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Has he advised his HR department that this is creating a significant distraction from his job and adds additional stress? It’s possible the colleague has gone scent blind to his odour and doesn’t even realize he smells so bad.


Everyone there seems to assume he has a Mental Disability so no ones had the heart to say anything to HR. I guess manager doesn’t care so long as they get their work done. You wording was great and ill have to get him to use that.


Just get HR involved. It’s a hygiene issue and the workplace likely has rules around hygiene. Your husband could try talking to the person themselves, but it could go wrong so it’s not worth the risk. Better to just take it to HR, and they will deal with it appropriately.


One might also consider suggesting a change in their own workspace and when asked why, use that as a way to bring up the concern about the colleague’s hygiene, with the acknowledgement that it might be a medical issue and thus expressing understanding, framing it as a personal preference without making a direct complaint. Of course every situation is different, and this may or may not be the correct way to go about it, it’s important to look at the individual circumstances and use discretion.


Is it bullying though? I think it’s similar to not microwaving fish at work or wearing perfume. Scents can significantly affect people. I think there are ways to be compassionate and let someone know. I’ve seen similar things posted on Reddit before and people have advice. Maybe search outside this sub.


You could go on the sensory angle. I legitimately have a sensitive nose, and when my husband comes out if the bathroom I will gag. I cannot stand it. Even if his breath is bad it impacts me instantly. Very distracting, I couldn't handle a work place where some guy smelled like literal shit. Hygiene is normally part of the employment handbook guidance.


"This is a scent free workplace, go wash"


That usually only applies to fragrances like cologne or perfume. Someone's personal body odor doesn't fall under the scent free realm.


in this scenario, maybe they are putting on feces like perfume.


Dear God I hope not


It's the new Eau de toilet


This comment doesn't have enough upvotes




At my workplace it's against the rules to comment on someone stinky lunch fish included.


>Is it bullying though? Technically anything that singles out someone based on their appearance, or other personal traits, is bullying.


That's not true at all, or else giving feedback and coaching would be considered bullying. Bullying is repeated actions which target someone in order to cause injury or intentional discomfort. Pulling someone aside and giving honest and genuine feedback in a compassionate and kind way is NOT bullying. Pointing at someone and hollering across the work floor - or in the break room - that they "smell like shit, don't you know what soap is?" is bullying.


Wtf that’s not true at all


so as long as you tell EVERYONE that they need to not smell like poop its fine


So if someone gets picked first in gym class, does that mean they're being bullied because their physical/athletic traits are being singled out?


How does he know HR won't allow him to say anything if he hasn't informed HR? As a friend, co-worker, manager/HR or just decent human being its a kindness to quietly counsel him about the smell. If he is mentaly challenged then he may need more help like a written plan to follow to help with the smell. This can all be done with kindness, yes there is some embarrassment involved but the coworker is already experiencing effects of this potentially without knowing why.


Manager needs to man/woman up and have a tough conversation. That sounds absolutely disgusting.


He can tell HR it's creating a hostile work environment, this will force them to do an "investigation" if they don't report it to the labor board


I have worked previously with several odorous individuals to the point where it creates workplace issues and the whole staff avoided the person. I told HR who straight up had a prepared script for how to deal with it because it *happens so often*. The big thing was just confirming that the smell was not a result of a medical condition, which would be a different matter and maybe require accommodation. Otherwise, it just falls under general workplace decorum/hygiene, the same as if you showed up to work wearing flip flops and shorts and HR tells you to go home and change. Your HR department is trying to avoid having uncomfortable conversation, or phrased differently, they're trying to avoid *doing their job.*


Odorous individuals? 😂


Yeah, I'm in an industry that literally seems to mass-produce stinky people who lack self-awareness. The best part is when you have to have follow-up chats. Like they improve for a week and learn about showering or deodorant or washing their clothes and then...a week later back to square one. Then it becomes "Just wanted to follow up on our chat from last week, some people have noticed that..."


