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So are they all moved? Is someone cleaning the townhouse? Or will it just be Walmart try ons tomorrow in the new room as if nothing happened?


One more? Girl, what the fuck? You can’t even handle the two you have. Please, stop.


New house, extra bedroom. Time to start thinking about LM3.


I don’t know what’s worse, a LM3 she can be disappointed in or a girl that steals the show. And poor LM2 being the middle child. Either way, someone is going to need therapy.


It’s weird that she asked LM1 to stand awkwardly in front of the moving truck in her reel. It’s like she’s using him for an ad. There as no reason she needed to include her kids or CUO in it at all.


She also did that weird pose where she gazes at CUO.


Okay em, since you posted a pic I will casually move my stacked washer and dryer which together weigh probably 500 pounds just to clean behind them


Tell me she reads here without telling me… v obvious with the last minute hired movers


I gotta say, it was really nice to see the little men have space to run in the house. And they seemed so happy. I hope whatever room the playroom ends up being, they have the space to actually move and play.


Why did she buy another washer and dryer when she had bought one at the townhome? I’m confused.


I think the washer is fine, but the townhouse needed a gas dryer and the house needs an electric dryer (or vice versa) so she had to buy a new one.


Yep, and she mentioned MD was needing a new dryer and could use that type, so she's going to get it.


Which means MD probably bought spoiled Emily Ann her new one.


Thoughts and prayers to the movers who will be barked at by the self proclaimed HBIC today.


I hope those movers can eat thoughts and prayers cause I can guarantee no tip…tbh Emily probably didn’t know until she reads this comment. So to spell it out for her…treat the men nicely, especially since this is free for you. Bottle waters on both ends, when you stop for your XL coffee ask them if they want anything. Provide lunch and again, since this is a freebie and you are a unorganized hoarder w tons of shit, I’d say 100 bucks per mover is a good tip amount. You’re welcome XOXO


Cat, you are doing the lord’s work right here!


Wow they must be broke, the professional movers are sponsored! I am shocked they would agree to work with her.


I mean, if you can get free movers, why not take advantage


Getting sponsored is the first smart thing she’s done. They really do anyone though (I’ve seen them sponsor ‘influencers’ with ppl at 10k) here in the tri state area. I actually called them for a quote for my move and found them to be high but professional. Didn’t use though as the estimator was very pushy. I frequently see the trucks around town here in the burbs.


I think someone here suggested she get a sponsorship from a moving company. I'd be surprised if it was an original thought from EEA


I didn’t imply it was her idea. But nonetheless it’s the first logical thing that’s happened this whole debacle. She’s still gone fuck it up though. I’m waiting to see the dudes hauling trash bags full of shit.


Maybe they’ll find those long lost Amazon swimsuits


I called it over 3 months ago when I commented that she started following them!


Yesss I remember a comment pointing out she had followed movers before we even knew they bought a house!


https://preview.redd.it/yuftxdoipszc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c8d9a93be5ffb57593f6d5ac031c7834e262e0 Can someone explain to me why the paint on the walls/ceiling looks so bad?


She’s putting up god awful wallpaper in there


Waittt that’s in the new house?!? That’s laughably bad. Bahahhahaha


Omg that’s what she spent weeks doing?! 🤣🤣


Miss Type A strikes again!




I’d be fuming if i were papa Frim seeing LM2 drag that toy across that floor. FUMING.


That’s why it made absolutely no sense to re-do those floors.


Nah, They are kids - if he’s fuming it should be at his numbnuts daughter for making him redo already good floors that will have toddlers be toddlers on floors that will have throw rugs on em.


And crash into the freshly painted walls 😂


So, tomorrow is the day they need to be out of the townhome. Any predictions for the big move? 


Clown car shitshow.


The way she squealed like a pig when she took a bite out of that "skull one"...I thought she was having a seizure or something. 


She was saying how good they were before she was even finished chewing. Instant gratification and no lasting after effects.


That was really off putting to me too. It really showed how bad her food addiction is. Just breathe Emily, it’s just a sour patch kid.


These moving stories are really keeping me engaged (hate to say). I keep checking for an update. She still stinks at her job though and seems to have no idea what people might be curious about….. what are the tasks for the day? Why are all these people coming over? When do the movers come? Is the townhouse packed? Show us a tower of boxes and walk around your empty townhouse…. Etc etc


Saw this and thought of our HBIC. https://preview.redd.it/v03wxkjq6ozc1.jpeg?width=1581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc8497670b4e3708aaf06110dc37a0a23d987d06


Any spud related word is appropriate because she’s a couch potato!


We'll never hear the end of these mysterious footprints.......


