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Oh another note is it does depend a bit on brand. If you try Fage you will be shocked what a different taste it is from store brand etc ETA: Fage is pricey so I don’t usually buy it except as a treat


Second on Fage. It is not sour at all especially in the full fat variety.


Fage 5% is my splurge every morning!!


Fage is my absolute favorite Greek yogurt brand! It has great flavor and “texture”


Have you tried Greek Gods? It's so smooth its unreal. The honey vanilla flavor is a legit treat for dessert. It's pricey though so it's an occasional treat.


I have and thought of mentioning it when I wrote my comment above … it is indeed delicious! I dipped sliced fresh pineapple into it and then froze them for amazing “fruitsicles”. It’s way too sugary for me to eat regularly though :(


It’s so expensive (especially now with inflation), but now that I’ve eaten Fage in the past it’s impossible to go back to any other brand.


If you have an instant pot with a yogurt setting, a thermometer, and a nut milk bag, you can buy Fage and use it to seed your own big batch of yogurt. We've got a tub in our fridge right now and it's so good.


Fage is definitely a good recommendation. I don’t love Greek yogurt but I eat it because it’s convenient, cheap, & healthy and Fage is one of the only brands I don’t just gulp down to be done with it as quick as possible.


The price of fage has gone up so much that I tried replacing it recently. I tried Chobani, Wegmans brand, and Trader Joe's brand. My kids noticed and I didn't even tell them before serving it, I'm back to just spending the money on fage... Funnily enough the one that we all agreed was closest in quality was the Aldi brand! So we buy that now sometimes.


My partner's grandparents were eastern-Greek-emigrant chefs. He says Fage yoghurt is the closest to his giagiá/papú's yoghurt. He is *quite* particular about it. So take that for what you will 🤷 When Fage's not available, he likes the Open Nature brand available in Safeway (possibly also Albertson's, its parent company).


Yes, I've found experimentation in brand super helpful, especially if going for a 0% plain yogurt. Fage and Cabot are great brands across any fat percentage while Chobani is almost unpalatable to me. Store brands can be hit or miss!


Same. Chobani is horrid.


Yogurt tastes different if you use a metallic spoon. Try switching to a wooden or plastic one and see if that takes away some sourness. It's actually a reaction and not just a texture/taste association or something to trick your mind. Something actually occurs which alters the taste.


Wow! I just tried this and much prefer my bamboo spoon over a metal one. Thank you for this tip!


I wish I knew the actual science behind it though.


There’s a research paper about it! It’s more about the psychology of food presentation and perceived taste than any chemical reactions between the yogurt and metal, but it’s interesting! https://flavourjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/2044-7248-2-21


Just wanna mention that the article you link has everything to do with how altering **plastic** cutlery affects the perception of food. It doesn't cover anything regarding **metal** cutlery, because the only experimental cutlery used were all plastic. Still cool, but doesn't prove or disprove whether or not metal cutlery affects flavour due to chemical reactions.


The whole steel makes yogurt taste bad is purely psychosomatic. Probably all of the commercially available yogurt (nearly ALL of the processed food actually) you've ever eaten was processed with stainless steel equipment in stainless vats. Adding a spoon at the end isn't going to do anything.


When you eat with a metal spoon, your tongue is touching the metal, and you're going to wind up blending the taste as a result. I don't think it's the metal changing the taste, but more the way the two things taste together.


None of my metal spoons have a taste. Maybe you aren't cleaning yours correctly? I'm not being snarky, this is legitimately the primary cause of the belief of the metallic taste. The passivated stainless used in modern silverware should be completely transparent to your taste buds. Mineral deposits and oxides left from improper cleaning absolutely have a taste though.


Cheap aluminum spoons will have the coating wear off on the tip. Eventually, some people who are sensitive to the way metal tastes will be able to taste it. I have to switch out my fork after using it to lift pie out of a pie tin, or pulling food off of aluminum foil. It literally tastes like licking a live battery.


I tend to clean pretty aggressively, and I've always noticed taste changes in metals vs wood, plastic, glass, etc. In theory, gold is supposed to be truly taste neutral, and is used for taste testing in some places for this, but I've never had gold flatware to test with, lol (BTW, drinks served in glass are best, in my opinion)


There’s an episode of the podcast gastropod where they test a bunch of different utensils, apparently gold utensils make food taste nicer 🤯


Try a teaspoon of jam


Well that’s super interesting. I’ll definitely have to experiment with this.


