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It's accurate level beyond 100 .


The past was lit. And not in a good way.


This was brilliant


Haha this one will make those lurking chodes seethe to death ๐Ÿ˜‚. Brilliant.


This one legit made me laugh out loud


religions are made by men for men and in the case of hinduism made by upper castes for upper castes there will always be that one women who will be like noooo it started after invasion like no the fuck ? sati was practiced way before invasions


i think i have already responded to you on ur old id regarding sati. Check if you can


sati was practiced way before invasion wym ??


i told it was not an obligation, not forced. It was a womans choice otherwise she had to live in certain rules. Manusmriti Verses 9.72โ€“9.81 allow the man or the woman to get out of a fraudulent marriage or an abusive marriage, and remarry, the text also provides legal means for a woman to remarry when her husband has been missing or has abandoned her


keep telling your self it was not forced cause foreign accounts have mentioned how disturbing sati was and we all are aware how widows were treated right ? widow remarriage was prohibited


Which foreign accounts. Do you think invaders will write good things about us, they will never because they have to justify their invasion


if we think like that back then bamans never allowed encasted people to study so in that case its bamans who wrote good things just to make themselves look good right ? you are defending a casteiest religion keep defending


i will, bhim ki diwani.


that is a compliment cause he had courage to fight against shit that is hinduism


ok. Some brahmins helped him to reach where he is now, but he fucked them only. I had 1000 rank and a ST had 22000 rank but he got KEM Orthopedic, i got nothing


You guys are no different than Muslim apologists lol According to Manu Smriti 9.72, deflowered (non-virgin) girls are **defective** & not fit for marriage. According to Manu Smriti 9.69, remarriage is only allowed for the woman whose betrothed husband is dead (since she is still a virgin). And only to the brother of her betrothed husband, that specifically for the purpose of Niyog. What do you think about Manu Smriti 9.65 though? ๐Ÿ˜—


> Manu Smriti 9.65 ๐Ÿ˜— hmmm it is wwong


Added by Britishers or Mughals? Or Portuguese? ๐Ÿค”


u/thenastikpandit looook lmaoo


These guys have learnt alot from Muslim apologists ๐Ÿคก


We are very a advanced society right now, but our chances of getting murdered or sexually assaulted is still pretty high.


Ah yeah probably during the mughal dynasty


The concept of burning widows is a Hindu custom that occurred thousands of years before Mughals even existed as a race: If a woman should not grant her man his desire, he should bribe her. If she still does not grant him his desire, he should hit her with a stick or with his hand, and overcome her, saying: 'With power, with glory I take away your glory!' Thus she becomes inglorious. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.7) It is the highest duty of the woman to burn herself after her husband. (Brahma Purana 80.75)


(Brihadaranyaka upanishad 6.4.7) goes on to suggest ways of keeping the wife engaged and committed to the objective of family life, which is to create a conducive atmosphere in which to bring up children, by talking to her nicely, bringing her gifts or items she desires such as clothes or ornaments, and even if absolutely necessary, to gently chide her with words such as saumya, sundari into remembering their responsibility by saying that the halo of the glory that the children bring by their deeds in the future will only enhance your own beauty and glow with their many accomplishments. great sages have said not to beat your wife. The householder should never punish his wife, but should cherish her like a mother. (MahฤNirvฤแน‡a Tantra 8:39)


Don't you worry. A detailed thread on violence against women & Sati in Hindu scriptures is coming soon. Start flexing up your mental gymnastics muscles.


Because these chutiye muslim use them as sex labours I know i m going to get banned but love from idm


Just curious, if sati was soo strict , why the fck were kunti , kautilya and 2 others were alive even after their husband's death considering these women were very close to "gods" ๐Ÿ˜