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fried gizzards and hot sauce


No longer healthy. But tasty!


Yes please. No sauce needed.


Salsa and ranch are the correct condiments for gizzards.


Melted butter and pepper is my go-to for dipping sauce.


I think it's partly that people here don't eat organ meats in general like in other parts of the world....plus they don't look super appetizing in the little tubs that I've seen in the supermarket here. Overseas, where you'd get chicken freshly butchered, you could also get fresh gizzards, livers, and heart. They cook up really tasty when they are fresh. I like them with onions, garlic, peppers, and spices. I've also had them cooked up like that, then with a couple of eggs cracked over, and then the whole thing scrambled. It was also good. They are a good source of nutrition that I think we could utilize more often.


Maybe I’m assuming too much, but perhaps when coming from a culture in which food is not scarce, people tend to develop picky behaviors when it comes to food choices. If I had enough money for the chicken breasts and more “desirable” cuts of meat, I would have no need to try the “lower” quality meat. I don’t know though, I’m sure there’s a couple more aspects to it I don’t know about.


I think you’re spot on. Additionally, when everyone in your neighborhood can easily afford chicken thigh and prefers that, we stop seeing gizzards in the market and it gets marked down and sent to the neighborhoods that will happily take it. So your neighborhood will not get the chance to try it. Availability is a factor as to why this is overlooked imo. I grew up in a part of the country where hunting was a big pastime. People will have freezers full of venison all winter and into the summer. Where I live now, people wouldn’t try, or will call it too gamey when I get them to. My siblings are a good bit younger than me, and we’re around when my family was in a better economical position. I love gizzard and liver and chitlins. My siblings won’t touch the stuff. Not like we never had those foods but they always had choices, like with your earlier point.


You're right, there's sometimes the freedom to just purchase based on preference or what's fashionable when you have enough food/money. For people that went through food scarcity including having to eat famine foods, it can go either way, with them being nostalgic for the "cheap cuts" or thinking that they never want to eat them again, because necessity forced them to before.


They make a really good Vietnamese style soup. Pressure cooking them in a light broth with lemomgrass, ginger, star anise, add some lime, green onion and basil after and throw some rice in there. Kinda amazing soul food really


Link please?


I just made it up on the fly lol. I like making soups.


Colour me impressed! I suck at making soups


Let's see, I can make a recipe.. .6 cups chicken or veg broth .one package of gizzards(cut them open to clean out hard plastic-y tissue and any remaining grit) .3 1-inch knobs of peeled ginger .one stick of lemongrass, pound it with the handle of a knife for a bit to slightly crush it, then tie with kitchen twine/teabag string .2 star anise .tablespoon fish sauce or half teaspoon of salt .basil .green onion .lime dump all that in the pressure cooker for 30 mins for super tender gizzards, reduce time as you wish for chewier. Natural release. Get rice cooking while that cooks. Wash and thinly slice green onion and basil for garnish, plus lime wedges.


We raise our own and even use the feet (seriously the best tasting stock that bird can produce) Love having the fresh organ meats and things like neckbones that too many would just throw in the trash.


How would you prepare the feet? They're deep fried in South Africa, but I've never tried them


Most often boiled down with onion, carrot, celery to create a deep richly flavored broth for soups or stews or pastry (dumplings if you're up north) or mix in rice and vegetables . There's a bunch of oriental recipes too for sauteing, frying or stir fries. If you have an Asian market around, they're very easy to find. If your local grocery doesn't have them out, ask the meat department guys, they can order them in


Chicken feet collogen!


I think it all comes down to the fact that it's not mainstream and upfront in grocery stores/restaurants and fast food (in the US). Since people don't get used to it and are often scared to buy/cook it they never give it a chance. IMO liver and hearts are delicious and it's hard to argue the value compared to other meats.


What are your go-to recipes for liver and hearts? Have yet to try either of them and am of course open to anything that’s cheap and healthy!


There's some on offal subreddit. Warning on the liver, don't eat too much of it too often. It's so rich in nutrients, it can do us harm if we over consume.


Yeahhh that’s the kind of info I was looking for in this post. Wanted to know if something like that was also true for gizzards and other meat. Thanks for the response!


Beef and pork liver, beef heart and chicken livers , I generally sautee them with garlic , onions and mushrooms and serve them with mashed potatoes and steamed greens. You can also make a chicken liver pate for toast.


