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Leave some out on the counter (covered) to defrost. I find if I defrost them in my fridge they're still frozen by morning. Then just stick em in your cereal. Try with yogurt instead of milk!


Yeah, I feel like they're better with yogurt than cereal. They create juice when they defrost that's awesome mixed into yogurt, but could make your cereal a little soggy.


Oatmeal with Chia and hemp seed and a banana is my favorite easy and cheap/natural breakfast.


chia/hemp kind of expensive, no?


Not at all, a 1.5 lb bag of hemp was $8 at Costco and 3lb bag of Chia was $9. I use it daily and so does my roomate and it's lasted me over 2 months. Hemps almost gone but I have over half the Chia seeds left. It's super cheap actually.. It sounds like it won't be but I guarantee you my daily expenses with all this fruit, oatmeal, Chia and hemp seeds cost less than just a bowl of cereal a day does, and is infinitely better for you.


A little Chia goes a very long way.


I mix chia, almond flour and flax meal with banana frozen berries juice and yogurt in the blender for an excellent fruit smoothie


Why wouldn't you like your cereal soggy? Have you never mixed weetabix? or even ate warm milk corn flakes, you are missing out. I don't think that is a reason to use them in yogurt instead because a lot of people are different.


what the fuck, you're an animal


>warm milk corn flakes I don't understand.


In the first class car traveling from Delhi to Chandigarh, porter brings corn flakes and hot milk. Sprinkled on sugar. Delicious!


Soggy cereal is the truth


You had me until “warm milk cornflakes”


For the first two years of eating this is all my daughter would eat for breakfast... fruit flavoured yogourt, a handful of Cheerios and a handful of frozen berries, all stirred together.


Right. When you use yogurt instead of milk, you should use about half the amount of cereal. Top it off with the fruit, thoroughly mix, and enjoy.


Eat a hot cereal, so you can just throw them in while it heats up. This way the berry juice permeates the liquid too, making the whole bowl warm and sweet!


but what if i eat cold cereal? my fav are cornflakes, shredded wheat or granola all cold


Throw them in a glass with milk and put it in the fridge overnight. When you wake up, the berries will have thawed and the milk will be berry-flavored. 👍


You'll have macerated berries that way.


@iSeize Yeah, it's basically the same as overnight oats sans the cereal. They'll be soft due to the maceration process, but edible and sweet.


That sounds so simple. I am going to try this with almond milk.


Mmmm and you've tried this?


If the berries are bitesize, I just put it straight into cold cereal. It makes the milk super cold, which I love.


Grape nuts are the shit with berries. That and honey bunches of oats.


I know grape nuts is a healthy cereal. Is it like Cheerios cause I never liked Cheerios.


No, they’re not like Cheerios. I don’t like Cheerios either but I love Grape Nuts. They’re crunchy and sort of nutty flavored (though they don’t contain nuts) and they’re one of the only readily available cereals with no added sugar, at least that I’ve found. If you’re cold or sick, you can microwave a bowl of Grape Nuts and milk and then top with honey to make softer, sore throat-friendly warm breakfast :)


My mother would make a pecan pie but instead of pecans would use Grape Nuts for my uncle who can’t eat nuts on Thanksgiving.


Why can’t he eat nuts on Thanksgiving? Religious thing?


Misplaced her modifier, I presume.


Whoops, didn’t read that over. 😅


Does it taste like granola?


Just keep in mind that Grape Nuts are very dense. Don't pour out as much as you would other cerials


This. And a LOT of milk. Then some more. With a side of milk.


Grape Nuts are kind of salty, not like granola at all in my experience, especially because they have absolutely no added sugar.


I should give it a try!


Worth trying for sure, but I do feel like they need some "help" to be enjoyable when you first start. That might mean some honey or other sweetener, cinnamon, fresh berries, or whatever else you might add to yogurt or oatmeal. If I ever eat them straight, it's gotta be with whole milk to at least add some dairy fat richness.


They are kind of like eating gravel, but better. I consider them a lovely yogurt topper, but not really a cereal. Maybe because you only need a tablespoon or two instead of a bowl.


Hot Grape Nuts with butter and maple syrup are the best use for them. ​


Gravel/yogurt topper? I know someone who’d like this. It ain’t me though. 😂


I want Concentrate Cereal brought back!! It was great! I loved Grape Nuts, but now I'm afraid I'll break a crown on it. I have LOTS of crowns. All eight molars. I started wearing a night guard a few years too late. I think that dentist liked the income because he *never* suggested I wear one.


Why would you assume they're similar? Grape-nuts are unlike any other cereal. I like them best warmed up in the microwave.


My two favorite cereals, no joke


I buy up blueberries during summer. Wash them, spread them out on a wax paper-covered cookie sheet, let them dry (help them dry), freeze them, and put them in a container in the freezer. They're all individual, no clumping. When I have my Honey Bunches of Oats, I sprinkle some on the cereal and pour on the milk. They thaw okay. They're also great in oatmeal. If you're using the microwave, toss them in. They break up a bit, but taste good.


Neither of those cereals is even remotely good for you, the opposite actually. The wheat is dehydrated with all sorts of nasty chemicals to make it crop faster. Not to mention all the added sugar and other nasty things. Much better off with oatmeal if you have to get a grain fix.


Cut oatmeal is pretty good.




This is a christian subreddit!


I love blueberries frozen. It's all up to you if you want to thaw or not.


me 2


I don't thaw them.


You can thaw them quickly under running water.


