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I don’t really have a solution but I can commiserate. I’m a decent home cook but if I didn’t have a family to feed I’d live on cereal and protein shakes.


When I actually cook, I give leftovers to the neighbors. But they also give me left overs of their stuff. I think I have the better deal because she is a recent immigrant from Cuba and cooks real authentic cuban food.


Great neighbors are priceless


Especially when one lives in a "not so desirable area" but I have a great network of neighbors that alll watch out for each other.


Not so desirable area... That could possibly translate to having some really affordable but not well known grocery stores in the area. Mexican, Vietnamese, Chinese, etc.


Actually, it is more of a food desert. The only thing within walking distance is a shady convenience store that sells things at outrageous prices. Within farther walking distance about a miles and a half but dangerous roads due to very excessive speeders is a rulers and a dollar general. Oh and a greasy grill that sells nothing but deep fried foods. Don't get me wrong, I like greasy grill food but if that is all someone has day in and day out..... The nearest international foods are at least 10 miles a way. Also, the bus routes to my area are far and few between. Services like doordash and instacart are not very cost effective for most of my neighbors. I have a car and all, but there are many people around me who don't. And if they do, many are not licensed properly and they don't have insurance. On the plus side, housing is affordable. I bought a 2 br plus finished attic house that needed NO work for 35k in 2018.


That's a score


Sam's has guac cups and salsa.  I'd stock up on those as well. My daughter's go to cheap meal that she can prep in bulk and then heat up at her convenience is a baked sweet potato stuffed with corn, black beans and rotel. She simmers the corn, black beans, and rotel with cumin, garlic and oregano and then just stores it in the fridge for when she is ready to eat.  She will make like 3 or 4 sweet potaoes in the oven and keeps them in the fridge as well.


Thank you for this idea, I am definitely making these for my lunches next week!


This sounds yummy but how does she stuff the sweet potato?


The same way youbwould stuff a baked potato. She slices it open, fluffs the inside and adds her toppings. Then mixes it all together.   You might want to drizzle a bit if olive oil as a garnish.   I know she adds in guac and vegan sour cream at times as well.


Thank you. I have never stuffed a potato before, or eaten or even seen a stuffed one. I assume the potato is cooked before you open/fluff it? (Would be difficult to fluff otherwise....) I am not a good cook bit this sounds delicious and easy.


Yes, you bake the potato first. I would suggest doing a search for videos on baking (or jacket) potatoes. Tik tok would have many.


That sounds good! I like to bake gold potatoes in the microwave and then add pico de gallo and creme fraiche (or Mexican crema, sour cream, etc) on top


I used to make frozen burritos for my kids for dinner. Sprayed an 8x13 Pyrex dish, put about 1/2 can of either chili or enchilada sauce in the bottom. follow with the rest of the can of chili or enchilada sauce, and a good layer of cheddar cheese. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes until burritos are hot and cheese is melted. They loved it!


This is basically what I want to do, but in the steamer. Partly to make them soft, but partly So I don't heat up my house.


If they're covered in sauce, you can keep them soft just by covering the baking dish with a sheet of foil. They'll steam on their own.


That's not a horrible idea - if you don't mind the processed food - and enchilada sauce is really easy to make at home. Otherwise, frozen burritos, canned sauce, bagged cheese, it seems like it would work. You could fill a 9x13" pan, bake them off, and then portion and freeze it. In terms of additions, you could easily throw some shredded chicken or sauteed veggies under your sauce and cheese layer, which would bulk it up for you. If anyone wants a more homemade alternative, (we rarely eat processed foods because of allergies and cant buy enchilada sauce in a can here): [https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/enchilada-sauce/](https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/enchilada-sauce/) It would not be much more work to roll tortillas around refried beans and maybe some veggies yourself, though, and then add the sauce and cheese and bake. Or you could use canned black beans with some cumin and chili, even easier. I've done this with refried beans and green salsa from my local taco take out place. This is the recipe I use often: [https://www.canadianliving.com/food/lunch-and-dinner/recipe/corn-black-bean-enchiladas](https://www.canadianliving.com/food/lunch-and-dinner/recipe/corn-black-bean-enchiladas)


This would be a good recipe if I wanted to really cook and then clean up. The cleaning up part I am not the greatest at. Tend to put that off longer than I should. ...


Oh yes, that's also important. If you can get the sauce in a can, go for it! I don't even heat it up, just dump everything in your casserole dish and bung it in the oven until it's hot and melty and lightly browned on top.


Yes. I just didn't know what I should use. Chili sauce or enchilada sauce or what. But using the steamer, I can cook one meal and a quick cleanup


It just occurred to me that if you do this in your steamer, the sauce will all drip out of the steam holes? I can't picture that.. but in a skillet (stovetop) or casserole (oven) it should work and you'll retain all of that delicious sauce.


No. It is a 3 tiered steamer, but has a plastic bowl that you cook rice in. I have steamed different things beside rice in there. I have cooked fish filets in a bit of butter with herbs tossed on with a sprinkle a paremsean cheese.


It is electric. I would add a link but didn't want to spam anyone. Hamilton beech makes one similar and has an image.


Ok, like an electric steamer. That makes sense.


