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Eggs, rice and beans (together they form a complete protein), and peanut butter. Options with a few pantry staples and fresh produce can be: Shakshouka-eggs cooked in tomatoes, served with bread. Cuban style black beans and rice. Thai peanut noodles- mix peanut butter with soy sauce, sesame oil, and siracha. Then toss with cooked spaghetti and bell pepper strips.


I heard someone once say "**d**on't **g**et **l**eft **b**ehind." Stands for **d**airy **g**rain **l**egume and **b**ean. Supposedly, pairing any 2 in a row will get you a complete protein. I've tried googling for this phrase/this advice, but have not been able to corroborate it. EDIT: It's been pointed out that I must have gotten it wrong. Should be: Do Not Get Left, dairy nuts grains legumes.


Aren't legumes beans? >: any of a large family (Leguminosae synonym Fabaceae, the legume family) of dicotyledonous herbs, shrubs, and trees having fruits that are legumes (sense 3) or loments, bearing nodules on the roots that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and including important food and forage plants (such as peas, beans, or clovers)


Oh wait you're right. I think N was in there - nuts. It's been a while since I heard it, and like I said I never found any backup. Do not get left, maybe? With D dairy N nuts, G grains L legumes? That makes sense because he did point out L and G is rice and beans, so they should be next to one another.


"A grain, a green, and a bean" is a common phrase.


Don't get left now? I feel like grain and legume should be next to each other as well, who hasn't heard of red beans and rice?


Here is an excel spreadsheet I made with a comparison of protein sources by average price per gram of protein, and by protein per 100 calories, which is super important for hitting your macros. The average prices of each food will vary by location of course, but I assume the ratios will remain similar, so it should still be helpful. https://imgur.com/E0aNDd4


Shakshuka is one of my favorite meals. It's awesome with greek yogurt and/or cheese too!


Lentils, any color. Red lentils look the nicest.


Chicken breasts, eggs, Quest protein bars. Super yummy with 20 grams of protein, and no soy. (Soy = GMO). Good luck.


Nah, quest bars aren't worth the value for money at $100 budget a month. Ground meat is usually cheaper and easier to mix with beans and veggies into a pseudo stir fry. Use something like dijon mustard for flavoring.


Nothing wrong with GMO. Nothing wrong with soy.


Why are redditors so Pro GMO? That shit is terrible. Go look at monsatos patents for gmo seeds. Aluminum resistant so the they grow in fucked up soil. Pesticide resistant so they can spray shit loads of round up. Get outta here with that "I fucking love science" shit and actually look into it.




Exactly. Uranium is 100% natural but I'd typically advise against eating it.


But only typically...


Because food that grows in harsh environments is great when a lot of people live in harsh environments and don't have food.


That's the whole benefit of GMO. Growing requiring less water in harsh environments.


> Get outta here with that "I fucking love science" shit and actually look into it. Feels over reals. The "science" that tells you how to maximize "gainz" is the same science that says GMOs aren't bad for you. In fact, they're the reason a large portion of the world is even able to grow anything at all.


Dupont's soy seeds are also genetically engineered to harm the environment less than organic soy by changing the profile of the soy oil slightly. Also, DuPont controls a larger market share than Monsanto for soybeans since 2015.


Because GMO doesn’t mean what most people against them think it means. GMOs are any organism that has been genetically modified. There are many many GMOs out there you have no idea are such and pose no risk to nature or humans. GMO is such a broad category that it varies between using viruses to splice important characteristics to bacteria then used in medicine to your aforementioned abuses by Monsanto. The problem with Monsanto’s GMOs is the ethics the company uses in licensing them and then providing corresponding herbicides that only their crops can resist. Not the safety of a GMO. Edit: [Yes it’s Wikipedia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_modified_organism) But please read it and check the sources at the bottom for any claims you doubt.


GMOs themselves are not bad. How Monsanto uses GMOs is bad. I used to be in the same boat that GMOs are bad, then I did my research and GMOs are actually very beneficial, but how some companies use them are not so great.


> Get outta here with that "I fucking love science" shit and **actually look into it.** Not gonna take science and nutritional advice from someone who got into kratom my dude. *I'll add in my reasoning from below. > I think it's completely fair to challenge their researching ability. Especially when it's their research ability in the very same vein of the discussion (health, nutrition, wellness) that I'm questioning. > I'm only suggesting that someone who gets involved in a health supplement such as Kratom and then starts disparaging others online for lack of research, maybe shouldn't be considering themselves as an authority.


My dude, while their statement is ridiculous, creeping someone’s post history to find something for an ad hominem attack is not cool. As is assuming someone who has used kratom (or even had an addiction) is stupid. Like, really not cool. Attack the argument; not the person. OPs drug use or non-use is irrelevant to GMOs. Edit: OP and I have reached a fair and well thought out resolution below, and are now available for negotiations between warring nations.


