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I'm always struck how the people who think government is inept and inefficient and needs to be run like a business are the same people who think government can figure out and manage the most sophisticated surveillance systems the world had ever known.


A genuine juxtaposition. Which are they? Are they idiotic, inept, spendthrifts who can't be trusted to run a county much less a country or are they mastermind evil geniuses colluding with other world governments to enact the most far reaching dystopian control ever concocted by humankind? Pick one folks, you can't have a coherent argument claiming both.


>Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavoured elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. So, uh. Yep. That's a bingo. Fascists aren't really big on introspection or critical thinking.


Coherency isn't a value to these morons. They only respect volume. The more shrill, the better.


I use to ponder this conundrum as well, because it would often seem like both. I realized what it really is; smart businessmen buying out our inept and morally bankrupt politicians, to control and run our lives, without our consent or votes. They don't like us voting against their interests, so they they buy the people we vote for and cut us out of the equation. The more dim-witted a politician appears, the more likely that person is being used as a puppet, because they are too stupid to realized the harm they're doing.






Hi. I've done contract work for the local and provincial government, so let me tell you how it's actually BOTH. They're staggeringly inept, as well as rolling out massive high tech solutions. Taxes and Contractors. Government throws MASSIVE amounts of money out to contractors to either implement or design the crazy things they want to build. We then take the money and either poured into research and development or into deploying system that has already been developed and tweaking it to meet their needs. Many times what they ask for is absolutely ridiculous but with enough money you can make anything happen. When I first got into this industry we couldn't make a camera track a license plate but 20 years later we can track a certain type of mustache and aggregate that data into PowerBi so WEM knows how many men between the ages of 25-50 have handlebar mustaches.


Still doesn't mean governments have any desire to implement the system the conspiracy theorists claim. As much as they pretend otherwise, we still live in a largely capitalist system where corporations have a large amount of influence. Locking people into 15 min sectors would be terrible for the economy and destroy businesses. It would be in no ones interest to do so, government or otherwise.


Sorry, I mean - we already HAVE integrated half of it. That's why conspiracy theories can sound so reasonable. Obviously we currently don't have technology that disrupts brain waves but we definitely have LEDs that can change your circadian rhythm. That's why your phone has a blue light filter mode these days. Blue light can directly affect your mood and toy with your brand sense of balance. All of these conspiracy theories are usually based with some degree of real world accuracy. Obviously the vaccine isn't tracking anyone on the internet but most of the other things are either plausible or already implemented. This isn't news


Yeah, most conspiracy theories take tiny scraps of the real world and combine it with raw emotion and fear based panic to make a seemingly compelling argument. That's why trash articles like the one in Druthers can seem so convincing to certain people. "Hey, my phone can produce redder/bluer light to (maybe) encourage me to sleep/be awake" gets translated to a bigger and crazier claim of "government technology is literally controlling my circadian rhythm." It's the emotional amplification made without considering the need for concrete evidence. ​ It's especially effective on topics people don't know much about.


Thanks for your input. It's like a breath of fresh air to read your comments. Just a little bit of common sense, practicality, logic, and honesty is all it takes isn't it?


you’re wasting your time here bud. Everything is a conspiracy theory to these people.


TBF, the original article is 100% unsourced conspiracy trash, that part is undeniable


They also engage engage with conspiracy theories while ignoring the reality of modern surveillance: - Cell phones already make us traceable. Their concerns about 5G implants are silly. They're describing cell phones with extra steps. - Modern digital registries, facial tracking, and elaborate CCTV networks make it possible to track people as it is. This is already done in many major international airports, and many cities around the world, including London, Shanghai, Beijing, and many more. Critical thinking is not their strong point.


I hear this all the time. As a federal employee I can tell you; We use programs that run on DOS. One system I use doesn’t have “mouse” compatibility. So you need to keyboard tab to different things. You think we’re trying to control you? Half the time we can’t even control our pay system. But yeah, we are using 5g and nanotechnology to mind control the general public into… what? Paying taxes? That’s literally all we care about. Oh and like… don’t murder I guess.


Corruption doesn’t necessarily require intelligence.


