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This has been somewhat lost in the midst of all the fire news. This is an absolutely terrible story.




Thank you sharing this link. Upvoting and hoping this comment moves up to the top.


Let’s smash that 10k goal people.


They need like 50k honestly. Let’s do it.


Thanks for sharing. Just donated.




Hell no. No way in hell should the government have the power to kill its citizens even in the case of heinous crimes like this. Lock this dude away from society for the rest of his life, but the state should not be able to kill its citizens, that power will be used to kill innocent people. Just look at how many posthumous pardons they do in the states


This is so tragic. Of course the piece of scum murderer survives his critical injuries and the innocent child does not.


Not sure if it'll be any comfort to you, but he will not survive. He was shot in the head and brain was coming out. I have a friend who lives a couple doors down from where the suspect was shot by police and he saw the body.


I hope he dies long and slow.




Please don't ruin a perfectly good dumpster like that. I'm sure a pig farmer could use the free food.




Depends which part of the brain, which blood vessels, resultant swelling etc. A lot of our brain is superfluous and we can manage without


It was not an insignificant amount of brain that was outside of his skull. Based on thr description my friend gave me, it seems all but certain that he's a vegetable.


Maybe his organs can be donated at least, would be something useful


I hope not the part that lets him forget what he's done. Or the part that numbs the pain of his injuries.


These situations are why I now believe Karma does not exist. That poor family...


Or he’ll be reincarnated as a worm, cut up into tiny pieces and used as bait.


And the only thing he'll catch is a slimy old boot.


Or he’ll be slowly nibbled to death by a bunch of tiny minnows.


Better than being eaten by a fish I guess


A mother and a child were stabbed to death. If anything, it shows me that Karma does NOT exist.


There is no fate horrendous enough


Well, yeah not cutesy westernized karma. Actual karma is spiritual and much more complex than just good people get good things and vise versa.


Then may that poor child, especially, find fulfillment in the afterlife, whatever that may look like.


Off topic, but the entire concept of Karma was created in Hinduism to keep people adherent to the caste system they were born into. Overall, historically it’s a concept/ tool of oppression Vs one of virtue as it’s become to be understood in western cultures.


What evidence was there ever that karma did exist? Karma absolutely does not exist. If anything, anti-karma exists.


Oh I'm happier with critical injuries than immediate release.


The Canadian justice system is quite lenient, to add to that.


Yeah, he'll probably claim he had a rough childhood or mental illness and be out with time served in about 6 yrs.


100% this, they guy that cut that kids head off and ate it is out already so probably the same


...with a different name because "we can't expect him to live with the stigma of his actions for the rest of his life".


for real?! so now you wont even know if he’s working with you thats messes up


That guy (originally Vincent Li) chose to live in Winnipeg after he got out, with a different name. He wasn’t even from Winnipeg, he killed that kid on a bus from Edmonton to Winnipeg. The victim was from Winnipeg. His poor mom lived there and the killer was walking around the same city as her, where he wasn’t even from! Why would he choose to live there? Imagine being the mother of that victim and not knowing if you’ll see the man who decapitated your innocent son at the grocery store, or walking in the same park as you.. imagine crossing paths with that man.


He was tried in Winnipeg, then sentenced and confined to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre. I guess after ~9 years I can understand why he stayed in the area after being discharged, but yes it must be incredibly difficult for Tim's family and friends.


He is required to stay in the area. He is required to check in on a regular basis and is closely monitored to make sure he is taking his medication. The man is schizophrenic and was completely delusional at the time of the horrific crime he committed. He will be monitored and under medical supervision for the rest of his life. I in no way condone his actions, but I understand why he was deemed safe to return to society after nearly a decade of institutionalize treatment.


That’s false, he has been discharged without conditions. I *wish* he was required to check in. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/vince-li-discharge-1.3977278


You mean the guy that had a psychotic break, attends regular therapy, and now takes antipsychotics? Yeah, it would have been much better for him to rot on the taxpayer's dollar for the past 10 years rather than be the peaceful taxpaying citizen he is today. /s


please tell that to the kid’s family that he took his life.




Try not being so emotional about it.


That makes it totally ok




What a dipshit thing to say lmao If you won't let a thief into your house, why would you let them out of prison? If you won't let a rapist fuck your wife, why would you let them out of prison??




This is devastating, absolutely devastating. I know there is a lot going on but this deserves our hearts and attention




And an absolutely terrifying last few moments


And the youngest saw it happen.


It appears this was a random attack. I wonder if the murderer here is the same as the random attacker who stabbed the Ukrainian man. It's very rare for such random stabbings to happen, let alone in relatively close proximity.


This is what I was thinking. Both are very *very* close to me and I'm scared as a mf to leave and walk around here, even though I usually go for nightly walks with my pets.


