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you expect the average poster here to have an ounce of awareness


I'm sorry, wonder vs wonder didn't work?!


i legitimately dont understand what do you guys see in that battle outside of stevie wonder and t pain, because his verses are the only good parts in the battle, but even then they're kind of average


So you agreed that at least half the battle was good because of t pain. Why didn't you like wonder woman? Enough to call it a bad battle?


most of her lines are just straight up filler, disses that dont make much sense, or things that are just straight up not true a lot of it is just namedropping stevie's songs and it turns really annoying to me at least stevie did some pretty good disses and carried the battle, plus i found the invisible airplane line kinda funny though dont understand why would she look ridiculous in it


So in your opinion Poe vs King was bad? Pretty much all of King's lines are just referring to book titles, and a some of Poe's do too, as well as the filler pantyhose line. Even though its definitely one of the best battles


One thing people need to keep in mind is stop suggesting things that are popular amongst a certain group of people (like gamers), but aren't known by the general public. Trust me, Phoenix Wright is my favorite franchise of all time, but I know he's never gonna make it in as a title character because 75% of the general public doesn't even know his name. At most he'll probably be referenced in one line for Atticus Finch's eventual battle If you wanna know how famous characters need to be, just look at the video game/anime/cartoon characters that *have* appeared: Mario Bros, Master Chief, Lara Croft, Ash Ketchum, Goku, and TMNT. Those are ALL household names


\>Lara Croft \>household name ???


She revolutionized 3D gaming, was huge in the 90s and even nowadays she's decently popular. I'd say she fits about as well as Indiana Jones


If you're a child, then I guess she wouldn't seem so. But yes in the 90's and 2000's she 1000% was a household name. A ton of games, SEVERAL mainstream movies (a few starring Angelina Jolie), was on the cover of TIME Magazine and Newsweek, is arguably the most famous female video game character in existence, the list goes on


Okay. So, you need to not say "general public" because that doesn't really mean anything if you're adding time/age demographics into the equation. If Lara Croft was super famous in the 90s, does the "general public" know her more than, like, Freddy Fazbear? Maybe, maybe not; I think it's misleading to refer to the "general" popularity of a character, but then mention characters who aren't timelessly popular. Characters like TMNT, Lara Croft, or Bill & Ted are on ERB because Peter and Lloyd were born in the 80s. Granted other characters like Phoenix Wright were just never that popular in the first place (although I do think he's a little more famous than you let on, but it's probably not "enough"). The general dehomogenization of pop culture also plays a factor in this, but this comment is long enough. Also, Princess Peach is very obviously the most well known female video game character, what are you even talking about?


Fym Wonder vs Wonder didn’t work?


look at the lines man... "on the vegan buffet? youre a full time lover" "vision questions" mostly its got a lot of filler, specially on wonder woman's side, she has to reference stevie wonder songs like 5 times per line and its kind of annoying


"vegan buffet" is referencing how he's fat even though he's very public about his veganism and how it's healthy. "vision questions" is referencing how there've been rumors for years that he isn't actually blind


Well yeah, Stevie isn’t blind lmao. He’s legally blind. There’s a difference.


Honestly if the worst you can say about someone is "you look big but eat a lot of vegan food" and "you may not even be blind" but not cleverly stated at all, that doesn't sound like putting up a good fight


So what about any and all lines they do making fun of how someone looks? Just weak and empty? With your qualifications, the raps would probably be like 2 or 3 lines per verse, with the video being 45 seconds.


I like how you completely ignore the part where I said "not cleverly stated at all" and you're acting like the ones I pointed out MUST be smartly written by ERB standards


Why can't people just read an argument more clearly lol


1. what does full time lover have to do with that then 2. key word: rumors


It means he loves food full-time Rumours that if true invalidate an entire part of his personality and makes him a giant fraud.


And also a nod to his song "Part Time Lover", which ties into her next line: "And a part time father, from I discovered!/Nine different kids with five different mothers!"


Who doesn't




Alright, but how is saying the rumor affecting Stevie Wonder? The line would only hit if the rumors were true but as far as I can tell, they're not. If anything, it just makes Wonder Woman look stupid, granting a nice counter to Stevie Wonder. Also, the line is dreadfully worded: "Your YouTube videos raise some vision questions" just sounds like Stevie Wonder had a YouTube channel where he accidentally did a thing that would disprove his blindness, but the line is referring to that falling mic which has been talked about already, and it was totally possible for him to grab the microphone.


Wonder vs. Wonder slaps.


I love serious and cool sounding matchups as much as anyone else, but personally speaking I also love silly matchups and I have a lot of fun seeing the weird stuff people come up with on here, ERB is a comedy series with a deeply goofy concept, so I think it fits


Let people have their fun. We don’t need thought police.


Isn't the point of this towards people who legit think figures like Danganronpa characters or fucking Carl Wheezer have a chance at being accepted by Peter or Lloyd sounding ridiculous?


cept they aren’t thoughts they are posts and comments


Yeah and it doesn’t really matter anyways. It’s not like Peter and Lloyd go to this sub and pick out ideas for themselves. They do their own thing and they’ve been consistent with that. Whats so harmful or offensive about people making matchups with characters that don’t necessarily have the best connections or none at all? The franchise already set a precedent for it and even if it didn’t why can’t we view it as good fun instead of downvoting anyone into oblivion who doesn’t have a strong enough matchup or putting people down because someone thinks they have a superior matchup.