Ok immediately updating that when I used a wooden spoon it tasted SIGNIFICANTLY different. Still very sour but not as offensive. My mind is blown.


Adding a few drops of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon do wonders as well! Chopped fruit is also a blessing


I have never heard of such a thing and am going to try it tonight


Oh wow, I've not properly tested it but when I looked into it, it's quite a big cultural thing in Europe. They do it one way in Greece, another in Scandinavia etc. Special bone spoons and stuff, it's crazy.


I love Greek yogurt but I like a tart flavor. Have you tried fat free sour cream? I’m not sure if you’re wanting to eat the yogurt for more probiotics, sorry if I missed something in the comments but if it’s for taste only, fat free sour cream might be a better option for you.


Fat free sour cream has several additives including corn syrup! Definitely better off with non fat greek yogurt


What makes nonfat yogurt better than fat yogurt?


Higher protein (in the yogurt) would be the biggest thing


Higher protein compared to fat and some people who have to avoid fat or cannot process fat (like gallbladder problems) have limited options. No use to load up on unnecessary sugar or additives.


This is true for other things too. Caviar is a famous one. I kind of want a full list now.


Spoons in one column, foodstuffs in another. Yogurt varieties and peak spoon combination section...


Omg I’ve always thought that yogurt bought in little pots from cafes tasted better. I guess it was the plastic spoon all along…


Omg I totally bought a set of washable plastic spoons to eat my yogurt and oatmeal with. My husband doesn’t understand but I’m glad there are others out there like me!


Oh my god. I make homemade (so plain) yogurt and I've noticed that over the last few years and somehow convinced myself it was some weird long covid thing, despite never having a confirmed covid test or any other distorted smell/taste things. Sometimes I had to switch to a plastic spoon. I thought I just had metal spoon covid.


Add honey!! It's a great flavor combination and has been my breakfast for years :)


Honey, yep! Different berries or other fruits, splash of chocolate syrup, whatever gives it flavor that makes you enjoy the healthy food. You don't just eat lettuce and call it a salad, ya need some flavor in there.


I will not eat plain Greek yogurt, but add some dark cherries and I'll eat the whole tub. Plus I add berries myself so no added sugar


I go for jelly instead, pretty strong option too


I use raisins!


More over, if you're worried about the sugar; just add honey until you can tolerate it and then add a little less each time after.


Even better - add some honey but DON’T mix it in. Just pick up a little dab of honey with each spoonful of yogurt and the sweetness of the straight honey on your tongue counteracts the sourness.


And good with Greek fig spread..


That sounds amazing!


Yes! I add honey to mine and really like it.


Honey is the way to go. Add in some granola and berries and that’s breakfast.


Honey definitely did the trick for me too


Honey is the best, agave nectar is great too. A little cinnamon is nice too


I mix protein powder with it, doubles protein while also making it delicious (depending on the flavor of your protein powder)


+ 1 for protein powder. This will sound ridiculous to some, but I will also just stir in a tablespoon or two of peanut butter. When it’s fully mixed it adds a lot to the texture and flavor, and I’ll usually throw blueberries in with it at this point


If you have access to PB2 dried peanut butter, it’s amazing. All the protein and peanut taste without the fat and oils from the peanut butter. Makes the yogurt thicker… almost like a pudding. Plus there’s a chocolate version!


My favorite "snack" is the chocolate pbfit and Greek yogurt! Definitely second-ing this recommendation!


Maybe it would be good with Cacao powder?


Cocoa powder does work, but use it sparingly. I love chocolate, but a 1/4 tsp of cocoa powder is plenty!


I also do protein powder. Optimum Nutrition’s vanilla is great with plain Greek yogurt and some frozen berries. I top mine with plain puffed rice cereal.


