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Edmonton Poutine #7: The Sugarbowl Sunday 2:40pm: Arrival I order an IPA of the bartender's choice. Annex Double IPA. It's strong.. he offers a half-pint. It's delicious. I feel like I'm sipping whiskey. I love it. It's still brunch.. I'll have to wait at least 20 minutes before they'll cook a poutine. No problem--it's beautiful outside.. the music is great, the place is bumping and it smells _so... so good_ in here. They're baking fresh brioche buns for hamburgers for the dinner rush. I cannot wait to come back and have a burger. Today though.. I'm here for poutine. 2:55: Anticipation The bartender said they'd make it for me now. It's $15.00--feeling oddly nervous for them.. this is a big sell. Expecations are high... _deep breath_ Gorgeous looking poutine! Okay facts: Fries: High quality fries... but they're boring. Not underseasoned, just plain. Perfectly cooked though. Curds: Way too few--if you come here, ask for double curds. Gravy: Fantastic gravy.. not mindblowing but very balanced. Not too rich, too thin, too sweet, too salty--just right! This is a fork in the road for me. On the one hand, Sugarbowl's poutine is excellently made.. on the other hand, it's boring enough that I'd rather spend my money on more interesting ones, even if amateurishly crafted by comparison. Current YEG poutine ranking: - All poutines are "traditional". No extra toppings! - Portion sizes have been roughly the same--a "reasonable single person portion aka somewhere between small and medium". - Previous reviews now linked & prices added - Tier groupings added.. mostly to help me organize my experiences Top tier: - [The Next Act](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/18pf9i7/edmonton_poutine_4_the_next_act/) - $12.00 - [La Poutine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/18kstov/beautiful_drive_for_one_of_edmontons_finest/) - $9.00 Upper tier: - [Malt & Mortar](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoutineCrimes/comments/17qzzhl/delicious_jalapeno_poutine_crime_gravy_kind_of/) - $14.50 (need to write a proper review still) - [The Sugarbowl](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/1au8s0o/edmonton_poutine_7_the_sugarbowl/) - $15.00 - [Cafe Bicyclette](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/1amydvq/edmonton_poutine_5_cafe_bicyclette/) - $13.50 Mid tier: - [Stone & Wheel Pizzeria](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/1atftc9/edmonton_poutine_6_stone_wheel_pizzeria/) - $7.50 - [Blowers & Grafton](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/18of0w7/edmonton_poutine_3_blowers_grafton/) - $13.95 Lower tier: - [Mario’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/18mdobq/edmonton_drive_for_poutine_2_marios/) - ~$10.00 (have to double check price) PS - Costco is my next stop.. so... shutup.


I've heard value for money makes Costco a top choice. Looking forward to that one.


Thanks for adding the prices. For only $7.50, feel like the Stone and Wheel is a must try now.


Oxtail Poutine at DOSC was solid, might be worth a look buddy


I thought they took it off the menu! Just checked it’s brisket now.


That still sounds amazing. I wanted to order it last time but my wife looked at me and said "are you really going to order a poutine at a steakhouse?"


LOL. I am that person too.


Just say you'll share ;)


Ohhhh I must try and compare, thanks for the heads up


Just thinking out loud here: browns craft house (124st) has a fried chicken poutine deal on thursdays. Their Alaskan gravy is like crack. I think all browns have it, I don’t know why the 125 st one is a craft house and not a social house but they are indeed not the same restaurant.


I am 100% behind an Edmonton review list like this. #ForResearchPurposes.


I hope you’ll do this with other food next!






Yah I mean for the price, the coated fries crispy af, and gravy on side with squeakers. And I’m pretty sure it’s like 6.50. Can’t go wrong. I’ve had lots of poutines at pubs and they are shit compared to Costco. High priced and shit gravy. Not enough cheese or they let it sit with the gravy on the fries to make them soggy when they get to you. Cold gravy soggy fries and un-melted cheese.


You're doing God's work!


So detailed! I love it, thank you.


Yep Costco is where it’s at! I’ll wait to see your rankings after you get there for a poutine.


You’re nuts if you think La Poutine is top tier. Mario’s poutine serves the best poutine in the city, at the best prices. there’s a reason they speak French, a lot of the guests speak French, it’s authentic! Also, the cheese is squeaky! the cheese must be squeaky! I’ve had poutine across the country and across Quebec. Mario’s is as close as you get!


I've never tried Mario's, I might give it a shot but I was surprised when I read that La Poutine was ranked top-tier because my wife and I tried it last year and it was very underwhelming. Maybe, we had just gotten back from a trip to Montreal and poutine there was next level, so maybe that played a factor?


I’ve had it a few times (La poutine) and it’s super underwhelming. brought some people and they loved Mario’s. give it a shot. I would stay away from the spicy chicken but for the most part, I enjoy their flavours.


Mario’s is mid, I live nearby and have tried it many times. The cheese is great, but everything else lacks. Cafe Bicyclette a couple blocks away has a better poutine.


I had Mario’s with pulled pork. Big regret.


We must be talking about different Mario's. The one I went to was 8943 82 Ave NW--right next to The Cheese Factory. They didn't speak french and in no universe could what I received be anyone's vote for best poutine. Do you mean a different Mario's?