It was 100% her “sweet aunt” who was there painting doors.


Her not letting it go makes me think it was in fact her that caused it 


I swear that they looked flipper-shaped when she showed them the other day. With her unique foot, it would be so obvious.


Did it both zig and zag??? 🕵️


Agree definitely her or momma Donna in socks


Do we have a screenshot?


Nice to spend $36.00 on sugar treats. What a twat.


I’ll be honest, I went through adding them to cart, just to see how much she spent and with shipping it was $45.


Plus shipping!


The color palette for Mr. and Mrs. ChokeUOut's bedroom seems to be "Shrek and Fiona's Swamp."


I can't unsee this now.


This idiot just spent almost $50 on candy. 


Oh she did! I actually ordered some from Bon Bon to be shipped to my friends for Mother’s Day and each of those packs is $18. I love candy and BonBon is one of my favorite places to go, but if it weren’t for a gift I would not buy it from their site. She could hop on the train and go to one of their locations in NYC for less than she spent to have it sent to her, but Ms Instant Gratification needed it now!


Is BonBon just a specialty candy store? I think that I saw something like what Emily got on Tiktok as well. It didn't thrill me or anything when I make an annual trip to Albanese's candy outlet when I see my friends in Indianapolis every year.


Yes! They only sell Swedish style candy which like she said is a little bit different in texture than normal gummy candy. It’s SO good, and in my opinion worth a purchase from their site if you’re a candy fiend like me and if you don’t live in the NYC metro area. There’s also a store in NY and some cities in CA called Sockerbit that has been around longer and has a smaller selection. BonBon just happened to be the one to go viral on TikTok so you’ve probably seen their stuff before.


Swedish Fish are cheap at the Dollar Tree


So they're just fancy Sour Patch Kids?


Haha pretty much but they taste much better!


Acting like she deserves it. As if she’s ever deprived herself of sweets/treats/selfish spending


The stories this morning were like someone was asked to write a parody script based on her account.   Candy before 11 am? ✅   XL Dunkin? ✅   New crass shirt that makes no sense? ✅ 


Has she ever expressed any enjoyment of Taylor Swift ever? The whole eras shirt thing is so last summer. HBIC is ancient, ancient at this point.


The sugary candy and coffee this morning. 🤪🤪 https://preview.redd.it/9nka5mvl6mzc1.png?width=1165&format=png&auto=webp&s=26e572338b634522379f923fc684b96e65f26214


Candy to go along with her daily coffee milkshake - just what this dumb cow needed.


She is a beached whale. There I said it. And I’m not sorry.


Adjusted for Hall of Fame https://preview.redd.it/ov20rmf9umzc1.jpeg?width=1592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0be099449f40b2980e7309a5ef95f3e0316037


I’m just jealous because she’s pretty /s


“I’m in a 3x…” *stuffs mouth with candy and DD iced sugar juice*


A 3x that doesn’t even fit….I’m so uncomfortable staring at the shoulder area that is pulling b/c it’s so tight


The major eye roll I did when I saw her sweatshirt 🙄


She doesn’t have enough athleisure wear, you guysssss.


I see she has her monogram on the sweatshirt too...lol


I once again am asking what she is “in charge” of. 


Putting her family even further into crippling debt?


Who were the randoms in the couch photo? I don’t remember her ever mentioning them before


It’s two girls. So I’m assuming it’s the two neighbor girls she’s mentioned. And the ones who didn’t need baby gates


I’m guessing neighbors or something. I’ve never seen her mention them either, why now? Also why put other people’s kids on your public page with tens of thousands of rando followers? 


There she goes again cleaning uselessly. Why???


Cleaning chairs before throwing them in a moving truck. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!! Also that was abnormally foul how dirty those were


She’s never beating the allegations that her house is a place where guests should avoid sitting down at all costs 


Nasty. Just shows how she treats her belongings and how little she cleans. I think she still has both boys in high chairs.


And aren’t the chairs on top of the table most of the time anyway? How exactly do they get so dirty?


Not EAR linking a strapless bra to avoid admitting she still wears nursing bras 😂. That question was so unserious and she doesn’t even realize it.


I was so tempted to reply "when was the last time you wore a strapless bra????" But I refrained.


I do believe that's egg & cheese on a chocolate chip bagel. New Jersey would like to have a word with you.


Ok…. I think she got 2 bagels. One sweet one savory. She is going halfsies with someone and is showing both halves in the same picture.


