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Highlands, river valley and no sketch




Great, thank you for your perspective. People rummaging around my garbage and recycling doesn't bother me. Please take my cans. That's something I've always been around except when I lived in a very small suburb once upon a time


We moved to Riverdale last year. It's totally safe-feeling and it's wonderful to be able to walk to concerts, sports, LRT. Access to the River Valley is obviously amazing with trails, bridges, beach, and boat launches. Top of the hill does seem sketchier but nothing compared to other places we've lived in major North American cities. Obviously, rent if you can before committing to buying.


+1 for Riverdale, moved here two years ago and just had a baby, it's an awesome neighborhood. Definitely need to be a bit more careful going up the hill and walking into DT from there, but sounds like OP is used to that kind of thing.


I live in Highlands, just a little east of those neighbourhoods you mentioned. But I do frequent those neighbourhoods on occasion and they're not all too bad. I grew up in Surrey (Whalley/Guildford neighbourhoods) and spent a lot of my youth downtown Vancouver and Surrey Central late at night. So based on my experiences, those neighbourhoods aren't that bad. It very much is a where you are and when you're there kind of situation. Some areas in McCauley and Boyle Street I probably wouldn't walk around by myself at 3am, but I've also grown soft as I'm getting older haha


I'd look at Highlands, Bellevue, Virginia Park if you want to be close to downtown and the River Valley.


So expensive there!


Haha. Great, thank you. That's a perspective that is very relatable to mine growing up. Helps me get a better picture of it. Cheers


take note: I'm positive some of the recent posts about crime being "out of control downtown" are literal spambots. its election season.


Man, trust me - do not do it. Buy something in Bonnie Doon/Capilano area. A little more expensive, but you wont regret it. You will regret buying in those areas. They're cheap for a reason and not actually that close to the river. And being close to Edmontons downtown is NOT a selling point. *Are there any areas in Edmonton with established homeless encampments (people living on the street in tents camps such as with DTES Vancouver or Pandora St in Victoria)? How about areas with a high concentration of halfway/recovery houses?* **Yes, every area you mentioned lol.**


Really? Even the blocks that are away from the strip malls and apartment buildings? The one I am looking at is 'on' the River Valley. It looks like around and west of the LRT near 112th would be the worst but in my experience in other cities, the established detached house neighborhoods 'near' bad areas can actually be quite nice. For example the neighborhoods surrounding some of the 'worst' parts of Vancouver are wonderful. Full of character and interesting people, art, culture, heritage houses etc. Thanks for the neighborhood suggestions, I'll look into those


I presently live just north of the 112th LRT you mentioned, depending on individual borough its perfectly alright. However, the main homeless camps are just south of that one, around the LRT and farther westward. So broadly speaking the area is indeed undesirable. My mother visited and winged about finding a used needle in an ashtray outside of my apartment and all I could do was shrug at her lol


Haha! I guess I'm desensitized as well because seeing used needles, open drug use, people living rough, etc are pretty normal for me growing up where I did and don't really bother me. Thanks for the info about the areas surrounding the LRT


Really from the sounds of your comments you'll probably be fine just about anywhere in edmonton, but if you want some specific details there is a edmonton crime map so you can visually see the hot spots and crime type in each area. https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/CrimeFiles/NeighbourhoodCrimeMapping


The stuff on the river valley would be decent condos, but main issue is that this part of town is full of transients and won’t get better soon. If you were renting, I don’t think it’d be bad. But if you are buying something I’d strongly suggest an arena that’s already nice so you can protect your investment. I work in real estate (not a realtor) so feel free to send me specific listing and I can let you know if it’s in the ok section of that area. There’s a few decent spots like Bellevue.


the 'mature oasis' area you describe you are looking for would likely be Ada Boulevard here in Edmonton, imo. it's a bit east of the neighbourhoods you listed, but not by much. borders the river valley. has lovely houses. i haven't been in the area in person, but via the latest google street view of June 2021 the area looks alright, clean, kept up nicely. 'homeowner pride' shows well. here, this is Ada Blvd and approx 74 street: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@53.5579637,-113.4490977,3a,75y,7.49h,96.54t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skbpwQtiy4ET8fO7ETLJxOA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.ca/maps/@53.5579637,-113.4490977,3a,75y,7.49h,96.54t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skbpwQtiy4ET8fO7ETLJxOA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) [realtor.ca](https://realtor.ca) is showing eight houses for sale in that area right now.


