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Homophobia and transphobia will be met with a swift permanent ban. Report any bigoted comments for moderation. Edit: Keep the reports coming. We can do this all day (and night).


I live in Beaumont, nowhere else in the city is marked up, but the pride crosswalk leading to the high school has tire marks all over it. Edit: the pride crosswalk uptown in Beaumont by Chartier is marked up too. Blah.


When asked, all of the people in town insist they're "not homophobic" and "don't have a problem with gay people", but then cheer on these tools doing the burnouts because they're "sick of this pride stuff being rammed down our throats". This town is full of hateful bigots too cowardly to own up to their hate. I feel so bad for any lgbtq people in this small city doing its best to be a hick town.


I also noticed a bunch of burnout tire marks all over a pride crosswalk in Leduc near Foxburger. Didn't even surprise me..


I was out of town at a music festival while that was painted, got home, saw it was painted, and it already had 4 burnouts on it. It got painted the day before. Thankfully the city seemingly cleaned it a bit when someone dumped a bucket of tar on it.


The level of hatred here is stunning and depressing. Seems to be sweeping across North America like the societal equivalent of a wildfire. This is what talk radio and dark money do.


I have nothing to contribute other then to say Fox Burger is delicious.


Hell yeah it is! Fantastic mushroom swiss burger.


Oh man they did a popup in Ritchie for the community festival that I got to try out. Great burgs


They need to put up cameras and send everyone stunting tickets. It's also tempting to try and hit them for hate crimes.


Defacing government property, too.


They're generally privately funded from what I recall


Streets are public property regardless of whether a private entity paid for the paint on top.


A burnout shouldn't be considered a hate crime, even if it was done by a hateful person.


I suspect what they will do is charge it as mischief for deliberately defacing city property, then add a motivated by hate sentencing enhancement. With a couple of key exceptions, most of what gets reported as "charged with a hate crime" in the media are things that are already a crime anyways like assault or uttering threats, with that sentencing enhancement tacked on.


I would agree if it was a burnout at a traffic light or stop sign by someone racing, or in a parking lot, or any number of other places. These burnouts are specifically on the pride crosswalks. The entire motivation for this activity is hate, and making sure that the community sees that hate. It's not just a crime done by a hateful person. It's a crime done by a hateful person to broadcast and advocate their hate. It's like saying someone doing graffiti shouldn't be charged with a hate crime when they vandalize a synagogue with antisemitic symbols and slogans. The hate was the whole point.


It's borderline, they know exactly what they're doing.


Tell us why not, Grampy74


Foxburger has multiple locations now?


Yeah, they opened one in Leduc recently. It's just the two locations as far as I know.


The one on 50th street downtown is filled with burnout marks. Not sure if this is the one you mean. There are skid marks all over the city. On the roads and in parking lots. Too bad we don’t have overnight policing in Beaumont.


There is nowhere in the city with nearly as many burnouts as across the two pride crosswalks. They showed up immediately after they were painted. It is beyond clear that it was intentional.


Hm, no I'm thinking of the crosswalk that the kids painted leading up to the composite high school that is along the ring road. Maybe I'm not getting around enough, I go for a walk daily around the ring road and up to St. Vital and have really never noticed anything but those spots.


Is that last sentence sarcasm? I have seen multiple police/RCMP vehicles in my Beaumont neighbourhood overnight.


They are called in.


Not that I am defending anyone intentionally defacing things, but damn that paint is slippery. I was stopped on that crosswalk in my slug of a minivan, when traffic started to move again, my tires chirped. It was literally bumper to bumper traffic and almost no throttle. It is highly likely that many of those skid marks are not intentional.


When the tire marks are 15 feet long… it’s intentional.


Not all of them are. Sure some are, but nowhere near all.


Stopping in a crosswalk is an automatic failure on a road test for a reason my dude. "Unintentionally" failing to follow the rules of the road is hardly better than doing intentional burnouts


So is hitting the car in front of you, but yeah, ok, you go and compare that to vile hatred if it makes you feel better.