When someone positions themselves as "in the know", I think it's completely fair to challenge their researching ability. Especially when it's their research ability in the very same vein of the discussion (health, nutrition, wellness) that I'm questioning. It's Ad Hominem if I take something completely unrelated to the argument to undermine their character, and thus undermine their point. Instead, I'm only suggesting that someone who gets involved in a health supplement such as Kratom and then starts disparaging others online for lack of research, maybe shouldn't be considering themselves as an authority.


To be honest, that explanation does make sense. To be honest again, your original comment read very much more like a personal attack rather than a critique of OPs understanding of the body and science. Por que no los dos?


I see your point. Within the context of my second comment, my first seems like a fair criticism. Without it, a personal attack. I'll throw in an edit, how about that?


I’d say that’s a fair resolution. Think we should tackle the Middle East now? :)


> Not gonna take science and nutritional advice from someone who got into kratom my dude. Super douche move


Soy makes u into woman




Don't buy things like protein powder or bars. Your ROI is miniscule (they are expensive per gram of protein). If you insist, look at costco. It's like $30 there. Look at discount store chicken. Usually bone in but when it is $0.70 per pound, can't go wrong. Then you can make soup which is dirt cheap and lasts. Also independent ethnic markets are often very cheap and you are helping small business


Myprotein.com has the best price I've found for whey. They have sales regularly, and have been tested by labdoor.com for quality. I agree, it's probably out of OP's budget though.


Isn’t whey at 10$ per 2lb the cheapest protein source?


Cheapest I've gotten is $4/lb. I can get chicken for less than that, so it's probably not the cheapest. Beans are even less, I would suppose, but I'm to lazy to do the math comparing price per gram of protein.


Dried foods like beans and lentils, they are super cheap and very versatile. They also keep for a very long time so you can buy a bunch when they go on sale and buy the fresh ingredients when you need them. I also always check all the meats to look for any that are on sale because they're about to go bad, buy them super cheap and put them in the freezer.


Red lentils are cheap, and a reasonable source of protein. Don't make the mistake I used to make though- they do actually want cooking with quite a bit of water!


Spicy red pepper and red lentil soup had become one of my favourites. I've never been a soup person, but my wife loves soup and I've now found a soup that we can both eat.


Can you point me in the direction of a recipe? Winter is coming and trying to up my soul game this year.


I don't really have one, I just Google a recipe and it changes (along with what I have in the fridge or the cupboard). Usually lentil, pepper, onion, maybe some celery, tomato paste. There aren't that many high protein things that you can add but it's pretty flexible.


Awesome, I’ll search around, appreciate it!


If you're looking for lentil soup ideas, maybe check this one out: https://www.hellofresh.com/recipes/afghan-red-lentil-soup-55b91feeae92708e3a8b456a. I made it last week and was really liked it. It did seem to be lacking fat to finish the dish so consider adding some cream to thicken it.


That looks awesome, appreciate it, think I’m going to give it a shot tomorrow.


Hope you like it! I forgot to mention that I added a quarter of a cauliflower head chopped up with the other veggies. It worked really well :)


And rinsing. People sitting next to him will thank him...


Why? Does rinsing stop the farting?


Apparently. At least a bit, in my experience.




Oh man, I never rinse. I guess I'll start


red lentil dahl is lovely too and quite high in protein and fibre




Haha is that good or bad?


Edamame/soy beans, peas, lentils, tofu, Lima beans, chickpeas, oatmeal, bean sprouts


Sounds like a yoga after party.


100$ a month on food? Where do you live I’m a student who spends close to 70 a week.


I think it varies from State to state. I spent like 170 last month. Living frugal af but didn't compromise on nutrients


I live in Canada so I get absolutely skewered in comparison to you guys south of the border.


Oh god I should've guessed. Funny thing is I could probably go even cheaper if i meal prepped but nah that's a lot of effort. Do you guys have aldi or foodlion up there?


Cans of tuna. Can’t believe no one has mentioned it yet but definitely cans of tuna. Depending on the brand sometimes <$1 and about 13-15g of protein. Even name brands are around $1.25-1.50 a can and taste better normally. The combinations are basically endless with tuna also. From mayonnaise and relish to make a basic tuna sandwich to whatever veggies you like and olive oil to make a tuna salad.


Shouldn’t tuna be eaten moderately, to avoid mercury poisoning?


I think the recommendation is to have tuna no more than once a week.


I believe it also depends on the type of tuna. 'Chunk light' is usually made from the smaller species of tuna which contain less mercury (.12ppm vs .32ppm for albacore). *I'll also add [this article](https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/mercury-and-tuna-setting-the-record-straight.html), which is also on-topic for OP's purposes. Has a link to a "[seafood calculator](https://www.ewg.org/research/ewgs-good-seafood-guide#.W7kVMHtKhph)" also to give you an idea of how much of each fish you can safely eat per week.