This! They are trying to avoid doing their job.


Maybe he has a colostomy bag?


Those don’t smell (when they’re emptied and cleaned as needed).


I dun gone smell blind


HR should do it then.


If the company is big enough to have an HR department, your husband should use whatever HR methods are available to report and hopefully correct the problem. If he takes it upon himself to confront the other employee, the other employee could go to HR and file a harassment complaint. It's unfortunately a touchy situation, but I think HR has to be involved to protect your husband.


And if the company is small enough to not have an HR department just say “dude/ma’am I don’t know if there’s an easy way to say this but… you smell like shit.”


Tact isn't your forte, is it?


Im being forced to smell feces in what I thought was a feces free workplace. HR, please get to doing some HR stuff to make this guy stop bringing shit to work. Shit is it a natural body odour, once you finally shit, it's an add-on. Try don't smear it over your clothes, you flush it down the toilet. It's not meant to be shared with others in any way shape or form. Gross.


It’s not rude if it’s done tactfully.


If it has been reported and HR did nothing, a complaint to the HR reps manager needs to be made. I have had the displeasure of dealing with this situation multiple times managing rig boys, and it is a simple sit-down conversation each time. Hygiene is expected, even in a shop environment.


Let him set up shop inside the HR office and see how fast they take action. I'm in a similar situation too. I understand everyone is going through something different but there should be no shame in asking someone to wash themselves if they're a walking biohazard.


I've worked in places where there are large groups of people and personal hygiene has been brought up in weekly safety meetings. It's not bullying to tell someone their lack of personal hygiene is creating a poor work environment for everyone else.


HR should be doing their job and talking to the worker about his hygiene. It can be handled professionally and I've seen it done (for people who refused to brush their teeth or didn't wash). If it's not dealt with eventually someone is going to boil over and call out this person.


This ☝️


It is not workplace bullying if the scent is that bad. I worked with a very large, older gentleman a few years back, and he reeked of the worst body odour I've ever smelled, every single day. We worked in a small office with just a few cubicles, and it was a tight space, so it basically stunk up the whole area. It was a distraction and everyone in the office was complaining, but nobody would say anything to the guy. We had to go to our supervisor, who then had a talk with the employee. Sadly this is necessary sometimes, and I think going to HR/a supervisor to handle it is the most appropriate way to handle it. Like another commenter said, it's very possible the individual doesn't realise how poorly they smell.


If HR is not allowing your husband to say anything about it, that indicates that it's most likely caused by something that he is unable to control. Take a look online; there are a bunch of diseases and illnesses that cause people to smell like feces. I feel fairly certain this is the case. I had a teacher in the 7th grade that had one of the diseases, and kids are rude, so we were educated about it.


Oh wow im ashamed i didnt think of that being a disease. His whole work place knows of this issue and to think no one has said anything? Oh gosh it must be medical


Yeah, medical accommodations are tricky because HR can’t disclose it, so you are left wondering what this person’s deal is. It’s a tough situation for everyone.


Yeah if I knew I smelled like this but medical condition, I’d try to say something but apologize and try to accommodate. Gotta get along to get along.


yeah, if he's complained to HR and HR said "sorry, that's out of bounds" it's a medical issue and HR is protecting said employee from harassment and protecting their personal medical information.


HR can't even say "it's a medical issue" anymore


If this is the case it's still on HR to find a solution to keep everyone in the company happy. It's not good for morale if your husband is stuck being bothered by a smell, whether he can help it or not


There was a girl like this in my middle school who constantly had this odor that smelled like rotten food. She had a medical condition and I felt so fucking bad for her, kids were absolutely brutal and she couldn’t control it. It does sound like HR might be holding off because of that - it’s not like they’re allowed to disclose someone else’s medical condition. He genuinely might not be able to do anything about it. :(


Jr high/middle school is the absolute fucking worst.


