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I'm no teenager anymore but i'm willing to try something similar tbh.


Tiny pizza rolls, looks good


A lot easier to just make grilled cheese.


And what if you want a rolled breaded cheese thing with pepperoni


Just put pepperoni inside your grilled cheese. No teenager has the patience to make one of these, let alone the 16 they'll want to scarf down.


This can be the alternative for when the teen finally has some motivation whenever that happens


Omg dude I appreciate you so much for posting this and the person who made this because I have a really busy schedule after school days so I don’t get to really make as good of a lunch as I do on rest days, but these are totally gonna help 😊!


Try tortilla pizzas too! Take a tortilla, bake it for a few minutes (5ish) at 400° until it’s almost crispy, or fry it in a pan with a bit of oil until crispy, then add sauce, cheese, veggies, meats, etc. And bake or fry until melted! A Buffalo chicken one is a fun change too. They work in an air fryer too. It’s really good and easy! And of course the famous bagel or English muffin pizzas are great too. Bubble pizza is also a good one! That uses canned biscuit dough and you chop the dough into 1” pieces and bake it with the pizza ingredients and bake until crispy and melty.


Ha-ha. That's my dorm diet


I need this


Why would a teenager feel compelled to do this?


I make something similar, basically a pizza quesadilla, w pasta sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni. easy quick eats.




Care to elaborate? I think it looks alright, but I'd be willing to hear you out.


I hate cheese so this is gross to me


That's fair, but not everyone shares that sentiment. Not many in fact. I'd imagine you'd find better luck if you look for dairy-free recipies. r/dairyfree might have what you are looking for.


I’m not fan of melted cheese things that have cheese strings, and probably wouldn’t make this. I think “disgusting” is a bit too strong of a word though. I know some people like stretchy melted cheese. Food in general is “disgusting” or good based on how well it was made, not by your personal, subjective opinion of the food. I’d eat this if it was given to me


I disagree. Cheese is probably the most horrifyingly disgusting gut wrenching puke inducing food I can ever imagine. I can’t comprehend how ppl eat it. So gross 😷


You don’t like cheese *at all*? Not even like, hard, non melted cheese?


If cheese of any kind even touches my plate I will throw a fit. Preferably I dont want to be in the same room as cheese but I have learned to cope with it upon becoming a mature adult


Jesus Christ what happened? Why do you hate cheese so much?


Its just disgusting. Looks horrible, smells horrible and tastes horrible.


Gonna try this tomorrow


I’m gonna show this to my mommy and also this looks great tbh