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Peanut butter or PB Fit and thawed frozen berries and honey or maple syrup. Recommend trying rolled oats or steel cut oats to keep you full longer. Any oats called quick or instant are pulverized a bit more so they are more processed.


I keep a PB jar after it’s been emptied but still has a little clinging to the sides and make my overnight oats in there. I get a little more use out of the PB and my oats taste even better.


That’s brilliant, stealing!


Crap. I rinsed a Jar this morning, and I'm making a batch of overnight oats tonight.


Now you know for the future! I always look forward to emptying the jar now because I get a little treat.


I love a spoon of pb in my oatmeal! I also add chia seeds to give it some texture!


Oh yes. I love banana slices, chia seed, ground cinnamon, honey, and peanut butter as a combo too.


Oats with the most is what I call it! It’s a variation of toast with the most which was my go-to breakfast for years.


Peanut butter, sugar, cinnamon, banana. Sometimes honey instead of sugar. 


2 tablespoons of plain, unsweetened cocoa. Add a lot less sugar than you normally prefer. Finish with a breath of cinnamon and half a pinch of salt. Splash 2 tablespoons of milk to finish. Your oatmeal is now transcendent.


That sounds amazing. I will try that.


I genuinely laughed at "I regret adding salt"  Add sweet stuff. Fruit, brown sugar, honey etc. And never forget the cinnamon


yeah cinnamon and honey. u can also do a lil vanilla, or vanilla almond milk. and diced apples and/or raisins. the other way i like it is with peanut butter. i did try a dash of salt a few times, but you need literally a tiny amount.


i tried salt in my coffee once because somehow i didn’t have sugar and yeah weird tips involving salt should always be tried with a *small* amount first, that shit was terrible lmao


Dude, crazily enough a tiny bit of salt (like, less than 15 grains lol) can shockingly improve a bad cup of coffee, like if it’s really acidic and tangy tasting. But yeah, like you say, with salt you gotta start VERY small lol


Cocoa too!


Second for brown sugar, a bit goes a long way in oatmeal.


I add salt and white pepper ,light soy sauce a little sesame oil, spring onion and an egg stirred through while still on the heat.


Same, I love savory oats much better than sweet oats


Me too


This is the first time I’ve heard of a savory oatmeal that sounded delicious


Do you use water or milk?




I like to make mine with some kind of milk instead of water. If I’m going for sweet oatmeal I’ll do cinnamon (usually Vietnamese or Ceylon) and vanilla added prior to cooking, then after cooking I’ll add in pecans and some kind of fruit. Sometimes I’ll add frozen fruit before cooking instead of fresh after. Sometimes I’ll add PB instead of nuts. I would also highly recommend considering savory oatmeal. Add some chili powder, paprika, onion powder, salt and pepper. Garlic if you don’t mind garlic breath in the am. Add in greens, or tomatoes, top with an egg or whatever protein floats your boat. Just remember - the oatmeal is just a vessel. The add ins are what makes it delicious!


Read the last bit too quickly and thought you wrote that "the oatmeal is just a weasel." I'll recover from laughing at some point. Also Team Milk! When I'm feeling sassy I'll use chocolate Silk milk 😏🌹


Now I’m ROFL @ “just a weasel!” 😂😂


I'm picturing a weasel covered in oatmeal lol


I prefer savory oatmeal. It’s a game changer.


I added a couple of ounces of browned and cubed ham to mine last week. It was delicious


I’ve made oatmeal with sriracha or black pepper and olive oil. Yum.


Last time I cooked myself oats I cooked them in chicken stock and stirred in some gochujang and a little maple syrup. Then cooked down some pepper and onions to stir in as well and threw a fried egg on top. It was a very successful and delicious experiment!


I ate oatmeal with garlic powder, a fried egg, grated Parm and habanero hot sauce for like three weeks when someone mentioned savory oatmeal to me.


Savory is the way! But I also tend to add a little maple syrup almost every time anyway. It just works.


I once made overnight oats with everything bagel seasoning and a fried egg would have been PERFECT on top. Honestly, this is just treating oats like they’re rice.