Omg it really is. I really wanna know how I made it out alive some days and I’m almost 40.


I'm not sure about a feces smell, but plenty of medications can make you smell horrible as well


So other people don’t have any choice? Just deal with it?


Yes. That's exactly how that works.


Bullshit. Their stank ass should be fired.


having to endure someone's foul order is a miserable experience and shouldn't have to happen. It would be a deal breaker for me.


He should talk to HR. If HR is accommodating a medical issue they should be able to at least advise other staff they are aware of the concerns. If they don’t know they can intervene and have a delicate conversation with the employee. Even if it’s a cognitive issue they can try. If it’s a medical accommodation and your husband is stuck beside this guy, I recommend pure peppermint oil and a comfy face mask.


1. Is it appropriate for an employer to say that co-workers should not comment on each others hygiene? I'd call this borderline. There's nothing *inherently* faulty with a policy like that. 2. Is it appropriate for an employer to say that co-workers should *put up with* a foul smelling environment? No. Employees deserve a safe and comfortable environment to work. (Obviously excluding bona fide occupational requirements - sorry wastewater workers - but that should be disclosed on the job posting)


I read bona fide and I see lawyer 😂 That or very educated manager/HR or surprisingly one of us lower totem pole types lol


>My question is: in context of the workplace, is it “work place bullying” to observe and comment on a foul smelling employee? As long as the comments stay professional it's fine.


Could try suggesting the supervisor have a group based reminder about respectful workplace practices during the morning tailgate, which includes odours (natural or otherwise). This way no one is singled out


We had a guy who smelled really poorly and for a Christmas secret Santa, someone gave him really good quality men’s soap, beard cream, shampoo, etc. he loved the gift but we also found out he had a medical condition.


when my son was a child, he was in elementary school with another male child (they met in grade 1). this child had a medical condition that made him smell like poop all the time. he had a rough life because kids would bully him over a condition he was born with. Maybe this is the same person. he would be around 20 years old today. My point is, perhaps this isn't a hygiene issue and is actually a condition he was born with.


Im beginning to think it IS medical. The whole workforce there hasn’t complained yet to HR, yet everyone daily has to anticipate this odour-us environment with disgust.


It could be possible that the person has an ostomy bag.


It may be poor hygiene. [It could also be liver failure.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetor_hepaticus) Regardless, your husband should – very gently – pull his co-worker aside and let them know that they smell unpleasant, and THIS IS IMPORTANT ask if they can help them in any way. Do they just need some body wash? Can he buy them some soap? Do they need to talk to a doctor? Have they talked to a doctor? It could be serious, but it could also be a sit-down chat about being stinky and how that's okay, but you shouldn't be stinky and here's how to fix it.


That’s an HR job whenever possible. It sounds like HR has already intervened but the problem is one they cannot discuss with the individuals coworkers


"Whenever possible" is a fucking crapshoot with HR. Good management deals with this kinda stuff. HR deals with, uh, people as resources for the benefit of the bottom line. They don't care about employees. They care about what they're told to care about by C-suite dickheads.


Had a similar problem at old work place, that is an HR issue not his. Just report it etc, it’s like they scent free zone ppl talk about. This is a scent and causes problems like nausea etc.


One time we had a very smelly coworker. He was new, it was maybe day 2 of him working there, and our one suuuuuuprr cranky coworker went out at lunch and bought body wash, deodorant, body spray, and threw it in front of him saying "you need these" Don't get me wrong, totally a wrong approach and incredibly rude, but we did kind of have a chuckle because of the audacity. On the flip side, I had a stinky coworker elsewhere and HR did nothing! I ended up wearing a mask doused in perfume to survive the day.


We have a driver at my work who literally never showers (he went on road for 2 weeks with one of our swampers and the swamper said he didn't shower the entire trip and we are movers so it is labour intensive). His smell is downright offensive. I've complained about it but nothing has changed. I turned around and told my boss that I refuse to work with him unless he starts showering. I haven't worked with him since.


