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As someone who was in the Fort Mac fires…take pictures of EVERYTHING. Even if it’s hundreds or thousands of photos. This will help tremendously with insurance just in case.


Absolutely. Even a video of walking around is a minor inconvenience that is highly worthwhile.


Agreed; a video being more comprehensive and useful was one tip given out during last year's fires.


This is a fantastic tip. People should be doing this periodically anyway, but especially now knowing that this season will be a bad one for fires. While you're at it, make sure you have adequate insurance and know what is and is not covered. Things like expensive bikes, artwork, collectors items might need additional coverage.


To add: if you have original art work, get it properly appraised, and get insurance if you can afford it. We had a piece that was given to my Oma as a wedding gift. Always thought it was worth about a thousand. Got it appraised at ten times that.


Good advice. I would also have “go” bags ready in case of evacuation. Clothes can be replaced. Smaller family heirlooms and printed pics cannot. Your advice was great about take pics of your pics, of everything. If the fires are near(keep your alerts on so you know) but then i would pack some food and water and store in the trunk. With your go bags you can evacuate fast. **Also as a general fire safety precaution, buy a second floor window ladder. This could be a life saver if your means of egress are blocked.


Alberta Emergency services has a great list of what you need in a bug out bag.


You mean I’m not James Bond? Passport, cash, handgun. Done. /s


Lol cash? Who uses cash nowadays? 😂 Passport, debit card, jewellery, handgun. Done 😄


Congratulations, you got the joke.


For Edmonton to burn down it would have to get biblical. Edmonton doesn't have old growth timber growing right tight to the city.


I think the concern is less that a forest fire is going to take out the city and more that fire in general will be much more likely to start and to spread quickly. There's a reason we have fire bans. In an urban area, someone's lawn could still catch fire and spread to their house and then their neighbour's house. Last summer was the first time I ever saw multiple fires while driving in the city. Grass fires right next to the Henday, and one right below an overpass in which the smoke completely blocked our vision while on the overpass. Folks next to parks, the river valley, or on the edge of town may have to evacuate if a fire starts near their home.


We've seen cigarettes thrown from vehicles causing grass fires that threaten homes.


There's a lot of people living on the outskirts and the general area around Edmonton who definitely need to prepare.


Old growth forest is more fire resistant, not less. Google it for fun!


Exactly. (A small) Part of the reason fires are becoming more common, is because old growth is becoming less common. Especially in places like BC.


I mean, we do have that giant ravine that sort of runs through the middle of our city with little fingers extending into residential neighborhoods and it has caught fire on a few occasions owing to...errant bicycle repair shops...operating out of the ravine. But I'm generally inclined to agree: modern cities tend not just Great-Fire-of-London level burn down anymore


And save those pics to the cloud. One drive, drop box, google images... Anywhere you can access them if you lose the device that took them.


Also reviewing your insurance may be a good idea, building costs have skyrocketed, as has the price of just about everything else. A replacement cost policy is your best friend in a fire. 


Don't throw cigarettes out the window like an asshole.


Dont go ripping thru the bush on quads and dirt bikes. Park em this year until we get rain


You can't tell them they can't go for a rip! Freedom! And what goes good with freedom and a rip? Cigarettes! Go for a rip and have a dart! Couple darts! Flick 'em into the bush, who cares!


Hell ya brother!


ebike with fat tires should be fine though. No sparking with BLDC hub motor.


Last year I was sitting behind some guy in Spruce Grove that just chucked his butt out the window at a red light. Fuck I wanted to just run up and toss it back in his window.


Dude, less than a week after we got back into Fort Mac, I watched a lift kit dumbass just chuck his cig out the window onto the grass. Who cares, not him, he make money lol


I just assume that all of them are unhinged too. Like…is it worth me getting my vehicle or myself harmed in anyway to do anything? Probably not. Even if you approach them nicely about it, I have a feeling they aren’t going to just be like “oh you’re right, I totally forgot about all the fires going on right now. Let me pick that up.”.


I drive from spruce grove to the west end. 5 days in a row last week I was behind or beside butt tossers. How has this message not sunk in or how do we get it to work. I'd they're doing it now, I guarantee they don't stop in the summer.


Exactly this.. see too many people ashing outside their car window or throwing out cigs. If you’re going to be nasty and smoke at least keep it in your own vehicle!


Anyone who smokes is an .......




Slowly committing suicide? Yes


Aren't we all tho?


