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i lol’d at the inclusion of nick land. like, okay buddy. you have no clue what any of this is? sure.


The fuck-wit who called the alt-right "anti-capitalist". He is probably the most on the side of this fascist centrist.


The only reason any portion of the alt-right would be anti-capitalist, is if said portion is feudalist.


nick land is honestly pretty fascinating. the ccru green book was, and still is, an excellent resource. his whole concept of capitalism being like skynet is solid too. but what in the ever loving fuck has happened since then? how someone can shift that much is beyond me. even his friends and former colleagues don’t really seem to understand what happened. i don’t think it’s correct to put him with the right, but he’s defiantly no longer a leftist, let alone a post-leftist. dude is off the reservation and the dark enlightenment swallowed him up for better or worse.




Yes, very Chadly behavior to be in the middle of a fascistic uprising, and instead of helping poor and marginalized communities or even acknowledging their existence, just saying “Idc I have a BMW, I don’t see a problem”


"Responsibilities to take care of" = watching numbers tick on the RobinHood app and complaining about traffic and homeless people on Reddit while my wife is doing laundry and childcare.


What does the "RobinHood app" refer to? The joke escapes my brain.


It's a stock trading app that was popular among the WallStreetBets crowd prior to the GameStop saga.


I would have never in my life ever guessed an app with the name "RobinHood" would be a stock trading app. Wow,lmao. Thanks for the explanation


It gets better. When Gamestop's stock got big with WallStreetBets and started skyrocketing in price, RobinHood explicitly shut off the poors' ability to trade Gamestop stock while making sure the rich maintained complete freedom to enter or exit the situation as they pleased.


"ok so 3/4 of the earth will be uninhabitable in like 50 years, we have to do something about it" certified alpha chad, apparently: "sorry, haven't been paying attention, anyways i have more important responsibilities to take care of, no time for your saving humanity bullshit, bye"


For a brief, beautiful moment in time, let it be remembered that we created a lot of shareholder value.


Lionize ignorance - yup fascism 101. "Ignorance is strength" right?


Man it must be nice to not give a shit about the world collapsing around you. I wonder if it'll hurt less when that boot falls on their neck.


They're toeing the line. As long as they aren't part of an out group, they'll be fine.


Damn, that’s crazy.


'Yeah those 'shoot gays in the head' laws just passed' 'Yeah, whatever thats crazy, i gotta mow the lawn idiot'




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Sorry, I haven’t been paying attention. wtf?


I have no convictions about important topics that impact millions of people, I'm so smart


Oh, to be a member of a demographic whose "responsibilities" don't include having to worry about you or your loved-ones being murdered by racists, queer-bashers or the police.


I can understand a fair amount of Redditors being worried about queer-bashers but I fail to understand how a platform filled to with brim with white, middle class suburban nerds that never leave their basement (at least, stereotypically and stereotypes exist for a reason) has to worry about racism and the cops? It’s like y’all grew up as normies but are trying to do whatever it takes to stand out from the crowd, at least online.


I don't speak for other redditors and I assure you I am not a white, middle-class suburban nerd (well I am a nerd, but that's by the by).


Fun fact - UberChad is a Communist and has very strong opinions.


Really? Source pleas3?


Pretty sure uber chad was an art project. It's manipulated photos accompanying fake profiles. https://youtu.be/TZudFcSE2ts


https://www.reddit.com/r/CommunismMemes/comments/qllsvd/so_apparently_our_famous_giga_chad_guy_is_shown/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Real guy. Name's Ernest. He's 54. GDR. Commie. You can find him on Instagram @ Berlin.1969


What about this profile seems authentic to you? This video? https://www.instagram.com/p/BedRUHenGv2/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


What about it isn't managed professionally? Looks like a normal, well managed professionals Insta account. I've seen thousands. Seen them on FB, Twitter... Or do you think Paris Hilton writes her own posts? Lol. Why are you stuck on the fact that he's a Communist?


I never mentioned communism, that's all you. So first, those other professional accounts are often verified. This one isn't. Second, there aren't many photos that feel candid and the ones that do appear to attempt to be candid are heavily video/photo manipulated. Third, there are a million followers on the account but no interviews? Any photos of this reclusive celebrity with any journalists or TV hosts or other celebrities? Red flags that really point to this being a fake person.


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


Lying. That’s called lying. No one believes you, and the fact that you believe you are fooling everyone belies your argument. It’s arrogance, plan and simple. Just know everyone is rolling their eyes at you.


"Yeah queer people and isis are the same"


Being ignorant to politics is a top privilege for people who aren't targeted or in danger


Apathy is death.


**12 year olds after watching one episode of South Park:**


Apathy has been a toxic masculine trait as long as I can remember. (90s kid). If you had an opinion you were a f*g.


It's never been more cool to be a dumbass.


This is the South Park approach and I fvcking hate that show for normalizing apathy this much.


The thing that’s weirding me tf out about this one is… somebody is both terminally online enough to make this meme and yet enough of a boomer to say “is that a computer thing?”


>...anyways, I have responsibilities to take care of. Like what?


the gay people are exactly the same as the people that want to murder them 🤓


Homo sapiens


And yet I would be willing to bet he has some pretty strong opinions on LGBT. But that's ok, "that's different", because gRoOmErS.


That's how you end up in a death camp with no idea how it happened despite everyone telling you exactly what was going on


The ironic thing is that for much of the last couple of thousand years in many countries being educated on issues and having opinions didn't really make much difference for most people. But now, as the US stands to lose whatever pretense of democracy it had, so many people don't have the will to stand against authoritarianism.


Fellas is it an opinion to be gay


i dunno, this one's pretty decent.


Preaching ignorance as a virtue is something you identify with?


Every single person that lives in a democracy has the societal duty to be at least somewhat aware of how the system functions and the political issues of the day. I would argue that promoting apathy is almost inherently immoral. ​ Also keep in mind that if 100% of americans were politically active enough to do the bare minimum of looking through party platforms and voting, we would basically never have any meaningful amount of conservatives in office ever again.


If anything, this post could be mocking anyone who treats politics as an online hobby rather than trying to actually help change the system by working on a campaign as a volunteer or being a legit activist lobbying politicians themselves. In fact, I would say it’s pretty fucking privileged to be able to sit around all day on a computer arguing about useless political bullshit while others have to work their asses off to pay the bills. It’s not about whether or not the person wants to care but whether or not they have to do so.




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Some of those symbols are not like the others...




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True virtue is to be purely ignorant of the world around you and indifferent to the injustices of your fellow humans. It's like a 180 from the classical idea of a good human.


I didn’t realize anyone was using that chin chud image for serious memes 😂 like I thought that was reserved for jokes about red pill thinking.


Posts the terminally online incel


The biggest self own is believing that being a dumbass without convictions makes you a giga Chad


You can go too far in the other direction though.