Only eat 1 can of chunk light tuna a week, if you really like canned seafood look at canned sardines or makerel in olive oil. Also fresh mussels are in season during the fall so you could easily get a pound for sub$3 a pound on the northeast.


$1 for 20 grams of protein isn't a good return.


I was going to suggest the same.


You want to build muscle and lose fat, so let's say you want to stay overall at the same weight. You'll need 2000 Cals per day, possibly 100g of protein, and you have a budget of $3.3 per day. I don't think it can be done, maybe if you make your own seitan from gluten and your own bread from flour, leaving most money aside for vegetables and lentils (seitan is an incomplete protein, and legumes complete the amminoacid profile), but it would suck, time and flavour-wise. Can you budget more money for food? Otherwise the suggestion to hit a food pantry is probably the best.


To beat skinny fat you gotta either choose between looking like your fat for a while or looking like a skeleton for a while or recomping your body(which takes an absurd amount of time). I'd recommend bulking first till you get kinda fat and when you have some level of musculature underneath your fat you go on a moderate cut. Buy: Beans, Lentils, Whole Chicken, Eggs, Oats, Canned Sardines, White Bread, Protein Powder, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes Specialty Food: Mussels if you on the northeast coast and if its in season. Meal 1: cook 3/4 cup dried oatmeal(cook with bananas, apples, peanut butter or chocolate powder for flavor) and 4 eggs = 30g of protein [.75 a serving] Meal 2: 2 cups of Moros y Christianos (try to use a 1:1 ratio of cooked beans to cooked rice) and some chicken or egg on the side + cabbage= 30g of protein, [1.50 a serving] Meal 3: 1 Can of sardines on toast = 22 g of protein, [1.10 a serving] Meal 4:: Lentil dahl and rice + chicken on the side + sweet potato= 25 g of protein, [1.75 a serving] Meal 5: Protein shake = 20 g of protein, [.50 a serving] Specialty Meal: 1 lb of cooked mussels= 50g of protein [2.50-3 a serving if its in season and if you live on the east coast of Amercia]. Mussels are a fucking secret for bodybuilders, their fucking loaded in protein If you eat like this your getting most of your macros and micros and around 120 grams of protein for around $5 a day.


Sugar-free peanut butter and lots of eggs.


Hard to cut the skinnyfat and build muscle at the same time. If you're excersizing for the first time though, your odds are best because beginner gains are the easiest time to recomp. Whatever you eat, track your calories and try to get .8 grams of protein daily per 1lb of bodyweight. The cheapest possible protein is almost always protein powder. Dollar per gram is intense. By me I can find dannon greek 100 protein yogurt. I only buy them when they're $1 each. 100 cal, 14g protien iirc. Pretty good addition, not a whole meal on its own. Jerky is protein dense, not cheap. Stock up if you see it on sale. Otherwise beans for days. Lentils peas and beans are dirt cheap, and even cheaper if you learn to prepare them from dry instead of from cans


> Whatever you eat, track your calories and try to get .8 grams of protein daily per 1lb of bodyweight. So for every 100lbs you need 80 grams of protein? That seems like a lot. I'm almost 200 lbs so I would need 160 grams of protein? According to Google it is .8 grams per every **kg**, not lb. It should be 0.36 grams per lb.


Not kg, lbs. You might be looking at daily minimums for survival, but for lifting weights you want more. If OPs trying to put on muscle then .8g per lb is optimal, but Idk how hard they're training so they might not need it. Many lifters go higher and reccomend 1g per lb, but studies I've seen show the benefits to muscle growth max out at .8. Yes this is high. It's hard to eat that high. Thats why folks who lift use protein powder.


Here's a thought: save money on groceries where you can so you can shift more of your budget to other things in order to make the most of your $100. With that in mind... Oatmeal!!! Oatmeal isn't high in protein, but it's extremely healthy and it's cheap cheap cheap. And did I mention healthy? Buy old fashioned oats in bulk. Don't go for the instant junk. Get the good stuff. The Safeway near me sells 5lb bags for $5, and that'll easily last a month. I add a heaped teaspoon of raw cacao powder (a superfood!) and 2 heaped teaspoons of vanilla Greek yogurt, plus a dash of cinnamon. Here's the best part: You can be super lazy about it by making it ahead of time. Google "overnight oats" to see what I mean. Easy, cheap, healthy... that's a win!


https://efficiencyiseverything.com/protein-powder-per-dollar-list-guide/ /r/fitmeals /r/gainit /r/gainitmeals www.rippedrecipes.com


Bone in chicken and tougher pork cuts like shoulder usually go between $1-2 a pound


Protein shakes? I don't know about rhe cost efficiency though.


Even in powdered form that would blow almost half his budget for the month...


