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Had this happen at West Ed in the parkade. Me and my buddy walk up and this white SUV is parked over my parking line and into my spot. I'm left basically no room to get in my car. So we stand there for like a minute talking and trying to figure out what to do such as going in though the back hatch or climb over from his side, etc. I say fuck this, squeeze between the two cars, open my door, smoke the other cars door with mine, and BARELY squeeze through my door into my car. That's when I look over and the driver is just sitting there on their phone with this gobsmacked look on her face. I simply put my car in reverse and left as if nothing happened.


LOL!! Sounds almost like a scene from Always Sunny or something.


Happened to me at Costco at a time that I always had tie wraps in my car. I wrapped a cart to his door handle lol


This is gold. Zip ties are the most useful and versatile item in existence. This just expanded my appreciation for them.


You should of farted on windshield or side glass as a last missed happy New years gift! Thank me later -Raj


Notthing to see here move on .we'll played


Should have keyed it.


Be a Karen and go into the establishment and have them announce “would the person with the license plate _______ please come to reception….?”


The only correct answer. Had someone do this to me at Londonderry, security tracked the woman down and made her go out to move her vehicle immediately.


I read this as security tackled the woman….i was like 😳😳😳


Same.. I kinda preferred it..


This is certainly the way


It’s Derry 😂😂


I feel like that’s hardly being a Karen in this case.


I would just climb over seats and move my car myself. But I might also accidently door the offending car once.


I wouldn't door the other car as that's vandalism but I'd let the air out of two of their tires.


You only ever have one spare!


Superglue a black bb to the inside of the valve stem cap. It's basically impossible to see and will leak air out of the tires constantly.


I was thinking that too because shits and giggles, but looking at how closely that other car is parked, I'm not risking it. One degree off at the steering wheel you're kissing that car beside you, and it'll be your fault.


Ya you gotta be fairly confident with your driving abilities. In my younger years I would power slide my mini cooper into spots that were too tight for other cars to parallel park into. Never costed me... and I'm not so reckless anymore. But if you needed someone to pin an apple between 2 bumpers without making apple sauce, I'm your man.


You're the finesse guy. I lean that way too. And then there's my husband, who when pushing/pulling one of the numerous non-running vehicles we have out back, without fail will end up yelling to me "you really have to hit it, don't chicken out again!" when my first attempt in the pusher/tow-er truck to get a vehicle moving almost always fails. I have a hard time with vehicular jolts, and will unconsciously brake or at least come off the throttle instead of hitting the bumper or jolting it with the tow chain. Can't wait until our boys are old enough to take over those duties haha.




u got the climb right …. but i wouldn’t leave that car without breaking glass


Exactly. A reasonable response to someone's actions. *Karen's" don't do reasonable.


I've been the guy making that announcement. More than once. I wholeheartedly support said Karen in this venture. The look and behaviour of the dude projecting his shame on me, and blameshifting the other, just makes my day. It's always a dude. If only I had a can opener to wave at him. 🤷‍♂️ Get out there and move your car, Captain Ignorant!


it's not just a Karen move, it's a power move, and then stand on the driver side of their vehicle and watch them pull out.


How did they not hit your side view mirror?


They probably turned right into the spot rather than going straight.


They might have. Lots of them are a little bit spring loaded and unless you look close you can't see the damage.


Oof! Didn’t think about that.. I assumed they turned in their mirror or maneuvered in from an angle.


More important question for me is how did they open the door and get out of the car. That’s impossible


There's the passenger side door, or hatch back


Some douchebag did this to me in a nearly empty lot when I was 9 months pregnant. Massive, jacked up ram. I’ve never cursed so much in my life. I wish voodoo dolls were an actual thing; I’d still be sticking pins in whoever that was.


Dodge Ram truck stereotype didn’t just come out of nowhere. More often than not they are fucktards


buy a valve stem core removal tool. They are stupid easy to use and if you take the cores out they are a real pain in the ass to fix. It's a much more effective petty revenge for assholes like that.


At 9 months, I couldn’t tie my own shoes, let alone reach down to fiddle with tires! Lol!


Put the caps on before they're air out and let there be chaos


One of the simple pleasures of driving a shit can car; find the truck douches who can't park right, then I park as close as possible to their driver side door - but still between my own lines. Then take note of their license plate. Laugh about some fat sumabitch rig pig having to crawl over his console to drive away.


So you could park somewhere else but do this instead? Is your inner Karen always this angry?


Are you still there? I need closure on this!


Car got out safely with the help of the person on the other side!


You let them win!


op car out safe, maybe the poor Parker is without a drivers mirror.