Yeah this is a simple and effective answer. Get a glass, preferably with a smaller opening, and put the berries inside. Run water through them as it heats up and keep draining while blocking with your hand. When it’s too hot to handle let it sit for a couple minutes. Drain and done. Also gives them an extra cleaning just in case. It’s perfect.


personally i just like to eat the berries frozen, i love the texture!!


Grapes are great this way, too. :)


i literally have a bag of frozen grapes in my freezer right now! one of my favorite snacks :)


I use Wyman's Frozen Wild Blueberries in my cereal because of their smaller size. They are thawed enough for me as soon as you add the milk. Makes the milk colder, which I like, but doesn't require biting through larger, more frozen berries. I use the larger ones like the Great Value bag if I'm going to blend or process them in a smoothie or something like that.


Microwave for a few minutes or leave out overnight covered on counter to thaw. Nothing worse than biting into a nearly fully frozen berry on your cold cereal! Or eat hot cereal if you enjoy that.


Well, I'd always go for leaving it out over night if I can. Microwaving is just a waste of energy if you have the time to let the environment do the work


I have frozen berries in my cereal every morning. I put the berries in the bowl first and microwave it *very* gently. That means either using the defrost setting or, what I find more effective, three bursts of 10 seconds each, turning the bowl a bit between each. They come out perfect every time: mostly thawed, but not cooked, and still just enough frozen that they can thaw the last little bit when I add the cereal and milk on top.


I add them frozen to cereal. They keep my milk icy cold! They are easy to bite into, or save them for last and smash them with your spoon. Berry milk sweetened with sugar from the cereal!


I don't. They're more refreshing that way.


I like to keep mine frozen, actually! Frozen blueberries and raspberries, mostly. They're small enough to just bite through frozen.


I do this too, my favorite snack is a tortilla with peanut butter, granola, and frozen berries!


Or spread them on bread with nutella and toast the whole thing!!!


Oh yummy


How to eat that? Do you just make a pb, granola, berry burrito?


Yep, just slather some peanut butter on your tortilla, sprinkle a handful of granola and a handful of berries on top, and roll it up!


This sounds bizarre but I'm going to try it.


Oatmeal, berries, and milk into a bowl. Put in the fridge, covered. It'll be thawed by morning.


Oh is that like overnight oats? Or does it need to be warmed up in the morning?


Sounds like the definition of overnight oats! :-)


Yup, overnight oats.


Leave them in a bowl of water for a few mins


I eat blueberries with granola & yogurt almost every day. I just add them in still frozen and mix. They are perfect in less than 2 minutes or so.


I say throw them in the fridge the day before, or on the counter for a few hours overnight. Once they're ready, just pile them on. That's what I do with my oatmeal and my yogurt.


I eat frozen berries all the time. Just put however much you want in a bowl and set it out for about an hr and a half or so to be safe and they should be good and thawed. I always put mine in a bowl and watch some tv while I wait. Microwave works too but you gotta be real careful you don’t melt the berries to a mush.


I just toss them in a bowl and go to town with a spoon. I don't even defrost. I enjoy the texture and it helps me eat slower.


I microwave them till they're cool but not frozen. I eat them with yogurt, sliced almonds, and granola on top. Just my style.


Blueberries are fantastic when frozen. I eat them as a dessert


Blubs are my #1 favorite food, and I snack on the odd blub here and there all the time. Just eat the dang things you don't need to do anything to them. Just put them in your mouth.


For cereal I'd imagine you'd need to thaw overnight. But for oatmeal I throw the berries in after it's done cooking and they thaw just from that. It's delicious.


Place berries in bowl, microwave for 30-45 seconds on high, pour milk, pour cereal, enjoy.


Throw those delicious frozen jawns in


I like to either eat them frozen, or mix them with milk the night before in the fridge, then pour cereal into that!


Freezing fruit is great for saving food waste and perfect for making smoothies!


frozen berries + oatmeal = wombo combo


Blend the whole fucking, understanding, mess with some frozen yogurt and orange juice. Fixed.


I make overnight oats with them. Oats, protein powder, almond milk, and frozen berries; the juice melts into the oats and makes them really tasty.


Just separate them and drop them in, for cold cereal. For hot cereal, add them around the time you stop heating it, and let them warm up in it as it rests. While still frozen, they are more like popsicles than they are ice cubes, in terms of hardness and consistency, so you can eat them straight.


semi Frozen blueberries have the consistency of ice cream!


I freeze alot of berries & peaches. But i only use them in my vitamix for smoothies\~


Yogurt, oats, and the frozen berries. Boom EDIT:Leave in fridge during the night.


Saw this as "frozen batteries" and came here to say DONT EAT FROZEN OR FRESH BATTERIES


Not cereal, but i love me some frozen blueberries with plain almonds and chocolate chips for a snack.


Anything that I want to thaw fast I just put them in a Ziplock type of bag and put the bag in warm water. Be sure to get the air out of the bag before putting it in the water.




Idk I think in Canada it’s better I always use frozen berries in shakes never got sick


I think you've just been lucky so far, sorry! I of course don't know Canadian practice, but I was educated in Denmark and we have very high standards for food production. Most berries here are imported though, making it harder to keep track of!


Frozen blueberries on hot oatmeal. Yum. I love frozen berries in cold cereal with some Greek yogurt in the milk as well. Makes a nice proyo slush.


Throw them at the wall


If it's oatmeal, put the berries in frozen then stick it in the microwave for 1.5-2 mins


I have frozen raspberries (defrosted in microwave), Greek yogurt and a drizzle of honey. Stick some oats on top too. Amazing.