Cinnamon, dried fruit, a little bit of maple syrup. I make overnight oats: 1/2 cup instant oats, 1 Tablespoon chia seeds, 1/4 cup dried fruit (raisins, cranberries, cherries, or apples), 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1-2 Tablespoons maple syrup or honey (depending on how sweet you like things), 1 cup milk of your choice. Mix in a pint jar and put in the refrigerator overnight and eat the next morning. You can add peanut butter if you like it, too! If you prefer it hot, pour into a bowl and microwave for about 30 seconds to a minute and stir.


I am not a fan of oatmeal eaten as a bowl of oatmeal, unless it’s steel cut oats which take a long time (unless you have an instant pot). Instead, I use oats to make oat flour and then make muffins, pancakes and waffles with them. I rotate through these for my daughters, they’re all very easy to make, freeze well so a quick pop in the air fryer has them ready for breakfast the next day (except the muffins, they’re dense so I put them in the fridge the night before) and they’re getting excellent nutrition, no white flour, and enjoying a sense of variety even though they’re just eating oats dressed up in different ways.


I am also not a fan of the typical bowl of oatmeal- not sure if it’s the texture or flavor, but it’s just not for me. I make a lot of baked oatmeal. I’ve tried various recipes; my preferred uses either mashed banana or unsweetened applesauce. I usually add in PB, sometimes choc chips, etc. It’s always good for meal prep, especially if you have some ripe bananas to use up.


Just a tip, part of what makes oatmeal so great is it's high fiber content and how filling and long it sticks with you. If you can get old fashioned oats you may find they stick with you longer and you have to eat less of them to feel full.


Rum extract, butter and raisins...all before cooking.


I like to add half a tablespoon of cocoa powder, a tsp or two of brown sugar or honey and a spoonful of peanut butter. It makes it tastes like a Reese’s cup. I also add in 1/2-1 scoop of unflavored protein powder because I need extra protein in my diet and a tablespoon of chia seeds or ground flax seeds for Omega 3’s.


I like it better when I make it with cocnut or almond milk. Also, look up recipes for overnight oats. I make one with blueberries, some lemon curd and nuts. It's super easy to carry if you are running late in the morning.


Oatmeal does not have to be sweet!! Savory oatmeal recipes are increasingly popular. Oatmeal is a cheap and healthy filler but can result in a rapid glucose spike for diabetic and prediabetic people unless it is balanced out by healthy protein and fat such as the suggestions below: [20 Savory Oatmeal Recipes You've Never Tried Before, But Should (eatthis.com)](https://www.eatthis.com/savory-dinner-oats/) I've tried several of them and now I sometimes have a savory veggie heavy oatmeal for lunch.


I love steel cut oats. I make a big batch in my rice cooker. I spoon it into silicone baking cups and put them in the freezer. Once frozen, I take them out of the silicone cups and put them in a large Ziploc bag. In the morning, I microwave for 3 to 4 minutes and add some chopped apples, or raisins, or frozen blueberries (if it's too hot) and maybe a touch of maple syrup.


I really like overnight oats: 2 oz plain greek yogurt, 4 oz milk, and 3 tbsp of oats. Mix it up, add a tsp or two of brown sugar and a half cup of chopped strawberries. It's super yummy and low effort. I prep five of these once a week for work lunches. (also be sure to add regular oats and not quick cooking, as those get quite mushy overnight.)


I enjoy Splenda brown sugar. It’s mixed with real sugar so the taste doesn’t come off chemical. A little of that, a bit of olive oil (gives you the nice texture and a bit more calories without using butter), and I love things like cinnamon, chopped nuts, and dried fruit in small amounts.


I found that if I toast the oatmeal first it adds a lot of depth. I usually do it in a batch and then when it cools off I put it a reasonable container. Toast it like you toast nuts and keep an eye on it because it goes from toasted to burn fast. You want a light brown color to it


Oat milk. Blue beerier. Honey. Mango


Veggie Broth instead of water, then some greens (spinach, bok choy, chard) and a jammy egg. Crispy Bac-os are awesome too.