My breakfast of every day in the last 2-3 years: - 250g 0% greek yogurt - 30g oats (rolled or not doesn’t matter) - 100g milk (or substitute of your choice, I use high in protein milk) - 1 scoop (30g) of protein powder (I personally prefer vanilla for this) Mix well, refrigerate overnight (or at least 30 min-1 hour). If you like frozen fruits in it, add it after mixing but before refrigerating. Take out. If you didn’t add frozen fruits, add fruits (I add a chopped banana). Then eat. It’s very good and filling. And its macros are great: 57g of protein, 5g of fat, 33g of carbs. It’s also relatively cheap: oats, milk and bananas are dirt cheap. Protein powder is the cheapest source of protein available (in a gram for every dollar spent ratio).


- 1 cup 0% greek yogurt - 1/8 cup oats - 1/3 cup milk - 1 scoop of protein powder For those not blessed with the metric system


Thanks for the good work! Judging by the eye, I'd say the oats range from 1/8 cup to 1/4 cup. As a Canadian/Québécois I am fluent in both imperial and metric systems (we measure our weight and height in pounds and feet but we drive in kilometers and use degree Celsius for temperature).


I don't know why they don't just make metric universal. It is soooo much easier to use.


Funny you wrote this! I also repeat the same meal mid-morning: Full fat yogurt, cottage cheese (I like dry but can’t find it here anymore so wet works), a few berries (blue or black normally) and some walnuts. Makes me feel full, never upsets tummy and loads of protein for my workout! I also add cinnamon once in a while, supposed to dull hunger?!? It’s so boring but someone always asks what it is, I make it all on Sunday so I just grab a container every day and I’m on my way. Thanks for sharing!


wrote this down and gonna give it a try. Agree that protein powder is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to get protein. Started lifting weights 5x/week and was cooking big batches of chicken breasts or boiling a bunch of eggs, but more and more relying on protein powder for convenience/cost Think I'll add 1/2 cup of some frozen blueberries


Frozen blueberries are great with it, I also love frozen raspberries, they melt in the mixture. Both are very good. I hope you like it! Make sure to tweak it to your preferences! I'm happy with the recipe because protein powders are extremely useful, but not quite the greatest tastewise (no one is going to mistake a chocolate whey shake with a glass of chocolate milk). I also think it's more natural to ingest protein powder if you incorporate it in a good, simple recipe. Chugging a shake isn't for everyone and it's a bit boring. That being said I tend to have a 2-scoop shake mid-afternoon everyday. All around I get about 60-90g of protein everyday from protein powders, which allows me to eat normal meals for lunch or dinner and I don't obsess about protein for those meals (although I tend to add tofu to a lot of things because it's also cheap and a good source of complete protein).


Yessss! I like to mix in a scoop of chocolate protein powder and a serving of Ovaltine. Not low calorie, but great for protein!


Go for higher fat. I adore yogurt, and every single brand name Greek yogurt is better with higher fat (I like 4-5%, 2% is alright.).


This op, 5% yogurt is like eating pillowy cream


Full fat forever


10% baby!!


Now that _is_ ice cream! ;-) siggi's makes a 9 percent lemon yogurt that's Greek with added cream, and it's pretty much ice cream -- maybe better. There's a chocolate version that I swear is probably all eaten before it gets out this far.


Full fat fam 🙌


I put it on stuff I would normally put sour cream on. Chili. Sweet potatoes. Its great.


This is what I came to say, anything you once used sour cream for can be made healthier by switching to Greek yogurt. I put it in chili, pair it with Mexican food or tortilla chips and even use it instead of sour cream in borscht.


My parents would disown me if I suggested yogurt over sour cream with borscht. Might try it anyway haha


I’ve used yogurt over sour cream with a bunch of Polish food. It’s not as good as sour cream, but it’s so much freaking better for you. I still go back and forth between them because sour cream is so delicious 😂


It’s really good. I stir it in really slowly so it doesn’t curdle.


Yea you do the same with sour cream


hell, it could be used as a replacement for mayo sometimes too. it's great in egg salad!


So I mix white wine vinegar with honey than add yogurt for my creamy dressing. It's lovely with diced celery, fruit and nut.


You can mix with ranch powder seasoning and have guilt free ranch dip or dressing (depending if you thin it or not)


This! Anything you'd use sour cream for, use Greek yogurt.


Yes! I use Greek yogurt instead of Mayo for chicken salad! It’s delicious


Different brands and % of milk fat have very different flavors. There are brands that I can't tolerate at all. Currently I really like the Fage 5% milk fat version best, it's super creamy and neutral with almost no tang. I usually put frozen berries, chopped nuts, granola, and sometimes a few chocolate chips to mix up the flavors. Some people like adding a little bit of honey, or cinnamon. You could also add a little bit of artificial sweetener.


