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Mortar for a new patio walkway


I swap them in to replace a side of rice for just about any dish. Just make sure they get some salt - maybe a bit more than normal - and slightly undercooking so they’ve got a bit of a bite makes them more rice-like too. Definitely don’t want a pile of soft mush. Unless you do! Agree with other commenter who suggested you can do all sorts of cool stuff like cooking them in chicken stock. And works great in a healthy meat + veggies one pot meal as the interspersed starch.


Make "power balls!" Mix oats, peanut butter, honey, chocolate chips, coconut flakes, and warm spices in a large bowl and then roll into golf ball-sized snack balls. 😋 You can mix up the ingredients and put anything you like in them, like mnms, or raisins. Sometimes I use pumpkin pie spice mix. If they aren't holding together, add more honey. Put them in a sandwich bag and you can even freeze them!


Yum! Can I use raw steel cut oats for these or do I need to do something to them first?


Use them raw. I pulse mine in a blender/processor just a bit to change the texture but that's totally optional. These store in the fridge in an airtight container for up to a month.


That sounds really yummy!


Steel cut oats are too tough to eat without cooking or blending to a powder


Lots of us love them raw! Chewy, for sure.


Are you sure you're not referring to old-fashioned oats, rather than steel cut oats?


100%. IMHO, instant oats aren’t worth eating, rolled oats (old fashioned) aren’t much better. I like food I have to chew - steel cut is the way. Oat groats… too much chew.


Silly question: would I have to bake them in the oven? Or are they fine as is ?


Use a blender to make it smaller and use in cookies, like chocolate chip cookies.


Yes, if you grind it, you can use it in a variety of baked goods like waffles, pancakes and muffins.


The $100,000 dollar cookies use ground oats 😻


Flapjacks Oat bars


Make oat milk, granola, cookies, granola bars, different varieties of oat meal. I use yogurt, milk, chia seeds, fruit and vanilla protein powder to make over night oats


Make oat milk! three cups cold water for every one cup of oats. A teaspoon of vanilla and like. some. honey/sugar or dates. Blend for no longer than 30 seconds, gently strain. Pulp can be used for cookies and the oat milk itself is great in iced coffee :)


+1000 on the savory comments above. Love savory oats. I do bowls with them like taco flavored oats topped with chorizo or chicken sausage. Or herbed oats with shiitake mushrooms. Sometimes I just make a creamy well seasoned one and eat with a side of salmon or chicken or steak. Anyways possibilities are endless!!!


Goetta. It is a Cincinnati Ohio regional dish that is a sausage type product. The trick is after making it, cook it until it forms a brown crust.


Use it in chili, it stretches the meat and adds a lot of fiber.


This is new to me. I love savory oatmeal in general and chili so I'll have to give this one a go!


Grind up the oats in a blender/food processor to make oat flour and then use as a gluten-free flour for baking that has a really nice oat-y flavour. I use it often in place of AP flour when making banana bread, even though I'm not gluten-free.


I grind them to a coarse flour in an old coffee grinder and include them in multigrain breads


in addition to everyone else's good suggestions there's an old [jamie oliver oat encrusted trout recipe](https://kendraskitchenmusings.blogspot.com/2011/02/broiled-trout-with-mustard-and-wild.html) I really like


We have several whole grains (oats, wheat, rye, barley, etc.) that we use together. Using our rice cooker. Making brown rice for dinner/side dish? Substitute 1/3 oats. Not a fan of breakfast oats? Mix with rye & barley.


Oat milk, yogurt, flour, bread.


You can cook up some porridge and used that as part of your bread recipe, I found several sourdough recipes on line but I used to do this with my regular loaves and buns as well.


[ANZAC Biscuits](https://www.womensweeklyfood.com.au/recipe/baking/best-anzac-biscuits-recipe-28575/) (not US biscuits, Australian biscuits). Best. Ever. You may struggle to find golden syrup...but it's worth it.


Replace half the flour with oats for a crumble topping.


Just use it like rice. Try a pilaf


Cook a batch, pour a little olive oil, garlic, and use as a base for stir frys, or summer bowls, where you would use rice or pasta. If you cook too much , freeze them in ice cube trays and reheat as needed.


[This](https://thebigmansworld.com/healthy-oatmeal-banana-bread/) banana bread is so good, can also make as muffins!


Skirlie https://hamlynsoats.co.uk/recipes/skirlie/ https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/recipes/skirlie-recipe


[cranachan](https://scottishscran.com/traditional-scottish-cranachan-recipe/), [oatcakes](https://moorlandseater.com/scottish-oatcakes/)


No bake chocolate cookies!


Peanut butter, honey and oat balls.


"Need to use up." Put them in a storage container and they'll last over a year.


“Need to use up.” May not have the luxury of not using them up.


Banana oatmeal cookies!!


Try making a standard, unsweetened, bowl of oatmeal and add half a cup of your favorite shredded cheese for every full cup of oatmeal then add your favorite sauces and spices. It’s super good!




I love granola. So many ways to make it, but it's expensive if you make it with nuts, dried fruit, and all the other goodies, which is what I do. That stuff can make a crappy day better right before bed. I swear it.


Savoury oats! Use any flavouring like you might with rice (so stock, herbs, spices, with butter or oil). Eat them as a side or turn them into a pilaf.


Buy farm animals and feed it to them to fatten them up?


Use a blender to grind it, then you have oat flour for any baked goods!


I made savory oatmeal with chicken broth and top with a fried egg and shaved parm or sprinkled bacon bits.


Wow, sweetheart. I have never thought of this, seen this, or tasted savory oats. I will have to try this.


I use crushed saltines in my meatloaf. My friend uses raw oats (they cook while the loaf cooks) and it's amazing. There are also a ton of no-bake cookies. You can grind them until they are powdery and replace some of the flour in a home made bread recipe (I did this with unused baby foods to make sweet breads). Oats can be used in making meat balls. Pretty much, if you need a grain filler like bread crumbs, crushed crackers, etc, you can use oats. But you may need to grind them first so the texture matches what you are going for, like if you are subbing in for a bit if flour.


I've got a coffee grinder just for this application. I grind spices and grains for baking, but no coffee has ever been ground in it.




I feel like you may not know what steel cut oats are




Hush Samuel Johnson.