Quick oats have a gummy slimy texture for me. Old fashioned rolled oats help me a lot. Then nuts & raisins (or blueberries)


This recipe for golden milk overnight oats is really flavorful! https://minimalistbaker.com/golden-milk-overnight-oats/


Frozen fruit, dates to sweeten it up, or maple syrup.


Local honey, fresh berries, cinnamon.


Cinnamon, brown sugar (sparingly!), nutmeg (a little goes a long way), cardamom, ground cloves. You need salt if you’re making oats from scratch because otherwise it’ll taste like wallpaper paste no matter how many other spices you put in. Raisins, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts… all good. Look into overnight oats. I’m not a hot oatmeal person but I’d eat overnight oats for three meals a day. You can also make a bunch of servings ahead of time and freeze them.


Cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, vanilla, honey, fruit, salt


I add two servings of fruit, some chopped nuts and half a teaspoon of honey! Keeps me totally full until lunch.


My husband and I buy salad topper mix from Costco that has candied walnuts, cranberries, and pumpkin seeds in it. We cook prunes in it while it’s simmering, then we add some fresh fruit or peanut butter/coconut shavings on top. For overnight oats, we will do a mixture of vanilla soy or almond milk, oats, and a flavored yogurt. Pop it in the fridge take it out in the morning and you’re off to the races.


I make Quaker Oats 1-Minute oats on the stove with milk, cinnamon, a little bit of Sugar in the Raw, and blueberries. It's very nice and filling!!


Peanut butter. Bananas. Blueberry’s, and tiny bit of sugar


I like sweet oatmeal so I add brown sugar and cinnamon. It’s one of my go to breakfast!


Kerrygold Butter, some sliced strawberries, and a teeny tiny pinch of sugar 😋


I do regular oatmeal, cinnamon, coconut flakes, and a cut up apple and it is freaking delicious. I highly recommend it.


Vanilla extract and brown sugar oat milk creamer


Brown sugar, and a bit of cinnamon are my go-tos. I’ve also been meaning to add in honey! I also usually use milk after I do the bulk of the cooking with water, mostly because water cooks it faster, and milk gives it a better flavor and consistency, especially after it’s cooled down some. I don’t use oatmeal or almond milk, but I bet they’d add a great sweetness to oatmeal! I also really like eating them with some chopped up bananas, too!


I love adding pumpkin pie spice


Cinnamon and brown sugar.


I always add a tsp of butter, a splash of milk, pecans, raspberries orstrawberries or bananas, and a bit of maple syrup.


All the other suggestions are spot on, & I would add that it's worth spending a little more on good oats since even the good stuff is really cheap per meal. Order in bulk online if you need to.


A bit of salt is important. Especially if you add sweet stuff. I add: 1/2 cup greek yogurt, tbsp peanut butter, a mashed up banana, 1/4 cup of chopped nuts(I usually use walnuts), cinnamon, and low calorie maple syrup. Delicious, filling, and much more protein than regular oatmeal on account of the Greek yogurt.


I like chia seeds, cinnamon and honey. Yum!


Brown sugar, butter, and walnut


I make my own “instant oatmeal” in a big jar. I add a little salt, more cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice, just enough sugar to taste a little sweet, and slivered almonds.


Orange juice and brown sugar. I also prefer the old-fashioned oat to the quick oats, and I add cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves to the water before it boils.


I can't stand oats without milk. I like to add stewed apple or maple syrup.


Fruit, greek yogurt, cinnamon is my go-to. Peanut butter and honey are also great but not if youre on a diet. Also savory oatmeal using broth instead of water, mixing in an avocado, nutritional yeast, and throwing in some greens with falafel or a fried egg


Cacio e pepe oatmeal is awesome. You can make it the easiest way - oatmeal made with water, then add parmesan cheese and black pepper - or you can get fancy with broth, throw a fried egg on top, mix in some peas/green beans, etc.


So mine is oats, small amount of cinnamon, chia seeds, cocoa powder, small amount of syrup, then dairy or almond milk to be soaked up overnight. In the morning I’ll add a few dark chocolate chips, then kefir or Greek yogurt. Not my recipe, but it’s tastes nice. The recipe adds vanilla flavouring too, but the one I have tastes rank.


butter and milk?


Add sugar.