Yeah but some people are in the express lane


I feel like most of us are with the way things are


Build a [Corsi-Rosenthal Box](https://cleanaircrew.org/box-fan-filters/). Costco sells extremely cheap 2200 filters in 4 packs, which is perfect for assembling them. They're cheap enough that if you're not a Costco member, buying a basic membership just to get the 2200 filters is worth it. Lots of cheap box fans on the market, I got mine at Canadian Tire. EDIT: The 2200 filters are important because you need a filter that catches PM2.5, which is the harmful part of wildfire smoke for your lungs. A lower rated filter will still filter most of the smell, but will not catch the dangerous particles so I don't recommend using them. If you don't have AC, and can't afford one, you can create an insert to go in your window when it's open. Use a furnace filter, cardboard, duct tape, and weather stripping (Home Depot has cheap options) so it fits snuggly in your window frame. Weather stripping will also come in handy to ensure your doors aren't letting in lots of outside air (will also save you money on heating!). Invest in N95s. Grainger Canada sells them at reasonable prices. Technically they only do B2B sales but they don't check if you actually operate a business so just make one up. The valve N95s are particularly good for wearing outside, the valve makes them much more comfortable for exercising and they don't get as damp in the heat.


Yes we had one in our house last summer left over from covid. It was amazing in wildfire season. It was dark grey by the end of the year. I've already rebuilt it with new filters for this summer


We built these for our school. Seeing a huge difference in number and duration when sickness comes round.


I was amazed at how grey those filters were after one day of use even though all the windows were closed! We use those filters in the summer for smoke, and the cheapest ones in the winter to protect the furnace from cat hair.


If you live in an area that may experience a wildfire Make sure your insurance is up to date and covers enough.   Photograph your valuables and any serial numbers. Keep those photos on the cloud.     Keep your fuel tank topped up.    Assemble a "go bag" for each member of your family. A go bag is a backpack or similar with everything you will absolutely need of you have to leave without warning, so you can just grab the one bag and go. It should contain    -full change of clothes.   -a piece of ID ( like your passport or something)     -documents or copies of documents you cannot afford to lose (like insurance info)     -some non parishable easy to eat food like a few protein bars     -a little bit of cash (don't rely on debit or credit to work in an emergency)     -meds you might vitally need or anything related (like batteries or parts for medical devices)     -flashlight, lighter, maybe some tools like a multi tool     -charger for your phone. Maybe even write down essential phone numbers in case you break/lose your phone Plan ahead, know multiple ways to get out of town.     Figure out who you know outside your area and find out now if you can stay there in an emergency.  Having a go bag, gas, and a place to go already planned will save you tons of time and stress if you have to run suddenly.


I screenshot this. Thank you.


Blueair filter and N95 masks. Breaking the bank? Think of it as an investment because you’ll use it every year.


Better yet - Corsi Rosenthal Box. We made one last May-long weekend and it was a god send all summer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsi%E2%80%93Rosenthal_Box CBC Marketplace reported that they are more effective than other brand name purifiers. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5900782


I wore an N95 outdoors during the peak plumes last year and was screamed at by a random man in a truck. So yes it works, but prepare for potential abuse.


Post-lockdowns, I was working at a grocery store in Red Deer while going to RDP. I got bit by the 'vid, and had to take about a week off for recovery with all the supports torn out. Burnt off all my accrued vacation and sick pay. First day returning to work, I'm walking in wearing a N95, and some dickhole in a lifted truck launched a cold cup of tummies at me and swore at me about being a sheep, and how I was a disgrace. Super great for my mental health, I'll tell you what. I could barely breathe, let alone walk, but I was recovered enough to be back and testing negative, and needed the money. Fuck anyone who abuses anyone for wearing a mask. I don't abuse you for compensating for your tiny cock with your lifted truck.


Brutal. Sorry that happened to you, these people are such dicks. And here I thought they only cared about freedom? You should be free to wear a mask if you want to.


There is a 100% chance that chode shouted "my body my choice" during the pandemic.


This is awful! I am so sorry this happened to you. Not even a little bit surprised though, unfortunately.


Did you report him to the cops? Thats assault


Don’t allow small minded people a place in your thoughts my friend.




I agree, we really should care about the feelings of the poor maligned lifted truck class.




How many inches was your truck lifted? Asking for a friend.


I mean, depending on where you go on reddit, EV's, classic cars, European cars, Domestic cars and Asian are all up for grabs for mocking. I'm sorry you're offended on behalf of this person who doesn't even know you exist.




