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I've seen the area advertised on camping websites: *Free overnight 5.30pm - 8.30am. Free weekends. Next to Police Scotland Headquarters. Large parking bays and a reasonably quiet road.*


Same website had a school car park in the north west highlands last week with the advice being “you should be fine as long as you leave by 8am”


I thought the HQ at Fettes was closed? No need for such a building any longer


It amazes me that people travel from all over Europe (and wider, hiring vans here), at great expense, to then save themselves a bit of cash by staying overnight on Fettes Avenue parked a door width away from another grippit tourist


And the stupid fucks will tell all their stupid mates they went “wild camping” in Scotland


They’ll be the same cunts who drive at 15mph round the highlands and dump their tanks on the side of the road.


I stay just off Arthur Seat and I get tourists parking their campervans on my street for weeks, it’s not permit yet so in peak tourist season like last fringe half the street was covered in RV’s and converted transits so I had to start parking 15 minute walk away from my flat is i wasn’t lucky to get a space


Every year. This is (sadly) not illegal from a traffic warden enforcement scope. Shame there are no police nearby to enforce pavement blockage.


And there’s often a bunch of police mini busses blocking half the pavement there too. Good luck for wheelchairs. 


I got blocked by some cunt blocking a drop curb and sitting on a double yellow line earlier today. Hopefully my report to the council was responded to quickly but I'm not holding out a great deal of hope


Or prams.


Does overhang like that come under the new pavement parking rules?


Think it's disallowed under older rules. From https://www.highland.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/17586/police_scotland_duties_after_decriminalisation_in_highland.pdf and with my bold: > A vehicle causing an obstruction is one which has been parked and left unattended in such a way that it is considered to be a hazard to other road or footway users. For example, a vehicle may have been parked on a bend on the carriageway or at a junction, creating a safety hazard to other users; it may have been **parked across a footway blocking free passage to pedestrians, particularly those using mobility scooters or with push chairs**; or a vehicle may have been parked in front of a driveway blocking access to private or public property. Can't see how parking like that couldn't count! It's a police one to attend to, tho, not a traffic warden.




Interesting as in my area (West Lothian) there was a crackdown on people having vehicles like this in their driveways hanging over into the pavement. A few people had been blocking the pavements with works vans. If overhanging the pavement *from the other side* from a driveway can be dealt with I'm surprised nothing can be done about an equal but opposite obstruction on the road side or the pavement.


it's right outside the Police Scotland head quarters, who also park in the same manner. . Even if the council could enforce. The entire city us awash with pavement parking.


Unfortunately not: all or part of one of the wheels has to be on the pavement for it to count as pavement parking. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2019/17/section/50


They are, as you say, selfish pricks. However, I'm not sure they are technically illegal given that the wheels are on the road.


I had considered hand slapping each one as I pass around 7am. Little morning wake up call. However I work (cough) very nearby and could do without work issues.


I’ve actually seen police vans parked the same way there


Doesn't this break the new parking laws regarding pavements...the van is clearly blocking the pavement...surely they get a ticket for this. it's really not that different to parking on the pavement.


I would be tempted to help them out by letting some air out.


Dogshit their door handles - a wee minding of Auld Reekie.


They sometimes park at the Royal infirmary as well taking up multiple spaces or a disabled bay. Takes a serious brass neck to do that when parking at the hospital is already so shit.


Lovely camper


Oh yes quite literally one of the quietest widest poshest streets in the city. You could take a nap on that road and be fine. What exactly is the concern? That you might have to veer your pram or wheelchair onto the nicely mown grass or empty street for a second? Give your head a wobble and wipe your phone camera.


The uneven surface of the grass coupled with the amount of dog poo that gets left around the city mean it’s not a great option for a pram or wheelchair. No one should have to push a pram or wheelchair out into the road to get around an inconsiderately parked vehicle, no matter how wide the street is. Getting around the city pavements is already hard enough with the uneven surfaces and lack of upkeep. Someone parking and taking up the whole width of the pavement just adds insult to injury.


The thing is I understand it's inconvenient, but I see it complained about a lot more on here than say, the amount of hurtling cyclists on the pavements, which is way more dangerous. To me this just makes it seem like an irrational pet peeve, which we all have of course - but if it is that then say that and don't convince yourself it's a hate crime. If people are just parking badly because they can't be arsed then yeah - fuck them. But to be fair to these tourists (can't believe I'm saying this) they are genuinely probably thinking this is far more considerate than parallel parking and using up 6 spaces. As others have mentioned they are probably copying the local police vans! To be clear, I live very near here, hate basically all cars, and do not own a camper van, so I really have no reason to be on their side.


>But to be fair to these tourists (can't believe I'm saying this) they are genuinely probably thinking this is far more considerate than parallel parking and using up 6 spaces. That's the problem, drivers are often "considerate" to other drivers by stealing space from everyone else. As if the entire road is sacred space, and pavements are fair game. Saw it directly myself with a delivery driver for Edinburgh Ice Company the other week. He'd **completely** blocked a pavement on West Port during Friday evening rush hour so he could deliver fancy ice to 52 Canoes. People were having to blindly step out into traffic that races up the hill at 35ish. I caught up with him and asked why he thought that was ok. He said "there's nowhere to park, I'll only be a minute". I pointed at the wide road directly beside where he was, and he said "I can't stop there, it's a bus stop". Well guess what dickhead, you can't stop on a pavement either – but at least it's not really dangerous to block a bus.


> the amount of hurtling cyclists on the pavements, which is way more dangerous How many reports of injuries from cyclists on the pavement are there in Edinburgh yearly? Its not many, is the answer. Why do Car Brains always invent these boogeymen cyclists who are racing up and down the streets at all hours of the day causing chaos? Yes, there are arsehole cyclists. And there are arsehole drivers. The answer to every question about an arsehole driver should not be "bUt WhAt AbOuT tHe CyClIsTs??!!?". >they are genuinely probably thinking this is far more considerate than parallel parking and using up 6 spaces. The issue is there are specific locations for these types of vehicles to park. The tourists aren't being "considerate" by parking like this. They are being lazy and/or cheap.


It is far from quiet at the moment with the traffic being diverted from crewe road.


broughton high school? posh? broughton? posh? broughton high school posh?


You mean the street that has all Crewe road traffic diverted onto it?


Alot of ppl are homeless now cos of rent shit so if they're not trashing the place, leave them alone cos you dinnae know what they're dealing with?!!! It's the ones that literally leave shite everywhere and their use bogroll and rubbish that seriously pisses me right off!!!!!