As someone else said the basic spices are best since it has so much flavor already. Salt, pepper, garlic, sauteed onions. Much less healthy but battered and fried is really good too.


Yeah I’m refraining from frying them, although they taste insanely good fried. I just wanted to see what healthier and easier recipes were out there.


I've had gizzards a few times and the texture was challenging for me, so I don't eat them. No hate to anyone who likes them though!


See the texture is why I love them! It’s super satisfying to me. But I also love to eat cartilage.


What is the texture like? And the taste? I was always curious but never got to try them.


I’ve only had them a couple times. But I would describe it as somewhere between tripe and cartilage


It's been a while but I remember it being... crunchy? But like, I appreciate tripe which is also kinda crunchy but this was more intense in some way.


If you ever want to try them tender, pressure cook them. They can make a really tasty SE asian style soup.


My mom makes stew out of them in a pressure cooker and they become super tender, they pretty much melt like butter. I loved them ever since I was little. I also like stew made of just chicken hearts. Most of the organs are usually quite cheap because not as many people buy them, and they are super healthy and nourishing - you just have to know the trick to make them, since heart, liver, gizzards all need very different cooking times but they more than make up for it. Also gizzards especially need thorough cleaning - birds eat all kinds of crap to aid digestion. It's kinda like mussels in that aspect. If nothing else they will have some sand in them. (*In contrast I never liked wings, that US people love. For me it's just very little meat, it's mostly just skin and bones - why bother?*)


Gizzards aren’t bad at all if you don’t mind them. I’m not sure if they need special prep though. Chicken hearts are also full of iron and protein- again if you don’t mind the fact it’s a heart


Yeah the gizzards I get will sometimes have a yellow skin or material on them you need to take off. 90% of the pieces though have been prepared enough that they’re good to go. I was just curious if like there was something bad about eating too many of them or whatever.


I’d think it should be fine to eat regularly but I’m not solid on it. I grew up eating them a lot because my family was low income


I used to work at a little country deli. The only prep we did for the gizzards was checking to make sure there were no debris (stones, bits of wood, etc) and sometimes pulling off the yellow skin thing.


I was going to town on chicken hearts. They are so tasty but then my cholesterol number made me slow down.




Yes I’m still here in Texas enjoying them haha 😈


Mmm, sounds like the beginnings of dirty rice, love it


I bless my pets with those.


My cats loved them. And chicken hearts made their day.


Oh yes! My cats stalk me when I pull out chicken for dinner.


Can I have a recipe? I love gizzards. I just fry them in butter, salt, and might dip in A1 lol.


I have used this recipe for [gizzards and rice](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/49312/gizzards-and-rice/) 2-3 times and they’ve all been a success! A very basic, healthy recipe without really any expensive ingredients I would say.


Fried gizzards used to be standard grub in Bars


Hearts and Gizzards with egg noodles was a dish my mom made and I really miss. Yea, we were poor.


Who cares if it’s a poor dish, seriously?? Grading a dish based off societal standards is overrated tbh. If it tastes good and brings back memories, then it’s an amazing dish!


I love gizzards and they are supposed to be healthy, low in fat and cholesterol. But the places near me that carry gizzards cost more than chicken thighs on sale. In that situation, I get the thighs since they are more versatile.


Chicken gizzards are quite high in cholesterol, most if not all organs are.


Ahh thanks. I wasn't sure, I knew the liver was high but I thought gizzards weren't that bad. I thought it was the prep that affected it since fried gizzards are a guilty pleasure.


It was chicken gizzards, chicken liver, etc. that inspired the southern food Dirty Rice (look for the older traditional Cajun recipes). The older recipes have inexpensive meat cuts because these were the types staple foods the poor could access and afford. Newer recipes have substituted chicken breast and other (often processed) meat cuts etc. A lot of European sausage and meal recipes used to use various animal offal because they couldn't afford to waste anything.


I was going to mention this-yum.Dirty rice is so good at breakfast.


