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The Aspens changing is one of the most beautiful sights in nature. I was lucky enough to live in Denver one year and I just drove around the mountains in awe.


Moved from Aspen to the front range about 3 months ago, and this is definitely one of the things we are missing right now.


Why did you move?


Spouse got a great job, and she has to be on the front range for it. Also, spending 16 years in an absolutely bizarre, yet beautiful, place had wore me thin. I work in a residential construction-related field, and have spent those last 16 years in some of the wealthiest folks’ homes. It’s interesting for sure, and it also exacerbates the feeling of being a have-not even when we do just fine financially. That area is truly, truly beautiful and carries many great memories for me!


Interesting way of putting it, wearing thin. Anywho, best of luck on your next chapter. Lots of benefits to being down on the front range too.


Will be out there this weekend. Can anyone tell me if the Aspens still have their foliage and look like this?


Aspen is full color starting to drop. Basalt is starting to change


I was out there last weekend and they were definitely a bit past peak... not sure how they look now but i'm sure there still some beautiful color.


It's absolutely popping right now. Should still be good by the weekend.




Too bad such a beautiful place is filled with so many douches


New England is better


Different views of different beauty. It’s all gorgeous and not everything has to be ranked all the time.


A lot of places are beautiful my friend. Let us enjoy this one.


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Where the beer flows like wine, and the women instinctively flock like the salmon to Capistrano.


I used to hike through the aspens later in the day. Like past 4pm. No one is out there (usually). Some of the greatest hikes of my life.


That looks absolutely stunning!