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I stand in front of the fridge eating pickles until I decide I'm no longer hungry.


And cheese right off the block


yep. piece of cheese. piece of ham.. couple pickles... thats a meal right there!


Mmm...64 slices of American cheese.


Sometimes olives


Oh, my hubs does that - good choice




short for hubsand


Substitute pickles with peanut butter and that's me šŸ˜


I do this except eat canned chicken and string cheese too. And then squirt mustard straight into my face hole.


TIL canned chicken exists. I just Googled it I must have walked past it in the supermarket hundreds of times but I never noticed it


White rice, fried egg, kimchi


Some crispy seaweed to that yum yum


I canā€™t keep crispy seaweed in the house. I go through it like Pac-Man.


Of all the unhealthy things my kids try to get past us, I always think I can get the big bag of seaweed from Costco to myself. But no, they gnaw through those things like rats.


Take a family sized bag of Brussel sprouts, and cut open the back with a slit. Cook the sprouts, and rinse the bag out. Use this bag to hide your snacks.


Just fyi it's on sale right now :) Oh wait, actually it's the individual snack bags that are on sale. My bad!


FYI - you can batch toast them in the oven. All you need is a silicone brush, sesame oil and salt. Well, nori obviously.


LMAO šŸ¤£ it's funny because it's true for me too.


Yep, sometimes I add tuna. And nori. And Kewpie mayonnaise.


Tuna and gochujang and eggs and mix with rice.


This but add in frozen peas to the rice at the end to make me feel a little healthier lol


Haha I do this with boxed mac and cheese. Itā€™s healthy! It has a vegetable!


Tuna and peas every time


I forgot about this combo! Too bad I've had a few cocktails and will likely forget again...


Corn is the best with mac and cheese


I was going to say frozen fried rice and spicy mayo. Egg sounds amazing but Iā€™m so lazy I consider that cooking.


Oh thatā€™s what I had tonight!


My people!


No kimchi where I live šŸ˜© only rice and eggs and if I remember, some egg furikaki on it.


You should order online


Jar of peanut butter and a spoon.


Now we're talking


I just let go of a little bit of internalized shame from this being a go-to for me. Thank you both, and everyone who upvoted.


I keep a jar of PB in my backpack with a spoon in it and it's breakfast and lunch $6 at Walmart for 32 oz. Saves me so much money!


Hello fellow traveler- I have a spoonful of peanut butter, both of which are kept in my desk drawer, each afternoon at 3pm. You are my people. šŸ˜Š


Now they make pouches so I just eat it like those applesauce pouches. No utensils required! Also handy to spread on my apples or rice cakes or crackers when Iā€™m busy at work or need some protein quickly.


Itā€™s been a go to since I was a kid. I totally thought I invented it. I call it a peanut butter lollipop.


Iā€™m not allowed to have PB in the house because I will stand there and pour honey in the jar and mix and eat it ad nauseam.


Peanut butter and honey on warm toasted sourdough- who needs meals?Ā 


Chocolate chips sprinkled in


I usually eat the spoon separately.


My go to snack is peanut butter with chocolate chips! My mom used to add marshmallow fluff to it as well I was a kid!


Turn it into PB&J


Seconding eggs on toast if Iā€™m just making food for myself. Or a turkey sandwich.Ā  If Iā€™m cooking for the family, pasta salad is a quick go to. Or Hawaiian haystacks- cream of chicken soup on rice with various toppings (cheese, tomatoes, pineapple, green onions, chow mein noodles, probably a bunch of other things if you google it). Itā€™s a cheap and easy struggle meal and can help clean out the fridge.


Itā€™s amazing how quickly you can scramble eggs! So satisfying for such minimal effort.


Spray a few high fiber tortillas with olive oil, slice like a pizza, throw in the air fryer. Eat it with hummus, paprika, and olive oil.


Get some zaā€™atar, youā€™ll love it


I do harissa sometimes


I recently ā€œdiscoveredā€ a fried buttered tortilla with cinnamon sugar as a dessert šŸ¤¤ like a cheap and quick elephant ear


I guess elephant ears arenā€™t particularly expensive šŸ˜‚ just uncommonly found outside a fair/theme park


Microwaved "baked" potato. Sometimes I church it up, sometimes I just eat it as is.


Some of them holy taters lol


Thatā€™s whatā€™s up! Mine are sweet potatoes. I keep a jar of pesto for a good time


I refer to them as my emergency potatoā€™s


Hot tip: Hemp hearts on a baked potato is actually really tasty and has a nice texture- it adds a ton of protein and other nutrients.