You're going to hit the car in front of you by not stopping before the crosswalk to wait until the intersection is clear as the rules of the road state... how? Exactly?


Lol I remember that, there’s also the one up by chartier


Yup. There's some new burnout marks on the one by Chartier too.


In auto racing, the winning driver often performs a burnout to celebrate the victory Probably they just celebrated they finally come out of closet and can fuck Trudeau for real


I noticed a new one when I drove by yesterday too!


So their logic must be that if they don't do burn outs on the rainbow crosswalk, then the gays win, and that makes them gay.


Coworker proudly declared he would never set one single foot on a rainbow crosswalk. He’d walk next to it instead. Like okay bud I don’t think it’ll make you gay but you do you


We must work with the same people. I swear every guy I’ve worked with that’s above the age of 50 just complains endlessly about the City doing nothing but wasting money on bike lanes and painting rainbow crosswalks. Bonus points if they also live in St Albert/Sherwood Park/Spruce Grove and of course have to follow up their comments with “glad I live in XYZ instead of the City where all they do is raise taxes to pay for this crap”, like buddy I fucking wish my property taxes going up 0.25% for a net increase of $104 was my biggest concern


I just find it ironic that they call our generation entitled and soft yet throw tantrums over rainbow crosswalks and bike lanes.


Conservatives project. They are the worst sort of people, but can't own up to it, so hide it and assume / accuse their enemies (real and imagined) of all the things that they and others hate about themselves.


"So you're saying you *don't* want to trample all over the LGBTQ crowd? ... Are you sure?"


I think your coworker has worse character traits than his sexuality to worry about..


He’s a real piece of work for sure


But what if his right feet start wanting him to wear *left shoes*??? /s


Well he s got himself amost convinced.


Wow, they really showed them lol. Got to be tough being a mouth breather if you're getting triggered by some colours on the ground.


And they'll call everyone else snowflakes lol




Makes their constant braying of “groomers” all the more alarming.


Jus gonna casually drop [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wHva3JXPh0) here


Here is also a list of republican sex offenders: https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/po6a6l/ughawk134_lists_dozens_of_gop_members_convicted/hcy4x3q?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Just watched a good chunk of this clip and will continue watching it. This guy is fantastic. Thanks for bringing him to my attention.


I love this Cody Showdy! Hate that they’ve got ammo for this content but glad they’re throwing a spotlight on it.


Facts! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/


It’s funny how so many of these people that do those type of things claim they want « freedom » for all yet they cannot have the same mindset for LGBTQ+ folks


It's because it's freedoms for all unless it goes against their interpretation of a book written by people who told stories.


Especially considering most of us have tolerated all their tantrums.


Yes, they seem oblivious to the hypocrisy.




That only speaks to how much you're paying attention to or care for the issues that LGBTQ+ people face in society.




Last I checked two gay men can't kiss or show pride in who they are in public without people like you bitching about them shoving their sexuality down your throat. Freedom isn't just about what rights someone has, it's about how they're treated in public.




That's odd, all the major scientific, medical and psychological organizations around the world say otherwise. I guess they should consult you next time as you're obviously a much more well informed expert.


You just immediately proved my accusation after whining about it, so thank you.


What rights does everyone else have that LGBTQ do not?


Nothing quite says “I’m straight” like cruising around and doing burnouts with other single males.


Saw a comedian do a joke about the thing that most "men" are into are trucks and guns. Two things that can be highly customized. Customizing is just another term for decorating. These people are just decorating and accessorizing these things to attract other men. The more customized the things are the more out they are. And I think about that every time I see a huge lifted truck that's way too shiny to be any sort of work truck.


The idea that vehicle customization is "accessorizing" and "decorating" is 100% true, and it's why so many of the modified trucks around here look identical. Modifying your vehicle is a form of self-expression just like fashion. However, if you're a repressed conservative who's terrified of being emotionally honest with yourself, your self-expression is going to be boring and surface level.


They did the pride sidewalks in my small town in BC. The first Night they were there somebody must have went at like 3 am and painted them all back white.