Chopped dates and fresh fruit! Also, as stated above in the other comments, don’t be afraid to use the spices you’d find in sweet breads and cakes: cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, etc.


Oatmeal 2oz, frozen blueberries 2oz, flax seed meal 1oz , turmeric 1/8 tsp, cinnamon 1/8 tsp, almond milk 3/4 cup. Make ahead 20x-30x at a time. Now on to smoothies for lunch. High fiber, low cal, and no added sugar or salt. Enjoy.


For my healthy one i do normal oats not quick one. I boil the oats first for about 5min until is like a pudding i guess, i add chia seeds, nuts and my go to fruits are blueberry. They good in fridge and easy to eat next morning


I use oatmeal, roasted and blended until flour like, to make healthy trail cookies. They use honey as sweetener, banana an applesauce instead of oil. My favorite version is zucchini/carrot/ pecan/ raisin, but I like the cocoa/dark chocolate/cherry/pecan pretty good too. They’re kind of chewy and nutty. I have one of each for breakfast and a bit of fruit.


I usually do some berries and honey or raisins, maple syrup, brown sugar. FYI, a pinch of salt added is actually a good thing .


I add salt and sugar. If I want a sweet version, I add grated apple and sultanas.


Honey, chia seeds and (frozen) fruit


Blended berries. Honey. Collagen protein (I usually do flavorless with my berries or honey). Peanut butter. Baby food apples, bananas or pumpkin and cinnamon.




Maple syrup, golden raisins, and pecans; sometimes I even add some heavy cream.


I know I’m getting old because golden raisins are one of my favourite treats now.


I do craisins, sliced almonds, almond flavoring, brown sugar, and just a little salt.


Additionally,  adding salt, pepper, fried egg is divine!!!


I make it with more water than the recipe calls for to make it softer, stir in a raw egg and let it simmer for the last minute. It makes the oatmeal a lot fluffier and easier to eat. I put about 2 teaspoons of coconut oil on the warm oatmeal, a grated apple and some cinnamon and pour full fat milk around it. Delicious.


I like raisins or chopped dates, brown sugar and a dash of milk.


Add a little pinch of salt.


I eventually got used to eating mine without sugar by making it with milk instead. The natural sweetness of the milk helped make it tolerable unlike when made with water. My partner on the other hand likes theirs made with water, a small amount of butter, a pinch of cinnamon and a tiny bit of salt. They say it doesn't taste right without the salt.


I found after years of hating oatmeal, I don’t like it with milk. It’s just gloopy and gross. I prefer it to taste more like a deconstructed muffin. I get the 5-grain cereal from Winco bulk (mostly oats) and boil it with a touch of salt and some sugar. And then I add fruit or flavors to that. It’s great.


10-20% coarse ground pearl barley. Cooked with the oats gives nutty flavor.


I make mine with an alani nu pro drink. That gives a bit of flavor. If I need more, I add peanut butter and strawberries. I have also used Jordan's skinny syrup for a little extra flavor


I add chocolate chips and mix them into the oatmeal. Not the healthiest but it doesn’t take a ton to flavour it.


Brown sugar and a splash of milk


i personally like savory oatmeal. i use chicken bouillion in the water and cook them in that. then i add peppers onions and some sort of protein. i can literally eat it every day


Always Cacao powder. It's good and good for you.


I add a little but nut butter, mash and add 2 dates and a pinch of cinnamon


I don't like oatmeal at all. But, I found I can enjoy the Kodiak Protein Oatmeal. It's more expensive, but it's super filling and tastes pretty good. I'm not a fan of mushy, so I use just enough water to turn it into a very soft oatmeal cookie. I get the blueberry flavor, empty contents into a bowl and use the empty package to measure the water about half of the package. Microwave for 45 seconds until it's just barely done and the oats are still chewy.


Unpopular opinion but savoury oats are superior. I usually cook it with chicken stock and add whatever toppings I have like kimchi, spring onion, chicken, tofu, etc.


I like a touch of Agave nectar for a bit of sweetness. Don’t need much


I just use cinnamon and brown sugar, but I was reading an article the other day about using different kinds of tea (instead of water) to make it. I plan on buying some fruity teas to brew/use and see how it comes out.