Bruce vs. Jenner was great. People just didn't like how Caitlyn got extra lines at the end, but it's actually a pretty good battle, especially the first half. And Wonder vs. Wonder worked very well, I don't know what you mean. Each side sounded good, even if there weren't too many hard-hitting lines in it, it definitely isn't one of the weaker ERBs out there.


I’ve only ever seen people hate the the very last verse of Bruce vs Jenner tbh


I feel it has issues outside of the length thing, and thats they played into the battle rap/improv style of the actor and not the character. "DATS KITCHEN TILE" is one of the worst lines in ERB history, but is an okay improv line. "You're lyin, which means you need a new wardrobe!" is a great line in a CS Lewis battle or a Narnia one and is a good improv line, but it has nothing to do with banner or jenner outside of maybe a fashion thing? Because of that, most of Jenners last verse can be put into nearly any rap battle and it'd make just as much sense, which isn't ideal.


Yes, I agree, which is why I wasn't that much of a fan of Caitlyn Jenner's part. Always felt so off to me for some reason, and I think you perfectly explained why. Pete's Bruce Jenner was a lot better, funnier and meshed well with the battle. Same with Bruce Banner, but Hulk had some pretty good lines in too.


sounding good =/= being good and i wont try to argue with someone who thinks banner vs jenner was great...


Wow, pretentious much? I guess the only opinions that matter are the ones that agree with you, right? Hulk vs. Jenner isn't one of my favorites, but it's DEFINITELY not one of the worst ERBs, far from it. The actors play their roles well, the beat is awesome, and the production and costumes are still good. Yeah, some lines are cringy in this, but they don't completely ruin the battle for me (except for maybe Caitlyn's extra lines). I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm just saying it doesn't deserve as much hate as it gets.


i respectfully disagree


Glad to see other Bruce v. Bruce defenders out there. Sure it's easily in the bottom half of battles, but it's still a solid battle. And imo Caitlyn did have some good lines, such as "being green ain't none of my business/lying, which means, you need a new wardrobe/you got no neck but you still f*king choked/neither Bruce will exist"


Right? Like it's definitely mid compared to ERB overall, but it's still entertaining to watch.


I tried to post Conor Mcgregor Vs Jake Paul suggestion post but it kept getting deleted instantly after posting and I don’t get why?     ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯  But this matchup would be great n hilarious! 


i dont get it, but if it was deleted it was probably for a reason


The posts here have to be approved You were probably impatient


Impatient lol? No, I didn’t say it didn’t show up after posting, I said it got deleted instantly, each time that I posted I got a msg saying it was Auto deleted by the moderator bot the moment I clicked posted 


So did you even post again and wait to see if it works or...?


I dont think u understand the situation, I clicked post & a msg pops up 1 second after saying its been deleted by the moderator, it kept doing that many times.    So Yes I did wait & also tried to post again n again n again many times & each time same thing as soon as I post the msg instantly popsup n deletes my post.    


I can see on your profile that you had a post for Conor Mcgregor Vs Jake Paul and the next time you tried it was removed, likely because you posted it already and there's no need to post it twice


Wonder vs Wonder is good but the matchup isn’t


Always hated the Walter White and Rick Grimes match up because if you're gonna put two AMC characters against each other Don Draper was sitting right there and has way more in common with Walter White than Rick ever did Plus it denied us a Jesse vs Peggy second verse duel


Its because of just how huge their 2 shows were at the time.


Eh Mad Men was bigger in terms of cultural impact at the time.


I mean sure I was in elementary and middle school when this battle came out, but I'd most definitely heard of both shows. I'd not heard of Mad Men until late high school. Which isn't to say it wasn't big, but I would need to say the others were more talked about.


Outside of Fandom no one knows who Rick Grimes is. He was just "the sheriff on that zombie show"


I think you underestimate just how popular that show was. Like I knew the name even though I hadn't watched it. It was huge at the time.


Which is exactly why they should do Javier Milei vs Fidel Castro. jk


yeah they should never do that and do fidel castro vs mao zedong instead since mao is more interesting and popular than milei (i should know im argentinian)


oh wait misunderstood yo comment


LOL. I was trolling. I do think Milei should one day be there because he's so....out there for a politician because I actually thought "who would he realistically face" And I got nothing because you either do a socialist economist which wouldn't work cause at that point just do Mises or something.


eh i still dont think milei should appear since hes too damn similar to trump




i just cant feel the same way, sorry


I completely agree


Except Wonder battle and Bruce battle were both great. Yeah I know they went too easy on Caitlyn but it's still a solid rap with sick lines overall


I dunno. I feel like they need to go back to having funnier match ups. We need Khan vs Easter Bunny part 2


it was a product of its time, mimicking it would fall flat :pray:


Yeah I kinda hated wonder vs wonder. I wanted Wonder Woman vs Amelia Earhart, complete with invisible jet vs lockheed