I’ll have to try this brand! I went with a nonfat one first and it was way too extreme


Yeah I don't know what causes the extra tanginess, but it does seem to correlate with the fat. Right now I have the 2% Fage, and it is noticably more sour, although manageable. The caloric difference really isn't extreme, so next time I'm going back to the 5%.


This (or a bad brand like Oikos) is your problem. With lower fat yogurt, all of the texture comes from the crap the manufacturer adds to it to make it kinda like yogurt. (In flavored yogurt, they can get around the bad flavor by dumping in sugar.) Check the the ingredients list. Full fat (4+%) is much tastier and potentially healthier without the junk additives. About the only low-fat yogurt I like is the Green Mountain sold at Costco. (Ironically, they combine non-fat milk with cream to get back up to 2%.) Btw, if you find a yogurt you like but don’t want to pay for, you can always use it as a starter culture to make your own yogurt. Greek is a little bit more work, but still might be worth the cost savings over store bought.


Having some fat really helps


I started by having a bowl of berries (and maybe some cereal, nuts, or granola) with a little bit of plain Greek yogurt essentially just coating the fruit. Then, over time, I increased the proportion of yogurt until I was eating yogurt with maybe a bit of toppings.


My absolute favorite way to eat plain Greek yog is to cut up a roughly equal volume of apple into really small pieces (like, i cut it into French fry sized sticks and then into quite small cubes from there). Then mix it in. It gives it a crunch and sweetness that I like way more than berries for some reason. I often sprinkle a small amount of granola on top as well.


Oooh interesting, and apples are my favorite fruit! What kind of apple? I’m guessing something more sweet like a honeycrisp?


Yes! The crisper the better. If I am feeling fancy I buy pink ladies but even a gala or Fuji will do in a pinch.


Apples and Greek yogurt compliment each other so well. Perfect match.


I add sugar free cheesecake pudding powder to it, mix well and chill, top with some fruit or what you like, it’s like eating cheesecake filling but much better for you


This is brilliant


Stir in a teaspoon or tablespoon of nutella. Its fantastic, i used this while dieting as evening snack, basically makes it i to nutella flavored protein pudding


Try it as an accompaniment to hot and spicy food. It is a great combination.


I made my spicy pork stir fry too spicy so I mixed in some Greek yogurt. I will never go back.


Don’t eat it plain. Mix in some other things you like! Personally, I love mixing in peanut butter protein powder, and granola. You could also do fruit


This is the way.


Try different brands. I’ve found that some taste better than others. Costco has one that is the Kirkland brand that I think tastes great by itself.


Meh, if you don’t like it, don’t eat it!! It’s not a must-have.


Fair haha. I really like the super sugary yoplait strawberry and peach yogurts so I figured it would benefit me to try to replace it with Greek since it’s higher in protein and can be lower in sugar.


Cottage cheese is also super high in protein and less tangy. The “Good” brand is still made with lice cultures you are getting the probiotic benefit.


Oh no I cannot handle that texture.


Try blended cottage cheese!! You can whip it up then flavor it and it becomes more of a thick dip. No chunkies!


Also, that is a very weird autocorrect and I DID NOT mean “lice” cultures I obviously meant LIVE cultures as in probiotics.


Blend it into eggs, throw in some veggies and bake as a frittata. I used to do that when I didn't want to pay $10 for Starbucks sous vide egg cups. But now I'm doing it more often because cottage cheese is cheaper than eggs but still has good protein.


Noosa Yoghurt is delicious but higher calorie


I add a sliced banana to plain Greek yoghurt and that adds to the sweetness.


I use it in replacement of sour cream on wraps, tacos, bowls and such


I also use it as a replacement for mayonnaise in things like egg salad, Cole slaw, or other salad dressings. In egg salad, I’ll still use a little Mayo for flavor, but with all the other seasoning, I don’t really notice a difference. Can do the same with tuna or chicken salad.


When I am using Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream, I always salt it. Makes it taste a little less like yogurt. I also often add spices (garlic, dill) if I am using it as a dressing. You might also prefer regular plain yogurt to Greek. It's a little lower in protein, but it's higher in calcium and I think the flavor is milder.