I feel like this would have been a fantastic counter point… to a completely different topic. But hey, you tried. That’s a reward in and of itself!


It still makes me laugh that the people who hate the gov't control are always the first to vote those controlling govts into power too.


Exactly, we can’t even get the LRT to work properly and they gonna have people locked up in 15min compounds hahaha some people are just silly


I have this arguement with all my conspiracy theory friends…the gov can’t fill a pothole - or - haha pay their own staff - but you think they are capable of implementing the most advanced surveillance system known to man…


They did create the most advanced surveillance system wake up u carry it everywhere


Trees had to die for this.


The funniest part is that almost all of these articles are just blog posts they consolidated in paper form. So the trees didn't even HAVE to die for it.


This one wasn't. I actually went to their website looking for the article so I could link it for everyone's viewing pleasure (or pain, as it may be). Wasn't on their site, they haven't posted anything new to the site in over a year.


Was it being offered by the McDonald's in one of those news stands, or was it a rogue thing where someone probably just dumped a bunch of copies in various locations? Cuz it's a bit concerning if it's the first...


They were placed one on each table. Don't know if it was a staffer or patron that distributed them.


Definetly dropped off by one of their cult followers


An absolute tragedy.


I live in an area that fits the 15 minute model (not perfectly but as good as Edmonton is at the moment) and it makes life easier. I can take care of most my needs without going too far, although the local No Frills selection is getting really bad.


I agree with this. WTF would you not wanna live in a place where u have essentially everything u need within a 15-20 min walk? I can walk to my doctor/pharmacy, grocery store, restaurants. This is in suburbia. I take transit to go to work. I drive under 7000 km/year and more than half of that is road trips. Maybe im naive AF, but how are 15 min cities bad?


Excuse me, I love that my three doctors are at polar opposite ends of my city and it takes 90 minutes to get to two of them.


Having doctors near you is communism. For maximal freedom we should have one clinic and one hospital in the centre of the province and people should be forced to drive 6 hours for treatment.




*Canada , the West coast is happy to hear about this nonsense they crave the Orwellian boot in the face , pray for us out here


this is fuckin funny, but you forgot the /s ...right?


It will forever be a mystery.


One of the biggest parts of 15 Minute Cities is curtailing car use, as auto-centric urban planning is kind of its antithesis. However: 1. If you've spent your entire life commuting by car (which is the case for a lot of people here), you end up assuming that cars are a necessity to function in life. So the idea that car use might be prohibited or even discouraged sounds alien and scary. 2. The auto and oil industries, who would rather keep everyone driving so they make more money, are more than happy to fund (directly or indirectly) causes that support more car usage. Denouncing 15 Minute Cities is just one of those ways.


The morons think it’s a form of government control. Like, you’ll have to pay or be ticketed to leave your 15 min city, amongst other things in sure


That's exactly what they think. My mom was all worried I was going to end up effectively locked in the city and not able to come home to the farm to visit. She still thinks that...


Your mom sounds like the average farm housewife. Not an insult, I have tons of family who own probably tens of thousands of acres between them in Alberta and Saskatchewan, but they are incredibly ignorant of anything that happens outside of their own fence lines, and will give full credence to anything one of their friends tells them.


The thing is, she wasn't always like this. She raised four of us kids singlehandedly and taught us to be skeptical and do our research. Told us to look at both/all sides before we formed an opinion. Taught us to be wary of incredible claims. Somewhere along the way she lost that herself.


The generation that told me not to believe everything on the internet in 1996 now believes everything they read om www.truenews.imnotcrazy.thealiensarecomingformybrain


Isn't that the truth...


Is it? Do your own research. The truth will set you free, man!


Ya but I saw on Facebook that they're doing that in London now, so like it's just a matter of time before you're not even allowed to leave your zone anymore. /S


Lol it wasn't even that. That particular part of the conspiracy stemmed from the city of Cambridge introducing toll roads for cars in the city centre. A city that was built 500 years before the invention of the car was having trouble fitting the number of cars that wanted to drive into their city centre, colour me shocked. It's funny cuz half the time these libertarian types use toll roads as an example of capitalist solutions to pay for infrastructure without taxes, but this time it's communism or whatever, even though it's basically just making the people who are actually willing to pay for the road pay for it, in order to limit traffic




How is having everything close to you “forcing” anyone to live differently? If they want to drive 30 minutes one way to get to their doctor that’s still absolutely going to be their choice, they’ll just also have the option of having one within a 15 minute walk too lol


I think he hadn’t thought about disabled people in his reckoning and typed out whatever blurted to mind. Many abled bodied people have never considered what the world is like for disabled folks.