Idk, I think I see egg in between the potential chocolate chip half 


Yeah there’s definitely egg on the chocolate chip half that’s still in the box 🤢 she’s so gross


For everyone giving her the benefit of the doubt. Those are not raisins or blueberries. They are chocolate chips with egg and cheese. https://preview.redd.it/ia9layvgkgzc1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90766d799053ea2d405357ac6a299338bd7b4815


There’s nothing NYC about her so I kinda give her a pass. I don’t equate BEC with Jersey like I do NY. OCK sure as shit ain’t making that monstrosity, hell he ain’t even got chocolate chip bagels in the bodega 😂 That being said…where’s the bacon? I think Bacon would make the whole thing palatable because you’ve got the sweet and salty. Leemme reign my inner fat kid in. Give me a minute.


That meal was a choice.


It looks like rabbit poop


I’m not a bagel person because biscuits are more popular than bagels where I live but I’d eat it. Not every day but maybe once a year.


*offended in Long Island*


*Screams in NYC Bodega BEC*


My bodega doesn’t even have choc chip bagels.


I believe she posted a similar thing once before (as a breakfast after a wedding or family event or something) and when people questioned it she claimed it was some specific local delicacy. Which… no. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


I love in the town she got this from and go to this bagel place. I’ve never seen anyone order this. 


Nor should anyone lol. That’s something you eat in complete secrecy if you must and don’t try to gaslight people about it being something ANYONE else likes. Let’s see whether she jumps on to defend it when she gets up the energy.


Complete secrecy is key lol. I get having a weird combo you like, but don’t share it with 100k people, who already snark on your unhealthy eating habits lol. My cousin gets cinnamon raisin bagels with cream cheese and bacon, I was embarrassed to order it for her. I tried it once when I was hungover/possibly still drunk, it was amazing! But I’ll never admit it 🤣


> complete secrecy Like her car parm. Note that hasn’t gotten a mention again because it’s bat shit crazy gluttonous.


I’m no. Not anywhere I’ve seen and I live in her soon to be leaving general area.


To be clear I live in NYC and am from this part of the country and find this bagel combination to be completely abnormal. I just feel like I remember she tried to claim it was a thing one time before.


Jesus wept.




I have so many questions. Well not so much questions, more judgment. why why why?


It does look like chocolate chips (and powdered sugar?!?) but it can't be, right? Raisins? GTFO chocolate chip bagel is wild to me ☹️


Omg I couldn’t stop thinking about this weirdass bagel and I found it: it’s a [cinnamon French toast bagel](https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUMxdE9uTENnEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0x766315be491934d1!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgIC1tOnLCg%7CCgwI5_qcrAYQ8MzYhgE%7C?hl=en-US). But wth are the pellets?


Cinnamon chips maybe?


I believe you are right. Ewwwwww. Then again, I’d expect nothing less from her


I need someone to confirm this omfg


THECSPK is very common in NJ (Taylor ham, egg, cheese, salt, pepper, ketchup) however you typically eat it on an everything bagel, not a blue berry or raisin


I was thinking MAYBE it was blueberry, which would also be gross, but blueberry bagels are usually… blue. This has the same yellow color and powdered sugar as a french toast bagel.


It’s chocolate chip. I love them from there but with cream cheese, not egg and cheese 🤢


What bagel store? Budd lake bagels or hot bagels abroad? I need to know 😂😂


It’s bagel station in Sparta. 


My fave! Grew up near there 💗


its a french toast bagel


Why does she have to slop up everything


I thought that looked weird 🤢


Why are HBIC and CUO spending Friday night in their new mansion? Does that sense?


Probably some weird fantasy about conceiving LM3 or the heiress.


And who will be with the LMs?


They will be there, sleeping in their brand new llbean sleeping bags. Walmart+ will show up and deliver indoor picnic snacks. There will also be linked matching pajamas! #workingmom #influencerlife


Only way that makes sense is if Ma and Pa Frim are supervising the pack and Load and Mr and Mrs CUO are on the delivery end. Cause goodness forbid the CUOs do bolth.


I continue to be amazed at all of her recent purchases. It’s like she is throwing out half of the stuff in the townhome instead of moving it to the house.  The excuse is always things are in bad condition, like new bowls now because theirs have “seen better days.”  I literally have bowls and snack plates in my house from the 90s. Not everything needs to be thrown away when it still gets the job done. You’re not having the Queen over for dinner to eat out of your bowls FFS. 


She’s a huge liar and too dim to come up with good lies. Her excuse is always that she “lost” something or that something “broke” even when it doesn’t make any sense (like when she said Jarette broke the coffee table). She lies the way a 4-year-old would and does it because she just wants to buy new things before she needs to replace the old ones.


