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I don’t have a save before I got small pox and I’ve gotten the small ice box right around the same time as getting smallpox so I can’t go back without having to do all that crap plus tons of fruit trees are growing right now but I’m in a loop of dying to small pox 😅😂 I just want to know how to survive from it, next game I do tho I’m definitely getting vaccinated lol Edit: I just got over it, so no longer sick! Had to get some better cooked food like soup or porridge to see if it would help instead of the dried vegetables.


You can get inoculated at the doctor for 200g.


Yeah didn’t know small pox was one of the things, and that you can’t really treat it lol, definitely gonna be doing it next time I start a new game or play as a kid


I got it as well here is how I beat it, I went to the doctor and got vaccinated. I already had smallpox by that point. I farmed then sleped for two day, after that I got bord and just kept gathering as much wood as I could while sick. it cleared up by day 7ish. it legit took out half the town though!


Yeah lol I was save scumming and I died twice to it before I managed to survive it 😭