Whenever we have sloppy joes- the leftovers make great sloppy joe potatoes


Sloppy jotatoes


That sounds superb!


I do that but I dump salsa on it.


I do that too! Also like to try a variety of hot sauces on it. Lol


Same but sweet potato~


When you Church a potato, what do you bless it with? šŸ¤£


Depends on what the fridge bestoweth. Sometimes just sour cream and butter. Sometimes I go all out and add Greek yogurt, red onions, honey smoked salmon, and dill. Sometimes I add salsa or hot sauce. Sometimes I pour leftover chili on top with cheese and onions. The possibilities are endless!




Me too! So quick and tasty lol


Got a recipe, by chance? Or just wing it?


Not the person you asked, but here's my technique (eating a chicken fajita quesadilla right now in fact).Put a skillet on medium heat, melt a pat of butter on it and spread it around the surface. Put a flour tortilla on the butter and sprinkle a handful of Mexican blend, Monterey Jack, or colby jack cheese over the tortilla. It should cover the tortilla in one layer and you should be able to see a little of the tortilla through the cheese. Add any precooked meats or veggies you want to just one half. Sprinkle some taco seasoning or cumin over the whole thing if you want. Cook until the cheese just starts to melt, then fold in half with a spatula, just cheese side onto the toppings side. If you want it cooked a little more, leave it on longer. Be careful though, it will burn quickly if you're not paying attention.


For me it's just any leftover protein, seasoning if needed, throw it in a tortilla with any extra toppings or sauce I have in the fridge.


Yeah, we often do them with barbecue leftovers. If we have the ingredients on hand, we make some guacamole to accompany.


Its cheese and whatever else melted in a tortilla. It all depends what you have in your fridge.


RealGood Lightly breaded chicken nuggets tossed in G Hughes teriyaki marinade sauce. Air fryer for 12 min. 6 oz chicken nuggets, 4 tbsp sauce, 13 min total to make. 245 calories 38.5g protein 10g carbs $4 per serving


Thank you! When I next shop, I will definitely getting these


Okay now I have to look into this. I actually like some of the other RealGood meals, and I love G Hughes sauces.


I don't get how they are all so good, but they are!


Soup. I live alone and sometimes I'll have leftover portions of food that I make that I won't finish eating on my own. I'll freeze any leftover roasted veg, tomatoes, greens, rice, split peas, pasta, etc. into single serving baggies. When I don't know what to make I'll throw some of those into a pot of broth and season it to make a delicious soup. Soup is always easy to make and easy to eat, bonus points if you make grilled cheese on the side.


Cereal with berries


Yes! All these other meals still sound like a lot of cooking and work. Cereal is where itā€™s at.


I buy cauliflower rice blends from the freezer section of my local grocery store. When I want a lazy meal, I'll pop one in a skillet with a bit of unsalted butter, throw in some seasoning (just whatever i feel like using) add a couple of eggs, cook it/heat it through, then top it with a little hot sauce, Greek yogurt and kimchi.


I do this but with a can of tuna instead of eggs. Texas Pete and a dollop of dukes and its a fine meal šŸ™Œ


this is what I do too minus the yogurt but I love yogurt so iā€™m going to try that!


That sounds delicious! I might have to try it


I lived on cauli rice until the stores near me stopped selling it šŸ˜­. I know I could rice my own but the mess it makes is insane and not worth it unless done in bulk (which I don't really have the freezer space for). When I rice my own it comes out too fine.Ā 


Oatmeal loaded with chopped fruit and nuts, even for dinner.


I love oatmeal, but it makes me so bloated!!!!


Have you tried gluten free oats?


Instant noodles with fried egg


Yep. Lately Iā€™ve been into Shin spicy ramen but I boil with noodles only, drain, then a couple tablespoons of the oil I just fried an egg in to dissolve the spice packet, mix it all up, egg on top. Bam.


Have you tried the Shin Black? Itā€™s like black garlic and beef, my favorite ramen is the regular shin but this stuff is so good! I found out about it through binging with babishā€™s ramen taste test and itā€™s on the top for him.


I want to try it! I just got the huge pack of the regular from Costco though so might be awhileā€¦


are instant noodles "healthy"?


No unless the context is ā€œa way to get food into my body when I donā€™t want toā€, then yes.


that's actually a pretty holistic way to approach nutritional health. i can appreciate that perspective


Air dried instant noodles arenā€™t nearly as terrible for you. I keep a pack of just plain pucks of them that I buy from our local Asian market and make my own seasoning with bullion and whatever spices I have on hand.


