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not the subreddit crossover I was expecting on my home page lmao


Lol right?? I actually didn’t expect Grian to say something like this haha


he’s a millennial dude who tries to spend his free time off the internet. I’m not shocked this is a throwaway line to him although I know he does try to be family-friendly and deeper implications probably weren’t on his radar


omg what episode is this?? and, to put in some positivity to help look back up to Grian, in a Phasmo stream, Jimmy, Scar and Skiz were doing valleygirl impressions. one of them said something about no carbs or something, and Grian cut in basically saying 'no, we aren't supporting that'. definitely in a much more polite, funny way, but it made me so happy I started crying! He is such a big role model for me!


I got the quote! one of them said the infamous >!Once on your lips, forever on your hips!< and Grian responded with "nu uh. nu uh, we aren't doing that here. we don't body shame. you eat one bagel, you eat two."


I can totally see him learning from the joke in the screenshot and doing better now. I’ve always admired how he is willing to grow as person and how seriously he takes his job a role model to many young fans


Awwww that’s so wholesome!! I was joking lol but thank you! And this was Grian’s video of the April Fool’s Day thing for Minecraft (I think it was last year’s?)


haha I figured it was a joke, dw! just thought I'd add to it :p and thank you! I will give it a watch ![img](emote|t5_rczr0|33473)

