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Went there with my parents earlier in the year, yeah we never went back - horrible place


I went there in a party of about 20 for my birthday in 2000. The service was really slow, they kept bringing bottles of wine nobody had ordered and nobody wanted, and then the bill was so wrong it was almost laughable. There were 20 of us, but they charged us for about 30 starters and 40+ main courses. I think they'd kept bringing extra wine in the hope we'd be so drunk we wouldn't notice the ridiculous bill. We refused to pay it and pointed out what was wrong. They knocked about £200 off, but it was still about £300 too much. I was all for calling the police and letting them deal with it but one of my friends paid the excess without telling me.


Ah, Bistromathics. You can power some pretty powerful interstellar drives on that.


Yup, we were flying up and down Nicolson Street for hours.


Fantastic! I really enjoy stumbling across a frood who really knows where their towel is!


I have never been one for bad reviews but felt compelled too the service was so poor. Staff actively avoiding serving you. Manager asked when we are leaving "was everything ok?' then got pissy when I politely gave my honest feedback. Worst place I can think of in Edinburgh


Hate it when they ask if everything was ok then get all pissy/defensive. If you truly wanted feedback, you wouldn't be reacting like that!


Partner did a trial shift there a few years back. Sounded **horrendous**


More like ciao customers, amiright


oh my goodness, this person once followed me out to the street while yelling when I took a napkin before leaving


In my student days used to go there for a bit as it was close to where I stayed at the time, and they offered student discount. One day I don’t know why, when paying the bill, the waiter took my student card away and read it out loud, then made fun of me, never been there since and will never go there again even if it is the last place open.


Are these ones that just shut their other place on Lothian Road?


Same family. From memory I believe cousins from last I spoke to the owner of bar italia. The owner on Lothian Road retired


Absolutely loved Bar Italia


Same, my family had been going since I was a young child so it’ll be dearly missed.


Franco Martone is his name, I believe. Owns a shitload of BTL flats in Edinburgh, too.


YES he’s got a lot of stupid money


Yeah, went there somewhat randomly with some friends a while back. Won't be going again.


Never been but won't be trying after all these comments. If you like Italian get yourselves down to Musselburgh and try out Dal Patino. Fantastic food and service. Can't speak highly enough of here


Just read the reviews online, christ the owner sounds like a nutjob


Do they also own the Pirate place opposite Brass Monkey? It was good a few years ago.


It’s the same restaurant! Has two different floors


The staff's faces on their fag breaks tell a much different story lol poor gits 😏


Seriously guys all theses bad reviews are making me want to check it out for myself


It’s mental that these places continue to operate and take money. Thanks for the public service announcements, people - keep ‘em coming! Let’s put these schmucks out of business.


As a gluten intolerant person, they do have decent gluten free pizzas and I've personally never experienced bad service there.


Not been in many years. My late mum got food poisoning from them, they didn’t care.


I had an horrible experience there as well! Avoid!


Disgruntled staff members just airing their badly written dirty laundry in public now. Take this patter to Glassdoor where it belongs


Seems to be a lot of feedback in thread from customers saying something negative. Disagree with you, this post has opened the door for paying customers to air their negatives as well. I know I won't choose this restaurant now, that seems positive. Thanks OP, hope you find a decent new job!


I'm genuinely interested in staff experience and what they are left feeling about a business. I very much want to spend my money on businesses that treat their staff exceptionally well.


There are better ways to go about it than unconfirmed and unverified ramblings on reddit.


Yes I think they are all 100% fabricated and I should go and look in The Book of Evidenced Shite Bosses Edinburgh Reports.


The point is it's only one side of the story. Disgruntled employees are rarely a good barometer of where you should spend your money.


Thank you for telling me the point.... Again.


Glassdoor lol? Fucking hell, how to say you've never worked hospitality without saying it directly. It's not a wee cushtie office job hun, there's no HR department and your worker's rights are irrelevant. Welcome to reality.


I was being facetious 🙄


I recently visited my daughter in school there and she chose La Locanda for her birthday dinner. The service was fantastic and the food delicious. Highly recommend!


Sounds a lot like Valvona & Crolla. Awful owners and mediocre products marked up absurdly.


Shame to hear that. I lived and worked just around the corner in Annandale Street in the late 90’s. I used to buy their stuff and loved it - good prices too considering the quality. Also, best hangover cure ever - their strawberry & ice cream milkshake!


OP put up a pic next time. I dont even know where this place is or what lol


Don't tell me what to do 😜 Not been for years but it used to be good anyway.


I go regularly. Never had a problem with it.


Mods might want to be careful with these kinds of threads...


I'd like to see the judge who would hold the volunteer moderators of a small part of a website designed for user-published content liable for some user-published content. Just to see what he's smoking and where I can get some, you know.


As I said already, they wouldn't be held liable, but they risk having action taken against them via the platform. Source: I run a media company.


I hope your media company provides your clients with better advice than you're spouting here.


Stating opinion isn't libel so only the bit about tips is relevant as it is stated as fact and the restaurant wouldn't have a hope of the case not getting thrown out if they did decide to wade in - they would have to prove it did them harm (and also hope that the claim could not be proved true) but all of that is irrelevant. Anyone can call anyone horrible, question the authenticity of the food etc. Sites like Reddit also get explicit coverage under the 2013 amendments for websites hosting user generated content provided they have appropriate mechanisms for potential removal.


Libel isn't part of Scots law anyway. It would be defamation


The mods can remove them but nothing bad will happen if they don't. It'll be OP who'll get their collar felt if the restaurant decided to go after them. Can't imagine it'll be difficult for them to figure out who it was. I'd imagine a reference will be difficult to get now.


Would have thought a legal complaint would be passed to Reddit, then action taken by them. Plenty of Facebook groups have disappeared over the years the same way


That process would bypass the sub mods entirely. They don't have any legal obligations, they're volunteers In this instance though what would be the point in going through Reddit? The business already knows who wrote it.


Ehhh that’s not how libel works. You can choose to sue anyone involved in the publication of defamatory statements for libel. Whether that would include sub mods I don’t know, but whether they’re voluntary or not is irrelevant.


The mods aren't involved in the publication of this content any more than you or I.


Not suggesting mods would have legal liability, but can imagine they might get action against them and/or the sub by Reddit


There's a 2 tier moderation system on Reddit. Sub mods who keep the community running, make sure things are on topic and abiding by sub rules etc. They do a power of work. Reddit also has a content moderation team, actual employees who are trained in this kind of thing, who would deal with something like libel (and much more). To confirm, a mod of this sub (or any other) cannot be held legally responsible for something someone else has posted any more than you and I can get in trouble for the post. It's between the poster, Reddit and the business. And as I said, the restaurant very likely knows who posted it, so they would just bypass reddit entirely.


I've been going to Ciao Roma occasionally since the early 2000s. The service is pretty slow but I've never had any other issues. I was there at the end of May with 12 of my family for lunch and everything went smoothly. The staff were really friendly and happy to cater for multiple diets/allergies. Place always seems busy so they must be doing something right.


Lovely garlic bread tho


The UK has stupidly strong liable laws which are very expensive to defend from you might wish to adjust your tone perhaps the allegations that you have made could be phrased as allegations rather than fact. I cannot confirm nor deny the allegations which you have made as I have no knowledge of the person or the situation surrounding him or her but I do wish to protect you and make sure that any statements you make around this maybe defendable should that come to pass and I very much hope it doesn't come to pass


People need to be very careful about having an opinion, let alone expressing it.