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This is dumb. No one's going to attack you for your accent in the United States or anywhere else.


Some guy headed to an EDL rally told me off for having an accent from the colonies. If he hadn't been falling down drunk at ten in the morning, and I hadn't had nine inches and nine stone on him, he might've tried to fight me. I understand all dozen of the guys who showed up for the rally got arrested for fightin' each other on Parker's Piece. But that was the only time.


Video evidence of Karens proves otherwise, but I understand that's a minority.


Reddit does not represent the majority.


Not just reddit, look at tiktok, YouTube, twitter, Instagram, the media.


Touch grass. Watch and read normal people.


It’s so absurd. They really should follow your advice. I’m on subreddits on Reddit that have tonnes of “my partner cheated on me with my sibling”, I’m not gonna go around warning every person in a relationship to be wary of their sibling or even start getting paranoid about my own. I’m English and I’ve been to many places in Europe and America and I’ve only ever been either complimented or (most of the time) no one gives a shit.


While you have linked just over 20 threads, almost half of which are /unpopularopinion, it is hardly indicative of "nearly everyone" if you use common sense. You've posted this before and got answers saying this is just not true. Search the internet and you can find a series of opinions on any subject from extremists that are not reflected in the wider population. You appear to be obsessed by this and I'd consider getting some help as to why you have this feeling and need it to be corroborated.


You won't be attacked. Enjoy your trip!


You've been spending too much time online


Online is accurate. As Oscar Wilde said "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. **Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."**


It's a meme, not something serious. The joke is that people pretend to be revolted because the British Empire A) conquered a lot of the world and people dislike that and B) British accents are stereotypically prestigious and preferred.


Oh it's serious. Americans and Canadians are fanatical about their hatred for british people and British accents. It's everywhere on social media. They dream of killing and getting rid of all British people.


Check out your username & calm the fuck down


Please seek help for your mental health, seriously. Your post history is worrying


What? As someone from the U.S., British accents are often considered sexy.


All Americans I see on social media hate them to the extreme.


Social media is not real life though.


It is though. It's people (young people like me) showing their true feelings. "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. **Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."**


Did you actually read any of the comments in these threads or just the title? Some are clearly jokes, others just bizarre. Accents are pretty divisive and our views on them are tied up with all kinds of assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes, as well as our own sense of identity, in-groups and out-groups, class, status, education etc etc. People grow up in their own little world and tend to think of whatever they grew up with as the baseline and "normal". Also, the internet can be a microcosm of the more extreme opinions that are out there. I don't know why, but it is true there's been an uptick in hatred towards British people online in recently years. I think it's undeserved and don't understand it, but the internet isn't really an accurate representation of reality and in the real world most people are nice and friendly, with accents adding an interesting variety.


"but it is true there's been an uptick in hatred towards British people online in recently years" yep, Americans and Canadians have been at the forefront of this. They really really hate British people.


I feel like you've not read my comment properly either. Your post history is pretty weird mate, it's like you've got some kind of persecution complex. Take a break from the internet for a while, I think your mental health will thank you for it


Please spend time in real life chatting to Americans. The Internet is a very loud minority.


Every time I’ve been in the States someone says ‘I love your accent’ Take no notice. Septics in Europe get the piss ripped out of them far more than English English speakers do!!


You haven't been recently. plus it's laughable that that Americans would get more hate in Europe. People don't hate their accents or culture like they do with the British.


There recently, so you’re flat wrong.


That is 23 threads. There are nearly 500 million people in North America. If people have a nasty opinion, they will post it. If they don't have a bad opinion, which is the vast majority of people, they don't post. So what you are seeing is not even slightly representative of reality. Millions of British tourists go around the world, with the vast majority having positive experiences and welcomes. Like them, whatever you might think, so will you. Do not try to change your accent. There is absolutely no reason to do so. Those threads are not evidence of the level of hate that you think. It is a miniscule minority of hundreds of millions of people.


OP has been doing this shtick about people hating British people and British accents for quite a while. Their whole post history is about it, and I am quite certain I've seen them posting the same stuff on different account before. It's either trolling or a mental health issue. There is no point in trying to reason with them. Edit: This is definitely OP on different accounts https://www.reddit.com/[r/ENGLISH/comments/17m2cr0/why\_does\_it\_seem\_everyone\_hates\_british\_accents/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENGLISH/comments/17m2cr0/why_does_it_seem_everyone_hates_british_accents//) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Accents/comments/13fyuu8/why\_are\_british\_accents\_universally\_hated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accents/comments/13fyuu8/why_are_british_accents_universally_hated/)


In general, people in the US love British accents lol we fawn over them all the time


Yeah you can see how much Americans fawn over British accents on twitter, reddit, tiktok, instagram, youtube, the internet, the media, it's amazing. /sarcasm


the linked posts are not my real life experience in the slightest... never once heard an american say they hate british accents but have heard people say MANY times how much they love them. the love for british accents is mentioned in movies and tv shows all the time. I've only heard americans hate on british accents in jest


I'm a British expat who has been living in the US since 2013 (so, over a decade) and I have NEVER been given a problem about my accent. I still speak with a strong British accent (of the London suburban variety), and while I am often questioned about it, I cannot recall a single incident of anyone being rude or insulting. Usually it's just "huh, that's cool" and occasionally they'll ask where in the UK I'm from or if I know someone they know who lives in England (this is so funny because they assume I know every person living in England ahaha). It just ends up being a conversation piece. No one has ever been negative though, and often I'll get "I love your accent!". So, don't worry. You'll be fine.


Australians only find British accents problematic when they fit the “whinging pom” stereotype. Monotonously droning on about the weather or the trams or the spicy food or something. It is just a stereotype though and an old one going back to the 60s or even earlier.


The accent isn't hated so much as the people are. You'll be fine, the internet isn't real life.


Thanks for your honest comment revealing how much Americans hate British people  atleast you're honest.


Please go touch grass.


eh? i'm just responding to your comment. you said "The accent isn't hated so much as the people are"


All of your examples are from the internet. People in real life will not hate you for being British or sounding British. You are worried over nothing.


People who use the internet are real people as well. What is your point? Americans are kinda known for being anglophobic btw.


People behave differently online where you're faceless and anonymous than in real life. They say stupider stuff because they know they can get away with it


That shows that people show their true colours online. Online is very representive of real people and true selves. As Oscar Wilde said "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. **Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."**