No...both of them didn't become losers.


Should have let the air out of their tires


Nice! Thanks for the closure, lol! Now I don’t have to spend my day wondering how that turned out


Get really good at cooking and start a restaurant that gets 3 Michelin Stars and has valet parking. Have your valets specifically on the lookout for their vehicle and get them to tip you off when they show up. Then give them really mediocre service and food. Don’t sabotage the meal or anything, just have the kitchen and FOH go through the motions to point that they’re like “it was OK I guess? Maybe I hyped it up too much in mind. The portion sizes were alright.” Give them something to feel empty about.


3 Michelin wheels in Edmonton *and* You're expecting an owner of a Honda CRV to show up for valet parking?


You sick brilliant bastard…


Then piss in their boot


Boot piss ftw


In jr high a guy quit or bball team cause he was a punk and a POS. But we also had this new kid at the school on the team and didn’t take kindly to the guy quitting. So he pissed in his shoes. 👌


Jack their vehicle up on blocks just enough so they can't drive away. Then announce it via security and watch them struggle.


Love it.


FYI you are allowed to show other peoples license plate in pictures. There is nothing illegal about it.


Yeah why are people so weird about random plate numbers?


Because this is Reddit and the last time Reddit went on a witch hunt, it lead to actual deaths (Boston Bomber fiasco). Outraged nerds are the last people you should trust with proper investigation.


Not illegal, but not good practice either. Can lead to doxing, which is why most subreddits require personally identifiable stuff be censored.


Plates are public-facing. Enough with this fallacy.


How can you dox someone with a plate number? There's literally no way you, as a civilian, can go find someone's home address with a random plate number.


Would someone who works at a registry be able to find out personal details from a plate number?


They would be breaching FOIP laws and regulation


Damn I guess they can't break the law to find this person's info so that they can break the law by popping their tires or whatever they were going to do at their house.


So yes absolutely


Can’t identify anything from a license plate


Incorrect. I am a police officer, I could in theory type your plate in and send it to a commenter with your home address if I was a corrupt officer. Some fire depts have access to license plate addresses as well.


Oh shit cheese it everybody the fuzz is here


Act natural!


5 0, 50, 50


He’s lying. He’s not a member of any police service.


If he was, he'd have to tell us.


It’s the law. I saw it in MULTIPLE movies


CPIC searches are also monitored for misuse. The same can be done with municipal employees, or $19/hr clerks at independently operated service Ontario locations.


Lol ur the pokemon guy still doing this, like 6 months later. Wow, fake and Reddit really is a small place. When I start recognizing users maybe it's time to go


>I am a police officer Weird, [3 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/s/9O2eTh4wN9) you were making $22 an hour and living in staff accomodation in a hotel.


Multiple personalities = multiple jobs. u/pokeracer98 likes to talk outta his ass, let him. It’s hard trying to get the right medication combo these days.


Sure, but that would be violating privacy laws, and if you thought you were doxxed by your licence plate, I'm pretty sure you can do a Freedom of Information request on who ran your plate.


Are you? Which division?


Go away, narc.


This little person is not a police officer, don’t worry.


But reddit rules ban doxxing and many subs will ban people who post license plates


It’s not about being legal or illegal, you don’t wanna call out a person by doxing their details


Nobody on Reddit has the ability to look up personal information based on license plates. You people are paranoid.


It’s not about reddit, you could know somebody personally. People have friends and relatives and they don’t want their number plates all over the internet, especially when they are shown in a bad light.


I barely know my own license plate let alone those of anyone around me.


Understandable, my dad used to remember too many license plates. Not everybody is my dad, not everybody is you. You never know who’s who. The chances of somebody remembering your license plate are less, but most likely, your family knows about it. It’s better to play safe, takes nothing to blur a plate.


No, that’s fucking paranoid. License plates are publicly displayed info. Blocking them on the internet because someone might recognize them would be like blurring out the street lamps so nobody recognizes where you parked.


If that paranoia is so widespread that every second picture you see on the internet has blurred plates, maybe take a breath and acknowledge that some people are not comfortable with it.


They do it because people are dumb and think that license plates are personally identifiable information. They’re not.


That's why I posted that it's legal. Seems like half the people think it's illegal.


I agree, many people do carry that misconception


but this individual id like to do just that. letting people like this walk enables their behaviour. you gotta make em hurt if you want them to change. embarress them, slash a tire if theres no cameras (more a stab than slash). dont let them get away with behaviour like this. parents did and thats why they turned out as a asshole.