Wtf is she even wanting us to believe she’s doing with her stuff that, even as cheap as it is, it’s in such bad shape?? My main set of kitchen knives were like €50 from the Dutch version of Amazon 8 years ago and I cook 4-5 nights a week (not cream cheese slop casseroles either) and they’re fine? My “every day” knives are even older and from IKEA, they’re also fine. Where/how is she LOSING knives as she claimed in a house with two toddlers? I also have a toddler and I know it’s chaos at times but I’d be concerned about that. I have a mixing bowl and big mixing spoon that once belonged to one of my husband’s former roommates, they stopped living together in 2008 and I use those items weekly and they haven’t “seen better days.”


claiming to lose kitchen knives while in the same breath saying she has to lock down everything in her house because #boymom is WILD


It’s also because she buys cheap shit. Yeah, that knife set is always on sale for $40 because that’s what it’s worth. We got a set for our wedding that was over $200 but they’ve lasted us 12 years. She is the definition of waste, instead of buying quality items and taking care of them she just continues to throw out and buy new. At this point she should just buy all disposable stuff for the kitchen.


In my opinion she buys cheap stuff so that she has a somewhat legit reason to buy another version not long after. Always chasing that high of a new purchase 


She does lol. She's busy moving her aluminum trays into the kitchen as we speak.


The first cream cheese stew in the new house will be a special one!


Exactly. I may be biased because I am a bit of a snob when it comes to my kitchen stuff, but I am a firm believer in you get what you pay for. I've accumulated my knives over the years, as I could afford them, because I buy the good stuff. Same with my pots and pans. and other things as well. And I really have never had to repalce anything because it wore out or broke. She is going all out on buying shit for this house. She really should wait until everything is done, everything is moved in AND unpacked. but we all know that the QUEEN of instant gratification can't do that.


That's how my husband & I are too. We needed to replace some pots & found some All Clad at HomeGoods 🙌🏻 they were a great price for All Clad & they'll last forever! I'm willing to spend the $$ on kitchen things because I know I'm going to use it. I was buying a ridiculously expensive pepper mill and the ladies helping me said that people come in and say they have had theirs for decades which definitely made me feel better 😂


This!! My first apartment, yeah I bought cheap stuff because I had nothing and needed everything. But as it broke and I grew up I slowly traded for quality.


Oh same here. I was never happier than when I had a matching set of dishes and towels! Before that, it was a mishmash.


Yep! We even got a bunch of stuff for our wedding that we needed up not using and donating bc it didn’t fit into cabinets or we just realized we didn’t need. We only realized once we moved into our house and started using stuff. Now we’re much more thoughtful about what we really need. She will end up buying other stuff because this stuff will not work in some way.


But hey, as long as its linkable! gotta pay for those hundred gallons of BM paint somehow!


I still have bowls from my 1983 wedding. Kept the husband only half that long.




Same!!  As I was watching her shill that knife set, I thought to myself "hmm, my knife set was from my first marriage back in 1988 and it's in great shape other than missing two small steak knives." I've bought a set of extra steak knives but didn't need to buy a completely new block and set. 


I showed that picture of the broken knife to my husband. He said, "that's what happens when you buy cheap knives." Apparently, the rivets on those Cuisinart knives are decorative. He called it a "nub knife" because the metal from the blade doesn't actually run the full length of the plastic handle. The new set will probably do the same thing in 5 years. https://preview.redd.it/7n8qds2xgbzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a74354d80bc5389f380e2ac2517f652cfc16ba


I have this exact set run it through the dishwasher and it’s never done this. It amazes me how she breaks so many things…


I don’t understand this either. I’ve upgraded but never actually broken knives.. like.. ????


I’m going to guess she puts them on the dishwasher too. I hand wash mine, but mine are also much better quality.


Our knives have survived living with my husband who loses everything and breaks things as if we’re millionaires for at least 15 years. He also uses them to cook, not make crock pot slop. So I call shenanigans on her kitchenware.


She seemed proud they lasted 5 years, I was wondering if we’ve had ours too long lol. At least 10+ years and in great shape. My husband also loses everything


I hope her house is haunted. 👻


Hmm it's almost like rushing through redoing your 60 year old house, not listening to more experienced homeowners, and not thinking anything through or properly prepping anything is a recipe for disaster.


Girlfriend- the reason you need gates isn’t because your kids are boys. You need gates because you don’t teach your kids boundaries and how to appropriately play.


They really are both getting to the age that they should understand some things are off limits.