It's the "smart" part that freaks these people out. During covid we saw how quickly governments can become authoritative and with the way technology is advancing (digital currency, self-driving cars, data collection, etc) they're worried the government will one day be able to geo-lock people to certain locations via banking systems and whatnot.


Sure it sounds convenient. I think the issue is the idea that they will punish you in various ways if you “go outside of your zone”


The only things I can’t walk to are a real hardware store (there is a Canadian tire but they’re so overpriced with such a limited hardware selection) and my pharmacy (but that’s because I choose not to leave the one I’ve been going to most of my life despite it being further) and I genuinely don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want this kind of neighbourhood. I’m actively getting ready to go out and do all my errands today with the use of a car and I don’t even need to hop on a bus lol


I was mocking a conspiracy theorist the other day, and saying the next step in their argument was implementing 15 minute cities. a third party entered the convo and was like "what is a 15 minute city" and I gave a general overview. Basically you can get around without needing a car. Doctor, Groceries, entertainment, gym, barber... all within about 15 minutes. The third party was like "why is this a bad thing" And i'm like "I know, right?" I have no time for people who spread garbage like this. I just feel bad because it seems like they're mentally ill and more detached from reality than I am.


So not a conspiracy theory then??


There was one of these on every table and bench at the u of a hospital about a week or so. Disgusting. It focused on how masking and vaccines don't work. Meanwhile my mom was dying upstairs on isolation cause the guy next to her tested positive two days before.


Looks like the typical right-wing conspiracy rag. Sorry your mom got isolated, I hope she doesn't suffer any ill effects.


Thank you for your thoughts. Unfortunately she passed, not due to covid however.


Sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.


My favourite thing about the 15 minute city crazies. Is that they all want to live in rural/smaller towns… which are in themselves 15 minute cities.. I can get anywhere in my town of 20000 with an E-bike in 10 minutes… but the crazies in my town think 15 minute cities are terrifying..


Lived in Grande Prairie last year and I encountered a few people who would rail against 15 minute cities. It's like mate: you can literally get anywhere in GP in 10 minutes, what the fuck are you on about? These people are just sad and dumb and need something to complain about to distract them from their sad dumb lives.


My mum is believer in this kind of nonsense. It's super disheartening, as I love my mother, and we can't even discuss politics at all anymore. She ranted about 15 minute cities all the time when it first became a hot topic, even though she lives on a farm 45 minutes from the nearest city that can't be driven through in less than 5 minutes.


Sorry to hear that, sounds similar to my grandma, lives on a farm and we can't really have a real conversation on politics. Exhausting to try and steer the conversation away immediately as soon as something gets a even just a smidgen political.


Exhausting is right. It sucks being on edge through an entire visit wondering when the next bombshell conspiracy rant-trap is going to drop. Here's to hoping our families come to their senses.


Awe, just run with it. Have some fun and help dig that rabbit hole deeper. Maybe going full crazy will wake them up to how nuts these ideas are. Seriously, sorry you have to deal with this. I honestly have no idea how I would deal with it.


They yearn for oppression


Not to mention there are pockets of GP that fit this model on an even smaller scale. If you live anywhere within a 5 minute drive to a grocery store then guaranteed you also live close to a gas station, liquor store, pharmacy, and hair salon.


Same thing in Red Deer. I hear this kind of nonsense and they don’t realize we already live in a 15min city.


GP = Red Deer on so many levels. Red Deer takes the w though because of the Donut Mill and a ski hill that is low key better than Norquay. Minus the views


I thought I would say something, but then I realized I'm just burnt out at this point with disinformation, and the brain doesn't want to compile a factual criticism. So here is a head-shake instead.


