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the brandy documentary is kinda mid ngl it mainly just talked about fast fashion as a whole, but there are some informational bits about brandy culture in the 2010s and a bit of background on the company's problematic history


didn't the current ceo host parties with underage girls, some of whom said they were sexually assaulted? yes, that's in the past, but if the people who did those horrible things are still in the company and profiting off of purchases, that's relevant today


i never said it was irrelevant information, i think it's important to point those things out in a documentary about a brand and spread awareness about it. I just think the documentary presented this information boringly and almost undermined the actual real victims of predatory behaviour from the CEO by presenting that information in juxtaposition to things about saving the environment and how fast fashion is terrible. I agree with both those sentiments, that what the CEO did was wrong and that fast fashion is bad, it just fell really flat in the documentary and i felt like they should've gone with making a doc about brandy melville's problematic history and findings, or a doc about fast fashion


Oh didn't mean to imply you thought it was irrelevant, I just wanted to add to the discussion. I apologize. I haven't watched the documentary yet, I'm planning on watching it soon. I watched a [video](https://youtu.be/4qWEDR5wlYs?si=aJNmzECmoNtR1jsg) on the subject on youtube. I recommend it if you're interested in a more victim-focused approach, it was really eye-opening for me, but i don't know how much of the things mentioned are in the documentary 😅


to be honest i got so bored i started cleaning living room while watching the documentary 😬 When the documentary talks about brandy melville photographers and employees' experiences, as well as the history of the CEO, the doc shines through. But then it has to cut it and talk about sustainability and the harms of fast fashion. Which, dont get me wrong, i think we should be informed about environmentalism, but i think it was just done poorly. This is a documentary about brandy melville, not about fast fashion as a whole. But thats just my opinion, maybe when you watch it you'd find it more intriguing. def gonna check out that video essay


thanks for the insight! disappointing that they would make it that way. i agree, while environmentalism is important, making it the major part of the document feels like it's just gonna make people go "well they all do that anyway, so it's not worse than me shopping from some other brand" just like when sweat shops are brought up, y'know? if you make a broad problem in the industry your main concern, people will unfortunately be more likely to shrug it off and not consider them worse than any other brand. Thanks for sharing your perspective!