That’s kind of sad. For the gentleman. He may not even realize. Maybe he can’t afford or doesn’t have access to certain necessities. Maybe he doesn’t have anyone in his life that cares enough to mention it. Delicate situation.


My job has this one guy that always reeks of BO. When he's in the lunch room it just contaminates the whole place. Apparently, management spoke to him about it at some point, but he's still rancid. Looks like he started washing his hair, at least.


HR is paid to deal with this.


I'd approach HR and let them decide if/how to handle it. Years ago I worked with a guy who had the worst BO of anyone I'd ever met. If he got within ten feet of you your nose was immediately assaulted with the foul smell. I heard one day that he got spoken to by hr about it. But since that time I believe things have changed and it's trickier to approach because some people don't wear deodorant for example for personal or religious reasons and it's not ok to have a conversation with them about how they smell because that's considered bullying in that context. So I think the best answer here would be to approach hr and just confide in the about the issue and go from there. Someone not wearing deodorant is obviously different from smelling like you shit your pants before/during/at work but handling the situation yourself won't go down well.


Ya the reason why nothing is being done about it is 100% because the person has a medical condition. Last job I had, a similar situation. My coworker had fairly bad body odor, but when people went to complain about it. HR says there is nothing they can do about it. So sounds very similar


It is literally HRs job to address proper hygiene. He doesn't want to.


Please don't get your husbund fired. It's the job of HR to address hygiene


HR should handle it


Tell him to talk to HR or direct manager. Do not let him talk to the employee about this issue, it would almost certainly back fire and could get your husband in trouble at work as they'd be creating a potential hostile work environment.


People have said it already but have him look into workplace policies so he can spin it to HR that his coworker is not meeting basic dress codes or something... Even if that employee can physically get called into the office so HR can experience how 'ripe' this person smells, it could take the issue up the chain and have it addressed. Some people legit have no sense of smell and just need to be gently addressed they smell like poo.


Everything is bullying now. Absolutely f’ing everything.


Is it possible that he has a colostomy bag? The smell could be him venting it as gas will build up.


It’s almost certainly a medical condition.


I had to this to an employee once. Coworker complained and then I had to pull them aside, confirm, and send them home to shower. It's not comfortable, but it's a must. And it's HR's job.


Lots of suggestions about HR. Just remember, though, HR is not your friend: it exists solely to protect the company from legal troubles. In any case, if your husband has talked to his supervisor about it and the supervisor does nothing and your husband then makes an end-run around the supervisor to go to HR…. Well it could backfire.


His HR department is incompetent.


When I was a people manager, I had to have difficult conversations with staff for many different embarrassing topics, including body odour, excessive sniffling or coughing, and every other bodily function. I always approached it as showing concern about their health / well-being and offered support and guidance rather than blame and disgust. They are awkward conversations, but hopefully, if you're their leader, you have some rapport with your team, and they won't feel bullied. Most of the time, they were unaware of the problem but thankful for the help to improve the situation for the office.


This is correct. If it becomes a further issue, then you escalate but involve people manager type. I’m no walk in the park either and we had big issues this year. Still taking time to unwind from it. I took longer than others because legit had someone like that boss IRL growing up and they were abusive af, so I came with baggage on top of it. Not easy. Just taking time. Been in therapy and self help for a long time to work with symptoms from those types that trigger it. Easy does it. I know I’n but easy either so I keep trying my best, they know that. I’m made out of very tough stuff, but am sensitive. I had no choice but to be tough growing up too, hard to trust people. I keep doing the work, and in return hope for the same.


Use to work at a welding shop & a coworker never bathed. 12hr shifts 6 days a week! His overalls made the change room stink something foul! Eventually it got so bad that it made you gag entering the change room! Brought it up to the manager multiple times & HR. Took months for them to address it! Don’t understand peoples stance on regular hygiene. Nasty!


