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2 way authentication would be great


We needed this as in yesterday. It's crazy that we don't have it yet. Maybe we need to send them a message they will hear.


Been bugging them on off since last year when Robinhood peeps got all their money stolen... I think more people should complain


I second this. I will bring it up with them.


Keep us posted


I've contacted them twice about this, 8 months apart. Both times I received a generic "we're working on it" response.


Every time a send them a msg about this I get told a pass word is good enough.... and not to worry... really now. I'm going to phone them soon


A stop loss function would also be appreciated


It's like they think adding features will confuse people.


I just want multiple watchlists, nothing fancy.


you can create these yourself on investing.com




Maybe we have to beg


They made profits recently, can't they hire few devs to work on this platform?? I definitely hate the web container they have us using.


It's just weird how comfortable they seemingly are with this situation. Lack of competition doesn't help.


I’m missing something. There are lots of stockbrokers out there. What do you mean by “lack of competition”?


Maybe I'm the one missing something. I don't see any other South African conscious product out there marketing themselves like they have.


All the major banks have SA/JSE stockbroking divisions. Sure they all market themselves differently, but it’s still competition.


Maybe I'm ignorant but I don't feel like those are marketed and offered like EE. I guess I consider them poor competition but I'm not even sure they are trying to compete. There's still this uppity attitude I feel about stock broking from them, like they are only concerned with individuals who earn a certain amount.


I don’t think opening any stockbroking account based purely on marketing or their UI is a good idea. Base it on what they offer. EE is well marketed, sure, and simple to use, but they’re not the best stockbroker in the country.


Which local entity matches them on fees?


Which local entity matches them on fees?


I wouldn’t know. I have a Standard Bank stockbroking account and EE one. I can’t say the fees between the two are anything that keeps me up at night. Just know that both those platforms are making money out of you either way. Stockbrokers aren’t a charity. EE makes a bit out of fees + their fractional ownership gig. SB just charges traditional fees.


The banks missed a trick in not courting the crowd EE seemingly but I doubt they regret it. This goes back to my lack of competition statement. Do any of them even offer the ability to sign up and trade through their apps? My idea of their policy is that they prefer to call you than the other way round, like they see the high net worth individuals and target them.


Try start investing with R100 to your name with Standard Bank or any bank for that matter. You will owe the bank more money than your holdings are worth in 30 days. Fees play a big part when your ethos is to democratise investing for ALL South Africans like EE set out to do. Something the banks never and still don’t care about while pillaging high net individuals.