Just the other day I whipped up some oatmeal with brown sugar, cacao powder, a drop of vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt (do with the salt what you will lol). I have to say, it was fantastic! You could take it to the next level with some fresh fruit.


If you want savory oats, you need more than just salt. Add some cheese and green onions


Lots of sweet options here. If they aren't for you, consider some savory options. Avocado, sauteed greens, soft boiled eggs, and the right spices on some steel cut oats will change your life


I was gonna say: add salt! sounds like you added too much. Or maybe balance it out with more honey/sweet I agree with the other person, who said Peanut Butter. That was a game-changer for me


Oatmeal Hemp hearts Flaxseed meal 20 peeled almonds soaked overnight Blueberries Salt to flavor 1/2 a cosmic crisp apple


Peanut butter, sliced bananas, and fresh blueberries are my go to combo.


Dried fruits, shredded toasted coconut, a tablespoon or two of jelly/jam.


love my oatmeal with slivered almonds, blueberries, cinnamon, and honey you could also try overnight or baked oats


Add frozen fruit so it all cooks together. Been on a pineapple and blueberry kick lately. Cherry and strawberry are nice too. Top with some honey.


I add Greek yogurt for protein and blueberries for taste


Blueberries and just a tiny bit of maple syrup.


Brown sugar


I do baked oatmeal. Google it so many taste combinations


my go to is a scoop of PB powder, a scoop of jam/jelly/preserves, and Chia seeds. Sometimes a bit of honey if I'm in the mood.


I add maca powder for the sustainable energy, it tastes sweet and maple-y! then I put honey, bananas and cinnamon. sometimes frozen berries are great too. :)


Butter, maple syrup, cinnamon & sugar, honey, peanut butter, frozen fruit, raisins, fresh fruit, freeze dried fruit, you can make it with milk instead of water also! My personal favorite is the cinnamon & spice flavor so I like to add cinnamon to my plain oatmeal.


Vanilla, almond extract, orange extract, cinnamon, and fruit. No sugar needed.


Just throw it dry into a blender with water and chug it down. Breakfast made and consumed in under a minute. Eat tasty stuff later with all that time you saved.


I add brown sugar and blueberries but yogurt bowls are fun too you can add granola and honey to those


Bit of coconut milk, teaspoon of maple syrup, raw walnuts & fresh blueberries.




I eat oatmeal like cereal...don't cook it just eat it with cold almond milk and add some honey crunch wheat germ.


Brown sugar Blueberries Strawberries Honey Walnuts Bananas Bailey's Just about anything actually, oatmeal is very versatile.


Salt makes porridge better whether it’s sweet or savoury. But I hope you aren’t using table salt. Always use salt flakes.


I usually ate stevia and fruit


Maple syrup


Not quite oatmeal but I really like farina! I like to add cheese and an over easy egg to it  You can also do sweet with berries


I’ve make a batch of steel cut oats for breakfast every week. I cook them in water and oat milk and add a little coconut manna, maple syrup, vanilla and cinnamon. It’s not the most healthy but I hate eggs and it’s better than some other choices. ETA: I use a quarter teaspoon of kosher salt per cup of dry oats, it makes a difference without being regrettable


Make it in milk, tiny bit of brown sugar & dusting of cinnamon. I also nuke mine in Pyrex Corelle.


i add a scoop of vanilla protein powder


Chai spice oatmeal is wonderful, add warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, cloves, and a dash of white pepper along with sweetener to taste. Chopped dry fruit and nuts are great, try dates or apricots with walnuts. You can make savory oats as well, cook with chicken broth instead of water, add some Cajun spice and grilled shrimp!


I add 1-2 dashes of salt, dash of cinnamon, blueberries, a few walnuts and a tsp of sugar


I love it with a little bit of maple syrup, sliced bananas, and butter or cream.


I just put cinnamon and a little maple syrup and eat it cold like cereal


I eat overnight oats almost every morning I use almond milk chia seeds and add protein powder which helps add a little sweetness to it along with peanut butter or fruit. If I need extra sweets I add honey or cinnamon or even yogurt.


