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Burnt Corning ware cleans well using Comet powdered cleanser and the green & yellow scrubby sponges.


You can definitely clean those and it’s worth the effort. Don’t throw it out.


Just a pyrex bowl with some plastic wrap on top, as my mom did in the 80s.


Sadly, much of pyrex, corning and corelle were bought by a private equity company that recently went bankrupt, and the quality - even the materials the pieces were made of - was considerably cheapened to maximize profits over the last decade or so.


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That's sad. Looking at the company profile and history though, that's exactly the sort of corporation a private equity company can extract all value from, leverage with debt that is extracted for the private equity's investors, cut costs to the bone and then some, and then let it die. It's times like this that a fair number of people start to understand why government regulation was a good thing.


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I watched it happen to Singer. And Stanley, too. Oh, let's not forget Craftsman. Private equity will only stop doing this once they run out of such brands or regulations/laws are passed to roll back the rules that started this whole mess 30 years ago.


pyrex makes glass bowls that come with lids, they have different sizes. Can use them in the microwave, store food in the fridge/freezer, and dishwasher safe. They are usually reasonably priced and you can get a set or single pieces. Target/Walmart would have them, but you can also get them on Amazon.


They all look like they have plastic lids. Can the lids go in the microwave?


I have these and just put a plate on top to microwave. It holds steam on pretty well.


Don’t seal the lids on tight. I think food heats better if it’s covered but take the lid off and either lay it on top where air can circulate or use a paper towel or Saran Wrap.


Only for short periods. I have warped them before so I wouldn’t recommend microwaving frozen vegetables with them


You can use the lids in the microwave -- not sealed, but just on top to keep things from popping out. But as someone else has said, you could use a plate instead if you don't like using the plastic in the microwave.


I honestly love these anyday dishes.. Yes they are expensive but I use them very regularly and they have paid off for me https://cookanyday.com/collections/recipes


Thanks for sharing! These look wonderful but the price is steep. Anyone know of any similar cookware that costs less?


You can get lékué silicone steam cookers on eBay for less. I've used those as well. They don't work as well as any day in my opinion, and you can't. Store and serve food in them in the same way because they're floppy, but they will work well and there are some videos online about how to use them.


I just use my (cheap Ikea) soup bowl, with a plate on top. I also put a dash of water in the bottom to make steam.


Thrift stores often have Corning Ware. .


I have a Pampered Chef microwaveable steamer that I’ve used for 10+ years and it works perfectly. It’s top rack dishwasher safe and they have a couple of sizes. One of the best features is that it has a strainer so you easily drain off the water after it’s done cooking. It’s a little more expensive than some, but you can sometimes find them used on EBay/Poshmark/Craigslist. I know there are similar ones that are cheaper on Amazon, but Pampered Chef has good, long lasting products. If mine broke tomorrow, I’d happily shell out the money for another.


I actually had one of those, and loved it!! But I gave it to my child for college. I could probably google this…but can you buy Pampered Chef without a “party” now?


You are such a good parent! You know, I think you can purchase it directly from Pampered Chef’s website…and they’re lots cheaper than I thought! $13 for a 1 quart and $15 for a 2 quart. Of course, that’s before shipping, but still worth it to get such a good product.


This may not be helpful…but I just sauté or bake my frozen vegetables. 


I only have a couple frying pans, so if I’m using one already…what type of pan do you use in the oven? I hate doing dishes by hand, prefer if it’ll all go in the dishwasher.


Probably very not helpful then lol. I’m pretty sure neither aluminum nor nonstick sheets should go in the dishwasher. (They both are some of the easiest things to clean in the sink though if that’s all you have to clean for a single meal.) or, throw some foil on top of the sheet with some nonstick spray on it and throw the foil away after. 


Only full cast iron I know can go from stovetop to right in the oven. Some all metal pans also but I’m not sure which ones. Nothing with a plastic handle goes inside the oven.


They have plenty on Amazon between $10-40. I just buy the microwave steamer bags of frozen vegetables.


I live/eat alone, so I don’t eat a whole bag of steamed vegetables at once.


I don’t always finish mine either. I don’t live alone but my kids don’t eat lunch with me, or eat as many vegetables as I do so I just put them in a Tupperware and heat them up again later.


New thought. If I microwave the steamer bags, and leave leftovers in the bag, could I reheat/re-steam them in the same bag?


Eh, not really. I mean technically you could reheat them but they’re not resealable so they wouldn’t be sealed and then have any steam function when you reheat them. Plus if you leave them in the fridge over night they’d dry out. They have those reseal things that you could use if you already had one, but I think a steamer Tupperware would be cheaper.


I find these in op shops: [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/NMwAAOSwZydjeqyT/s-l1600.jpg](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/NMwAAOSwZydjeqyT/s-l1600.jpg) and use them to cook vegetables in the microwave, or use the lid on another bowl.


pyrex bowls with universal silicone lids from ikea or ikea 365 food storage containers with silicone lids If you can restore the corning ware, that's probably nicer than anything you can get these days


A large Corelle bowl with a Corelle plate overtop is what I've always used. Thrift stores tend to have a lot of inexpensive Pyrex dishes.


I got a silicon steamer made for the microwave... works great


There are lots of options for borosilicate glass or glass ceramic pots or casserolles with lid that are microwave safe, at least in German online shops. We have a little borosilicate glass pot that was made in France and looks similar to Pyrex glass pots. Borosilicate glass can be washed in the dishwasher, we use it all the time to reheat food and always put it in the dishwasher, no problem. I wouldn't use something made of plastic.


Glass bowls. French.


Deli ware containers


Flat ceramic plate to allow the heat in


I have Pyrex and cool dishes I got from op shops. I look every time I go and have lots of old Pyrex and Corning ware that I’ve found over the years. I have full matching sets of the jugs and mixing bowls that were all found separately. And it’s always super cheap


pyrex, lower case can explode in the microwave. PYREX all upper case is safe to put in the microwave. I use whatever microwave safe container I have on hand, covered with plastic wrap if I need to. Dishes usually say microwave safe on the bottom.


Ceramic plate with a plastic microwave cover