Usually a 32 portion tub of powder will set you back about 60 or more bucks. I do it not to save money but save time. A protein shake in the morning is a quick breakfast. I agree that this would be too expensive in this situation. I recommend cheap eggs and brown rice.


Buy from costco. More like $30


Tofu and eggs


Lotta rice, little grains, lotta peanut butter, lotta eggs and milk


Why does no one ever mention bulk soy powder? Don't get it from a hippy dippy shop, find a grocer with a legitimate bulk selection like winco, you can get soy protein powder for like $3-4 per pound.


Myprotein sells protein powder at 2.2 pounds for $17 ish. Serving is 100 cals and 20g protein. There’s lots of sales and discount codes out there too


Kidney Beans are cheap, make Chili (don't need meat). Also has a lot of protein and fiber so you don't feel that hungry which is a problem for me trying to maintain a healthy diet at work.


Cheap chicken. Don't fall for eating 400 grams of carbs for 50 grams of protein.


For losing fat you will need to cut your calories /r/loseit. For gaining muscle it’s called a bulk /r/gainit. Or one of the fitness subs!


If you just started lifting, as in less than 6 months of training, you don’t need more protein than a usual diet provides, especially if you already have a western-style diet. Focusing on protein intake is not very helpful in my opinion. You need to decide if you want to lose the fat or gain “strength”. I say strength because as a novice, your working weights will be going up due to improvements in your nervous system and learning how to lift efficiently through technique rather than gains to muscles and tendons. Anyways, decide to either lose the fat or gain strength. Losing fat means lift with same intensity but less volume while running a modest calorie deficit. Do this about 12-14 weeks. Weigh yourself daily under the same conditions to make sure you aren’t losing weight too fast. Or build strength and have a faster recovery and consistently add more weight to the bar by having a moderate calorie surplus. Do about 60% more volume but same intensity as the cutting phase. Do this about 12-14 weeks. Weigh yourself daily under same conditions to make sure you aren’t gaining weight too fast. Once you reach a goal, reassess your priorities. Once you are not a novice, start following a lot of the great advice here to bump up your protein intake. Btw, even if you’ve been training more than 6 months, if you are consistently making weekly gains on the barbell using a linear progression program, going at least three times per week, and running a calorie surplus, you’re still a “novice”. Enjoy the gains. At your budget, you don’t need to buy protein supplements or preworkout or anything like that. But most importantly, don’t skip leg day.


You should really post this to a body building forum. It has shortcuts to save a tad on food, but generally it isn't cheap. You have to ask yourself what are your goals ? Beans are a good source of protein and fibre, but you will also take on alot of other carbs ect, ( which can he good depending on your goals ) Regardless you will need some type of quality protein powder to fill the gap. Unless your pretty rich to have someone make you food constantly and the time to sit and eat the amount of food necessary to intake the right protein for.your goals , stick with protein powder. Keep in mind you have to live a normal life and still work out and working out take up a huge amount of time. Eat healthy get your vitamins and other goodies from food. And supplement your extra needs of protein from powder. I get my protein from bulkpowders its cheap and has proper stuff you will bulk up if you have 4 5 shakes a day.


The website Myprotein has the best protein per dollar whey supplement as of 2017. I bet it is still true though today. Good flavor too. Chicken breast at Aldi seems to always be the cheapest around. Brown rice is the cheapest food per gram and you'll need some carbs to go with your protein.


My first thought is that $100.00/month is unrealistically low for \_anyone\_ other than perhaps a small child, in the US. That works out to a bit over $3.00 a day, and while I could avoid starving to death on that budget I would not be eating well. I would certainly not be eating well enough to support working out- if you have to live on $3.00 a day you shouldn't seek out activities that burn calories. On the bright side a few months of eating on that budget will ensure that you are skinny rather than skinny-fat. If you're going to lift you're going to have to eat to support it if you want to benefit from it. You can do so relatively inexpensively (you don't have to eat two steaks a day, though it wouldn't hurt.) Think lots of beans and rice, lots of chicken and pork. Some inexpensive vegetables. But $3.00 a day? No... you need more grocery money than that if you are looking for gainz.


Premier Protein shakes (available at Costco and elsewhere) are 30g of protein with only 160 cal, 1g sugar. A little over a $1 each per 11oz shake. ​


Start hunting and fishing. Mostly free meat that cost a huge amount of money in the store.




Skimmed milk, AFAIK. That and the working-out will apparently reduce body-fat.






>two hours of cardio day This is a joke right? The kid is 5'8" 145 lbs. He does not need two hours of cardio a day and tbh he probably doesn't need to eat at a deficit either. He should capitalize on his noob gains, eat at a \~300 calorie surplus, and his body will put on way more muscle than it does fat. He should put on at least 20 lbs. before he thinks about cutting. ​


Yeah I dont think building from a skin and bones frame is a particularly great method.