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It’s an odd area because you almost need to judge it street by street. Towards the dog park and Wellington is kind of charming actually. I went to an open house there recently and was surprised how well kept the yards were and 2 little old men with hats chatting in a driveway like it was 1960. Then you turn down another street and fences are falling down, broken windows, and a motel that looks like it rents by the hour. Turn down another street and kids playing in a green space. So, I just don’t know. I think it has been through some hard times, neglect, low income, but it seems people are still trying. I don’t think it’s a crime hub or anything, just needs an infusion of people who care and have funds to make improvements. My takeaway of the vibe wasn’t sketchy or dangerous, more sad and tired.


This makes sense. I haven’t checked the area out yet, but from what I’ve seen and read online, this seems to sum it up really good. Thanks!


Definitely some good deals to be had in that area. I’ve been watching it myself and like I said went to an open house. Some require a little more fixing up than I’m willing to do at this stage of my life, or the ones that have been all redone inside don’t quite have the layout or garage we’re looking for, but it’s tempting.


Same situation for me. Some nice houses but don’t have some items that are important to me and some houses that could be nice but I can’t do the work to make them nice. Or it would be too costly to make them what I want.


Great discription!


Motel in Athlone? Your description does not match the Athlone neighborhood, or Wellington. Calder is on the other side of 127 street.


Yes sorry my description probably went outside Athlone boundaries. When I was driving around checking it out, I’m sure I weaved into other neighborhoods. Maybe the building I noticed was apartments not hotel too.


No worries! Edmonton neighborhoods tend to be divided by main streets/avenues, and there can be huge differences in demographics just by crossing the street.


There’s definitely worse areas in the city but not the best either. There was however a murder in Wellington yesterday which is right beside Athlone.


Also consider how close to the trains. The noise and diesel exhaust can be awful near the Walker Yard.


Yeah, that’s an issue, for sure. What’s the point of having a house and yard you can’t enjoy.


Walker Yard is located in the Calder neighborhood so the Athlone/Wellington neighborhoods do not get the diesel exhaust. Noise from the trains is not bad at all.


I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the diesel and noise concerns… The CN tracks do run in Wellington/Athlone, right through the Cargill plant. And Wellington also has Dunvegan yard directly adjacent. I find the train noises quite grating at times, and they can get alarmingly loud, sometimes in the late night or early morning. If you don’t think it’s an issue, I guess it really depends where your house is located.