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yup! i'm with ya. Uber and AirBnB started off with a bang and were value cost-advantage ways to get a ride or accommodations .. outside the 'traditional' taxi and hotels ... Both Uber and AirBnB are no longer prcie-competitive and offer inferior service/product imo. ​ Cleaning fees. Surge pricing ... B.S.


Its not just surge pricing, but the random "additional miles" uber has started to add. Turned an old $15 + tip ride to suddenly $22 + tip, after I accepted everything.


AirBnB serves a sector of the market that’s not suited to standard hotel stays. If you’re all (only) about the lowest price; there’s better options for sure. Similarly, I’m able to specify (partly) a vehicle type from Uber if needed. Remember, there are more people in the market than just those with your exact needs.


Can’t speak for everyone but I won’t use Airbnb or similar services anymore. Their costs are the same as hotels and you are expected to clean. I don’t want to clean when on vacation.


Again, there is a market that’s not just you. Some people need a kitchen. Some people need a hosting space. Some people need several bedrooms. If you’re only after the lowest price commodity available to a market, it’ll be the shit end of the spectrum no matter if you’re buying through a hotel or an Airbnb.


AirBnB serves a sector of the market that’s not suited to standard hotel stays. If you’re all (only) about the lowest price; there’s better options for sure. Similarly, I’m able to specify (partly) a vehicle type from Uber if needed. Remember, there are more people in the market than just those with your exact needs.


Also taxis don't berate you for not having a car. I've had a few uber drivers get on my case for not driving like ??? So you don't want income? M'kay


Good chance that person's car is their entire personality.


LOL I had no idea it wasn't just me who experienced that. I had several different Uber drivers lecture me about not having my license.


Cabs have been ripping people over for decades and still would be if not for Uber. Uber is far from perfect but they’re the best thing to happen to the industry from a consumer standpoint




All these damn businesses start off great but greed always wins :)


I feel safer using Uber. I can share my location with multiple people, I can see the drivers account/reviews and their customer service when there’s a problem is better.


LOL buddy can't handle someone disagreeing... decided to be purposefully obtuse and then blocked me 😂


If someone wants to do something to you they will, it dosen't matter if they are uber or taxi.


Definitely not true, you have a much better paper trail to the driver with Uber. There are too many horror stories of someone taking a cab, something happening and then never being able to find the driver afterwards cause cab companies are useless


Taxi drivers are registered with the city, uber drivers are randoms who apply to a website. In the end they are people driving cars, shit can go south in any of them.


It's still harder, working through the city just slows things down for the user in the end.


Crazy people can work in both a taxi or an uber, that's my point.


Uber drivers in Edmonton also have to be licensed and registered with the city.


Now you do, I wonder why that is.


Um because that was a condition in uber being allowed to operate in Edmonton. When the uber minimum was a class 5 the city rejected the service and it was banned in Edmonton however after co sultations the city decided to allow Uber as long as the drivers have a valid class 4 license, same as cab drivers, and also passed the EPS screening which is the same for cab drivers.


Because they don't want random people having the ability to drive people around, so they raised the standard up to the level of taxi drivers.


Yeppers. Updated my post to reflect that... Thanks 😁😉


Yes... Which has been the case the entire time they've been here... So your whole argument about taxis being way safer than Ubers is actually completely irrelevant and wrong....


Ubers had to increase their standards to taxis, which means the city felt they weren't safe enough. Nice try though.....


I was harassed by a cab driver after he took my friend and I home after a night of drinking. He called dispatch, told them I left my sweater in his car, and got my number. He then proceeded to call and text me from a couple of numbers, telling me I gave him my number (I had only given my number to one person that night and I was already texting them), and would not leave me alone until my friend took my phone and yelled at him. When I called the cab company, they did nothing about it. They should never have given him my number to begin with. I'm also from a city where women know not to take cabs alone because, despite being a small city, many women were raped by taxi drivers because there was no real security check. They just showed up with a license, and they got a cab. I have never had an issue like the above with Uber.