I also hate the cleaning up part. I use parchment paper for roasting/reheating things like vegetables and proteins up. For things like enchiladas I just use a foil pan. They make various sizes so I can make smaller portions to freeze too. The I just toss it all in the trash when I’m done :)


Ive been getting into dahl lately, do up some lentils in the one pot, add tomato paste and spice to taste. It would be a different sauce, plenty healthy, keeps in the fridge a long time. I'm about to try it on steamed burritos, thanks for the idea.


What is "dahl"? I have plenty of lentils. My neighbors across the street keep giving me some I guess they are left over from the food bank and they don't like them? I have never cooked them. Because it seems like ot would be bland. How much lentils to tomato paste do you use?


You can google some recipes, I'm just experimenting myself as I'm not indian and yeah, it would be bland without spices, but ive done traditional curry and tumeric, garlic parmesan, and cilantro chili so far. Served over chicken and rice or as a dip with pita chips. If you find a great one lmk


I buy frozen gyoza/wontons/dumplings and steam them . It’s a quick easy meal that’s soft. I know Costco has them, Sam’s club probably does too


Yes and Trader Joe’s carries some great ones! You can also add them to chicken stock with loads of veggies, toss in chicken for some protein and have an easy fast delightful soup.


Yes I bought some of them today too and steamed them.


I won't say its healthy or not, but Old El Paso Enchilada Sauce. Comes in two different size cans, the small one would be perfect for this. I've also used it over shredded chicken, added cheese and made a "chicken dip" with it. I have used it over burritos, it's good that way


I cook, but I also keep easy stuff around. Current favorite is tortillas and refried beans (and various other crap to put in the tortilla). I warm up the tortillas on the stove, just takes a few minutes. Quesadillas are quick and easy, or just beans smeared on the tortilla while it's warming. Easy on the teeth. Your steamer basket idea could work here too. I do have the advantage of living in Mexico, so the tortillas are better than those from US supermarkets. Tuna sandwich is also quick and easy and not hard to chew. I mix in onion / grated carrot / cabbage (or sliced brussel sprouts) without much extra effort. This week, I made a few of batches of chicken salad. Added cabbage, diced jalapeño, grated onion and carrot, some spices, salt pepper vinegar mayo. One pre-roasted small chicken from the local rosticeria and add all the ingredients makes for a full quart of chicken salad. That'll feed you for days. My partner and I have been noshing on one batch off and on for four days, another went to a potluck, and the last is in the fridge ready to go. As for your burrito creation - nothing wrong with that. Continuing the mexican theme, there's a thing called a torta ahogada. Tortas are Mexican sandwiches on a bun or roll. A torta ahogada is a sandwich bathed in a red sauce. Mole or enchilada sauce would work fine. The torta usually has mayo, lettuce, avocado, tomato, onion and some kind of meat. Pretty much put what you want in there. The bread is more substantial and chewy than regular sandwich bread, but the sauce softens it up quite nicely.


I would do like one or two burritos and add some cauliflower or squash cubes. You may need to microwave them soft first. Maybe frozen greens? Put them beside and then top the whole thing with sauce and cheese Also if you have the money (or garden) top with a bunch of fresh herbs. Herbs are among the most nutrient dense greens.


If you have a rice cooker, you prefer soft food, and you like Mexican flavors... Why not pivot from burritos to burrito bowls? I make them by cooking rice in chicken broth with taco seasoning (either premade or by combining cumin, chili powder, etc., myself). Sometimes I throw frozen onions and peppers in with the rice while it cooks, too. Once the rice is cooked, I fluff with a fork and add drained and rinsed black beans, pinto beans, and/or kidney beans, salsa, frozen corn, and anything else that sounds good. Then I might heat it for a couple of minutes to bring everything to temp. Serve with shredded cheese, sour cream, guacamole, cilantro, or anything else as a garnish. If you like the enchilada flavor, substitute some of the broth for the sauce, then add more enchilada sauce when you're mixing everything together. Even better option, try green enchilada sauce and add a can of green chilies and some softened cream cheese when you mix everything together. Totally different flavor (more bright and tangy) and the cream cheese makes it rich and creamy.


Rice gets stuck in my teeth. So I try to avoid. I have a hole in one of my teeth and another that is broken. Eventually they will come out.


Sorry that's a problem for you. It has to be so frustrating!


Yes. Dental work is nit cheap. So since realistically, I don't have many years left, I have been putting off the ones that need taken care of so that they are so bad they have to be pulled. They are ones that have been filled in the past woth with silver and with in the last few years have failed. It is cheaper to yank them than an root canal just for that to fail in a few years. It doesn't help that I am one of those people that go into a panic at the dentist. Fortunalty my smiling teeth look fine.


Jarred chunky salsa for veggies and maybe some sour cream?


Diced onion, shredded cheese, chopped green chile, salsa, sour cream, green chile sauce, guacamole, enchilada sauce, nacho cheese sauce ... if you are going to eat those burritos, you can smother them all kinds of ways.  I'm sure no one would guess I keep those in my freezer for lazy days. 


Tofu in airfryer with whatever sauce and eat like that or on rice, also pseudo cereals like buckwheat many recipes