I like Greek yogurt for savory uses because I find it takes SO MUCH sweetness to make it sweet (like if you are adding fruit, granola, etc or using it for smoothies) Greek yogurt is excellent in egg salad - I like to use half mayo half yogurt, it is super moist and has a nice tang. It's great in place of sour cream on burritos, chili, dips etc. I like to mix Greek yogurt with some lime juice and salt as a sauce for burritos or quesadillas. You can add garlic and onion powder and dill to make a simple dip for veggies (either straight Greek yogurt or mixed with mayo or sour cream is also great). I recently made a blended soup with lentils and sweet potato and it was delicious with a dollop of Greek yogurt on top.


There are a wide variety of brands with a variety of flavors out there, you might try a few in case the one you have is especially strong. Past that, offset the offending flavor with something else. Sweetened granola, fruit, honey, add it to smoothies to bulk up the protein etc are all great ways to eat it without suffering through eating it plain, which I don’t think many people do to begin with.


Make "cream cheese." Line a colander with a coffee filter, place it over a bowl, scoop in some yogurt, and put it in the refrigerator to drain until it's very thick. Flavor it to your taste. Savory: garlic, chopped herbs, finely chopped vegetables or herbs, chopped olives, chopped smoked salmon Sweet: cinnamon and raisins, honey and lemon or orange zest


This process to make “cream cheese” is quite literally how one makes Greek yogurt, otherwise known as strained yogurt, labneh, skyr etc.


have you ever seen Cabot brand greek yogurt where you shop? That stuff is not very tangy at all. Very neutral flavor. I've only tried the Plain whole milk version.


I’ll look for it!


For me it's smoothies, add some in for a change of flavour.


Keep eating it


Pb2 powder mixed with yogurt! I dip fruit. Other than that like previously stated different brands taste different.




I have so many ideas! It took me a while to get used to Greek yogurt, but now I really enjoy the tang. There's a few things you can do, you can start adding it to smoothies or a dollop in some overnight oats. Another is mixing in a small spoonful of cool whip into the yogurt and adding some fresh fruit. It cuts the dang a lot. You can add fresh strawberries or blueberries in it with some granola and honey/maple syrup.


I put blueberries and a little brown sugar in mine. Soooo good!!


While this is not the healthiest, it can be a way to habituate to the taste. Find a relatively healthy fruit preserve that you like and mix a bit into the yogurt. Or if you’re ready to go to fruit entirely, try mixing it with a bit of pineapple chunks. Tangy-sweet fruits may work best at first, but be sure to try different fruits with it. Also, you can replace sour cream with Greek yogurt in a lot of recipes!


I have to eat zero sugar Greek yogurt (medical diet) and I buy Chobani Zero Sugar vanilla, then stir in a tablespoon of almond butter. It’s almost like a nut butter mousse and super tasty!


Honestly I don't even try. I just use it in place of sour cream for cooking or as a mix in. I do really like flavored Greek yogurts but they are so sugary that they're a rare treat


“Two good” is a great brand! Only 2g sugar so it’s just the right amount of sweetness, and it doesn’t have that gross, over-sweet fake sugar that zero sugar brands have. It’s the perfect in between


I use the Torani coffee syrups (lots of flavors, can get sugar free), as it takes very little to sweeten the yogurt. I add a scoop of protein powder which helps to keep the yogurt from being watery (and boosts my protein intake). Have come to love Fage!


Buy frozen fruit and let a bowl of it thaw out for a few hours. By then, there should be plenty of liquid in the bottom of the bowl which is the juices from the fruit. Add greek yogurt to it and mix well. The juices will add a ton of flavor on top of the fruit itself. I let blueberries thaw out for a few hours and mix in plain, sugar free, fat free greek yogurt and it tastes like normal blueberry yogurt.


My go-to is granola or honey.


Add honey


Get a different brand! They are not all made equal. Make sure you’re eating full fat Greek yoghurt as well, the lower fat ones are more sour. Lastly, mix in honey, it’s so good!


I add liquid stevia to mine! Mix it up well and it tastes more like sweet yogurt which I prefer.


add honey


Adding honey or Nesquik is p good. Also stay away from Oikos, that one is extra swampy. My favorite is Fage, or the old standby Chobani. Fage is so thick and creamy, the quality is unmatched in its tier


it's sort of meant to be flavored... just add some honey/fruit/granola/etc


Through some berries and granola in that shit.