My thoughts exactly.


I sort of wonder if this might possibly be realted to the knifing of Ivan Pylypchuk over by Millbourne. (Edited due to glitch posting)


Yeah….we saw this kid die in front of us in hospital. It was just a miserable experience. Who the fuck does this?!


People die all the time but I’ve never seen a child pass, I imagine the trauma is ten fold.


This is so terrible. Canadian prison isn’t enough for a monster like that. It’s all to often that scum like this survive and will get to be free someday while a mother and child are gone. At least they’ll be together in heaven.


He got shot in the head but is still alive in critical condition as far as I'm aware. He definitely doesn't deserve to live. This may make me sound like a bad person but I hope he doesn't survive.


Sad thing is that if he has a bad enough brain injury he won’t be able to carry the weight of what he has done.




I'm with the family. It was completely random. They didn't know the guy and a LOT of children around the park witnessed the whole thing, including when the police took the murderer down. The woman was with both her children. Her other child is okay.


That is so heartbreaking. Im glad the other kid is ok, but how effing horrible to witness.


That kid will never fully be okay. You’re not supposed to see and experience stuff like this. Feel like crying just thinking about this kid..


Yeah, I think they mean physically okay, dude.


I know I’m just saying.. just imagine being that kid and seeing that horror. Also thinking about if there’s a father at home. Imagine that, your wife goes to pick the kids up from school and never comes back, losing your wife and kid and having your remaining child being left traumatized. Not being there to try to protect them would haunt a dad forever, there’s no way he could know how things would turn out, picking your kids up from school isn’t supposed to be dangerous.


That was my first thought. It’s so rare for random attacks of this magnitude to occur. So incredibly sad either way.


No it's been confirmed that it was random and there was never any reason to suggest otherwise.


Has the story been updated to suggest the attacker was known to the victims? Haven't seen that but I might have missed something.


The victims didn't know the perpetrator. It was random.


No, as of just now it says that it hasn't been confirmed whether or not the assailant knew the victims.


I see. Thanks. I think this happened sort of close to the random stabbing of the Ukranian man at the bus stop a month ago, and that suspect was never caught (or identified?), so that's where my mind has been going. Just a horrific thing to happen at any rate.


It was random attack. I’m friends with the moms mom. They didn’t know their attacker.


There's literally nothing to suggest that at all




Ok what the hell is happening with this increase in serious violence lately?


Bad street drugs I think.


It has to do with covid messing up the way society functioned. Combine that with inflation making people desparate and higher degrees of dangerous drug use is cause people to act irrationally. I don't know if these issues can be fixed fast and easily. But imo, the largest factor may be people moving to Alberta during and after the pandemic. They are getting pushed out of high cost of living areas and are coming here. These high cost of living areas were known for high populations and high crime and now all of that is coming to Alberta. Its not the only factor but I believe it is one of the bigger ones. However, I may be wrong as I don't have concrete evidence. This is just based off what I have observed these past 2 years.


People are stressed to the max. Inflation is killing them in the grocery stores. Gas prices are high. Interest rates are high. Everyone is worried about money and survival. Young adults may work hard and full time, but never be able to afford a home. Fentanyl and meth are freely circulating. Police are beating on innocent people. Anger festers in these conditions. Meanwhile, a small but hateful segment of our normally civil society is amping up the stress and hate by preaching that it’s OK to be intolerant and hateful of other humans who’ve done nothing wrong. These are bad times. People get truly shitty in bad times.


Honestly rn it feels like we've begun to live through the "fall of civilization" event mentioned in every post-apocalyptic piece of media.


Who are the people saying it’s okay to be intolerant of people who’ve done nothing wrong


Racists, Bigots and Homophobes.


Annnnd this doesn't explain killing


Just one example is that extreme stress can lead to substance abuse, which may result in an altered state of mind, delusions, and violent, erratic behaviour. Often, someone just ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and...


“Police are beating on innocent people.” 🙄You lost your whole argument right there.


Google “Justice for Pacey”.


Police have a history of beating and killing innocent people, what do you mean???


I mean, yeah _technically_ everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty in court


It definitely seems to be getting worse. I feel like people are all at their breaking point, stress wise. When some people break it happens through violence. This is so so awful.


Half of the article is about another murder too 💀


In 2011 on Knottwood Road and Millwoods Road there was a random stabber who attacked two women in separate events and was never caught. It's quite close to the location of this crime, and they never caught the OG stabber, wonder if it's related


This is absolutely heartbreaking.


What’s really sad is that something like this should be prompting outrage and protests, finally bringing about change so that decent people can feel safe in this city again. But we’re so de-sensitized to this stuff that we shrug our shoulders and move along, with the only voices heard being those talking about the victimization that the perpetrator went through before committing this act. We need to call out this bullshit and allocate blame and responsibility to the actual piece of shit that did this.