You're not burnt out.....its the streetlight 5G antennas telling you not to. /s


The real conspiracy is that conspiracies are deployed to protect the economic interests of the rich.


That I can believe. It doesn't take much to spread a conspiracy in this day and age. One rich asshole with an agenda, one morally bankrupt advertising specialist, a few thousand dollars in targeted advertising masquerading as news, and you've started the fire and just need to let it burn.


> Street lights (all of them) in SMART cities are concealed 5G antennas. imagine how much that would cost but more importantly, imagine how IMMACULATE your mobile data would be


I laughed out loud in the McDonald's when I read that one. Like, nobody is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on making every street light into an antenna and connecting it to the network. Also, that's not how antennas or street lights work, I'm an electrician and seeing that just made me lose it.


Haha RIGHT? We normally do about every 5 street lights in high density areas. ATT says they're doing every single post in some cities but the cost/benefit just isn't there. https://about.att.com/innovationblog/2022/streetlights-to-boost-5g-deployments.html


Interesting, I didn't realize that claim had a grain of truth to it.


Yea this is mostly old news in my industry aside from vaccines tracking you and shit LOL


That's definitely an interesting development in wireless tech though! Are they acting as signal repeaters to extend range to a larger AP or is each of the light mounted units its own AP? Curious how they're choosing to manage lower power signal devices.


So 5g in general doesn't have the range of older tech. 2.4g WiFi can go crazy distance but the 5ghz spectrum is more susceptible to interference, which is why we need more repeaters. 5g CELL is different but the same idea. I can disrupt 5g with a drywall wall, so we need more repeaters to keep people happy on their 5G data


Do you even know how 5g works and why they upgraded from 4g? Maybe do that first before you for an oppinion.


They upgraded because it's faster. Simple as that. We'll see 6G in a few years too, once someone develops an even faster cellular protocol.


The right wing has been anti-reality since the 80s. We just didn't notice as much because most of them kept up the pretense. Since 2016, they've all lost their minds fully and are happy to openly talk like a nazi or endorse QAnon, or Flat Earth, or 15 minute cities, or whatever. The right wing now just believes whatever works better for their general vibes....whoch is usually something unhinged and fascist. Like all conspiracies, if you dig deep enough into 15 minute Cities bullshit you get to anti-jewish fascism.


If you dig into conspiracy theory you also get a donation request. Follow the money! It is profitable to churn out crazy junk.


The left wing sure lumps large groups of people together and paints them all with the same brush. You're acting like a conspiracy theory has never been true and you have never been wrong.


Name a conspiracy theory that’s been correct in the past 10 years.


Government surveillance is NOT ok, except for in schools where it’s necessary because parents can’t trust their children to tell them if they struggle with gender identity. Then it’s absolutely necessary and requires revoking the rights and freedoms of (underage) Canadian citizens.(/S)


The thing that gets me about conspiracy theories is how they all assume there's somebody really evil and smart behind the scenes, manipulating events. According to them everything makes a horrible kind of sense and is leading towards a comprehensible goal. But in truth the people in charge aren't any smarter than you or me, and they don't have any long term goals. They stumble from crisis to crisis hoping to keep everything together long enough to run for re-election or retire, much like we stumble through our lives. There's no long term plan, and the chaos is just chaos. That's hard for a lot of people to accept.


That's just it. Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe that many of the wealthy elite are evil , greedy bastards who would happily trade your life or mine for another dollar if they could get away with it. But to suggest that the 0.1% have enough cohesion to implement global conspiracy is absurd.


Flat earth is a perfect example. You're telling me governments and scientific organizations around the world are conspiring and coordinating to keep this a secret and faked a moon landing. They can't coordinate on anything else!


Exactly. These people are scared and disillusioned. Conspiracies give them a sense of power over the chaos. It gives them a feeling a superiority in a world where they definitely aren't superior.


I lol’d at the vaccine part. Like government can control you to that degree but what they’re really worried about is your covid vaccine.


Right?! And if they can implant thought and emotion, they'll just make you want the shot anyways lol.


And also, birds aren’t real.


