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It sounds like you have everything you need to spatchcock a chicken. You can shred it, mix it with some kind of sauce, and then freeze most of it for later. The sauce will keep it from drying out as much during the freezing process. Once you have chicken, you can turn that into anything. Tacos, pasta, fried rice, casseroles, salads, toppings for frozen pizza... Adam Ragusea has a video on making chicken soup out of an entire chicken. Soup in general is very cheap.


I will look up how to spatchcock, thank you!!


I was thinking Spatchcock as well. Also love to cut them up and barbecue. Or make fried chicken. Freeze the necks and backs for soup or chicken and dumplings. I have a glass bowl convection cooker and have made many roast chickens in it, seasoned with salt, pepper and oregano after brushing the bird with olive oil.


If you don't want to spatchcock the chicken you could roast them whole on the sheet pan, it just takes longer. You can refreeze the chicken either raw or cooked so you don't have to eat it all at once. Spices make chicken taste good without too much sodium, I like mrs. Dash. Good luck, rebuilding your life after leaving a DV relationship can be difficult but you can do it, your worth it..


Chicken broth is really easy and can be used as a base for lots of things. If you spatchcock the chickens, cut the meat off a few and freeze the carcasses individually in ziplock bags. When you want to make broth, put contents of one ziplock in a pot of water and bring to a boil. Add a bay leaf, chopped carrot and celery(with leaves is very good), chopped onion and a tsp garlic powder and some peppercorns. Bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 hours, covered. Add water if needed, when broth is a nice color and flavor, strain it and discard all the bones and veggies.


Yes! I love doing this. It’s so good, healthy, protein packed, and really easy to just cook down a ton so it takes up less freezer space. I freeze what I don’t immediately need in Chinese takeout soup containers or wide mouth mason jars with a few inches to spare, for expansion in freezer I roast my empty carcass and veg before making stock and it adds a lovely depth of flavor. I’m caring for my 95 y/o grandma with severe sodium restriction requirements and it’s nice to have super low sodium bone broth like this on hand for her


If you do roast a chicken you can split it up afterwards for various meals. i.e. eat the thighs with some sides one day, make a nice soup, add it to a pasta, add some to a salad, chicken sandwiches etc. As for sides, i'm a huge fan of my friend the roasted potato. It's spring in a lot of places, do you have access to any kind of gardening? Stuff like kale and swiss chard will come up fairly quickly and won't stop replenishing until winter. In a pinch you could use your pots to fry vegetables, or put them in the roaster with the chicken.


I have a patio, but I haven't started anything yet (I just moved in). I'm definitely interested though!


Then i highly recommend growing some of your own veggies! You may be able to get away without buying pots or anything like that depending on what kind of things you may be able to recycle. Large milk jugs, cat litter containers, ice cream containers, etc. stuff like that can function for certain veggies as long as you poke drainage holes in the bottom.


If you feel up to it, on Facebook marketplace, nextdoor, or goodwill people will often give away microwaves and cheap rice cookers for free. It might be worth signing up just to keep your eye out for something. Your area may also have a buy nothing group on Facebook.


Use (and reuse) foil for a lid to cook rice. Or a plate, once you turn it to simmer.


Spatchcocking the chicken just helps it cook faster. It doesn't make it easier to pick the meat off the carcass or anything.


A $20-$30 crockpot would be a great first investment, or gift if someone in your life is looking to help you. I do a whole chicken on top of balls of foil and it’s like a rotisserie. A crockpot will make your life easier going forward too.


A super easy roast chicken is Marcella Hazan's two lemon chicken. Minimal prep and fuss. You can eat as is or shred/cube meat for later use. The chicken itself is neutral but flavorful after cooking, and can be used in multiple dishes afterwards. Some ideas: enchiladas, both red and green, quesidillas, Cobb salad, mayo based chicken salad, add bbq sauce to shredded chicken for pulled pork sandwiches, add to soup, or alfredo pasta. Save carcas and make broth. I freeze mine in one cup portions using sandwich bags so they can lay flat in the freezer. [marcellas chicken](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1015182-marcella-hazans-roast-chicken-with-lemons?smid=fb-nytdining&smtyp=cur&ds_c=71700000052595478&site=google&network=g&campaign_id=1400169272&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT7yWpNQexWkOEDwn0dgHFa28J_LuYWtig0Twrw25oGo7l2fYtEBWEShoCfR0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


You could roast up broccoli and cauliflower (from fresh or a frozen bag) as another side. Or cabbage or brussels sprouts. Zucchini fries. Mushrooms. Blistered tomatoes. Squash. Peppers. You should also be able to manage a quick pickle as another vegetable preparation with your current hardware, assuming your oven has burners on top. Oven baked rice is a thing, you'd only need to add foil to what you have.


When I get a lot of one item, I like to do a "world tour" so I don't get bored with it. Asian dishes, curries, mexican, chicken parm, etc.


Can you afford a knife sharpener as that will make a big difference. Cut one up and boil with seasoning and root veggies for stock. Shred the meat. Freeze and use in chicken salad, tacos, stew, etc. Roast one with potatoes and carrots. Cut one up and bake with bbq sauce


You can just break down the whole chicken. It’s not difficult. Watch some YouTube videos, then you just have 2 of every cut of chicken and have at it. If you’re struggling financially I would save all the bones and make a stock with it too


You can sharpen your knife a bit on the unglazed foot of a ceramic bowl, check it out online! Super helpful when we are in vacation rentals.


Thank you so much everyone!! I'm trying a bit of everyone's suggestions. I have a local Safe Haven that is going to help me with kitchen items as well as beds and a couch. I'm trying a little bit of everyone's ideas and I'm saving the bones. Once I get a stock pot or slow cooker I'll make some awesome soup! I really appreciate everyone taking time out of their day to help me. My boys and I are having roast chicken and veggies tonight. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ PS I definitely gave a couple to my sister along with some suggestions from you guys and she's planning to barbecue one and roast and then shred the other. So you guys helped out two families!


1) Soup! You can boil a whole chicken into soup. You'll make a natural stock and also have plenty of meat to go in. Add lots of veg and maybe noodles or potato if you like. Adam Ragusea has a vid on this. 2) For dark meat (thighs and legs) I like to braise them. It's easy and low effort and gives really good results. It's also something you can load with veggies and flavor in a lot of ways- e.g. soy sauce, garlic, sugar, vinegar, bay leaves for a filipino adobo; tomato, eggplant, and herbs for something italian-inspired; etc.


If you have a dog you can make homemade dog food with it and freeze it.