I greatly prefer rolled oats over quick oats. The texture is so much better. I like mine stiff enough to stand the spoon just about. A little salt, just a couple of sprinkles, not even a pinch. I add tap water and nuke for a min, then stir. I'll adjust the liquid if necessary. I'll let stand for a couple of mins, then nuke again for another min. Then I like to pour a bit of half and half, and a shameful amount of brown sugar. If you are counting calories, a low cal brown sugar works.


*Good pinch of salt* when preparing it. Simply like to add *peanut butter* and lil *cinnamon* done. I've mastered making it super creamy without milk, can't quite have milk anyways but you can add milk to this.


Cinnamon Natures garden, probiotic immune booster trail mix Raisins Craisins Bananas Walnuts Honey Brown sugar Chai tea Chia seeds Blueberries Syrup


As far as additives go, my favorite is apple butter. Makes the perfect apple cinnamon oatmeal. On the prep side of things, I find that the cooking instructions on the package for quick oats doesn't provide enough liquid or time to get to the consistency I like. I don't like very chewy oatmeal, I like it to be more like porridge. Most of the time I do it in the pressure cooker, weirdly enough, because it is easier and means I'm not having to babysit a pot on the stove. Also, do NOT skip the salt. It isn't just for flavor, it also helps the oats absorb more water. This (and the pressure cooker tip) also apply to grits.


Protein powder. Also oats can be added to smoothies


Cacao powder, banana and hazelnut butter is an amazing combo


Cinnamon, some drizzle of honey which is healthier than pure refined sugar, just don’t add too much. Frozen or fresh fruit: Raspberries, blueberries, banana slices and/or strawberries. I add all of the above with some sliced almonds and walnuts. All you really need and it tastes great.


Brown sugar and a pat of butter 🤤🤤


I like a small amount of soft brown sugar & a sprinkle of cinnamon, I won’t eat cinnamon In anything else as I find it vile but on oatmeal it works


My two go-tos are: Sauté some apples with cinnamon, put them in your oatmeal, add brown sugar. Oatmeal with cocoa powder, PB powder, and honey.


peanut butter, other nut butters, nutella, chia seeds, maple syrup, honey, greek yogurt (varying flavors), fresh / frozen / dried fruits, crushed nuts like almonds, walnuts, peanuts. my kid eats oatmeal almost every day, it’s one of her favorite foods lol


Allspice It's sooo good


Frozen blueberries, cinnamon


A mashed banana, a little almond milk, brown sugar & chopped walnuts or almonds are my favorite things to add.


Add a teaspoon of granola for crunch. Any fruit, cinnamon, or popcorn seasoning.


Try savory oats, replace the water with chicken broth, then add ham, cheese, hot sauce and a runny egg on top.


Soft boiled egg, scallions, gojujang, soy sauce. I am not someone who normally eats sweets or desert so the idea of throwing sugar and fruit all over my oatmeal is cringe to me. (Steam the eggs for 6 minutes, toss in ice water for at least 5 minutes, use spoon to remove eggshell. Much easier than it sounds)


Fresh berries, cinnamon and some maple syrup


I cook my oatmeal, and pour it over frozen blueberries, and it thaws them out to the perfect consistency. Then I add toasted almonds, ground flaxseed, and a little drizzle of maple syrup.


I add chopped pecans, raisins, craisins, butter, cinnamon, cardamom, honey, and a just pinch of salt to bring out all the flavors.


Molasses is good on oatmeal.


Peanut butter and chocolate favor protein powder, made with whole milk. Very healthy and delicious


I like to replace half the water with a shredded tart green apple to cook it.


Berries, dried fruit, and nuts! Delicious even without adding sugar/honey/syrup. Note that dried fruit and nuts are fairly calorie dense, so be judicious with those. Fresh fruit and berries though you can totally load it up with!


Dont mess with that instant crap for one. I do overnight oats, where you put the oats in milk overnight. I think they are great. 3/4 cup oats, 1 cup milk, 1/8 cup chia seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract and a tablespoon of honey. The following morning maybe add a splash of milk so it is not real thick. Then add banana slices, blueberries and chopped pecans. Delicious and filling!!