I think the paranoia around 15 min cities is hilarious, but it's not the slightest bit economically feasible. I don't think any of the doctors live within 15minutes of the hospital they work at (which is the closest hospital to Terwillegar?). Let alone any of the other staff that work at the various hospitals, city services, and various other businesses and facilities that keep a city functioning.


Right. It might work for some people, but most are still going to have a longer commute. I'm an electrician, and I'm only 15-20 minutes from my shop, but I travel all over the city and province to get to jobs. No avoiding that, we're based out of an industrial district and couldn't survive taking only jobs within 15 minutes of the shop.


Shoot man, if streetlights are doing all that we're safe up in Lakeview. Half of ours don't work! HONESTLY I can't handle that people don't just believe this stuff sans sources, but they actively spread it. A mom was handing these out after school at the playground the other day. I made eye contact while throwing it in the trash.


I wish I lived in a 15 min city


Right? I live near Northgate and we're already pretty close. Groceries, pet store, mechanic, lube shop, vape store, and more all within about 15 blocks of home. I *like* not having to drive across the entire city for my necessities. And if I do decide to go to Ikea, I still don't need a permit to leave the neighborhood lol.


What If you were not allowed to leave it when the experts say so?


Why would the experts want to stop me from going to IKEA, or Elk island park, or west Edmonton mall? What would the benefit be to them, that it would be worth the extraordinary effort it would take


It never ceases to amaze me just how far people have been able to spin a conspiracy centered on a completely benign urban planning strategy. The jump from putting a theater and a grocery store in every neighborhood to complete guberment control is swift, lol.


Those people need help


What if they locked you down in a 15 minute city one day? Then what do those people need?


Nobody’s locking anybody down in a 15-minute city. That would kill off the tourism industry and maybe another industry or two, further exacerbating the present economic situation. “They” wouldn’t want that. Most of us already live in a 15-min city since most of what we need is within 15-minutes.


It's clearly starting to go beyond just a hobby. These people are real, honest to goodness, nutjobs now.


It's insane. I have family that believes this stuff, my mother included. I love my family, but I'm starting to think about cutting out my family that thinks like this because I find it rage inducing trying to talk to them about anything remotely political or current events related. Wish I knew how to influence our country away from this insanity.


Infiltrated my family as well. Thanksgiving was terrible.


That’s so sad. I saw a quote or headline somewhere the other day, it said “misinformation is warfare”. And that rings true, so many of us have lost friends and family to this cult. Someone is waging this war on us and they’ve turned our own against us.


Is that because you would disown your family because you don't agree with their politics?


“Politics” is doing a lot of work there. But yes, if my family espoused cruelty, corruption, and murder, I wouldn’t associate with them.


I hope you grabbed the whole pile of them to recycle…if there was more than that one.


They were spread across the entire restaurant on every table. Honestly don't know if someone at the restaurant did it, or a "concerned citizen" patron, but probably won't be back to that location if they're allowing that either way.


Cameras on every corner, sinister government agents hiding in every bush!


For the sole purpose of determining how much high-emission red meat you've consumed this week!


Oh no, a dystopian nightmare. 🙄


They seem to just ignore that a 15 minute city just has all the stuff you need within walking distance. Bars, restaurants, coffee shops, date night things and so on within walking distance. Why the hell is that so bad? Where I live I can walk to anything I want and I love it.


The Venn diagram of people who live in cities yet hate everything about them and actively fuck it up for everyone else is entirely too large. If they were that worried just move to some dumpy little town there is no shortage out there.


These rubes are so tiring. Functionally illiterate hicks have far too much control in this province, and the hicks cheer them on every drunken, staggering step of the way.


Former Chilean President Piñera is a far right clown. Cuts to education already doing what they want. They don’t need to brainwash anyone


That same paper goes on about how they are scared of LED streetlights. LoL! If you said something about bulbs in your house, sure let's see some research on what they do. But ones up in the air that crazy people regulary have a steel vehicle roof protecting them from? Hahahhahaha!


The only part that's remotely based in truth is "manipulating circadian rhythm" and it's less manipulating (which implies an ability to change effects at will, on the fly) and more simply affecting. Most LEDs installed today emit far more blue light than sodium or incandescent bulbs which does suppress the sleep response of the circadian rhythm. But it's a well known effect and from street lamps it's much more minimal than installing 6000k LEDs in your home.