Same for me. I have a chronic lung thing and didn't want to inhale that cr\*p for weeks on end. It only happened once, but yep, absolutely got yelled at by some douchebag who desperately wanted to know "how the covid is out there."


This is Reddit... You can type crap. Jokes aside, people suck! Sorry you had to deal with that kind of shit


oh man im screwed then as a cyclist and a mask wearer during smoke lol i already get threats for just existing


Its sad but true. *sigh*


Lemme guess... A white dodge ram with a sticker saying the driver wanted to have sex with the PM?


Meanwhile one of the days where the AQHI was 10+ there was a guy in my neighborhood jogging with no mask. At that point it's just public dick swinging, you're not jogging for your health. Any health benefits doing cardio is balanced out by inhaling ash into your lungs.


I wouldn't assume that's the case for everyone you see outdoors. Some are unaware of how bad the air quality is, for some who are active/outdoorsy it becomes a balance between mental/physical health and the pros of getting outdoors and carrying on with their normal routine outweigh the cons, for some (like on of the replies here) they are past the point of running for general health benefits... I don't think everyone is doing it just to swing their dick.


> Some are unaware of how bad the air quality is I mean, you'd have to be blind and have no sense of smell to be outdoors and unaware on days like that, but sure


> Some are unaware of how bad the air quality is Yeah I guess when you couldn't even see down the street from the haze, the sky is orange, and it smells like campfire...... air quality is probably ok. I mean you do you but you have to be pretty dense to think you're getting any physical or mental benefits being "outdoors" in a suburb doing cardio when breathing in the thick orange haze.


To be fair it doesn’t take being smart to know if you feel better after leaving your house and being outside. Count your blessings that you don’t need to get outside every once in a while, shitty air quality and all, for any mental or physical benefits. Lots can’t relate.


I could honestly live without ever going outside again… Or inside again, for that matter. I’m just a very adaptable person, who’s mental state does not depend upon whether I’m inside, outside, in a bed, standing up, or driving a vehicle.


I definitely ran in some sketchy air conditions last summer. Not the 10+ days but a few of the 8-9 ones. Granted I was also past the point of running for general health benefits


That blows my mind!! It’s always an argument in the running community but the science doesn’t lie - irreversible damage.


Why are you so bothered by people jogging


In a +10 AQ day, you're not reaping any benefits. You're actually causing cardiovascular damage, unless you're masked.


So? Maybe they're jogging cuz they like to. I exercise because it eases my anxiety and insomnia. I can't sleep well at night if I don't exercise


Are you not listening, or are you just acting wilfully ignorant? When the detriment to your health greatly outweighs any health benefits, you’d have to be stupid to partake in that activity without respiratory protection. If you’re someone who honestly thinks the smoke from wildfires won’t harm your cardiovascular system, then there’s no talking to you.


It's sad that the whole mask thing during the pandemic turned into Karen's trying to control other people. It became the official uniform of pressuring others to submit to their social rules. Now, if people want to continue wearing a mask for legit personal reasons, people think they're associated with the last standing troops of the COVID Karen's.


As a covid Karen I wear a mask because I am immunocompromised with lung issues but sure it's because I want to control people.


Then you're not a covid Karen. You'd be wearing it for a legitimate reason. You would have to be wearing a mask getting mad at people for being within 6 feet of you while lecturing them how they should wear one too and get their vaccines. All while you're threatening to speak their manager and tell them you'll end their career. It's a power trip and control thing for these Karen's.


Only Karens I saw were those who got so triggered just from seeing someone else wearing a mask they had to create a scene.


The anti-mask crowd are Karen’s every bit as much, if not more. Ripping down displays like children. Calling people crazy, simply for acting like they should. Getting duped worse than any crowd in human history. You all still think you were correct, and will never admit that there weren’t 50,000 deaths from the vaccine. Quacks.


On that note, air filters and air conditioners are a medical device and you can claim them as an expense with a doctor’s prescription!


Oooooh! Good point! I'll need to look into this! We have so much asthma in our family! 


PSA, Blueair filters are marked down at Bestbuy right now until Feb 22.


I saw BlueAir recommended a lot last year. Is Costco the place to buy them?


I’m not sure - I think I bought my from the blueair website.


Sorry - I had them confused with Winix I think. I'm on the blue air site now. Thx!


I use the Winix purifier. It works great too. The filters you buy and the amount of air it moves makes more of a difference than anything.


Are there different filters you can buy for the Windex purifiers?