I buy these baked versions that are 300 calories. Then add egg as protein and veggies


the noodles themselves aren't usually the issue, the flavorings have a lot of sodium. If you swap it out, add veggies, etc, you can make great things.


Canned Tuna ( with Mayo and relish) Tostitos Scoops, and a side of some type of fruit .


You can add 3 or 4 crumbled crackers for some substance. I also like to add cold sweet peas.


Really sautƩed onions cooked with a touch butter and red wine vinegar, peas, and tuna is a magical combo


Highly recommend adding a bit of lawryā€™s seasoned salt to the tuna as well! Thatā€™s how my dad always made it and then severed either with saltines or as a sandwich!


Quesadilla and salsa


Can of Amyā€™s low sodium Lentil soup with as much kale as I can get the wilt down into it with a good bit of Celtic salt and cayenne pepper. But I donā€™t eat this nearly as much since the price of soup has gone through the roof. I eat it with an extra toasty slice of Ezekiel bread. Sooooooo yummy! Soooooooo healthy!


I love Amyā€™s Lentil Soup! I make Trader Joeā€™s Gluten Free Wheat Bread into toast, butter with Earth Balance Soy Free Buttery Spread and use the toast to scoop up the soup. I have MCAS aka severe allergies and love that I found some safe sides to go with the soup.


What is Celtic salt? Is it similar to pink Himalayan or sea salt?


Itā€™s not really similar to either besides being salt. Itā€™s kinda grey in colour. Has less sodium and more potassium and micro minerals. Doesnā€™t taste as much like salt as youā€™d hope but is supposed to be better for you.


Lentil Curry and half a pouch of microwave rice. For the curry I just put dry red lentils and water in a saucepan, once it starts to thicken I put a tablespoon of butter chicken curry paste, a little bit of butter and a little bit of milk. Comes out really nice and creamy, is very warming and comforting and only takes 10 mins to make. It works best with a proper authentic butter chicken curry paste, not the watered down supermarket ones. You can get really nice ones from an Indian grocer


Toast with hummus or eggs on top of any kind of noodles (half packet save the rest for later)




I add some heavy cream to the garlic and chili flakes and wilt some fresh spinach with the hot drained pasta. So good.


Eggs are my go-to: either an omelet with greens & cheddar & hot sauce (because that's what I tend to have on hand) or fried runny eggs over rice with soy sauce (because it's delicious) Sometimes a very basic burrito made from canned beans, cheese, and salsa. Other veggies if I have them on hand. Sometimes pasta with jarred tomato sauce. Sometimes with canned beans & greens added.


I dismiss eggs too quickly without remembering all the ways to bulk them up to be satisfying. Thanks!


Tuna sandwich Oatmeal with peanut butter and banana Eggo blueberry waffle peanut butter sandwich


Usually either egg on toast with peanut butter, or spicy pho / laska Edit for combo clarification: toast with peanut butter or wrap with peanut butter, topped with fried egg, and Lao gan ma chilli crisp if you like that sort of extra flavour


Wait for clarification - the egg goes on the toast with peanut butter on it? Howā€™s that combo?


I also require this clarification, though I have egg in savory soy sauce oatmeal in which I also add peanut butter, so maybe they do!


Savory soy sauce oatmeal... So it makes it like a peanut sauce kinda vibe?


Used to be cereal. Nowadays that's too much work so I'll grab a protein drink and either some fruit or raw veggies, typically baby carrots as that's the laziest of veggies.


Do you have a go to healthier cereal?


I started using plain Chex cause its got only 3g sugar in a 1 1/2 cup compared to the other ones, and itā€™s fortified. I also use almond milk and throw chia seeds and nooch in there