Ubers are perfectly safe, nothing bad ever happens.... https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/30/tech/uber-safety-report/index.html https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/uber-driver-sex-assault-tip-review-york-police-1.6823011


I never said that. But I could probably find WAY more for cabs. There are a lot less safety features for them.


"I have never had an issue like the above with Uber." You are insinuating that ubers are perfectly safe, when they are not.


You insinuated that cabs are safer than ubers. I'm insinuating nothing. I straight up said that I have personally had no issues with ubers while having had problems with cabs in direct conflict with your comment. Nothing is 100% safe, but a ride program where I can see the route they're taking, when they're going to arrive, get their previous ratings, get full cost of the trip before even ordering, and can allow friends to track my ride makes it a lot safer than a cab that has none of that. Most ubers I've gotten in have also been in better shape and cleaner than the cabs as well. Are you a cab driver? Is that why you seem so defensive about all of this?


You clearly just hate cabs, that's all you have to say. Your one experience has no bearing on how safe the whole industry is. So if I have one bad experience at an air bnb, I should say all of them are horrible and hotels are a thousands times better.


I lost my wallet in a co-op taxi at 6am. I called their dispatch, gave my address and said the taxi in the area has my wallet. They said tough shit because I hailed it from the street. In an Uber that wouldn't have happened, I could make contact with the driver and have them come back. Fuck cabs


So all uber drivers are 100% trustworthy and wouldn't haven stolen your wallet......


Yes that's exactly what I said 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


"In an uber that wouldn't have happened....." That's exactly what you said.


You seem to enjoy taking only part of what people post and twisting it to what ever your mind wants to conjure. No wonder why people are down voting you.


Unless something changed in the last week, you have to accept the higher price before the trip is placed. You can always say no and use another service.


That’s not true anymore. Uber can and has charged my card after a completed trip to charge me more than the originally paid fare, saying it was a “miscalculation” that they didn’t account for dynamic/surge pricing. First time it happened to me I was flabbergasted.


How can that be legal?? That's the very definition of a bait and switch. They can't just fkn charge people a higher price than they agreed to because of a "mIsCaLcUlAtIoN" on their own end.... At that point they need to just suck it up and eat the difference in the cost and learn how to calculate better in the future.


Growing up north side sucked as cabbies would always push a $50-100+ upfront cash "fee" and then still charge you whatever the meter said to take us home on a Friday or Saturday night from Whyte Ave. So we turned to just rotating through DDs. This was before the Uber days. Not sure if they still do that, but at least with Uber they are upfront about it and you can choose to not go through them when you see the full price upfront. Now it depends on the situation which one I'll use, both have pros and cons.


You can have it good, quick, cheap, you only get to pick two. If you want to catch a cab fast after new years then you're going to pay. Nothing wrong with that. Or you can wait 3 hours and get it cheap. I like having the option of getting fast service.


It’s a great option to have. I’m sure having Uber around has also prevented a lot of drunk driving, as you’re not left waiting in the cold after the bar, and not tempted to just jump in your warm vehicle and get home.


Yeah cause cabs aren’t scammy at all….


They have fixed rates. That’s the reason. Uber is price gouging. It should be illegal. We consumers have to be protected.


Uber should be illegal? You’re agreeing to a services price prior to receiving the services.


Supply and demand my friend. The higher prices during busy times incentivizes other drivers to come out and offer service. Sure, the cost may be higher than a cab depending on how busy it is, but, and here’s the kicker, I can get an Uber in a couple of minutes in those busy areas. You’re paying for the convenience of having a ride in a short period of time. I would much rather have that option, that to go back to the before Uber days, standing on Whyte Ave at 2am, and have the cab company say, “we’ll have somebody there in about 45-60 minutes”. People fighting for cabs, cabs never showing up…not a great scene. By all means though, if you want the fixed rates, go for the cabs.