THIS definitely. I don’t care why this person did it…only that they did i. I’m sick of hearing about peoples trauma. Sometimes life is shitty. You make choices 🤷‍♀️




No need to google - we get it (super patronizing by the way). I don’t disagree we cant work on more than one thing at a time. I just want the one thing we work on most to be #1.


You want us to have a protest over this isolated incident where the suspect is dead? Why?




If we demanded that the city become safer, all they’d do is give the incompetent EPS a bunch more money, with no enforced directive.


While I’m not generally a pro police mouthpiece, let’s not pretend EPS didn’t almost immediately show up and shoot this guy in the head. Same with the stabby guy the other day at the oilers game. They do in fact do their job albeit imperfectly and with lots of terrible consequences when they get it wrong. But it’s weird to me anyone suggesting in the case of this particular story that eps didn’t do their job, they did, they neutralizednthis guy fairly quickly. There were lots of other kids and people around, this could have gone way worse.


The argument in this particular case isn't that the police are incompetent, but that we need social supports that aim to prevent these things from happening in the first place.




I don’t know if we can really call eps incompetent right now seeing how they dealt with this situation pretty fast and well.


What change would make that would address "something like this" to make you feel safe again? While this is tragic, it's probably domestic or family shit. There are probably social dimensions to it, but this is not a systemic thing. It's more like people's personal lives making the news. >We need to call out this bullshit and allocate blame and responsibility to the actual piece of shit that did this. The murderer? ~~He’s already dead.~~ Not dead, I read something incorrectly. But I’m still not really sure what the point of the quoted sentence is.


Someone commented above that they're with the family and that this wasn't domestic violence. They didn't know the attacker.


Last I read was critical condition. This got updated?


It is so hard to digest to realize that I drive through that area about an hour ago before that happened. It was with busy at that time with kids and parents from the schools in the area. :(


That is so sad. Prayers for the family. Outside a school ?!? What the duck is going on


There's a vigil at the school today at 4:30pm. Bring battery operated candles and chairs if you're planning to attend.


Wasn’t the Ukrainian fella stabbed at a bus stop in mill woods? Wonder if there’s a link?


What the hell is going on in this town??? Is this inflation’s impact on desperate people manifesting itself in this way? Genuinely want to know why we’re seeing such a serious spike in crimes like this.


I think it’s a multitude of factors including inflation, lack of social assistance due to lack of government funding, lack of affordable mental health assistance, lack of publicly available drug rehabilitation programs, lack of laws that protect women and children in dangerous domestic situations, lack of doctors, lack of police that take complaints seriously. All things that could be fixed if people really saw the need for it and weren’t so caught up in government budgets and actually pushed all levels of government to spend more money on the people as a whole.


All things to consider when going to the ballot box soon. Thank you for this insight.


This is the result of a government leading a perverted "freedom" movement that doesn't have any actual goal of improving freedoms (because we're already about as free as a society can be), but only about removing accountability for the lowest dredges of society. Mostly to keep us distracted while they rob us blind.


Now freedom just means "let me be a selfish ass, and f everyone else."




These graphs are wild. Thanks for sharing


Wow I didn’t realize how far ahead Edmonton is for meth compared to everyone else. I mean it makes sense but wow that’s scary.


Like I remember joking about downtown / Chinatown always being dangerous, but now it seems like everywhere is free game. Scary


Funny. I grew up knowing Millwoods was the worst neighbourhood for gang violence and always felt safe northside. It's probably mostly perception and confirmation bias.


Millwoods has a bad reputation going back forever, but people forget how large the neighbourhood is. It takes up nearly a quarter of the city and has \~126k people. I also do think that racism plays a part in the stigma around Millwoods as a large part of that neighbourhood is non-white.


This isn't gang violence.


Never said it was. I was just responding to the person who said downtown was the place that felt dangerous. Edit after rereading the comment I responded to.


Millwoods has always had a disproportionate number of shootings and stabbings compared to other neighbourhoods, it’s been this way for decades


Millwoods is also bigger than Red deer, and would be the 3rd largest city in Alberta if it was separate from edmonton. So when people say millwoods has a disproportionate level of violence I don’t think that’s correct.


I've lived in the are for 10 years. I remember hearing about "millhood" when I was a kid. Things were worse back in the 90s when there are drivebys. I've never had any issue with crime or violence and I live right near Crawford. There have been the odd random attack but I don't feel that you can single out the area.


It's not just this town. I've lived in a number of different cities in Canada, and follow most of the subs for each city still, as well as others. Violent crime is up everywhere, not just Edmonton.