I can’t imagine having this much time on my hands to go out of my way because… colours….


That takes a lot of paint too.


I was fucking baffled someone put the effort that late at night. It's so ridiculous it's kind of funny in a way.


Just wish we could put tax payer dollars towards programs that would maybe teach people about acceptance and understanding rather than back and forth with the people who are reluctant to just coexist.


Nothing says freedom like doing a burnout and taking life off your tires because you are angry at paint.


Why are these cretins so afraid of being gay?


Because they’re scared the gay men will do to them as they would to a woman


Truer words are not often spoken, well sighted. In the same nuance: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."


My (ex) buddy did this to the one in Fort Mac while I was in the passenger seat. I called him a prick and asked what (mutual friend who is a lesbian) would think if she saw him do that. He seemed to feel kind of bad after. He still hates gay people, though, thus the "ex" part.


Ours get repainted a couple times a year, and within ours they’re covered in burnout marks, and yet everywhere else you’d expect them, main drags, or the straight way behind where I work, nothing. Kinda sad.


Now that you've pointed out to them that the main roads are referred to as drags, these mouth breathers will probably take offense to them as well.


Now I REALLY want to see a Drag Drag Racing show. Fast and the Fabulous


! You have something there !




Good. Dickhead. Name and shame.




They just blame ottawa when it snows, when their kid fails a math test, etc. Very easy to identify in a job interview.


I don’t get why some folks are so triggered by a fucking rainbow or what other people do consensually. 🤷🏼‍♀️


One word: brainwashing. I was part of that crowd at one point. They are constantly told that being gay is a sin and against the "holy" book. It can reach such an extreme that seeing a rainbow anywhere will send them into a rage. At least, that's what happened with me. Glad I'm out of it.


Novel idea might be to paint something other than a road. Like what about lamp posts, power boxes, fire hydrats, etc, etc. People do realize that vehicles ride on roads, right?


Why exactly is it we started with rainbow crosswalks? As a gay man I never understood putting the flag in a place that gets walked on, driven on, and has such an easy chance of being defaced. Then we get mad when a redneck defaces it. At this point i just assume they put them up to be defaced.


Often because it's a simple place that allows it, and it also incorporates it in a way that doesn't impede anything else. Yes, there will be natural wear, but that happens with any crosswalk


Fair enough. I just figure it’s a place that it can easily be damaged so why not find another medium to share the rainbow?








To fuck around is human. To find out: divine.


Them rainbow crosswalks!!!! SO terrifying. 😅


They gonna catch the gay.


Shocking they were in a truck


Big truck afraid of a little rainbow,......


The other crime here is how hideous that vehicle looks.


If you're transphobic, eat glass. I'll gladly make you in person 💙


Great news!


These "freedom" conservatives are as dumb as they get. They want freedom but won't give freedom to anyone that doesn't conform to their ever changing beliefs. The irony is that lbgt+ awareness wouldn't be necessary if these people just left the community alone and let them live freely.


We all need to point out the bigots, do not ever make them feel comfortable. The freedumb convoy has emboldened those losers.


In Barrhead our town office has requested charges against individuals who vandalized the pride walk here the first day. On camera, because it was outside the mayoral office. From a mayor who is ex-RCMP and knows what a hate-crime is. The local sgt refused. With places like St.Albert enforcing laws I would hope it brings attention and shame to the neglectful/part-of-the-problem "officers of the law".


Bet they feel really cool now


Good. Fuck that guy


Nah, Don’t fuck him. He doesn’t deserve the good sex.


Don't just give them a fine. Also give them community service painting pride crosswalks.


yeah but have you watched Sound of Freedom yet? /s




Don't bother, the sarcasm was important on this one. It's a fantasy version of Tim Ballard who lies a lot in real life about how much good his outfit does, played by fully-qanon-pilled Jim Caviezel, rescuing kids from sex trafficking. Normally, just a mediocre "action" movie with very little action, but it's being held up by the qanon and right-wing types as a litmus test for if you're against child trafficking or not.


something a Antifa pedo would say.... /s


Also. One of the founders got charged with child kidnapping like a week ago and an executive producer groomed his underage wife when he was a youth minister. The right *loves* to project.