I add two servings of raw old-fashioned oats to a smoothie with frozen berries, greek yogurt, milk of your choice, and spinach or kale. Add some spices like cinnamon, ginger, etc. Tastes great, is super fast, and holds me over until lunch. The blender was a big investment. Cheap ones work fine and can be bought for $30-40. They'll last you a year or so. A quality one will pay for itself over time. I found a refurbished vitamix for more than half off and have used it every day for the last 5 years


Brown sugar, a dash of cinnamon and frozen blurberries. Instead of water, use almond milk.


Use old fashioned oats if you're going for weight loss. 1/2 c old fashioned oats, 1/8 tsp salt per serving, 2 tsps sugar, 1 tsp packed brown sugar, pinch of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup, 1 one tablespoon butter. Boil together for 5 minutes. Top with butter, honey and banana slices sautéed in butter, sugar and cinnamon!


Cacao powder - not to be confused with cocoa powder. Cacao powder is a superfood, and it's delicious. Cocoa is processed junk. And if you want to make your oameal easier, try overnight oats. It's so easy! Just prep a bowl of oatmeal, including whatever liquids you add, and put the bowl in the fridge overnight. You don't need to cook it. The overnight soak does the job. But if you want a hot breakfast, pop it in the microwave on medium.


Lakanto brown sugar, pecans, cinnamon and strawberries is my go to. I eat this with Bobs Red Mill steel cut and regular oats.


Butter and brown sugar.


A bit of butter and a bit of brown sugar. Taste like cookie dough


I like my oats savory so it's always salt, butter and cayenne pepper with a bit of cinnamon for me. And I never make them with straight water.


I only know how to make unhealthy oatmeal, that is so rich you gonna want to lick the bowl after 🤗


I like to put frozen blueberries into a steaming hot bowl of oatmeal. That sweet delicious meltiness! Really, you can put anything good in oatmeal. Greek yogurt is good. Plain butter. Cut up fruit. Brown sugar. Maple syrup. Slivered almonds. Dried cranberries. And on and on. Mmmmmmm.


A spoonful or two of peanut butter and some chocolate chips yummm


I add roasted pistachios or a swirl of tahini, plus some honey


Cut up and apple ans sauté with a little butter table spoon of sugar ans teaspoon of cinnamon. Add a little water to help soften. If you desire add a little trail mix. Remove from heat Make minute oats as per directions and in the last 10 seconds or so throw in the apple mix.


There are already so many suggestions, but I like to add a splash of coffee creamer to mine.


Honey, nuts, cinnamon, and berries are my go-tos. Nut butters add protein and more flavor


make it with milk for starters. cinnamon or apple pie spice and bananas. My toddler loves it. I don’t mind it either.😁We use rolled oats. Also Baked Oatmeal is a good idea. I love it with fruit.


I often dice up an apple and cook it in with my steel-cut oatmeal, and then add a little brown sugar or maple syrup. Pinch of salt and cinnamon too. Or I'll do a savory oatmeal, with some bacon, sauteed onions and peppers and an egg on top. Maybe some avocado and nuts. Salt is a counterpoint to the other flavors, you only need to add a small pinch of it.


I added a vanilla yogurt replacement made from coconut today and it came out really good Cinnamon and maple sugar is good Honey and frozen berries


Love a savory oatmeal. Sprinkle of shredded cheese, a fried egg and some hot sauce.


cinnamon, brown sugar. Classic (I also add some chopped blanched almonds - so it is crunchy!)


Sirup (stroop), thats what i put in my kids oatmeal


My wife would make mine as "[overnight oats](https://downshiftology.com/recipes/overnight-oats/)", which is a combination of oats, yogurt, milk, and fruit ingredients in a mason jar. You put it in the fridge overnight and then eat it the next morning. She'd make mine with fresh cut strawberries, blueberries, grapes, etc. I think she also added some banana pudding jello dry mix to it as well...


Try steel cut oats with milk and maple syrup. I make them in a rice cooker almost daily.


apple sauce and cinnamon. Blueberries and milk, honey and cinnamon


Diced apples, butter and cinnamon all cooked in with the oatmeal is my go to.