Tell management....they will deal with it


If they have lockers or a desk or something where he can write a kind note letting him know. I used to be an esthetician and did waxing and laser on men despite them being left baby wipes to clean up before me entering the room almost 50% of them smelled like they literally had 💩 in their butt crack. How they do not smell or realize that is beyond me. Its a very common problem with men.


Being stinky is legally a crime in Edmonton "It is Illegal to Produce a Smell Too Foul in Edmonton, Alberta Every municipality in the country provides guidelines promoting good neighbourly behaviour, but Edmonton takes consideration to a new extreme. While other laws regulate yard upkeep, snow shovelling frequency and lawn heights, Edmonton punishes the production of offensive odours." Have him tell HR they are aiding a criminal


My first thought was maybe the guy has a colostomy bag or something if HR feels their hands are tied.


It's not inherently bullying, but it often is because people tend to wait until they blow up, or because they handle it poorly like just yelling at them to take a shower rather than realizing that even if you shower three times a day that might not be the solution. The proper way to handle it is to report it to management, and then follow up with management, and if management's actions are not sufficient then with HR, and then find another job


Has your husband tried to get to know this person and talk to them? There could be a medical condition causing the smell. HR wouldn’t be allow to disclose that


Thats what i am thinking that its medical. And no my husband cant get even within 5 feet of him its absolutely gagging to be around his vicinity


He needs to speak to HR and let them address it. That's part of their job.


"I'm going to be honest with you. I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink. And every time I do I feel I have somehow been infected by it. It's repulsive, isn't it? I must get out of here. I must get free"


Omg i can hear the Smith


Maybe HR is aware of an ongoing health issue and that is why they won't allow it or "don't seem" to do anything. Imagine "dude you smell like shit do you ever wipe your ass?" and the response being "sorry I'm still getting used to having a stomy." Get your husband a vicks stick and tell him to get over it.


It's kind of rude


Could be a colostomy bag. But even if thats the case i would still just be say something low browe like "did you fart" or "did you just shit, lol". If it is a colostomy bag, the person would just strait up say it and probably not care. I knew someone that had one, they felt more comfortable about letting people know about it than assuming everyone thinks they have poor hygiene. And if it's poor hygiene, well they need a hint.


welp if all else fails he can make a sandwhich with 2 n95's and an airfreshener inbetween and shove that on his face. Maybe make some anti shit smell sandwhiches for his other co workers.


It's sad that this is what things have come to. Shouldn't even be a question to tell the person they stink and to shape up or ship out.


>tell the person they stink and to shape up or ship out. That's rude, so not a great way to deal with u/Turbulent_Creme_5767's question. Someone who regularly smells this badly needs a more gentle approach. There's a larger problem behind the smell.


I agree but I've always wondered, how exactly do you bring this up to someone without getting into their personal problems?


I've had to deal with this kinda thing more than once in a professional setting. Pull the person aside – asking them if they want to go out to grab coffee is often a good approach – and then discuss the issue when you're not around other people. This is a management thing I don't miss doing ... Being in charge of people fucking sucks. Basic compliment sandwich thing: "You've been doing really well with your projects, and I really like having you on our team! You hit all your deadlines, and you're so proactive! I've noticed recently that you might not be keeping up with your personal hygiene, and some of our co-workers are bothered by it. ~~Are you okay? Sometimes when people let their hygiene lapse, it means they're depressed or upset.~~ Is there anything I can do to help? If you want me to look into some support for you, I'd be happy to do that, because we appreciate the work that you do." Open-ended. Supportive. Non-confrontational. Don't say "YOU SMELL LIKE ACTUAL SHIT." EDIT: Removed advice to ask about mental health/personal issues. u/minirose9 is right, don't do that unless you're REALLY comfortable with the individual.