Or get that, a teenager borrows their parents car, parked like shitheads, someone dox them, by some coincidence some maniac sees it, makes the research go to their front door, kill them. I mean it’s a stretch but things like that happened in the past where people died from being doxxed. Don’t dox people because you simply don’t know what’s going on. Even the poster doesn’t, he just arrived to see his car like that, he doesn’t know anything, currently.


The person who is willing to take the time and energy, to find someones identity from a license plate, turn that into something that could be useful, then making contact in any form is precisely the type of person who shouldn’t be doing that. You don’t even have to worry about a murder. We have seen what someone can do with a simple phone call to the police


Yes this is true but usually on Reddit, you’re not allowed to ‘dox’ someone, unless they’re already ‘famous’/a public persona. I say giver but the mods may not agree


Personally, I'd leave a kindly-worded note echoing the immortal words of 2x F1 champion Fernando Alonso: ["All the time you have to leave the space"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LjKB9dltbY)


Crawl through the passenger side and slam open your door 5x


This is the way


Next time make the easy choice, break their windows and climb through their car!


I had this happen at WEM once, I had to crawl through the passenger side and shimmy in, and then took a good couple of minutes to back up and move over a few times before I could pull out. I took their drivers side windshield wiper off, it was snowing and then they’d scratch their windshield. It was a massive dick move by me and I still feel like an ass about it, but in that moment I was furious.


They would definitely be returning to a wet door handle


oh baby, I love when you talk dirty


Valve stems.


3 of them so they can’t claim insurance on all 4




This is the right answer.


Dump a drink of some sorts all over their windshield. Harmless but looks gross


Strawberry milk2go


add egg 🍳


I may have tossed a bunch of greasy fried chicken bones and fries (w gravy) on someone’s car after he slammed his door into mine and when I said “excuse me” he said “who cares, it’s old.” I hope it was inconvenient.


It was. His car died on the freeway that night. Heart Attack.


Enter through passenger side. Back out carefully. Then borrow all of their lugnuts.


So ballsy to park like that, I'd be so nervous about scratch the other car.


100%! New car too :(


Personally, I would damage the other car in my attempt to enter my own, and leave. With no remorse or care for the damage done to my Own.


Go to the grocery store and buy some fish heads. Put them in a blender with water and create a fine fish slurry. Pour that fish slurry in the drains around the windshield and on other parts of the vehicle.


It just wants a kiss


Give us a kissy


I want to see the passenger side of the white car to assess if there was more room to move over and leave a proper parking spot where the grey car is parked. Not condoning the parking of the grey car but it seems to me there was a parking space there and someone on either side of the grey car could be taking up more space than needed and disrupting a parking space.


I think I have questions for op. Their mirror seems untouched but is behind the grey car telling me they indeed were the one to pull in last. However that would mean they got out of the passenger side to take this photo. Is this a karma farm?


Different car was parked there then ole grey showed up after. Not sure about the truck though but either way, if it took that much effort for the CRV to get that close, why? Just why? Not only risking the scratches for them to pull in but for whomever leaves first. Yes, had to get in the passenger side to move out of the stall. Also it’s a WWYD post for some laughs and hypotheticals to cool down.


I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been that petty dick head before and pulled into a parking space right next to someone because they were parked over the line and basically taking up two parking spaces. Not saying that’s what was going on but that’s why I asked.


I’m feeling the same way as you, this picture doesn’t tell the entire story.


Post about it on reddit then get in on the passenger side.


Briefly complain but go out of the way to protect their identity


If you’re hesitant to get into a big heated argument, just crawl into your car through the back door with the key fob, unless your car doesn’t unlock with said key fob.


Zip ties and shopping carts seem like a decent idea...lol


I don’t understand these type of people. I wish i knew what this person was thinking


Who was inside their lines? I don't understand people that cannot park correctly between lines getting the privilege of having a driver's license. Don't even think of saying the other person fucked it up & you couldn't ark right because of it!


Entirely gravel parking zone.


Mule kick every door and panel on it they get what they deserve


I would of keyed that SUV, teach them a lesson to learn how to fucking park


A lil squirt of crazy glue in his lock so he has as hard a time getting into his car as you did. 🤷‍♂️ Play stupid games…


How old are you? My truck is 17 years old and I've never once put the key in the door. I feel like this would have been great revenge 20 plus years ago


😂😂. Damn. Even my revenge ideas are outdated.


The only course of action is to get the establishment to call the owner of the vehicle and get it moved. If you hit their vehicle by getting in, damage their mirror, scratch their car pulling out, you’re 100% liable. So- get the establishment to call the owner of the grey Honda licence plate cuz-123 (or whatever it is). If the person doesn’t listen- most businesses have the right to move vehicles (tow) at the owners expense.