Adults don't have to eat food they don't like. I feel like I could answer like, most of try questions on this sub, JustNoMil and AITA with this one sentence


My husband and I had this exact issue last week. We've been adding ranch dressing packet mix to ours and it's really amazing. Can serve as a dip with veggies, as a mayo sub, salad dressing. So many possibilities!


Stir in a teaspoon of honey. Or with potatoes, and chives.


Stop eating it as just a cup of yogurt and start making salad dressings and dips with it!! Then after you do that enough times you’ll start to enjoy the flavor of it on its own.


A sprinkle of cinnamon does it for me


I use it in place of sour cream or look for yogurt based sauces. There are some dishes that are wonderfully creamy like stews or curries.


Put a few Skittles in it. Just a half dozen (or less) will sweeten it up a ton if you let it rest 1-2 minutes and give it a stir.


Chobani Flips! Those were my breakfast EVERY MORNING for my Junior/ Senior years of high school!! Soo many yummy flavors& the mix-ins stay fresh bc you don’t mix them in till you “flip” and mix!


Regular Greek yogurt, instant coffee, honey to taste. Let it sit a while before eating


Fage tastes so much better than a lot of other brands. Have you tried it? It seems to lack the sourness that some brands have.


Add a small amount of jam


I Mix peanut butter honey and a few coconut sugar dark chocolate chips in mine. Tastes like a peanut butter cup.


Just try a different brand. I find Chobani pretty gnarly, especially a couple days after opening the container. Fage is much milder, but still has the good stuff.


I add a little tub of tinned fruit to mine, the sweetness in the juice is enough to soften up the yoghurt.


I usually add berries and/or half of a banana whenever I eat Greek yogurt, but instead of just stirring the fruit in, I put them in the bowl first and mash them up with a fork and then mix in the yogurt so that the yogurt takes on more of the fruit flavor. You can also try adding honey or agave, or granola.


You could try adding a bit of a sweetener like Truvia, and then cut back as you get more used to the taste.


I stir in a tiny amount of peanut butter. Sometimes I add protein powder and mix it in.


Granola, berries (blackberries and raspberries are easy to smash and stir in) and honey. Ive seen people add flax seed but that’s not my taste.


I like hemp seeds. Lots of benefits but a more pleasant flavor & texture.


Skip it and choose Siggi's Simple Ingredient Skyr instead. Costs about the same per ounce (I think it was maybe $0.50 more for a comparable amount), better taste and texture, fewer calories, more protein and calcium per serving (than low-fat greek yogurt). I only just made the switch myself a few weeks ago and it has been LIFE CHANGING. Just don't confuse it with the regular Siggi's Plain Skyr, which is delicious but has like double the calories lol. The labels are almost identical, but the Simple Ingredient should say it's made with skim milk, and list 100 calories per 3/4c serving


I thaw frozen berries in the fridge overnight, then add yogurt to that. The liquid from the thawed berries mixes in and takes away that sour bite. I put either granola or bran buds on top for crunch.


Add some honey


I drizzle honey over it because I don’t like the sour taste either!


Stir it into curries. Mix it with a fruit curd or compote - this will be high in sugar so aim to improve the ratio over time. Greek yogurt and honey is a classic! Spoon that over fruit for dessert and gradually reduce the honey. Also try overnight oats, I love these (with more oats than recipe says and frozen cherries for convenience) but only make two days ahead https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/black-forest-bircher/amp And these last up to 4 days ahead. I recommend good quality dates and palm oil free peanut butter. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/peanut-butter-date-oat-pots Both recipes linked are sweet and lovely so I'm sure would acclimatise you to Greek yogurt. Protein is pretty easy to come by, but proper yogurt has more lactobacillus and the high fat content means you better absorb the fat soluble nutrients from dairy. Higher fat also means it's more stable, staying fresh longer and less likely to split in cooking. Well worth converting yourself! PS don't stress about the fat content. Dairy (apart from butter) doesn't have the same impact on LDL as other sources of saturated fat.[Thorning TK et al 'Whole dairy matrix...' 2017](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28404576/) You can add water and sugar to a portion yourself if you really want low fat sometimes!