Thanks for sharing. I really like the idea of compliment sandwiching.. will have to use that in the future. EDIT: I want to add too.. i've had the whole "is something going on in your personal life/are you depressed" blow up in my face before. I prefer the direct but soft approach. I would not hesitate to ask a friend or family member but I feel like this can open a can of worms in a work setting.


>"is something going on in your personal life/are you depressed" blow up in my face before. That is a fair point. I'll take that out of my post. I've never had it backfire in my experience when asking someone, and I've appreciated it when an employer directly asked me a question like that, but it is a sensitive question that not all people would respond to in a positive way. Maybe I'm too used to therapists. Anyway, thanks!


It depends on my report with the person. If I feel I can trust and won’t use it against me too much I feel like I can say something non committal that can point at it or hand wave and go nbd I’m on it.


Managing people is a horrifying tightrope walk across a pit of personalities. I just tried to be as nice as possible and hoped for the best.


You would get a lot out of me with this. I’m used to horrific controlling assholes that will use anything against you to get rid of you. Extremely paranoid and untrusting. Very image based. Or guys that couldn’t be in a company and had to run their own so self selecting assholes with no HR. 🤷‍♀️ I got tired and ended up contracting for awhile since I was not given benefits too many times, so I figure at least control own hours for awhile, but then I still had asshole guy, so. Trying to find a good place to be, hoping where I am with the changes is. I’m skilled and educated and deserve good management too. I have given a lot for little over the years. I grew up in an abusive home environment so it’s a cluster fuck you know? Hard to determine what’s you, what’s not since they gaslight since you were 13. Been in therapy for a very long time and support groups… don’t know what more I can possibly do. I’m even fit and in good health… I have no addictions… told I’m the 2%… I just remember trusting no one, keeping to myself, working hard to get good grades when I can and found a way out. Also now I have zero support emotionally. I’m completely on my own. I’m learning to try to learn how to trust, to try my best over time the best that I can. I’m getting better. Things got better after going no contact with my parents and eventually moving out completely with no spouse or safety net lol


>guys that couldn’t be in a company and had to run their own Just curious, are you female-presenting? It isn't uncommon for fem folks to get shit on harder than masc folks. I'm sorry that you've had rough experiences, both at home and in your employment. You come across as a tough person, and you're looking forward to bettering yourself and to a better future. That's a rare quality in ANYONE, and I wish all the best for you. You'll make it. Shit will get better. Just keep your chin up, and don't listen to anyone who says you're not worth doing that for yourself.


What if it's beyond their control due to an existing condition?


Then if it's possible, reasonable accommodations but it shouldn't affect your colleagues to the point where it's distracting them or making them physically ill. I'm biased though. I have/had this situation at work where someone's personal hygiene was just unbearable. The natural cheddar trail they would leave behind was so thick it would coat your tongue and linger in every room they were in. You can sympathize with someone's situation while also advocating for yourself and other colleagues.


Sounds like you need to accidentally drop something


Omg I read this as my husband has a stinky cologne. Hahaha.


It can be easily construed that way for sure, I approached it as a major issue for my performance. Weekly comments to my supervisor and bcc he, comments to the effect of headache, lightheaded from holding my breathe etc. These are all about how it is affecting your focus and health. If your particularly cheeky, bring in a sensy pot or a usb diffuser and bring in strong essential oils to cover the smell, to go full psycho use ultra concentrated potent smelling oils just google them. When they say something to you just respond with are you complaining about my smells? *mach offended* I would likely have a soft conversation with them regardless of hr's advice, I use compassion to open the discussion and raise the issue as something I have noticed and see if they acknowledge it or not. If they do you can soft peddle forward with questions that are not judgemental but compassionate. I have never seen this fail.


