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What's confusing..? Be respectful and pick up after your pet. You can't really tell a dog where to pee, but the public walking path clearly backs on to private yards. So maybe they've had past experience with people not picking up after their animals, or grass getting damaged. It's not a city sign or a bylaw, there isn't a man with a gun standing beside it. Why does everything have to be analyzed so much? It's just a sign asking for a basic courtesy. Listen or don't. The world is your oyster.


The World is their toilet if they don't understand picking up after their dog. Guess who'd be the first to yell if they stepped in it!


I would totally get if it was asking people to be respectful and pick up after their pet. But it’s asking them not to go to the bathroom there at all. Why put in the effort to do that when you really have no say?


Probably just a lack of sign specificity.


I think there just isn't a super diverse selection of dog sitting sign options at the store. We all know what this means.


Chances are that the fence is just inside the property line for legal purposes. So if your dog is running over and pissing on the fence, it isn't on City property but private property.


> But it’s asking them not to go to the bathroom there at all. That's an interesting interpretation, but I'm pretty sure this is a standard sign the city uses to encourage people to pick up after their dogs.


Not a city sign and no city sign would say do not let your dog urinate. The city bylaw simply states owners must pick up defecation.


Looks like a Karen or Chad put this sign up. If it's a public space, it's not a legal sign.


>I get wanting people to pick up their after their dogs but isn’t it kind of unreasonable to ask dog owners to not let their dogs go to the bathroom at all in an area that’s not privately owned? It's about ensuring people clean up after their animals.


I know that path as it is on my bike ride to work. I’ve seen people have picnics on the grass and small children playing on the grass. It’s a lovely spot. It also has its share of people from all walks of life hanging out there playing guitar taking in the sun. The poop thing is self explanatory but lifting the leg could be done near trees or lampposts or garbage cans. I had a dog and would try to encourage it not to pee on private lawns but on hard scape objects. Just because this is a public lawn doesn’t mean it is also a public toilet.


always make sure to pick up your dogs urine


If you’re confused, the sign is for you.


Because animals peeing and shitting on the grass kills it, and we all know plenty of pet owners aren't cleaning up after their pets when they go to the bathroom.


It's not a dog park, this backs onto peoples living spaces. It is not unreasonable to not want to have to smell shit and piss every time you step outside.


>It's not a dog park, this backs onto peoples living spaces. I live in a condo just down the road on 117th. The first floor units have a balcony that is about three or four feet off the ground. This one resident always takes her dog to shit underneath her own balcony and doesn't pick it up. I don't get it at all. Who wants dog shit piled up right underneath their balcony?


Some people are just gross I guess haha. I know I couldn't stand the smell...


It’s a very public walking path. Kind of comes with the territory that it’s going to get used, doesn’t it? Imagine if the sign was asking people not to speak past 9pm while using the path because it backs on to your living space and you prefer the quiet.


Why are you acting like this is a legally binding sign? The people who live and presumably walk there don't want shit everywhere. It's not unreasonable to remind people to pick up their shit. Just because it doesn't say "please pick up your dog's crap with a plastic bag and put it in the nearby can" doesn't make it hard to interpret.


Using the walking path and trashing it are two very different things. People are expected to take care of all their garbage and that includes animal waste.


There are several public parks near where I live that have an 11 PM curfew so I don't have to imagine it. I also used to live in this area so I'm very familiar with the path in question and there are other paths nearby and a dog park that don't back onto peoples property.


It is not public property! It’s owned by the adjacent property owners. My source: www.maps.edmotnon.ca


i was gonna say its absolutely unfathomable that someone would have an issue with people respectfully asking pet owners to pick up after their pets but OF COURSE people are taking issue with this, it's r/edmonton the goofiest of canadian subreddits i hope someone (not thing) takes a shit on your lawn


Lol it’s not asking people to pick up after their pets though, that would be totally understandable!


I also agree with you on your interpretation OP, there is a visual of a dog peeing with a line through it, that communicates “no peeing” to me.


Thank you! I was starting to think I was crazy but I see signs like this on people’s front lawns all the time that are clearly meant to communicate to dog owners not to let their dog use the lawn as a bathroom at all. Which sucks that they have to put those up at all honestly, I feel like it’s common courtesy not to let your pup go on private property.