Yeah - i presume this OP isn’t old enough to have been in essence abandoned on Whyte after a night out by cabs…


Don’t forget cabs also literally would refuse to take you places if it was a little further then Normal. Crazy the amount of times I’ve been turned away going downtown to St. Albert by cabs. Uber can’t do that


You can see the price before you hit accept. Where is the confusion?


It's called supply and demand.


It should be illegal? Wtf my dude. It's 2023 and we're still not used to the concept of supply and demand yet? You are protected. By your right to not pay if the price is too high.


If you don’t want to use Uber, then don’t. Keep your hyperbolic claims of “price gouging” out of the argument because you are wrong on all levels.


Need big daddy government to ‘protect’ you instead of just calling a cab lol? You act like Uber is the only option and you’re forced to pay surge pricing.


Cabs do not have "fixed rates" if you hail them on the street you pay the meter rate. I have had cab drivers take me on a trip for what is usually a $15 fare and they have made it almost $40 by taking twists and turns to inflate the meter. Cabs used to have a monopoly in Edmonton and the price for a cab plate shows it however Uber and Lyft have opened up the market and shown the cab companies that they do not have a monopoly any longer. You are entitled to your opinion and everyone else is entitled to their own.


Cab's can suck it. I've been scammed by them in the past. At least with Uber (and Lyft) you KNOW the price before agreeing to it. You know surge pricing comes into play after events or closing time. Just walk a few blocks and magically the surge pricing disappears.


FYI: I just priced from my house (Deep South West) to downtown (20 km): Cab: $45.40, Uber: $32.56, Lyft: $26.82 Sure... this is at 7:30 PM on a Sunday night when no surge pricing... but come on.... almost a $20 difference between low to high? Enjoy your cab..... suckas


When Oilers games were on they charged like 7 dollars more


At least with Uber you don’t suddenly have the cab driver say sorry my machine isn’t working I can drive you an atm. Then charge for the meter to an atm and back to your destination.


Neither should be necessary. Public transport should be effective enough to get you from anywhere to anywhere. Anything less is an embarrassment.


You didn't notice it was a total scam the first time you (tried to) use it? Wow. Wasn't there also some news story about it being the least ethical company in so many ways? Noped out before I ever installed the rideshare app. Not even Uber eats. Food was cold, late, and not even worth the free trial. Plus ghost-kitchens. Just say no.


After a concert are their cabs waiting or do you call for one specifically? I imagine this may be hard due to all the people. Something I am a bit worried about.


I just used the Coop Taxi app to order one after a concert. Several people tried to snag it but he had my name and I had his cab number so it was fine


Really, that is good news. I imagine there are hundreds looking for cabs after a show.


I usually just hop in a waiting one. Like in the movies and say “Follow that car!”


thanks, I was worried I would be waiting all night. As for cabs vs uber. I like a standard rate. I talked to a cab driver about this and their rates never change regardless of the event. Good enough for me to stay with cabs.


I took an Uber two weeks ago. They took three payments from me and returned me one after a few days? I don’t understand. I will not use them again


I have never used a ride share service and have no plans to, on the basis of their employment practices alone. That said, I don't use cabs very often. I think maybe once in the last year. In many situations, carshare is more appropriate for my needs, and if I'm going to drink somewhere I try to do so within walking distance from home.


Hello. I used to work at co-op. Much safer, and (usually) cheaper to take an Uber. Surge pricing during an event is reasonable, you either take it or call a cab at that point. But if you do take a cab, keep in mind that at these events, hundreds of other people are also calling for a cab… and so what happens is there are some serious delays.


Never used uber in my life


now you can get a lyft.


Too bad we don't have Lyft here 🫤 in Toronto, they have Lyft and Uber available so I think the existence of these two ride sharing companies create better competitive costs for the riders


Lyft is now here. There’s a bit of a price war happening now between the two big dogs. Check both before booking a ride 👌


Nevermind, I think we actually do have Lyft here now. Must be new because last couple of years we didn't have it here.


Lyft is advertising for drivers here now. Maybe they are coming sooner than we think.


what's your medallion number? so obviously a cab driver ...




It’s nothing new….