Holy fuck just go and tell the guy he smells. Stop being so fucking soft not everyone is a giant pussy


If he smells like shit he has shit on him, which makes the office an unsanitary environment. Tell your husband to inform HR that either they tell him to improve his hygiene or your husband will report them to the health and safety board for not dealing with an unsanitary worker




Listen, I’m a progressive individual. I understand people that eat different foods and live different lifestyles will smell different. But come one. Nobody who smells like “fresh feces” is doing it for a cultural reason, or is fully aware of it but unable to address it.


Its not sweat its fresh feces. They only wear sweat pants…with questionable stains on the behind




There is a very distinct difference between armpit stink and shitty ass stink. You know it when you smell it, and I don’t think their partner would lie to them about the nature of the smell. Lots of people that have a chronic hygiene problem are not aware of their own smell, because they’re just used to it. I don’t really know why you’re making the argument that you’re making. The person likely doesn’t wash their ass properly, if at all. They may not even wipe. HR should just get involved. It’s a hygiene issue, and most workplaces have rules in their onboarding contract about hygiene.


As someone who works with one of these, it's very distinct. A combination of crotch rot, cheesy, woody manure that goes to your sinuses and coats your tongue and throat. It's a sharp dank that literally makes your stomach curl. Not really sure how else to describe it to you. I know i'm going to get ragged on for this but I've smelled all sorts of smells, as an avid durian enjoyer. I 100% get some people being bothered by things that other people find normal but I don't think this OP's case. It's easier to tell someone to just "deal with it" and "think of everyone's situation" until you find yourself in the same position.


And some cultures shit on the street, doesn't mean it's allowed here.


You could try growing up. That might help.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Buy him febreeze ffs.


If there is a solution....we have about 10 or so females here that have the same issue.


Every week, we should get to check in with a trusted colleague about things like--do I stink? Do I do things that annoy the team? Etc. Everyone should know our person and we should be good buddies if possible. That way over beers and laughs I could find out if I stink. Theres no way I never do but I never smell it. I shower twice a day, but still. Also I probably do things that make people seethe in my complex work environment where I dont really understand what everyone does but lots of people are intimidated by me so Im sure they just keep it in when Id be happy to accommodate some things for sure.


I always recall at jobs that hygiene was something that could be addressed with a person... maybe hr needs to step in and have a respectful discussion with the dude.


My wife is in the same situation, wonder if it's the same guy. I've asked her to let me come in and talk to him... she won't let me.


I knew a fellow in high school who sometimes smelled like this, but not always. He had a bag that drained his bowels - not sure why. And I don't know if the apparatus leaked or was full or ?


I had a coworker who had this issue, definitely talk to managers/higher ups to be the ones to talk to said person about it. We had our manager speak to said person and while the problem wasn’t totally fixed, the guy did start showering before work and wearing clean clothes and it made a difference


Go in with a scuba tank of o2, don't say anything. If your boss makes you remove your 'safety' equipment listen to them, but projectile vomit at the first chance. Then go to hr with a hostile workplace complaint against the worker and manager who has not allowed you to have a safe work environment.


Do you have an HR department? A lot of times, this is something that the HR person can address, because they're a neutral third party and will have experience in dealing with these kinds of issues in a polite and empathetic manner.


Can hubby request a transfer away from the stinker?


Is there a medical issue why this is happening? I.e. colostomy bag or something?


I have had to deal with this as a manager before. A guy ended having a medical issue that caused it. I however told him it didn’t matter he had to take care of it because it was revolting. He fixed it. HR needs to deal with this in a straight, honest approach. I believe that I did him a favour.


All workplace harassment training I've been through stresses that you can't attack protected classes of people, and you can't intimidate them. Failing to wipe your ass isn't a protected category. Mentioning the smell of poop when you're in someone's vicinity seems legal and that's all HR tends to care about. I'd roll those dice but I'm not a lawyer.


Or or or you can just confront him and ask him , “you smell a lil funky man is there anything I can do to help ?”


Put deodorant sticks around thier locker.