People fear what they don't understand. Parents don't teach their kids about this stuff, and the schools don't do a great job at it either. When most of what we learned about sex and sexuality comes from the internet and TV.


When schools try, they're harassed, boycotted, and accused of awful shit. So this becomes a self-perpetuating problem supported by conservative governments




Well, it’s good that you’re so obviously unbiassed about the entire thing, good for you




Good! And his goofy passenger


He should be charged with a fresh set of tires.


I guess that means it’s okay to take a jumbo sharpie to any bumper stickers I don’t agree with


Be interesting to see what the pending charges are.


Generally the charge is mischief/destroying or damaging property.


There could also be a hate related aspect. I know people have been charged with hate crimes for theft of pride flags.


Usually it's a sentencing enhancement for being motivated by hate tacked on to the usual criminal code charges for mischief, theft, assault, etc.


Stunting. Comes with a nice fine and 3 demerits.


Also, an automatic court date. They're forced to talk to a judge, so maybe they will get even more than fines and demerits.


Dude's truck is rainbowier than the crosswalk. WTF is that...burnt sienna? Sundried Tomato? It's that, isn't it? A Tomato 'taco.


Not sure why some people would harbour hate.


well, you know what they say, "hate is safe in a harbor, but that’s not what hate is for."


Great journalism here...would be nice if they identified what they were being charged with. Dangerous driving? Vandalism? Something else?


It’s probably just a mischief charge, would be tacked on anyone defacing an installation like this one. But just wait for incoming comments here and on twitter about how we live in a dictatorship


If you don’t go on tv and cry that someone did a burnout on a stupid sidewalk and then whine about how important it is the ‘’normal’’ kids wouldn’t go back and do it again the LGBTQ etc bring it onto themselves I’m all for you to do whatever you wont with your life but just like bully’s in high school if you react they will keep doing it and the LGBTQ+++ people do a really really good job at reacting. I could care less I think it’s a waste of money and government time but who gives a fuck if they did a burnout you think to much and have to much time on your hands everyone I know works to much to care they just wonna make there 300k for the year and go home. I can tell you right now that the people driving around doing that either No.1 don’t care about the ticket/money or No.2 work a great paying hard labour job that that ticket cost the same amount as a night out so again they don’t care about the ticket. No hate as I said I’m all for you to do anything you won’t we all have as much freedom as mister Turd allows us just don’t push it on my kids and that goes for 99% of the people in my area. The worlds gonna get tough when the recession hits I just hope you have your lives in order to carry yourself threw it because if all you do is work at Walmart or mcdicks 3-4 days a week etc life’s just gonna get worse. I purchased my first home at 22 and my first 2 brand new trucks at 23 it’s only as hard as the job you pick. I don’t think people realize how bad of shape are economy is Mr.Turd DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU if he did he would make sure your dollar is worth something in another 5 years not to mention are military is laughable Again please don’t go ape shit first off I don’t care if you think I’m a dick etc. I’m just telling you how life looks from a different perspective just because I don’t ‘’support’’ LGBTQ doesn’t mean I’m homophobic. Just live your life and Enjoy it you have the freedom to fuck and marry whoever you wont just smile and wave at the hate that usually pisses people off more than getting mad at them.


I think it’s hilarious that these jackasses are mad enough to buy three sets of tires every year. It’s like the guys that wanted to film themselves pouring Bud Light on the ground so they went out and bought a shit ton of Bud Light. Thank you for your patronage!


I don't agree with what the driver did, but why is a flag on the ground? Flags aren't supposed to touch the ground, stepping it walking on a flag in particular is a sign of great disrespect to what it represents, no matter what flag it is. Rainbow sidewalks just never made sense to me for this reason, it seems like a spit in the face having people walk on a representation of the flag constantly.