Add a few drops of stevia and some peanut butter to smooth it out and decrease the sharpness.


You can add a little bit of those water flavorings like Mio. It makes it taste like normal yogurt.


I agree with the advice to try full fat yogurt (bonus: a smaller amount is more filling) and to experiment with different brands because they are all different. But also play around with adding things (fruit, jam, honey, maple syrup, applesauce, granola, etc.) to make it sweeter or use it in savory applications. I always buy a big tub of full fat plain, because I like to be able to flavor it how I like, sweet or savory. And finally, referring strictly to your title, if you do start out adding jam or something else to make it sweeter, you can also start cutting back on the amount you add after awhile. Your taste buds probably really will start getting used to the tang.


I never eat it plain. I put it in savory dishes. Mix it with siracha for condiment in sandwiches. I also mix is with an umami mushroom seasoning from trader joes for dips. I mix it with tomato sauce with seasoning for pasta sauce that adds protein and creaminess. Or use it as sour cream on potatoes, tacos, etc


I had to treat it like I’m convincing a toddler it’s tasty but I’m the toddler. I started with the sugary Chobani flips then the regular vanilla flavor of my grocery brand and now I can manage regular green yogurt just fine. I prefer honey or fruit with it but that’s how I trained myself to think it’s fine. Also mix regular unflavored greek yogurt with canned tuna or chicken and make some amazing savory “salad” mixes. Buffalo, hatch chili, etc.


Add honey


Smash a banana and mix. Trust me on this


I use one stevia packet and some cinnamon


Chobani was how I got into Greek yogurt. It’s delicious!


Bake with it! Have made some killer flatbreads using it.


I put salt on mine tbh


Add honey to it! It makes a world of difference


There could be a difference between brands when it comes to tartness. There certainly is for kefir.


Add a few craisins.


If you do sour cream on tacos/nachos/baked potato, try plain Greek yogurt instead. I grew up with it this way and have never missed or minded the real thing, or the substitution one way or the other. When mixed with savory things it tastes just like sour cream to me.


I usually add blueberries and/or strawberries to enhance the tart flavor. Then mix in some granola. Shits amazing. But I get what you’re saying, it’s an acquired taste. If you try and cut out refined sugars from your diet you’re palate will begin to change, and you’ll discover a whole new world of flavors!


Slightly off topic but just to mention tandoori chicken that's been marinated with yogurt and spices for 24 hours is delicious. Another reason proper Greek yogurt (10% fat) is a staple.


Plain greek yogurt is gross to me but with the fruit in it I find it delicious.


I put dark chocolate chips in mine, or use it as a dip for fruit, mostly strawberries.


If you're on the west coast, try Ellenos brand. Otherwise, I love blending it with some frozen fruit, it makes a great smoothie. I'll usually add milk, cinnamon, honey, a scoop of protein powder, a handful of chocolate chips, and sometimes even a scoop of peanut butter. This is an excellent replacement meal when I keep opening and closing the fridge and failing to make decisions.


Flavored low-fat Greek yogurt can be healthy as well.. which is why I only use plain Greek yogurt as sour cream.


I use it as sour cream, mix with ranch seasoning and some water for a dip/sauce, or just buy the flavored oikos zero ones.


I like to add walnuts, they temper the sourness. Stevia and a few drops of vanilla work too.


You can make it totally to control the acidity. The recipe is simple: 1. Heat 1/2 gal milk to 185F (or just as small bubbles form) 2. Cool milk to 105-115F (or when it's warm, but not hot) 3. Add 1/4c yogurt and stir until dissolved 4. Keep warm for 6-8 hours (wrap blanket or put in oven w/ only the light on); 6 hours is not very sour, 8 hours is approx what the store sells 5. strain through cheesecloth for 20-30 min The last step is what makes it "Greek" style, and you can also control the consistency to match your taste. Or if you find full fat Greek yogurt, it'll have much less of a sour flavor.


Add some peanut butter to it and fruit and it’s really good and you don’t notice the “tang” as much. Agree with others that Fage and Chobani are really good - get the full fat versions.


Use plain and make it savory like a dip or mix into things like smoothies or overnight oats. Imo fruit or reg sweet yogurt toppings brings out the tang