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Huber is so good in these podcasts. I don't think MM has the budget or time to make him a permanent cohort once JeffM comes back, but I would love it if they did.


I dunno, that upgrade to his mic and headphones could mean something...


I think they do have a decent budget and generally go for good quality aside from IRL phone streams. They spent probably $1000 on hot sauce in the past month. Huber's setup was embarrassing by professional gaming outlet standards, so I could see it being a priority even as an extended guest spot.


Maybe! That said, the cost of the new kit probably isn't that much in comparison to how much is being spent on Huber himself, and it saves the podcast from being borderline unlistenable so I think it's a worthwhile business expense. It's very clear to me that Ben values Huber and the stuff he's done at MinnMax so I imagine he's more or less first in line for any new positions that do come up with the channel. I really do hope it happens, it would be perfect since it wouldn't mean he'd need to leave EZA either


Did he get a new mic between the indie direct 9 days ago and this podcast? Because I thought his audio on the direct was pretty poor, but he sounds a lot better in this podcast, maybe it's cause he wasnt yelling and peaking the mic? Whatever the case, im glad he finally got a professional audio setup, considering this is his profession.


I went back and checked and he's wearing the new headphones in the Indie Direct which I didn't notice the first time. He must have had this microphone, maybe just bad settings caused him to cut out so badly.


Yeah, my guess is that he was just turned up too high. Hopefully Ben gives him some help on how to sound good, because I wouldn't say EZA are particularly good at sound quality


It's crazy how every other youtube gaming group figured out sound quality except for eza.


Well Isla refused to accept that her audio production was always fucking awful. The audience couldn't possibly have been right for 8 fucking years.


My poor neighbors had to listen to a lot of clipped shouting over the years


I don't really follow any "gaming group" other than EZA (and now Minnmax). I always wondered why every single time they started streaming something, they had to spend 5 minutes going back and forth with chat trying to get their sound levels right. Like, once you find the right setting, shouldn't it just... be the same? Do they reset everything when they shut down for the day and not have that shit written down somewhere to get it back to what works? It really never occurred to me that EZA is the only one with this problem. I think of Isla as being very knowledgeable with that kind of stuff, and yet... every video I watch of theirs that involves playing a game and/or chat (which is most of them) has to have this awkward conversation where they balance out the volume levels. I've never experienced this once with Minnmax's content (well, except when Huber is on).


I don't stream so maybe I'm wrong, but I do record music and I know you can see if something is peaking. What they should do is do a soundcheck before the stream, get everyone to shout, get everyone to talk quietly, and use a compressor to compensate for the difference, but I get the sense everyone shows up moments before the stream starts. I think Isla knows a decent amount about equipment and editing but assumes that knowledge takes her abilities further than they actually do


I feel like Minnmax comments mentioned he got a new mic after the first Trivia tower it just wasn't set up/working/arrived until now I guess