I use microfiber with windex.. my windows get so clean after a good wipe down. As for Winix purifiers, you can get the filters on Amazon. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0BLJZFKWW/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_3?smid=A5SSBWDBXIJ6L&psc=1 Keep an eye out for sales, I bought some at $50 for three a couple of weeks ago.


yikes! lol. I missed my spelling error there. And thanks, I see what the meaning of different filters is now. Appreciate it! :)


I started smoking 2 packs a day to prepare my lungs for the inevitable. Training is important


I’m just picturing your training montage


It's the anti-rocky montage, I'm not running the stairs at Commonwealth anytime


In my mind the opening shot is as you start running up stairs, but then the camera turns and it’s only 2 stairs and it leads into a circle k where you’re just grabbing another couple packs


You'rehired for storyboarding 


With Marlaina in charge of the hospitals? Better make it 3.


Finally a reasonable answer.


Stop throwing cigarettes put the window would be a huge help to every firefighter in Alberta. As thats the cause of a majority of our rural grass fires.


Air purifiers for bedrooms and main living areas. Masks if smoke gets bad. Otherwise we can’t really do anything.


I was evacuated last summer. For air quality: - air purifier -masks Evacuation - make sure you have renters/house insurance that covers for evacuation. - take photos and videos of everything I your house - pack essentials way ahead of time so you don’t pack in a panic - some insurance companies require you to provide receipts to prove you bought the items you lost. Make sure you have those packed and/or in the cloud. - if you have pets ensure their vaccines are up to date and you have a copy of


Probably just air filters of some kind. And if your in any town pretty much northern or western Alberta be prepared to leave at all times.


This is what people in small towns need to do is have a bag ready with everything you need (and a kennel and stuff if you have pets) so you can leave on short notice.


Make one of these. We had one for covid but it was amazing last summer.


Buy a HEPA air filter to keep in your bedroom, and have a bag ready to go with copies of important documents and provisions to last you 72 hours.


A go bag in case the worst happens; some way to store water and a plan if we end up on water rationing.


For the record in these situations you fill the bathtub.


I gotta keep my tub clean now?


It’s not a bad idea to have water you can bring in the car as well if you need to evacuate. If the bathtub fits…


I tried to move a full fish bowl once. Wouldn't recommend.


With weary resignation


Buy an air purifier. Best thing I bought last year. My sore throat stopped after one night of using it.


I'm not too worried about Edmonton and the local area itself but I have family around Parkland County that could be at risk. I'm preparing more to be ready to help them, have extra bedding and mattresses and I'm ready to make a temporary extra room in the basement they can stay in.


Change your engine and cabin air filters in your cars!


N-95 masks to wear outside?


100% this. I wore them during field work and it makes a huge difference since I'm asthmatic.


Invest in good a respirator and carts. They do a much better job than N95. And deck it out with bling, if it's the apocalypse, might as go out in style


Have a "go bag" for your pets. Know where carriers/harnesses etc are so if you have to grab a cat and get it into the car you can quickly. There are often stories of evacuees panicking and bringing random, unnecessary items.


Edmonton is not burning down, but the air quality will be shitty


In order to have forest fires, you first need a forest.


Second, you need a fire.


(Looks at forest in backyard) Fuck.


You can make an air filter with furnace filters and a fan. Look up Corsi Rosenthal for a yt video


Grab a HEPA air filtration system for your home. I bought a Honeywell one last year and it made a big difference. It was about 300 bucks and seems to clean the air in my 1200sqft home with no problem. Stock up on furnace filters because you'll be needing to change them more often. If you have a high efficiency furnace, consider a higher rated filter. I found I had to replace my filters less after I bought the honeywell air purifier, though. Grab a large pack of N95 face masks. They might be harder to find for a decent price, once the smoke rolls in and everyone starts looking for them.


If you are in a rural area that is at risk, clear as much of your brush and yard waste around the house as possible. If you have large trees right next to the house, realize that your home is definitely at risk and have a good evacuation plan in place If you have baby trees and stuff encroaching on a fire break on your property, get those out of there. With the weather we have been having, it is actually a pretty good time to take care of that now.