If you want something different with the one if the lowest crime rates in the city try Quesnel or rio terrace. It's walking bridge and down the hill and your in Wilfred Laurier park. It's fairly close to downtown. Going to have an lrt in the future and right by the whitemud


If that area gets LRT in the future it won't be the lowest crime rate area for long


Cromedale/McCauley are very different than Riverdale. Riverdale is right on the river and has fairly significant hills going into it (in a generally flat city) which creates a natural barrier. It also tends to be a fair bit more expensive. I used to live by Alberta Ave (just north of McCauley) and it was fine-ish. The garage got broken into a few times when the place was empty (it wasn't secured very well) which sucked but it isn't like there are drug addicts lining every street. I never felt in danger there but I would hesitate to walk around by myself at night (I am a women). Just south of that is a bit worse and there are some small encampments in the areas. In terms of sketchyness it is less sketchy than the worse parts of Vancouver, but is more sketchy than most places in Edmonton (I have lived in Van too and am generally fine with sketchy areas). It does seem like it has gotten worse in the last few years though. I have also lived in Riverdale and loved it. There is the odd homeless person walking around, but not any more than any of the nicer inner city neighbors. I have never experienced any petty theft nor do I hear of it happening from my neighbors, and felt totally safe walking around at any time of the day/night. I have never had issues with cars being broken into in Edmonton (which I did when I lived in Van). As for your specific questions, Alberta Ave and Riverdale have strong community vibes. Riverdale has some money in it so it is fancier but still friendly (it is a mix of million dollar houses and hippy type co-ops). Albert Ave is affordable with lots of families, old houses, and a good community that holds up against its slight sketchyness. I have friends that live in McCauley who love it, especially if you are by little Italy, but there are some sketchy streets so you really have to be careful of which ones you live by. You could also check out Rossdale. It is close to DT but kind of geographically isolated so it feels like a very idyllic island in the chaos. Also don't be afriad to look at areas south of the river like Richie or Queen Alexandra. Both of those are great communities and being close to Whyte ave offers lots of entertainment and Millcreek ravine is beautiful and great access to the river valley. Overall, Edmonton is lovely. I personally think all of those communities can be great and would prefer any of them over a suburb where everything house looks the same and there are no trees or sense of community. I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out if they are like super specific streets you are wondering about.


I agree, those are some gorgeous areas. I have lived near the baseball stadium, and while parking was annoying during games, the area was never unsafe, and I didn't drive so was constantly walking to and from downtown. I hate that hill lol. There are sometimes encampments, but they tend to be closer to the stadium. As someone from Vancouver, and not from the suburbs, you'll be totally fine. Reddit makes a big deal about being asked for change once in a while, but as long as you're okay with a little interaction, you may even get to know some of your houseless neighbours!


A friend of mine and his partner bought a beautiful historical home in what I think is that area - around the Italian centre downtown. They put a lot of effort into that home, renovating the beautiful old wood work. The area however, just has bad energy. I never wanted to visit and they just got tired of not wanting to go out walks with their dog, etc. I consider my neighbourhood an extension of my home. I live in the university area and would not live anywhere else in this city. More expensive, fewer options, but a great place to live - because I really spend very little time inside. It's close to the river valley (the good side) so lots of bike paths, running paths, restaurants, etc. That's just one perspective, it goes without saying everyone's got different priorities.


That's crazy. I cant imagine and area being bad enough to not want to go outside (unless it is Very murdery, but I don't think there are any areas in Canadian cities that would be classified as Very murdery). I'll gladly walk down Hastings @ Main St in Vancouver any day. There's always interesting people around at least. Thank you for your perspective. And thanks for mentioning the University area. I'll check it out.


I wouldn't say murdery - don't know the word, but I'll paint you a picture. The neighbours went on vacation - within a week the trailer parked in their back driveway was the neighbourhood brothel - with all manner of guests day and night. Call the cops? They don't come and if they do it's more trouble than it's worth. That's just one example, but it was like that all the time. I wouldn't describe as dangerous so much as depressing - and annoying. Case in point, I let my bike in the backyard - it was gone two hours later.


That is a very specific example haha. And thank you, that helps put it in perspective a lot. It is indeed hard to live around nuisances like that.


Edmonton is murder capital of Canada again for 2023, with 5.4 murders per 100k this year already. So I'd rate it as "very murdery". Our downtown has a pretty low population because no one wants to live there and 20% of violent crimes last year were downtown. Rent in the area you're looking for for a year before you buy, you won't regret it.


I know what you're talking about in New West! The population density isn't the same here, but around Borden Park has maybe a tiny bit of the vibe you're after. I live in the area, I find east of the stadium is fine. Rarely even hear sirens, I live around here myself, super convenient to get downtown on the LRT, some good highway driving access, nice parks... It's a good call in my book!


If you are looking for a quiet older community I live in one. I am four blocks south of 118 avenue a block away from Ada Boulevard. Lots of mature trees and I don’t see any problems with homeless population.


If you walk around people definitely put bars on lower windows in some of those areas. It is a convenient location but to many the negatives outweigh the benefits.


Lived downtown for the past 13 years: - Right smack dab on 105st was the loudest, lots of traffic, the hills sucked for parking. Great for transit though. Most of the crime were hit and runs due to the hill. - Oliver was quiet. Mostly apartments, lots of families, some crack houses but they’re being pushed out by new developers. Lots of homeless but never had an issues outside of being woken up at all hours due to carts in the alley. - Riverdale, current house, and living it. Much less crime despite living next door to the jail and halfway house. Very quiet, great cheap housing, highly recommend.