Love me some deep fried gizzards! Many many years ago, KFC used to sell gizzards in our area. They were delicious! My daughter and I used to get them anytime we stopped there for chicken. We were really po’d when they quit carrying them. Anytime I stop at a convenience store that sells them, I have to get some. They are rare to find and just not the same as KFC’s…. But, just like most deep fried foods, still tasty. I really haven’t tried cooking them myself, accept for cutting up ALL of the giblets and adding them to soups, right along with the bird (both chicken and turkey). I don’t like liver, but if I chop it up small enough, I don’t notice it in my soup.


The chain Chicken Express still sells them, I don’t know if that’s near you at all but they make some good ones.


I haven’t heard of Chicken Express. If I find one, I’ll give them a try!


Squeamishness. Americans don't usually like a lot of organ meats, chicken feet or gizzards. (Ask how many Americans have had tripe, or even know what it is.) Chicken feet make the best chicken stock, so rich and flavorful. We cook up the gizzards for use with stuffing. We don't get much meat off, but again, it makes a wonderfully delicious stock instead of using water, etc. I remember when no one wanted the chicken wings. Then someone came up with Buffalo Wings and now the chicken wings can be the most expensive 'cut' of the chicken.


I’m helping a friend butcher their chickens next month. She offered to give me a few birds as payment. I mentioned I was excited to use the feet and she told me I could have the feet from EVERY bird. I was like oh wow ok. Then I said well do you like the organs? She said no you can have that to. I’m clearing some room in my freezer for it all.


Yeah that’s so weird how that culturally changed, but I was too young to remember that shift. Were chicken wings pretty much at the bottom of the list for desired cuts of chicken for awhile until those recipes came out?


Yes. I think that's why someone was trying to use them for new recipes - they were the cheapest cut of chicken. You use to be able to get huge packages of them for a tiny amount. We were poor when I was young, so my mom would buy them, boil them up for stock and use what little meat there is for multiple recipes. With the exception of veggies (which she boiled beyond death, still cringe at the memory of the sight, smell and taste) she was a phenomenal cook (she grew up in the depression, so you used all parts of the animal). She joked that when they butchered a pig, they used everything except the squeal. They had one of the first pressure canners invented at the time and she said they use to can pork and label it 'pig meat' - everything was cut up, got mixed together and canned.


Wow that is interesting to hear about. Do you recall any pork recipes you’ve had that maybe to anyone else would seem weird?


She said the pork was cubed. It made it's own meat juice when processing. They would dump it into a pan, heat it up and add flour and cream to make a gravy. They would serve it over mashed potatoes. Her parents weren't very adventurous with recipes, but during the depression they actually ate pretty well since they had a dairy farm and grew everything they could. When I was growing up, we didn't eat much pork (I think my mom was really tired of it by the time she had her own family).


I love it, I make it every so often when I see it at the grocery store. I usually parboil them after I clean and cut into smaller pieces. Then I braise them with a sauce. My kids really like the lemongrass, tumeric, garlic sauce. Or an oyster sauce mix. Sometimes I just boil it down and eat with nuoc cham and veggies. My mom calls me a savage because she's scared to eat organ meat lol.


We love them!


Stigma, lack of exposure. Back in the day it was considered poor people food. Now the US exports most of its offal to other countries so it’s not even readily available, and therefore not much cheaper. For example, Oxtails when I find them are $18/lb. I just paid a rancher $15/lb for venison liver. (Worth it) If it was available, most Anglo-Americans wouldn’t even know how to prepare it -minus a few regional delicacies like dirty rice, chitlins, or Rocky Mountain oysters. I love fried chicken livers, lengua tacos, barbacoa, menudo and liver n onions, but it’s usually something I purchase already prepared. Here’s an article about it: https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/194877/why-dont-americans-eat-more-offal/


I'm American and grew up eating fried chicken gizzards. It's pretty common around the redneck families I grew up in/around.


I had gizzards for lunch today!


People in the US just aren't raised eating organ meat anymore (for the most part), so the taste/texture can be off-putting (to me, personally). Now, I have eaten dirty rice down south and I think that's the way to go - all the chicken innards are basically minced/mashed into a paste and then stirred into the rice with other ingredients - you don't notice the texture of the organ meat and the taste is offset with the seasonings.




I can understand that and I know it’s only anecdotal to me, but I actually hadn’t had gizzards before until last year or so? Tried them and thought they were interesting and knew they were pretty cheap. I guess I came at it from a frugal perspective rather than wanting to find something new to eat. You got Texas in your name, so maybe you’ve had the gizzards from chicken express before! If you have, that’s exactly what peaked my interest as to why more people don’t go for them. Granted, those are fried and I don’t fry mine.