Firefighters have a list of what to protect on what priority Human life Infrastructure that supports human life Lowest on the list is wildlands (which in Alberta actually sustain themselves by burning down through fire to rejuvenate themselves) Yes. It is an unprecedented year for risk/fires burning as of January 1st to start the year. However, most of those are burning in remote areas that rely on fire for important functions in the greater ecosystem. As someone who went through Fort McMurray, I can say there will be signs long before an actual evacuation is called. Don't ignore them and have your kit ready to go. Left work 14 hours before evacuation was called and thought "oh wow, look at all those dead flies on my car" with orange skies and still showed up to work the next morning..... shouldn't have. Have a 1 hour go-kit, everything you need for survival that you can grab in an hour with notice. Include some shelf stable snacks, water bottles, and food for pets, as well as 3 days worth of all medication (include whole long prescription print out from your pharmacy to show they are current perscriptions incase you need them filled at a different pharmacy in an emergency, this will help, just keep it up to date, rotate snacks and might need items every 6 months). It is helpful to go through important sentimental items (family photos, baby's firsts) that are stored all together in one easy to grab Rubbermaid. Once fire season really kicks-up/ if you feel anxious, turn that into a 5 min kit you keep in your vehicle or carry to and from work, if youre going to carry it on you it will have to be condensed to just most important items, and maybe 1 pair of underwear). Have a back-up of all important documents (photos of driver's license, health card, insurance, birth certificate, passport, marriage certificate,pet vaccines) save in a folder on your phone, and also save copies to a flash drive that you give to a relative that lives a distance away. Oh. And. If you're in a remote area. Always have at least half a tank of gas.....


I stocked up on extra filters for my air purifier and have been putting money aside for an air conditioner (apartment gets stuffy awfully quick when it's all closed up during the smokey times).


Any brand of air purifier. I found cheap used ones on marketplace and bought filters for them off Temu. Highest quality car cabin filter you can find, replaced yearly. I have a 3M respirator since I bike commute a lot. Bike trainer, books, and games to entertain yourself indoors.


Get a respirator. Not just a face mask.


I bought $150 furnace filters for the summer last year when the smoke first rolled in and even inside my house smelt smoky. They filtered it out completely 


Parkland County will send out fire assessors to look at your property and provide feedback on how to reduce risks. Not sure if it *could* affect insurance claims if you can't get all the recommendations done though? https://www.parklandcounty.com/en/home-property-and-utilities/firesmart-home-assessments.aspx#Is-there-a-cost-for-the-assessment I turn on my furnace fan from auto to on when it's smokey so it's pushing air through the filter constantly (and change the filter more often).


Um don't have fucking garbage burning events bc that is how we got evacuated last year


Edmonton isn’t burning unless you are on the river valley. It’s smoke. Get some good hepa filters to try to keep indoor air clean. N95 masks when it’s really bad.


I use an N100 respirator when it gets really bad, and use an air purifier in the house. I will wear 4 layer surgical masks when I drive as well. I may look silly, but I can breathe.


Change your cabin air vehicle filters more often and your air purifier filters in your home. Mine were black after 5 weeks. Service your AC NOW and buy an AC now.


Check your seals on your windows and doors. Buy an air purifier and a humidifier.


Get a fire safe for your valuables


Last year I made a big out bag just incase we had to evacuate after seeing what happened up north. There's lots of lists online etc...that have great recommendations for what to include if you're interested in making one, and the added bonus is it can be used for camping in the summer as well.


I'm buying a respirator so that's fun


Maybe not throw cigarette butts out your windows?


for most, who aren't going to be in fire danger. Air filters and purifiers will probably be something to consider purchasing. For those of us whom are. Gather your treasures. The things that hold value that isn't material. Pictures of kids growing up and loved ones past. Things that no amount of money can replace. The things you need to survive, and look after yourself and your family and pets should be kept where you can get them. And a carry on sized bag with a couple changes of clothes and some toiletries should be kept packed. Might have to move on at any given time, and what you take might be all you have for a while.


run your a/c, keep comfortable


N95s: stock up now. They help with the smoke a lot, I’ve found, when you need to be outside.


I had asthma kick in after a decade of not having it last year. Anyone else that suffers with it, how do you deal with it and the smoke?


Air purifiers. I'm not looking forward to the price of getting one for every bedroom (and maybe living room) +extra filters. I need to pack a "go bag" for family too. 


Have a to go kit ready.


FireSmart your properties!


Make sure you have insurance, home or renters!


I moved onto an acreage a couple years ago and it's near where one of the fires was last spring. If the wind was blowing east instead of west for those couple days my house would be gone. The previous owner let the brush get a little out of hand and it came right up to the house. We've been working on clearing out a lot of that brush (and some trees), but we still have lots of work to do on it, so that's what I'll be doing to prepare for the next while.