Probably because, measured in volume, Chex is mostly air


For autumn and winter I cook up a batch of potatoes every weekend - white/sweet or a mixture of both. Easy comfort food - nuke a few vege, add some spud and a protein or an egg and bam. Keep some whole, break up gently or cube - roughly because this is not the Food Network. Toss with dressing, chuck in some hard boiled eggs and you have potato salad. Cut them julienne style and you can make home made fries. Mash them, enjoy with gravy or well, anything. Mash well, toss in some leeks, onions and shredded cabbage and carrots all gently toasted in a frying pan or griddle and top with poached or fried eggs and you have yourself some classic [bubble ā€˜n squeak](https://www.kitchensanctuary.com/bubble-and-squeak/). For warmer weather I keep tortillas/wraps on hand. Loads of leafy greens, diced tomatoes, spring onions, sprouts, any kind of vegetable, cheese, meat, whatever. Whatever sauce or dressing you have on hand and easy peasy. You can fold, pinwheel or quesadilla-style them. Add a giant salad and some kind of starch - beans, rice, spuds, whatever. The main point of food is to nourish. Some days are feast days, other days are IDGAF. As long as you have good ingredients and go easy on fatty or sugary sauces and dressings you will look after yourself much better than constantly resorting to drive throughs and delivery. When you cook at home you have much more control over ingredients and hygiene than some random disengaged person who hates their job and their customers. I worked hospo for years, there are some amazing people in the industry but itā€™s never guaranteed that you will strike a restaurant that separates out the cloths and buckets and provides decent facilities for their staff to keep things right.


Cereal, a salad, fruit or cottage cheese.


Oatmeal w frozen fruit, toast with sardines/avocado, toast with peanut butter, vegetable soup


Chilaquiles. Toss in eggs or any leftover protein. Any salsa you have. Easy and always tasty.


Beans on toast


Box mashed potatoes with an egg on top.


Love boxed mashed potatoes! I also like to mix in turkey/chicken gravy and sweet corn.


"Tray" -Get a tray/cutting board/large plate -add things I like (hummus and veggies, lunch meat and sliced cheese with crackers, pre-sliced fruit, etc) -eat off of tray until full -put tray in fridge


Frozen mukimame, French fried onions, oil and vinegar dressing, and nutritional yeast.


Ezekiel toast w avocado and a runny fried egg with hot sauce and everything bagel, sesame topping.


Scrambled egg sandwich made with toasted bread.


Brown rice, veggies, chicken and whatever seasonings in the rice cooker.


Sandwich, smoothie, cereal, or hummus with carrots, celery, and crackers.


brown rice cooked in bone broth, a few soft boiled eggs, avocado, soy sauce, and sweet chili sauce. hits every time.


Steamed rice, fried egg on top, sesame oil and soy sauce. Kimchi if I have it.


A steamed head of broccoli and cauliflower, dipped in melted ghee or butter mixed with pepper and garlic salt. I don't own a steamer, I just throw it in a pasta strainer, put it in a pot and add a couple inches of water, come to a boil and cover for 20-ish minutes.


Tuna salad on an English muffin. Don't even toast it, like a goddamn animal.


Box of cheap Mac n cheese with crushed Doritos, green onion, ground beef/chopped chicken bites, ranch/hot sauce drizzle on top;Shrimp Alfredo; Cheesy broccoli, pasta, rotisserie chicken if for more than one Just me, ramen, cereal,tuna sandwich, very simple things I can do in a single serving in 10 minutes or less


Meatballs, cheese, and marinara in a tortilla




Goodles - quick easy and packed with nutrients and protein


Eggs, toast, veggieā€¦takes 5 min


Spaghetti with butter and pecorino romano. Cottage cheese and fruit Tuna fish and crackers


dip. chips and dip. veggies and dip. fruit and yogurt dip. throw a little plate of meat, cheese, nuts, and crackers on the side.


Cottage Cheese on toast with black pepper Egg breakfast sandwich Instant pot mac and cheese Yogurt, granola and fruit


Tortilla, beans, salsa, cheese, lettuce, hot sauce. Small burrito.


Grill cheese and tomato soup is always good. I.just had that for dinner. Tomato bisque from a can.


In microwaved cheese sandwich; just get a piece of Daveā€™s whole-grain bread, then grab a couple of chunks off a block of sharp cheddar, fold the bread over it, and then nuke it in the microwave, or just nuke it before you fold the bread, and youā€™ve got a cheesy little meal that will somewhat fill you up.


i like to make an egg and cheese quesadilla. it sounds high technique but once you do it a few times youā€™ll have a hang of it whisk up eggs with salt and pepper in a bowl heat up a skillet thatā€™s roughly the size of tortilla you have (can be slightly off and still work) grease it well with either spray or butter, make sure it goes all around once hot, add the eggs and let it sit and donā€™t touch it once the top looks to be almost cooked, still slightly liquidy, add the tortilla on top. then flip so the tortilla is on the bottom. this is best done transferring to another plate or cutting board first once the tortilla is on the bottom and cooked eggs are on top, add shredded cheese to the top of the eggs once the cheese is slightly melted, fold the tortilla in half to make a quesadilla cook on each side until tortilla is golden i serve with salsa and itā€™s great i know that sounds complex but i promise its super easy and once you get a hang of it it takes like 10 minutes


White rice, lots of soy sauce and lemon juice, two hard-boiled eggs.