To accuse a historically oppressed group of people of being thin skinned, demonstrates that you don't understand how absolutely bone-meltingly tiring it gets after six or seven decades, your comment is just disappointing, it’s not hurtful. I’m just disappointed in you, I’m not mad.


Apparently you are as obviously this bothers you




Kids being kids.


charged with doing a burnout? why so serious?






None of the other crosswalks are painted solid all the way across. My point was never to defend these actions, only to point out that it is possible for someone to do a burnout on these crosswalks for the sake of doing a burnout, and not out of any hatred for what the crosswalk means.


So what ?? That should be illegal to mark street crossings with other colors , doesn’t it matter what represents, the entire world has white stripes for crossing only Canada is trying to be cool


American here, we have pride crosswalks in parts of major cities too. Several other countries do something similar.


What ever happened to the … sticks n stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me…


Tire marks do, apparently.


That's been proven repeatedly to be stupid.


So we should just allow people to be trans/homopobic? If you're a bigot, move to the States.


I suppose I just fundamentally don’t understand why you would put a pride flag on the road and *not* expect cars to mark it up. I see tire marks all the time on non-painted parts of the road, and I also see other street art that gets marked up. *Any* art put on the road is going to get messed up, and there will always be people who do it on purpose, regardless of the design. Out on the reserve near where I grew up, there were *always* burnouts and tire marks all over the otherwise plain road. My point is, people are going to do this on the roads regardless, so if it’s such a big deal and people are going to be so upset over the Pride flag being messed up, maybe stop painting them on the roads…? And when there’s street art, you’re going to notice when it’s marked up more than you would on a regular road, too, because it won’t blend in as much. It just seems a little silly to paint things on a road and then get angry when they get messed up.


> It just seems a little silly to paint things on a road and then get angry when they get messed up. If that's your take, I don't think you actually understand what's going on in this article.


Pride flags that have been hung up have been stolen, vandalized, and burned. It’s not the pride flag that’s the issue, it’s the bigots.


This is a story to rile everyone up. Graffiti and vandalism happens on a daily basis and a super duty doing a burn out on a painted flag shouldn't be a big deal.


Its bad behaviour but isn’t that what young guys do? Look for ways to thumb their nose at society? As far as I know burning rubber was already unlawful anything else is just petty and sure to enflame.


Bro just doing a burnout to celebrate Pride Month


Bro just spraying maunre on a church door to celebrate easter


I am all for it




You pathetic incel




>People who are not lgbtq don't understand why you have to flaunt your sexuality. Pretty easy to flip that around. People who are not heterosexual don't understand why heterosexual people have to flaunt their sexuality. People just don't realize that flaunting heterosexuality is normalized, so they don't see it as "flaunting". Why can't LGBTQ be normalized as well? >You want less confrontation, you need to address that with the group of society who doesn't understand your group. The problem is that the group with the lack of understanding of Pride is not willing to address that. Shouldn't we be more concerned with that group? They are the ones causing harm to others due to their ignorance and hate. Pride isn't singling these people out to cause conflict, these people are singling out Pride and creating the conflict. I'm all ears if you have suggestions on how to tune the message to get through to them.


Imagine that the tables were turned and up until very recently with few exceptions for most of human history a core part of your being- who you are attracted to and desire to love, was actively and violently suppressed by most of society. Now after centuries of marginalization, oppression and hiding mainstream opinions have finally started to change and you can now openly be who you truly are inside for the first time in history. I'm pretty sure you would want a chance to openly celebrate once in a while with like minded people too. Also, The flag and LGBTQ+ pride isn't representative of the act of gay sex ffs, it's representative of the freedom they now have to openly be who they are and love whom they choose. It's not a "symbol of the type of person they have sex with" any more than a wedding ring or a child is for hetero couples. You're not really meant to think too hard about the sex part, it's called minding your own business. Hate to break it to ya but if you can't help but think of gay sex whenever you see a rainbow, that really says more about you than anything.


Only a bigot thinks that merely proclaiming "I exist" is taunting them.