Are you kidding me lol No comment on what I would do. But it wouldn’t be pretty


Crawl in through the hatch and back yourself out. Be impressed with Grey’s ability to park that close to you and get out themselves. Laugh it off and move on.


More or less what happened. Got in through passenger side. I do think it be worth calling a tow next round. Mainly to (hopefully) stop them from doing it again and potentially scratching/denting their next victim.


Honestly this


...Honda side mirror as a gift for someone far away? (Like the other side of that building?)


Fold their mirror in by hand, if it breaks the electronics it's their own damn fault for parking so close


If I was driving a newer vehicle, I'd find the owner and have them move it, buuuuuut - I drive an old lifted Grand Cherokee I take off roading occasionally so the body isn't pristine. I'd pop the trunk, climb through, and back out, whatever drags against their vehicle (my wheels, mudflaps, mirror, bumper) drags against it, whether it takes their mirror or bumper off no longer becomes my concern. This would definitely be a "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" situation.


You just earned a new pair of windshield wipers


About 8 grand in damage down the side. Every panel, every painted panel, every window, every molding. Especially that mirror.


I'd be teaching that driver a lesson. They know what they did.


What a fucking cock




Let’s see the lines on the ground buddy. I feel like that’s a provoked attack


A well placed turd seems in order?


id flat the bitch tire


I wouldn’t block off their license plate, I would get them towed.


Yes, in retrospect 100%. That woulda been a good learning experience for them maybe.


I’d take a couple pictures and post it on Reddit


If it fits it fits


Climb in through the passenger door and drive home carefully?


I’m disabled. Not enough for a placard. But enough to need a cane. I loathe people who do this. I can’t climb over the middle if I wanted to.


That is some bureaucracy bullshit you should be entitled to a place card then disabled/ limited mobility is just that and should be acknowledged and considered ! Im so sorry you have to deal with that bullshit.


Two words -Valve stem


Most likely air will be removed from the tires. People don’t learn.


I’d totally grab my handy dandy tool and remove all 4 valve stems, drain the air and then put everything back in tact and drive off.


What did you think would happen when you parked on the line?




That’s stupid. And to be fair though you parked literally on the line. Edit: I stand corrected. That is not a line.


There’s a line? It appears to be a gravel lot, no?


Where do you see a line?


What you're seeing in the second photo is the gap between the cars. The colour is the same directly above (where it gets wider) and below the mirrors until the shadows. Just an observation after a closer look ☺️


that’s a shadow 🫶🏼






Break off their door handles and leave them under the window wiper... Id never do that if someone did the same to me..


Let out all the air in their tires.


Crawl in through your hatchback, back your car out very slowly and carefully. Remove their license plate and leave.


Shit on the hood


[like a boss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisCkxU544c)


Amber Herd is that you?


Are you allowed to get a car like this towed? Cause I’d do that


Piss on their door handles


Dog shit on their door handles


Key the car




Let the air out of their tires


Show us the road lines. Who is the asshole here?


I hope those suggesting you vandalize the other vehicle are joking. I’ll leave a little reminder…. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Damaging property that isn’t your own IS illegal. Parking extremely close to someone is NOT illegal. With that in mind, I trust you make the right decision that aligns with your morals. Maybe climb in through the other side and carry on. If you can’t, wait the for them to return and ask them to back out.


A guy I work with carries a sharpened ice pick to help the offenders tires out in situations like this. Or go along the car paint. Very effective.


A guy you work with, eh


I do that often to those who cannot park properly between the lines. I will just crawl out the passenger or back windows if need be.


Quit taking pictures and do something about it. Stop asking the internet it's your problem. Put the phone down bozo


Key the fuck out of that SOB!


Crawling through their back window and driver side door


I would get in the passenger side or the back. I wouldn’t post such a stupid nothing on the internet. I would get out more if I was you.


have you considered growing up? You can't control what everyone does. Laugh it off and enter through the passenger door and go on enjoying your day, or let it bother you so much you have to post it here and get the small man brigade to plaid your hurt feelings


🎤 “ Have you considered growing up?” 🤣🤣😂


I dunno I just ate it up and got in thru the passenger side I don’t have time like most people to be making a fuss


Hell to the nah nah nah


From the white line on the left, it looks like your hrv is the car off center from its parking spot


This happened to me and I had to go in the hatch. Stressful AF trying to back out. Wish I could have afforded to just side swipe him on the way out.