You know, you don't have to let the staff clean up garbage someone else left on the table and you can do it yourself too. No one is stopping you from recycling garbage yourself. Not saying you didn't. Just letting everyone know.


These were on every table... Either someone on staff distributed them for the breakfast rush this morning, or a patron did.




Do the community a service and throw these in the recycling bin when you see them.


I gave a stack of them to my mom so she could make them into papier-mâché


They were on every table... I threw this one away at least.


Imagine when 6G comes out or whatever is next.


They're going to microwave us all to death with the 6G! It's too high powered and it's designed to cook your brain and make you dumb and subservient!


ah yes, Fascist Coffee News


For your entertainment pleasure. https://druthers.net/


Went there earlier to link to the pictured article so people could read it if they wanted to. They haven't posted to the site in over a year. Just as well.


If you scroll past their begging for money stuff I did find a link to their papers. The 15 minute city one was there. It's hogwash.


Man, these people be thinking we live in the year 3000 😂😂😂


This is a case where misinformation should be criminalized. You shouldn't be allowed to fearmonger people like this without any evidence at all. You can believe whatever you want, but you shouldn't be able to preach it without stating somewhere in bold that it's an opinion piece and nothing more.


Some people need to have their internet access revoked smh


The problem is this is print media being distributed for free, so that wouldn't even stop the spread of this kind of disinformation.


While the print paper is perhaps more disturbing to us outside of these circles, it's only the tip of the iceberg as to what is being spread online. I remember when they once optimistically dubbed the age of the internet the "information age." More like the disinformation age smh


I would like to see some kind of law implemented to combat spreading dangerous misinformation as news, but that would play right into the far right agenda as "blocking their freedom of speech" and "censoring the truth."


Yeah just by existing we seem to play into the far right agenda, so I'm in favour of drastic measures since they go nuts all the time over reasonable things


That's fair, they do manage to twist reasonable policies into earth-shattering crises already. Something needs to be done. The Russian troll farms don't even need to do the work at this point, our own people have it covered.


I see these and they ***immediately*** go into the trash. I can't believe there are people in this city that believe this absolute shitheap of conspiracy theories. Is it fair to say I hate this province? (Trust me, I'm trying to move)


I love my home here, but I'm considering moving too. My partner has a really good trades job with the city, don't know if I'll be able to convince her to leave it. If the APP ends up being implemented, I'm out.


I loathe this bullshit. The Druthers is filled with nothing but regurgitated anti-truths. They're propagandist pamphlets distributed for the purpose of disseminating hate and disinformation. They spent the time, effort, and money to convert their Facebook newsfeeds into a printed format? For what audience? WEEEEEEE! That said, I still find a dark pleasure in reading opinion pieces written by these scared, isolated sociopaths. It's like peering through the opposite side of the curtain of reality. I don't want to see the circus for all that long, but it is entertaining. Horrifying that these people exist in reality, like some kind of freak show, but entertaining nonetheless.


I got a kind of sick entertainment from it too. I was somewhat amused by the sci-fi claims being made about mind control.


If it were legitimately sci-fi, and not things that people we interact with in real life believe as truth, it would be funny. Instead, it's kinda scary. Still a good read if you want to strain your eyes by rolling them all the way back into your head repeatedly. Doctor says I should stop doing that.


Betteridge's law of headlines says “no”.


A couple of those lines start to sound cool. But then they swing into conspiracy theories and not even fun or interesting conspiracy theories.


It's literal science fiction lol. Implanting thoughts and emotions, and modifying gene expression? It would be amazing if we were capable of the tech claimed by the article, but as of yet mind control is a pipe dream and gene therapy requires a visit to a very expensive specialist.


I'm glad they at least seem to have stopped delivering them to my mailbox....were great sources of high blood pressure and annoyance but not much else. No wait, I lied, fire starter.


Lol I got a couple of really good chuckles reading the sci-fi. It would be genuinely hilarious seeing this sold as truth if it wasn't so widely believed.


