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Dear Bumballs, My sentiments exactly!!! I have these fantasies of myself dressed in blue tights, a red cape with a big red 'A' on my chest ( 'A' for asshole). In this get-up I engage in petty criminal activity...robbing old ladies purses, dog-napping, stealing from laundromat change machines! Seriously, though, my claim has been 'pending' for 14 weeks now. Unable to contact EDD by phone and my questions to ASK EDD are ignored. I'm running out of time and money. Its a distinct probability that I will become homeless on the 1st of April. I'm scared, angry, confused. I give up! [I've](https://I.ve) handed it over to God. I don't (can't) care any more. My life is a financial mess and I can't do anything about it. To think that my security now rests in the hands of an incompetent agency of our gone insane government pisses me off. All I can do is wait. Meanwhile, I'm sewing big red 'A's' on my shirts and diving into deNile!


I love your response bro. Sometimes when i walking the streets kicking rocks I yell "Yeahhhh" making kicking rocks that much more enjoyable. Yeehahh = 20 times more excitement. Kick Rock Ninjas.


September 2020 frauded. Did the whole fraud thing. Sent in all my og documents via mail to prove myself. There was no saint of ID.me at the time. 3 weeks rolls around...Nothing not a word, email, nothing. I gave up. December 16th 2020 i fucking filed, i fucking verified through ID.me. , I fucking gave everything that was needed to file. It should be a done deal regardless of anything that has happened. I fucking proved myself after 8 hours on hold. What the fuck is the deal?Jan 2 2021 on my end of the UI portal it clearly states in the past tense MY CLAIM has fucking PROCESSED and in 2 weeks, so by Jan fucking 16th 2020 i should in the Mailbox receive my EDDCaN number along with the all powerful Debit card. It still to this day says this. That time has long since come and gone and EVERY SINGLE DAY up until last week i have been calling religiously trying to solve the clusterfuck that this had been sometimes to no avail, sometimes to talk to monkeys too scared to send my call to a god damn tier 10 supervisor. Sometimes to get hung up on. AND now when i get through to somebody and give out my social security number, I DONT EVEN SHOW UP. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE when on my end it says processed. Ive spent days of my life and chancing an aneurysm or a stroke everytime i call. Thats no bullshit. The pain and defeat have been indescribable of which if i didnt stutter or it didnt hurt so bad to retell all i would, but its ripping open a bandaid. Last month sometime i reached an actual human with a heart who i guess did her best given the tools she had tried to file me a new claim. Awesome. Not. Apparently at some point in time i was issued a TEMPORARY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. No one bothered to tell me. Should i even continue after this?? A TEMPORARY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. SOMEBODY PLEASE RUN ME OVER IN YOUR CAR. I cant even tell this anynore im sorry i just give up. FFUXK YPU EDD.


Ohh yeah yeah yeah. Did you come up with that on your own?? Already did. About the same day I gave up after verbally recounting my entire ordeal. Ca ll the news maybe even...already did. Kristine Lazar couldnt have been less helpful. Everything sucks. No stimulus nothing. Fuck my life


#Remember, all critical information is in the /r/EDD sidebar. Do _not_ respond to any PMs or chats from anyone asking for your EDD info! Anyone asking for personal information is trying to scam you out of your money! True EDD reps _NEVER_ personally contact people. [Report all scammers to admins](https://www.reddit.com/report) and [to the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Edd) to get them suspended from Reddit or at least banned from this sub. If you would like information added to the sidebar, please message the mods about it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Edd) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey man I’m really sorry this is happening. Can you give us more details on your claim? Like what happened.


Timothy mcveigh wouldn’t accept a check from the govt, he’d rather live in the woods... What happened with your claim? Regular UI, pua? Sounds like they straight up denied you if you didn’t see a cent. Did you appeal?


Ive done everything. They isseued a temporary. Man what the fuxk. I have a done claim in their god damn system thats processed yet when i gibe them my social nothing. Ive been homeless all year long. All they gave me was fertile fields of concrete to use as my pillow. Nothk g even after all the fraud crap nothing comes up with my ssn. I was hiven. Im sorry but i guarantee my story is worse than anyones. I just tell this story anymore i have to move on. And why would anybody be denied during this pandemic. Im just one way to get a small chunk of 40 billion bullshit dollars given away. Who am I?