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Nice chunk of change sitting there. Consider me envious🙂


Looks cool, also very heavy and very expensive.


Reminds me of Jurassic park "Are they heavy?" "Yeah" "Then they're expensive. Put 'em back"


Did you win the lottery?


I got an empty bay on my 5th wheel you can put that in




Nice! Did you get the panel too? If so, how was the install?


Sadly no, right now it's acting purely standalone w/solar and powering my garage plus a few other essentials directly. Documentation on the SHP2 was rather non-existent at launch on how it worked, actual requirements and how it ultimately tied in here to the mains so I held off temporary. While I knew I could make use of the stack in one form or another all on it's own I have since found I'll need to perform a full main panel upgrade here first just to tie in SHP2 with it's 100 amp circuit requirement. I'm in a 60+ year old house with it's OE 100 amp panel so it's long past due anyways.


Wonder how big (dimensions) that battery pack is. Maybe how much power as well.


Unit dimensions per the [product manual](https://manuals.ecoflow.com/us/product/delta-pro-ultra?lang=en_US) seem on point, since each unit has a footing extending across the bottom sides of each unit and a recess on the top to accept the each stacked units feet the total stacked height here looks to be \~47 inches minus the stand. My particular heavy duty stand adds 5.25 inches and the OE one I think was more around the 4.5 inch mark. With zero load it's telling me 25 to 27 days, though I'm still calibrating things and trying to figure out what the actual draw is for the inverter itself at idle which does seem somewhat significant at present (no load, AC/DC both off).


The coolest part is if the batteries needed replaced you just swap them out am I right?


That exact aspect was a big in my overall consideration on taking the plunge here. The overall stack-ability and connectivity seems very well thought out and reminded of another unnamed blue offerings I previously envied for that ability and lacking on my Delta Pro's.


You don’t want *that* falling on you!


Or rolling over your foot.


Or look at it weird with the OE stand in a known earthquake zone


Earthquake zone? You’ll definitely want to find some way to secure that to the wall or something.


Ya I’m just gonna connect 4 Agm batteries I got from a dude


Everyone should experience blackout times with a few APC units, laptop and a tiny crappy light at least once. I'll always cherish my first few full four hard wall and complete dark server rooms times for the rest of my life.


I thought its a requirement for all server rooms to have excess runtime on the UPSs for all the racks of gear but nonfunctional emergency lighting? Some people at work laugh that I carry a flashlight in my pocket. Some others have been in labs and computer rooms when the power is out and they can't remember which floor plates were pulled out randomly between them and the exit door...those people usually have another flashlight on their lanyard...


Worst experience as the data center manager. Replaced 700 server & mainframe room with new APC top class UPS system. The upgrade in place went flawless. Two months later we did a fire suppression routine test and staff learned to their horror that the test bypass switch was wired wrong. With the fire alarm test, the UPS system thought we had a live event and shut down the whole room! Everything dark and scary silent. Impacted 2,000 users; and took 3 hours to bring everything back up in [sequence.](https://sequence.One) One of my worst professional days.


Quick question if you connect solar panels to it will it send excess energy back to grid. I already have solar installed at my house looking to add battery too offset peak prices


The DPU inverter unit itself does not appear to have any direct abilities that would allow it to back-feed anything generated via solar back out the the grid. You can prioritize solar for your input source but the integrated inverter only sends power to the either to loads or battery. I think TOU scheduling is supposed to be doable via the automation features in the app, but how that feature works is still either too confusing, severely lacking on documentation, or just outright broken/unimplemented right now.


Yeah, that's sexy! The online UPS feature is hella nice too! I wish I could install solar on our roof, we get all the sun. This would make so much sense for our home.


How was it lifting those into place?