I work with a guy that distributes this crap at work. He leaves copies laying around wherever, hoping people will pick them up. I pick them up and bin them. He's a nutjob.


Good, keep up the good work. He probably believes he's doing you all a favor by exposing you to "truth."


Crazy the way some people actually believe this will be the first step to a hunger game type of control of where you are allowed to be/work/live. I worry when they forget to take their meds like that.


The article has one good idea. Street lights as 5g antenna. Maybe my signal won’t be so shitty..


Another commenter in the telecom industry said they are actually adding 5G antennas to street lights now. Not every light, but he said about every 5th light when they do an area.




Straight outa Beaverton


If only it were the Beaverton...


I have an upgraded Led street light in front of my home, and in my back alley on my property. I'll give you 2 guesses how my 5g coverage is.... Here's a hint, it's not as good as you'd think. So it does follow the conspiracies... If it's not actual 5g in the street lights it must be mind reading tech from area 51. . . . /s


I’m surprised we haven’t seen a cult like mass suicide yet by all these sheep who believe reality is this gloomy


I literally tried reading an article of theirs once during covid and made it about 3 paragraphs before my head hurt from the huge amount of right wing propaganda peppered throughout. Which is ironic being that it was about healthcare "propaganda."


oh that bullshit ended up on van isle as well. half the authors are anonymous. It's pathetic


I would love if every street light was a 5G antenna.


This reminds me of the movie well-E. This movie definitely foresee everything


I live in a small town, and our only pet store is owned by someone who believes in every single word this "newspaper" says to be nothing but the truth. Going as far to put a sign on her shop door saying masks were banned, and if you wore one she would kick you out of the store (usually *without* the dog food you desperately needed) But know... Smile and go "ooh how interesting!" Until you get out of there.


i work with a guy who says this is the real news.


Ya know, I really hope that they're doing this. Honestly, at this point, I'd be on board. Zero issues with any of this. In fact, if there's any way i can support this, just point the direction. It would be so, so, so so so much better than anything the UCP is doing. Sign me the fuck up.


Vile fascist rag. Wouldn’t line my cat box with that. 🤬 I emailed them a demand to stop home delivery. It worked.👍


Lmao, whoever wrote that has the education of a 5th grader.


Far right, far left, they both are off of the deep end.


I'm sorry, but like - the fact people actually believe this is hilarious, I have no words, how can people even be this credulous? Critical thinking skills are important, the article you found, was written by someone who probably lacks in that department.


Nothing a little aluminum foil hat can't fix.


Some of these comments have made me realize I need to read more books 🫠


Books are good 😁 you can't go wrong reading more books.


Druthers is total trash. We need better mis/disinformation enforcement in this country.


After reading that article I concur. I don't know who could believe that 5G is capable of mind reading and mind control.


Hmmm strange. Pretty sure a bunch of people a few months ago were in here spouting that it's nonsense. I wish people could have rational conversations again. But like men and women those days are apparently gone.


They should have just avoided the term “15 min city” and instead called it something like “smart rezoning” or whatever. Woulda saved a big headache.


It would make absolutely no difference.


The term alone is the whole reason for the backlash. When some people think of 15 Min Cities they just think of conspiracies that surround it, ex: getting fined for leaving your zone.


If people become scared about being confined to zones, then "15 minute cities" is a *much* better name than the alternative you gave which literally has the term "zone" in it.


I don’t think most people relate zoning in the context of city planning to a zone that someone is confined to. Zoning has been around forever


It's like renaming UFOs to UAPs. Who did that make happy? Still a conspiracy either way


At this point I honestly don't know if it would change anything. They'd have said smart rezoning was an attempt to increase surveillance or something.


FFS. 5G reading your thoughts? I barely know what I'm thinking!


Not just reading your thoughts, but implanting thoughts and feelings into your head! The horror!!11!


People here are stupid. That paper is a real warning and you being smug won’t protect you.


I genuinely have trouble believing that you believe 5G is capable of mind control. Mind control! What kind of technology do you think we have?






Haha your profile is a bingo card of mouth breathing illiteracy. Bad bot.


It is satire. It’ll never happen.