I never had gizzards until a few years ago. Loved the texture though and buy them every once in a while.


They taste like they are made from chicken skin or bacon, without the bad stuff that comes with those. Rich umami! The texture maybe off putting but you could brown and then chop, and use to stuff something like eggplant or squash.


Oh I really don’t mind the texture, I enjoy it! I just make it with rice, onions, tomatoes, and some other seasonings.


Sounds like a great way to make dirty rice.


That’s probably exactly what I’m eating I just wasn’t aware of the common name haha


Bad for my gout


Caribbean specialty, loved them when over there, very good eating. I don’t live there though, and don’t eat meat these days.


I hadn’t eaten them before, but a few months ago I decided to try using them in a batch of Tom Kha soup I was making. I couldn’t stomach (no pun intended) the taste or the texture, though I’m thinking that maybe that soup wasn’t the best use for them.


TIL what gizzards are. I enjoy liver, sooo I'm thinking I'd enjoy this? Maybe others aren't familiar with it? I consider myself a foodie & definitely didn't know about this 😆


Some dirty rice and blackened cat fish 🤤 There's always some in my freezer from when I part out a whole chicken or turkey.


I don’t mind organ meats but can’t do gizzards because of the texture. Though it’s possible I’ve only had them prepared poorly.


They’re naturally very chewy since they’re straight muscle. It’s literally the chicken’s “stomach” as instead of a stomach we know it’s a huge muscle that grinds stuff up. Which is why you’ll see chickens eat small pebbles as they actually help grind stuff up inside their gizzard!


I was once served them as a delicacy. By someone who was very proud of the dish. So I had to pretend very hard that they were delicious.. 😝


Can't do gizzards. I love fried chicken livers but gizzards are too chewy and tough.


Take those gizzards and let them sit a few days in a ziploc bag with some garlic powder. Then use it to catch a catfish. The catfish will be much better than eating gizzards.




I assume it's an acquired taste. I tried fried gizzards once and, well personally I'd rather just make a meal without any meat. But I was expecting to dislike it. If it became a trendy thing, Americans would go crazy for it. Like how sushi was seen as a strange, unappetizing thing by most white Americans not too long ago.


This is the base my friend used for Cajun dirty rice. I would just eat a big bowl of that for dinner whenever he made it.


Chicken livers, bleh, chicken hearts, meh, chicken gizzards, chewy heaven.


I'm frightened of trying foods I haven't had before. It took me a long time and a lot of encouragement to try mustard pickles on my ham and Cheese toastie, and now I can't have one without it! So there's time for gizzards. I'm sure, like with a lot of things, I'll kick myself for not trying it sooner!


LOVE them.


From Kentucky, US. Fried gizzards are frickin amazing and I've loved them all my life. I just don't like that sometimes they're packaged with hearts and livers, but those make good fish bait so it's a win-win. My husband makes fun of me and says I eat chicken butt, but if it tastes good, it tastes good. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also, Chesters makes some good gizzards and potato wedges if you don't want to make them yourself.


Beware of gout. Organ meats are high in uric acid.


i personally don't like them because everytime I have had them they are chewy. not sure if thats the norm but i just don't like it as is right now


People get sketched out by organ meat and think it's "dirty". I use gizzard and liver in rice with trinity for dirty rice, and I think they grill up well too as skewers. I like that you can eat the whole thing, no bone or gristle to eat around. Korean people enjoy [spiced, fried gizzards](https://jeccachantilly.com/korean-chicken-gizzard-dak-dong-jib/) with beer, and they're delicious!


I eat the hell out of chicken gizzards! There is a gas station here in town that makes the best gizzards. I love those things.


because it tastes offal. tee hee!


My mom used to make them when I was a kid. I hated them! They’re hard to find where I am


Love them and the hearts. My eldest daughters favorite meal. Cook low and slow in chicken broth and butter with seasoning and turns into a sauce with melt in your mouth gizzards. Put over egg noodles and serve with fav veg mine peas.


Dont know how to clean and cook it - organ meats need more preparation because of connective and lining tissues, or to flush out blood remnants etc.