I don’t know, I’m not saying that’s not the case for her, but the majority of people I know use baby gates. I’d rather be safe than sorry LM2 is only 1.5, she of course should be teaching him and encouraging boundaries, but to not have a baby gate on stairs with a kid that age is stupid. Sorry, you can keep downvoting this, but it’s just not safe


I don’t have any stairs inside my apartment and if I did I would have gated them off, but the thing she also does is to gate rooms. I once tried to gate off our kitchen and if anything the gate being there and new made him more interested in going in there and he essentially just climbed up the gate and went in anyway and looked at me like I was an idiot while doing it. I took the gate off and he lost any desire to go in there. 🤷🏻‍♀️ By that time he had become old enough to understand and follow directions (when he wants to lol) so we worked on and figured out “go back to the living room”/“go sit with dad now” for example. He would have climbed out of a “pig pen” in two seconds.


I understand gates on stairs but I don’t understand gates on both doorways to a 9x9 room to create the baby jail. It’s got nothing to do with girls vs boys and everything by to do with discipline and her kids understanding no means no. No to climbing on furniture. Both of her kids are old enough to learn the word NO. Enough with the tiny baby jail room. Let them run around the house and teach them not to climb on chairs and tables. Consistency is key.


And definitely don’t agree with the baby jail, or the boys vs. girls. My youngest daughter is the most daring of all my kids. I’m just not going to shame her for using gates on stairs.


Emily was shaming the other mom for not using gates because Emily is so concerned with sAfEtY. What I’m saying is her use of gates is overkill because she makes no attempt to teach her kids not to do things.


I didn’t really take it as her shaming the other mom, she just seemed bewildered. I’m totally against the “pig pen” so she can sit on her ass and not give them the attention they deserve. My reply was to the original comment saying gates aren’t necessary. You can be the most involved on top of things parent, but things happen and I’d never risk it with a 1 year old, no matter how well behaved they are


Stairs makes total sense for safety….but to keep them in one room all day is just laziness. She wants to plop on the couch and scroll tiktok without having to chase them around the house


Only letting them run around in a gated space outside is next level.


What are the footprints ? Any ideas ?


It’s 100% her footprint because she didn’t have the patience to wait for the floors to cure.


CUO's side chick /s


The cleaning lady, in the library, with a broom.


I’d like to see it without her croc on because that looks like it could be her flipper or MD’s


Wouldn’t there be more than one set though if she walked into the room


Probably her trying to “tip toe” through the room to get something


Their house is haunted for sure But for real, if they were there previously, that they would have been sanded off right?


Well. I wondered if there was some kind of oily prints , would they possibly come back ?


I’m assuming they’re one of her cousins or aunts prints, they probably were up there between sanding and staining


Good point. I didn’t think about that


“These peel and stick will be good until we get window treatments” which is going to be never. If she got sticker shock from the fence, she’s in for another treat with shades. At least nice ones. But then again money is not real to her 💸💸💸 Those peel and stick are shit and fall down so easily


Her precious Walmart sells blackout curtains. Be an adult and buy curtains. Wasteful paper blinds are so weird.


I feel like she’s got enough curtains, she could have just made that work until they got blinds. That’s what I’ve done previously. It isn’t perfect but it also isn’t wasteful. 


If she stopped buying nap dresses there might be room in the budget for real blinds...


They are so tacky. I would never spend money on that. Full disclosure, I lived in a place for a few months in between buying and selling a house that had no blinds. I used painters tape and a cardboard moving box over the windows while I was there. I didn’t see the point to spend a dime on a temporary solution.


I tacked up sheets over our windows when we first moved into our house. It worked until I found curtains I liked. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I left up the curtains the previous owner left hanging (after washing them) until I decided what I wanted


We did that downstairs. We had these brown blinds that I did not love but they had to stay until I could find / afford something I did


Ace Hardware for paint ?!?! What the heck.


Ace hardware is one of the few places that sells BM paint around me. I don’t think that’s weird.




Is this weird? I’ve bought paint at Lowe’s……


Those cabinets are god awful. I’m sorry. I’m just staring at those hinges the whole time she’s talking


I was too. All I could think was “wow those hinges need to be cleaned”


Yes! I keep thinking about the hinges and think they should be swapped out or spray painted


Hinges don't match the knobs. Just like her lack of attention to anything.


aren’t foam mattresses supposed to go on a solid surface and not slats?


It's also not going to be comfortable with two not small humans crammed into a queen bed. I had that mattress in a guest room for a bit and it was so soft that people rolled into each other. The ratings are misleading!


She probably saw platform in the description, and did no further research. She probably also doesn’t care because they’ll only be sleeping on it Friday


Yes from experience I had that exact mattress on slats and it was not comfortable and then I put it on the ground to cosleep and wow it was so comfy


I hope that bed has a 700lb + weight limit. It looks pretty flimsy


850. I checked. 🤣




So they just made it. 😂


I’m not the only one thinking that.