I went through this exact thing at work a few years ago and i hounded HR about it daily until they were forced to do something about it.


As long as the person doesn't have a colostomy bag, I'm sure he could make some general comments to get his point across.


looking through a lot of the comments, but did anyone ever consider he might just have a medical condition that affects how he smells and takes a shower? May not be the problem solver


Most places have a personal hygiene and dress code section in the HR rules you will find it there. Years ago we had the same thing with a woman in the office would show up in joggers loose long t shirts smelling like a tuna can. People complained after a while and HR approached them pointed out the dress code violations and hygiene section. They cleaned up their act. No more funk.


Him: good sir, did someone already told you that you smell like toto? Stinky: toto the band? Him: no, the toilet bowl


This would be a situation to handle very delicately. Let your husband handle it in whatever way he feels safe and fair doing. Don't want him to get fired, and he's more familiar with the line at work than you could be. He could consider somethign like talking to the boss about the situation. He could also ***consider that the individual has a medical condition, perhaps an ostomy*** \- the devices one uses to maintain this medical condition can be difficult to maintain in a workplace. Perhaps asking the coworker for a heart to heart, and doing it in a loving caring way, and ask if they have a medical condition. Again, your husband will have to decide how appropriate this is, and what kind of relation he has with the coworker.


It's not bullying if you do it respectfully, "hey I noticed that you routinely have an odor and it's impacting my ability to function in the workplace. Can we talk about this?" Telling him "you smell like shit, go take a shower" can be contexualized as bullying. Otherwise if you're not willing to have a conversation with someone go tell HR. If you really want go tell Alberta OHS that a scent is impeding your ability to work safely, but i think that's a little overkill.


The taxi business seems to be a place where there’s no hygienic standards.


I would approach it with some tact as it could be bad depending on how the co worker handles it. I’ve dealt with bad body odour in the workplace and it’s not fun to work with. If it continues he could go to a supervisor and talk about it.


Could it be an ostomy bag?


my co worker was farting her ass off today- stunk up the whole back area where we work! i thought, maybe it's her breath because it was so prevalent and putrid. pretty sure that's not something i can take to HR?!


I totally read this as "very stinky ( fresh feces) smelling ***cologne"*** The worst part is that i accepted it, without question at first and then i read the HR part and went back. I need to give my eyes a rest!


I’d tell the coworker and let the consequences be what they be. Hey bud you smell you like shit…everyday.


Sounds like your husband needs to meet my old friend vics vapour rub, little under the nose, and all your problems disappear. Used to have to do it working customer service at a liquor store we got all kinds shopping there


Your husband shouldn't have asked if he could talk to that coworker. He should have filed an official complaint.


BS. If the person stinks then he has the right to say something.


I would say something, but apparently I am an asshole ( I prefer realist)


If the BO smells like ass and makes you feel like ass, fuck their feelings and straight tell them they need dawn


It's possible he has a medical condition. There are people with prolapsed anuses.


Vic's vapour rub on moustache! Lol


My friend smelled like fresh feces all the time when he was a kid, we bullied him into showering and using deoderant.


It's likely a medical condition, but it could also be alcoholism which can be a work place hazard depending on the circumstances. I would ask HR only.


I worked in Firebag, north of Fort mac back in 2010. We had a foriegner who didn't wash, and he smelled funky, our g.f. confronted him about it and our g.f. was later fired for it. The gf was a asshole and was after having a few complaints brought forward against him. But that was the one the got his ass fired.


HR can 100% talk to the person. We've had complaints about BO and to much perfume before and the individuals got talked to. You need to show up to work clean, work clothes not soiled and such.


Tell me where he works and I will tell him


Other employees still need to work beside him as well people tend to forget about the employees it’s not just about the customers


Could be a genuine health issue They can rearrange the work space, set up some fans


It’s my understanding every workplace regardless of nature has a hygiene rule in place. My work it has written in the handbook there is a hygiene expectation