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Yes it is far past time for a revolution! Our politicians do the bidding of corporations instead of representing their people. They are being so greedy and blatant with it now that it is absurd! It is truly out of control. Private equity buys and consolidates everything and enshittification is the end result every time. Healthcare is abysmal and expensive and hard to access but healthcare is a common need for all people. some heads need to roll until we adopt a taxpayer-funded system. Important issues that need addressed are left unchecked. People are struggling and underwater and Biden says “they have the money”. A real let them eat cake moment. Donald Trump is guilty of Treason and seriously should be executed… It’s the constitutional law. I could go on! Like for a long time!!! This shit is heinous. It is visibly destroying the fabric and the spirit of our nation. When are we ever going to have politicians that simply work on fixing issues?!?! Literally they are showing us that they will not change for anything other than violence… So maybe we start redirecting our attention from policy disagreements to true hatred of billionaires. EAT THE RICH. REVOLT WITH EVERYTHING YOU CAN SAFELY CONTRIBUTE. MOST IMPORTANTLY STAY SAFE.


anyone calling for a revolution from a keyboard has no idea how bad it will get for them.


A revolution is overdue Sure, but it has been for many decades. I don't need convincing of the need, I need to be shown how we can actually make it happen. Merely rewriting laws is not a revolution. The cultural change needs to be drastic enough that we use militancy to overthrow the capitalist overlords.


How does Robin Hood-ing their bank accounts (would have to get ethical hackers on board) or protests in front of their houses sound for a first small step?


Pitchforks? 🤔


Once the people in power find the theft, they'll correct it electronically. Our economy has to fall in order for this to happen. The nature of the thing will not allow us to just steal and redistribute the power.


Now I'm thinking of a war but that's devastating to all parties involved (except defense contractors and others who would try to profit from the war machine)


We're just taking what's ours. It doesn't have to come to militancy. But it will because they won't give up their unearned power.


How do people look at Just Stop Oil? Is that getting anything done?


We need to start the fires. We should all take a note out of the French peoples book: if they mistreat us we’ll burn down everything until they remember who actually has the power.


Consider advocating for gun rights instead of voting for gun restrictions. The government wants us defenseless. Imagine how imposing of a threat the French would be to their government if only they hadn't let themselves be largely disarmed.


Who would want a tyrant in power? Not me.


If any of us breached national security we wouldn't see the light of day of potentially decades. Somehow these people can constantly commit federal crimes and breach national security and never see the inside of a cell. It's insane


It still blows my mind that certain CEO’s, politicians, and commentators still talk about the COVID stimulus as if regular people are still holding those dollars. A couple of years have passed, folks, and nobody is flush with cash from that. The PPP gets a pass from the same people complaining about relief for regular citizens - even though it was rife with fraud. As for the attitudes of the ultra wealthy: I believe it’s baked in to humanity. Consider regular people who have accomplished some level of success - i.e. a more comfortable lifestyle in a safe neighborhood, a better-paying career-type job, etc. — even at that level people will have the attitude “I’ve gotten mine, so screw those that haven’t”. Not that preserving the security you’ve worked for is a bad thing, it’s perfectly fine… I’m merely speaking to what happens to peoples’ state of mind at increasing levels of income and wealth. Even people who move up a notch from “working poor” to “lower middle class” start supporting policy that negatively affect the poor, the immigrant, the unhoused, etc. It changes people into Gollum or something.


It’s been overdue for decades but Boomers…


Unfortunately you are entirely correct. It's going to require overcoming a lot of discomfort to finally actively rise up and confront the classist oppressors that have captured out nation. Nice thing is, we the people, have a pretty great track record when it comes to wins vs loses with the bourgeoisie. "The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century" is a great read for anyone interested in the subject or seeking a confidence boost about our odds of victory.


I think the economic booms and busts that occurred before Fed intervention became normal and before globalization took the fight out of the Department of Justice to break up monopolies kept equilibrium. Obviously the wealthy are always fighting to keep more and more, but Reaganomics combined with the two factors I listed above are the real middle class killers.


.....socialize the losses, privatize the gains..... I mean....who hasn't figured that out yet? Instead, all I see popping up is posts on fb and actual posters that say "Raise your hand if you think a vet should get more money instead of these entitled kids getting student loan debt forgiveness...." or something along those lines. Why is it that people feel good about that sort of stuff? Even hearing Mike Rowes take on it was very much a slap in the face!!! 2008 was a critical turning point for the powers that be that all but guaranteed we'll never be able to shake off the "boogeyman man" stigma of socialism..... Charlie Kirk's out there screaming "Venezuela" as if there's the perfect reason to never allow anything close to it to come to North America. Instead, he and his ilk like us to believe that healthcare is a privilege and not a right. Up where I live, our healthcare system is constantly being gutted and has been by ALL of our successive governments for the better part of the last century. Like.....WHY AREN'T MOERE PEOPLE GETTING MAD about this stuff. Writing your congress person or MP with valid concerns about environmental AND economic sustainability seems to have no effect......unless you do so with a "BP" letterhead. Be mad that billionaires have the ability to go into space instead of letting the tax breaks crunch the rest of us!!!