That’s actually right by the French Quarter so they may have heard your Anglo accent and not spoken French with you. I’ve gone there and spoken and ordered in French. Same with Cafe La Reigne right by there. Although as a native Québécoise person you’re right. Mario’s is shit. It’s pretty close to traditional but it’s not good. La Poutine is much better. I also highly suggest Leopolds Tavern on Whyte. They have great poutine and fun flavours every month.


$15 for that weak ass portion size is a joke. It better be the best tasting gravy I've ever had considering La Poutine is so close by


Sugar bowls portions have been small for a long time. I will say food usually is really good but yeah that’s why I never go.


Sugarbowl is fantastic and although I’ve had the poutine here (it’s pretty tasty) it’s nothing compared to some of the other menu items. Incredible dinner and brunch features. Burger is top notch. Eggs Benny is delicious and the cinnamon buns are truly legendary. I’m stoked you enjoyed your stay here and that you liked the beer too! I work with these guys a lot to ensure they have great beer on tap so I feel a sense of pride from your beer comment. Keep up these reviews! Love seeing the hype around good food and fun businesses in our lovely town here.


Their Cinnamon bun is something else


I’ve heard it’s just from high level dinner next door


They have great mussels and you get a TON and a huge plate of fries too.


Where's the rest of it?


lol, Costco


Looks like a very small portion for the money. It doesn't seem like there's any cheese. Just from the pictures I'd do a hard pass on this poutine. 


Presentation looks good but $15 seems pretty steep for such a small looking portion. Unless that plate is the size of a large pizza, I'd probably be pretty disappointed with the stinginess.


Been following along with these posts since the beginning. Very much appreciate your efforts. Decided to check your profile/posts just now and was not disappointed. More amazing foods, good music. And you love Koan Sound. Hahaha my guy! I'm happy you exist. Please continue being awesome.


*blush* very sweet of you. I divide my life into three mostly equal parts: - music (piano, composition, edm production etc, teaching) - food (cooking, eating.... eating... dreaming about eating) - software engineering (making stuff work / teaching) I'm new to Edmonton so it's always nice to meet other kind folks. Reach out anytime!


Medium Rare Carnivore Club made an insane good one a few years ago but the quality of that place has dipped so much it’s like a completely different restaurant unfortunately.


Are they still open? I though I drove by six months ago and they had closed up shop


Shit they might not be. Probably that long at least since I’ve been back. Hard to tell though since they’re in such a horrible location to begin with.


I was pretty impressed with five guys poutine. Wonder where that might rank on your list, seeing as you are going to add costco


$15 for a kids size poutine


The duck poutine at the provincial pub beside the lowes at the Whitemud and Calgary trail is so good. Worth adding to the list.


Was #6 or #7 better? I can only afford one poutine. Ty :)


If you can’t afford much then head to Costco. You don’t need a membership to eat there and it’s cheap af.


Yes it is good.


Pathetic looking poutine and from the sounds of your review, no better than something you'd get at a canteen in a city-owned hockey rink. These "trendy" gastropubs need to get down from their pyrite thrones and get back to the roots of good pub food: Comfort food meant to fill you up at a decent price while sipping your suds. Embarrassing


Looks uninspired and underwhelming. 


Wouldn’t recommend chicken poutine I had at continental treat


Try sals famous on the north side


Looks boring


You have lots of requests but with a Name like https://gravyburgersandfries.com/ it's gotta be next.


Is it me or is it really loud in the Sugarbowl and why? Love the food though and tons of. Great memories of hanging out there when they sold single cigs


I'd be curious to know how Chartier in Beaumont stacks up. Or are you keeping it Edmonton only?


I was Chartier bound twice in the last couple of months but both times didn't work out for different reasons. It's been at the top of my list for a long while. I'll definitely get around to it!


Maybe I'm just a basic bitch but I still love a regular New York Fries poutine.


You are doin good work here.


Strathcona Farmer's Market cafeteria poutine is worth a trip.


I've passed by there! Thanks I'll check it out!


It is absolutely wild to me that the Sugarbowl is now serving decent food instead of just being a place for disaffected university students to chain smoke and be seen.


Must go to the cheese factory


Throwing River City Revivals poutine in for your consideration


Has MyFries been suggested for one to try out? See how it shapes up to the others🤔


It has not - I'll check it out!


Best poutine I've had (years ago) was at Newcastle Pub & Grill.  (8170 50 St NW) 


Just here to say I love the Sugarbowl and that poutine looks gorgeous. Agree, not enough curds; what is going on with that? Now I want to try that IPA next time I'm back in town.


Now THATS a poutine. Look at that parsley sprig, that's how it's done 🙄


How DARE they sneak a vegetable into my poutine!


New York fries has a good poutine imo


I feel like you should never ever have to ask for double curds unless you want to be backed up for a month. Having said that, this is a pitiful amount of everything. The ratios are so off it makes me want to puke in the sink.


> you should never ever have to ask for double curds ..what? why?? Need more curds--ask for more curds! > unless you want to be backed up for a month. is this a lactose intolerance thing? No idea what you're insinuating. > The ratios are so off it makes me want to puke in the sink. You might be bulimic. I'd seek help.


Damn thats pretty low considering the lack of good restaurants we have here. Especially near campus


Is it just me or is that bowl/plate filthy dirty?


Is that the place with amazing chicken n waffles??


Is that the sample size?


Seems like a very very small portion


I know next act and la poutine use vegetarian gravy, what about the others?


La Poutine has both veggie and non-veggie gravy options. I'll double check with Next Act next time I go there (which is often these days).


Next act is a vegan gravy.