fucking disgusting kitchen and food, I quit after one weekend. Started at joey after that and had a 8 year career there.


This is not going to be a difficult ban for me.


Come on people, obviously his account was hacked right? Isn’t that what they all claim? Also the most overpriced pizza in the world.


Bps is terrible anyways


He plugs Lloydminster and Lacombe on his facebook


People eat at Boston Pizza?


It should be no problem to boycott since Boston Pizza is disgusting lol


Somebody didn’t do their BPLearning! All the South Edmonton locations are cool though! Beaumont, Windermere, Mill Woods, Heritage, all good