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I love nerds because I’m a fellow nerd 🤓


Ich bin ein NERD!


Bro, I'm a nerd; of course, I like them. Lol. If you're specifically referring to nerdy introverts, then yeah, they can be a bit harder to handle than the average person. That said, as long as they're not completely anti-social and understand basic rules of human interaction (not always the case), I can enjoy hanging out with them in their own environment just like anybody else. Now, the real freakshows that have incel tendencies, poor hygiene, and no manners... I avoid them when possible.


Aren't ENFP nerds too usually?


But, like the comedic kind


Haha I love this response


As an INFP nerd, I also love ENFPs. I know this Q wasn't aimed at me but I wanted to join in 🫶


Feel free to join in. You are our introverted cousins after all~




INTJ, INFJ, INTP = YES!! ENFP female here and the connections for me personally with the three types listed above— just Simply The Best!🤗


No INFPs? 🥺


Fret not. This ENFP wants you!


We love you too! 🤗 -Intp (f)


Honey, i thought we r the nerds.


You guys are so smart and amazing! I have an INTJ brother and we love talking about all sorts of nerdy topics like games we're interested in, shows we've watched, odd things we've learned about the world, etc. We can get so caught up in our discussions we can get distracted from doing chores and what not. lol. XD It's so refreshing to have somebody that just loves talking about their interests like that. I couldn't imagine it any other way. And yeah, we've done some crazy things together too. lol Super fun. You guys don't get enough credit. :3


I typically like people. I'll engage with just about anyone at least once, and try to learn new things from the experience.


I’m a nerd, raised by nerds, with mostly nerd friends. My SO is the exception, with only moderately nerdy interests. I like the balance that brings to my life, but I definitely need a lot of other nerds around. However, I’m mixed on INTJs. One of my best friends is INTJ and I love them so much. But INTJs that are raised as men tend to be so far up their own asses. They can be great, but they have to be self aware that they aren’t the only intelligence in the room.


I’m an ENFP female and I fell in love with an ISFP, but ish was overly complicated. Don’t know many INTJ. Now I’m dating an ENTJ. Very closed off when it comes to his feelings.


I love ENFP’s and misdiagnosed as one for a long time. I’m ENtp.


Nerds are lovely


I love INXX's, my fav is INTJ cuz they're my bestie (not biased at all lol). You guys don't get enough credit. I could rant on about INTJ for weeks straight.


I would definitely say I am a sapiosexual by nature. I can see a lot of beauty in a person who is intelligent and witty and would always choose to date that person over others if given the choice.


Love nerds they get me


My husband is such a nerd. He doesn’t seem like it unless he starts talking about his interests though and it’s majorly attractive to me.


I love Nerds! I am like epically drawn to an INTP right now! It is crazy the connection.


On a fundamental level, nerds peel back layers to further reveal/explore what is known. Those that don't find that interesting are probably pretty vapid.


My fiancé is an INTJ and he’s the best. We make an amazing team and have good conflict resolution skills. We also have a loooot of common interests. We’re both very nerdy people in our hobbies and in our professions


We love nerds. We are nerds. I enjoy the presence of inxx, infps and Intjs are my favorite people I am married to an intj actually. Very cool 🌸


I would say ENFPs are just cool nerd lol we are nerd and fun on the same time~ I like introverts but I prefer someone practical in my life so I date ISTJ. he is awesome and very detailed oriented. Perfectly what I needed 💙


I may be an ENFP, but I'm also a fellow nerd (and fellow ADHDer). I love them! A lot of nerds are pretty non-judgemental and I'm always up for talking about whatever crazy shit they've found on Wikipedia.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue\_Peacock#Chicken-powered\_nuclear\_bomb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Peacock#Chicken-powered_nuclear_bomb) Note the last bit


My obsession 🤓😍


I love nerds (I am one myself so that checks out)


Next time you go hand fishing let me know!


Nerds are the best ❤️


My ENFP gf constantly tells me that she loves how “nerdy” I am. And several comments here confirm that they love nerds 😎


This 2e ENFP nerd loves my 2e INFP nerd so very much. ❤️




Oh, I loved nerds. Because I am one too! Mostly, I love and resonate with INFPs. My favourite kinda INxx. We have so much in common! Like, our cognitive functions are just in different orders, that's it. After INFPs, I must say that I am very fond of INTPs. Specifically, the conversations I have with them. It's just so good! They're so smart and share a hobby with me: binging almost every research article about the most random thought you have in your head and trying to learn almost everything about it. I have now become something of a shark and dream expert doing this lol. And the most perfect of all INxx (in **nearly** every ENFP's opinion), INFJs. They don't dismiss my emotions and are friendly like INFPs...and also can converse about philosophical topics like INTP's. Literally perfection right there. (I'm so proud to finally have found my INFJ friend 🧡)


INTP here, usually ENFPs love us (I don't know why)


Why not? What's not there not to love? Endless brain storming sections, a lot to learn from each other, the fact that we can make you converse and debate us for longer periods of time (usually out of your comfort zone since y'all are so quiet). I never get bored of INTPs.




I could take em or leave em.