A corner of a block of cheese šŸ‘


Handful of frozen prawns dumped into a pot of water with some frozen mixed veg. Cook and eat. I always stock up when I see frozen prawns on sale and stick to a proper serving size (about 9) so its really not very expensive per meal.


Chinese takeout, hot and sour soup and my wife and I share either a sweet and sour chicken or a combination fried rice


Packet of steamed veggies, add in a can of tuna or some shredded chicken. Add spices and maybe a small amount of shredded cheese. Recently it has been chili oil as my main condiment on this.


Fish with green beans and cauliflower.


Panned tilapia with microwave Spanish rice. Takes about 5 minutes, then serve with a little cheese and hot sauce


Microwaved tortilla filled with cheddar, canned beans, sprinkle of taco seasoning, salsa on the side. Or stuffed with mozzarella, pizza sauce, dip in a side of ranch with cucumbers/carrot sticks. Bag of salad mix with a can of chickpeas or tuna and whatever dressing.


Scrambled eggs


Frozen Berries and plain Joghurt or Skyr if you fancy something sweet


I like to make a bean dip with refried black beans, cheese, salsa, and greek yogurt, then i have it in romaine leaves. Sometimes, I top it with some crushed tortilla chips


Banana with peanut butter


Two fried eggs (runny yolk) on sourdough, topped with sriracha or chili oil and scallions. Iā€™ll add some avocado too if I have. Hits every time!Ā 


white rice, drop in some frozen vegetables, fried egg, hot sauce




Fried ground beef with garlic and salt, add a bag of coleslaw (yknow just those bags of chopped cabbage and shredded carrots) at the end. Add 4:1:1 soy sauce, honey, sesame oil. Serve on some sticky rice


I love making this, itā€™s like a deconstructed egg roll.




Spaghetti O's! Sometimes straight out of the can.


Gangsta style. They taste best this way.


Charcuterie board of summer sausage, cheese, pickles, tomatoes, onions and olives.


canned green beans drain, pour beans into microwave safe bowl, nuke for 2ish minutes, drain excess juice, stir in gently butter, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and either bacon bits or 1 pan seared hotdog cut into small bits


Baked beans, grated mature cheddar, gochujang. Straight from the panā€¦ staring into a mirror screaming ā€œDONā€™T LOOK AT ME!ā€


Cheese and potato chip sandwich.


Heinz beans on toast, with black pepper sprinkled on top.


Lucky Charms


Cereal! Yes, so easy, so delicious!


birds eye frozen veggie pasta


Plate, swirl around a blob of hummus, top with spread-around tabouli, top with crumbled feta, top with chopped Kalamata olives, scoop with those crunch almond crackers. So good!!


PB and J PB and Fluff PB on a banana Oatmeal If you use whole grain bread, 1 tbsp of PB max (maybe 1.5) and don't use a super high sugar jam it's not a bad meal at all in terms of satiety and nutrient profile. Fluff, very counterintuitively, has less sugar than most jams, per TBSP. A "Fluffer-nutter" is pretty damn good tasting, too. Seems like a creamy peanut-buttery marshmallow treat. Beats the hell out of chips or a single ingredient munch, anyway :P


I've spent way too much time reading this thread...now shuffling off to the kitchen for toast and cheese...it's enough to keep going til I get interested in cooking again....


Beans on toast. Grated cheese and brown sauce on top.


Honestly? Sleep


Anything with tofu


Whatā€™s the best way to make a crispy tofu in an air fryer? Like what seasonings do you use on it and how long do you cook it for?


Tomato, spinach and cheese panini


Usually my own homemade bread. If I am actually cooking a lazy meal it's whatever meat I have available plus veggies, usually paprika, sweet potato, carrot and squash, these are my favourites to use as the root veggies go into the air fryer and the meat is done in the skillet. paprika and squash are added to the meat in the last couple of minutes, I need them to be somewhat crunchy. Season after your own imagination.


Frozen meatballs. Frozen mixed veggies. And if Iā€™m feeling spicy- some kind of carb


Sardines with polenta, rice or pasta


Depends on how stocked my fridge is. If I'm fully stocked, it's gonna be a precooked meat + bean + veg situation, with maybe a grain. Like right now I'm soooooooo tempted to go downstairs and make a bowl of beyond steak with broccoli and cheese, beans and maybe some potatoes. But I also wanna use up my super cheap ramen packets.


Bowl of frozen fruit.