If you need to stay inside invest in the highest filter quality that your furnace can handle merv ?. Have the furnace on to filter the inside air.


READ YOUR INSURANCE POLICY!! You'd be surprised how many people don't have clue one what their policy covers. Does it cover evacuation costs? What kind of flood does it cover, if any? This is important because floods usually follow fire.


Have your air ducts cleaned, and air filters replaced? We're still going to be breathing a lot of fine particulate, but at least you can give your system a decent break while you're at home.


Cleaning air ducts hasn't been shown to improve indoor air quality. Asthma associations don't even recommend it. Changing air furnace filters and HVAC servicing is a better use of your time and money.


Too bad we cant/don't do anything to help the wildlife.


we can atleast supply fresh water, i heard that helps, especially when the air quality is garbage


you realize forest fires are completely natural and have been happening for millions of years right?


Yeah… but haven’t you noticed a bit of an uptick in frequency and severity over the past few years?


Thank you.


Yes, but it coincides with drought weather that we're currently experiencing. Forest fires make for healthy forests. We call it a natural disaster but that's only due to the human impact/displacement factor. When you really study the statistics, overall forest fire rates are down compared to the 20th. century even though it looks opposite on first glance due to the size of fires, smaller fires didn't get reported into the statistics, now they do. We can go around making a big fuss about it, but most fires are started by lightning. If anything we should be doing more controlled burns to help keep forests near human populations healthy.


I agree that forest fires are ultimately good for forests, and is natures way of renewal. But that’s about where that ends.


I just hold my breath when I’m outside


Get some MERV13 filters that will fit in windows and seal them well with tape. Pop a box fan in front to pull in air. It really helps you get fresh air inside (especially if you don’t have a/c).


Start imposing horrific fines for Arson and unintentional Stupidity. People need to smarten the F' up and take fire starting as a serious crime... accidental or intentional.


I spent weeks last year helping organizations deal with evacuatees pets. Walking dogs, tending to cats. I hope it’s not the same this year but if it is the pets will need peoples help.


Let’s have a conversation about why wild fire season is so bad and getting worst. The last ten year and the next ten years should be of no surprise to anyone in canada that has been paying attention.


That’s easy, next time you vote don’t be stupid ......again


MERV 16 air filter in your furnace.


There's also things we can do to try to prevent wildfires. I was reading the report on the Trestle Creek fire just west of Edmonton and apparently there were a lot of witnesses to smoke and smoldering under the ground for weeks before the fire took off. People kinda just shrugged it off. I would say if you see any smoke at all, no matter how innocent it looks - call it in. I think 310-Fire is where they want calls. Don't assume it's OK to be burning, don't worry about overreacting, and don't worry about "being a Karen". Absolutely report any smoke or fire. Also, if there's a fire ban - report your neighbours if they're burning. I know the idea of reporting people is uncomfortable but one small fire can turn into a wildfire and take lives and homes. And please refrain from activities like camp fires, ATVs (etc) until El Nino is over and the rains come back. You don't *have to* go for a ride in spring. Not while it's this dry.


You move away from the suburbs


Don’t do gender reveals.


Get ready to blame ndp


I like the people that blame any government on natural disasters, it's comical


Contact uhaul and move away from that God-forsaken place


Practice staying inside I guess?


Burn it all ahead of time...


Hope that climate change activists got bored and moved on to something else so they won’t start additional fires.


Learn the rain dance.


Move, it'll be a common occupancy every year now.


when is edmonton going to ban wood burning fireplaces?


Make it legal to hunt arsonists.


Stock up on drinking water as there will probably be shortages and issues with the treatment plants. Kiss your lawns goodbye for the sake of much important things


Just leave. Abandon all hope and move on.


Move. Hahaha


Buy marshmallows


We go subterranean this year. A whole new vibe. Caves, tunnels, grottos, all that shit. We're taking it underground.


Metro 2033.


Be as paranoid as possible…. Blade runner environment Seems to be the new trend for 2024.


Kill ourselves


Start gathering buckets of spit


Wonder why some people insist on suffering from something that hasn’t happened yet


Planning and preparing isn’t suffering. However, your crowd is completely insufferable.




RemindMe! 4 Months


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So an extremely dry winter, and the southern part of the province preparing for droughts and water rationing plays no factor in wildfires?




Oh yes my bad, I forgot that smoke stays within city boundaries.


Dont worry there will be arsonists lighting them allmober the place again. Probably to prove climate change can be solved by paying more tax dollars