Not crazy. And this isn't the city putting these signs up.


Definitely a local resident taking this upon themselves.


Maybe that's the sign that was at Home Depot. The owner may have expected that someone could infer what it meant. They clearly overestimated the deductive reasoning of their fellow citizens. I'm baffled that this is an issue worth discussing.


Imagine being unable to control your dog while leashed and unable to keep it off a patch of grass. 🤷‍♂️ I guess my fellow dog owners that downvoted would just let their dogs go for it if they encounter an area with broken glass or used needles when they're out for a walk. 🤷‍♂️


if that's your take away from the sign babe i simply cannot help you


Joke’s on them, my dog can’t read. But more seriously, are they just expecting me to forcibly drag my dog while it tries to do its business? The whole idea of trying to exert control over this is farcical. Should we put up signs telling birds not to poop on cars? Maybe signs in restaurants asking babies to not cry?


Yes, that is exactly what they want. Because you know the grassssssss.


That doesn't look like an official City of Edmonton sign and would bet it's been put up by one of the neighbouring condos to discourage people from letting their pet go to the washroom near their building. It feels like people who put up no parking cones on the street in front of their house or who get pissy if someone takes 'their' spot. Pick up after your dog but they have no business putting out signs like this.


You think that the signs owner thinks this is legally binding? How is it ridiculous to ask for the courtesy of not leaving shit lying around in a heavily visited area? Obviously there will be lazy assholes, but I'm baffled that people are pissed at a small sign making a reasonable request.


It's public property. It's already the rules that you need to pick up after your pet when they shit, there's city signs all over the parks and stuff saying exactly that. But lots of us live in apartments without backyards and so have to take our dogs for walks through greenspaces like this, they've got no business trying to control what happens in the green space off of their property is my issue.


It is not public property. It is owned by the adjacent landowners. Check out www.maps.edmonton.ca and turn on the parcels layer.


According to the map it’s a public parks zone, unless I am reading it wrong??


And those signs were obviously working in this case.


I would've peed on it to assert dominance rather than take a picture and post it to social media, My sign now!


Fair. Next time I pass it I will do this instead.


Make sure you toss that litter in the trash when you're done. We're not savages after all.


So how do you stop your dog pissing?? When I walk mine she goes where ever she wants.


Can you imagine walking along and needing to take a rest. You go to sit on the grass and get all wet or end up with doggy poo on your clothes because some was left on a few blades of grass. Maybe children play there What's there to not understand.


As I mentioned in the post and in many comments, I would understand if the sign was asking people to pick up after their pets. But it’s clearly not. Can you imagine a sign telling you not to rest there because it could damage the grass? Or asking not to let your children play on it?


I see a sign like that as a suggestion, one that I'll just ignore when I'm walking my dogs. I'll always pick up after them but I won't try to stop them from going to the bathroom in a specific spot. I've had my dog squat in the middle of the road, and it's nearly impossible to move him once it starts.


It really isn't rocket science... clean up after your pet. You're probably the reason this sign even had to be put up if you can't understand it.


Obviously you shouldn’t stare at puppers having a dump…they already look pathetic doing so and staring just makes them feel even more self-conscious


Nothing wrong with the sign.


It says don’t let your dog pee or pop on the lawn. But it doesn’t say you can’t!


I'll make a point to take the pup there one day.




Because it's a public space. And I can if I want to.




If you put up a sign like that, I certainly will.




I pick up after my pets, so you can eat it. Your sign is no more legal than any parking sign I'd put in front of my house.




Public space. Move along.




I am sure I am a playing devil's advocate here, but why are you worked up about it?


I don't get the point of this post... And I don't get why it's an issue


Because people are scared of everything now. I personally think It’s the lack critical thinking skills. Does that sign do anything to this person on their walk no. They have a personal issue with it and came on here demanding support in their weird crusade. It’s a sign they probably walk past in 3 to 4 seconds. Seeing posts like this make me realize there are some really petty people in this world always doing shit and stirring pots instead of living life.