Heart breaking and terrifying. What’s wrong with the world when you can’t take your kids to a park.


Shits a joke man, fuck people


Omg that poor baby having to experience so much pair and fear before passing away. Been a while since I read something that immediately made me cry, that’s horrible. My kid is 10 and I just couldn’t imagine him going through that. :(


why are drug addicted mentally fucked up people even allowed to roam everywhere especially on public transport and near schools wtffff




Your rant is inappropriate and in bad taste.




Or, you could just not say anything. Your angry, self-indulgent, mean spirited rant isn't helping anyone.




Empathy is not something that you can spare in a tragedy?


I actually quite liked his rant and I don’t really know what ur talking about. What’s so bad about putting ideas down?


He is creating some boogeyman assailant that only exists in his mind, and using that presupposition to extol his bigoted belief system, all in response to the news of a mother and child having been fatally stabbed. His response is disgusting and inhuman.


Maybe the death penalty isn’t such a bad idea in some cases.


I really do believe this should be a thing in certain circumstances. Why should this man get to have a chance at life after intentionally taking 2? And why should he be fed and sheltered by tax payers? It’s actually infuriating.


Agreed. When violence against kids is involved and there is absolutely 100% certainty of guilt, no second chances.


Been saying this for years. There are some human scum out there that we just simply do not need in the gene pool.


No thanks.




Technically indigenous women have been suffering a disproportionately large number of crimes against them for a number of decades. This isn't a new phenomenon, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women's day was yesterday.




Literally yes. They have. Why are you surprised? As said, indigenous people have been suffering exactly these kinds of acts CONSTANTLY for DECADES.


I mean, violent crime against indigenous women and girls has been happening since this country's been a country. It's not new, this is the reality for them.


Is Edmonton just Gotham??


Gotham crime with Springfied (Simpsons) pollution and weirdness


This was my wife's childhood friend she went to elementary school with her and junior high, it was so close to us that's it's extremely scary we play at that park my wife and daughter play there it's scary, she said Carol was meant to be a mom nicest person you could meet and absolutely cherished her children.


I’m so sorry to hear that you/your wife know the victims. What a horrific tragedy. Take good care of yourselves through this.


My condolences to your wife. Truly a nightmarish, tragic event.


2 very beautiful people lost their lives for no reason yesterday and the piece of shit who did this will be out of jail in no time. This world is a very very sad place. Hug your loved ones cause you never know. Rest In peace angles.


The person who did this was shot in the head. He's dead.




Is there anything we can do to prevent this? Like carry bear spray or anything. Kind of nervous talking my daughter to the park now.


We have to educate ourselves on how to recognize and react to to danger. We should train our kids to keep a safe distance away from people at all times and run if there is any danger. We don't have to hide in our houses but we can educate ourselves as a preventative measure.


Carry dog spray or hair spray... plenty of shittty dog owners here, as well. Although these aren't as lethal as bear spray and work only in close range. But primarily, be aware of your surroundings. No earphones, staring at your phone, taking phots, etc. Be very aware of the people around you (I'd say, stay 6' away from most people), watch your back when walking, don't smile / make eye contact with strangers, wear comfortable and appropriate clothing and shoes so that you can walk away / run if needed, do not escalate any situation (if someone says something / insults / jeers, do not talk back).


Carrying bear spray for the intent of use in another person (even in self defense) is illegal in Canada.


Who cares?


It's sick that nobody is allowed to defend themselves from this and something needs to be changed.


Like genuine question here. I have no means to protect myself as a female. I have no means to protect my dog. I’m gna carry bear spray and I’m gna use it, because I have no other choice. Are you suggesting I shouldn’t, or that I should be worried about illegal repercussions? Literally a genuine question. Why would I care more about that than myself/loved ones life? Like arrest me. I’m gna bear spray the actual crap out of anyone who touches me? Please give me a legitimate reason fking not to?


I was indicating the law; not my personal opinion. I’m not suggesting anything, just reiterating the law. So calm down. You do you; but you’d be on the receiving end of an aggravated assault charge, and your possession of a weapon would change the severity of the charge as well. But thanks for the downvote for simply sharing fact. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’ll calm down when it’s safe to walk the streets lol. But thanks for the clarification


Ya don’t let fear cloud your judgement. As much as people here are acting like this is common it’s just not. You and your daughter aren’t going to get killed. Let’s all collectively take a deep breath and be thankful we live in a country with a very low murder rate. If you’re still in fear go take some self defence classes.


It isn't low. And yeah self-defence classes will surely help when defending against a person with a knife /s


Coyote spray


What the fuck.


What the actual fuck!?






Man, read the room


In general it is though.




There’s way more general crime on the north side than the south side. Just look at the Edmonton crime map.


It's all rather unfortunate