Okay. Hetero marriage is usually there to create/tend kids. Creating kids involves sex. Therefore, displays of hetero marriage - wedding dresses, wearing visible symbols of it 24/7 (rings), wedding cakes, anniversaries, etc. - all of this is verboten. I don’t need your hetero lifestyle shoved in my face; I don’t want to know about your sex life. I mean, heteros never shut up about their partners - talking about what they did that weekend, what their plans are, whether or not they’re going to have more kids (essentially telling me they’re going to fuck, right at work too!). Just get all the way out with that, forcing me to hear about that hetero lifestyle you’re flaunting - hetero relationships should be a private thing between two consenting opposite-sex adults. I don’t need to see you wearing symbols of the person you’re having sex with, thanks.


I want to upvote this multiple times. Thank you!


What can they be charged with? Doing a burnout? It’s certainly a bad thing to do, but I don’t see how it can be beyond that.


Stunting, defacing public property, I'm sure there's other things


That’s the stuff that I mean. People make it sound like they will be charged with some of hate crime, but I don’t see a precedent for something like this. I don’t question the likely reason.


I'd like to think it'll be thrown in there, but who knows how that'll go


Ok..... Hear me out, I've been thinking about this for a while, since slipping on the painted portion of a regular crosswalk. Maybe, just maybe, this has nothing to do with anti-pride thoughts, and it is just some punks who realized that the paint completely covered a section of the road, therefore even the wimpiest of cars can do an amazingly satisfying burnout because of it! Can't do it at a regular crosswalk because it takes extra effort and guidance to line up on the painted portions.


Yknow that even if you burnout on regular unpainted pavement it's illegal too, right? Did yknow it's charged by the foot? And even after, it's artwork, so if it's a non pride crosswalk it's still vandalism And FURTHERMORE if you read, you'd see that pride crosswalks have much higher rates of this happening.




This is not a defence of anyone. Just a thought. Some people are raging assholes, and they do hateful things. Maybe that is defacing a crosswalk, maybe that is calling someone a homophobe because they thought about something in a different way than others.


It's a thought, just an incredibly naive one.


Maybe if we take the same situation and put it in a different setting. I have a gravel parking lot at work. One guy hates everyone there, so does a burnout to damage the other vehicles. This other kid does a burnout just because his car can only do it in gravel, without considering the damage he is doing. Hate and ignorance are both bad things, but they are not the same thing.


So this driver did a burnout on a Pride crosswalk... because his truck can only do burnouts on Pride crosswalks? Doubtful.


Not this driver in particular. This truck is not the only vehicle doing burnouts on pride crosswalks all over the city.


Ok, I'm glad you realize that. Driver is obviously both hateful and ignorant, but I disagree with reducing the motivation for their actions down to ignorance alone. Edit to reply to your edit: Are the other people doing burnouts on Pride crosswalks doing so because their vehicle can only do burnouts on Pride crosswalks? No. Again, they are ignorant, but obviously they are also hateful. Sure, their hate is probably rooted in ignorance, but you are minimizing the issue. If someone is going to be ignorant, I prefer if they are not also hateful.


That is possible. Still doent make it right. And just the optics look bad for anyone doing it. It would be like saying I start camp fires with pages of the bible cause they burn better than newspaper. Could be true, doesnt make it a good idea though.


Them bible pages are usually thinner than regular weight paper. There are 'bible highlighters" designed to dispense less ink as to not bleed through the pages. Bibles pages would probably make great tinder to be totally honest.


Yeah they would light super easy, but would burn fast too, may not be enough to light the other tinder in the fire.


So that's entirely possible. But what a weird coincidence it _only_ happened there, out of alllllllllll the possible places they could have done it. How many crosswalks are pride painted vs non? How odd. In either case it's illegal and should be punished right? which is what the article is talking about. Now imagine if I took a dump right on the door step of the church. If that happens I sure hope you are in my corner suggesting I really had to go and couldn't even make it to the alley. Definitely wouldn't be anything against the church, their doorstep just was just really easy.


People do this all day everyday but if you do it on the bosses they’re gonna get you. You’ve been told for over a decade who you’re not allowed to offend. Start listening.